Quick Reference Sheet ORGANIZATION SAINT PAUL UNIVERSITY WHAT IT IS Organization Mandate Saint Paul University (est. 1848) is the founding college of the University of Ottawa, with which it has been federated since 1965. A bilingual institution, it offers undergraduate and graduate study programs. Proud of its rich heritage, over the years Saint Paul University (SPU) has evolved into an institution whose primary focus is on the multiple facets of the human experience. WHAT THEY PROVIDE Key Programs & Services for Job Seekers PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Contact: Saint Paul University - A bilingual institution offering undergraduate and graduate study programs with a primary focus is on the multiple facets of the human experience. In addition to its founding disciplines—canon law, philosophy, and theology—offers courses in social communication, counselling and psychotherapy, public ethics, conflict studies, group intervention and leadership, and human relations and spirituality. 613.236.1393 Request for information form Centre for Contextual Learning - Working in collaboration with the Schools and Faculties, the Centre for Contextual Learning promotes the practical application of study programs by helping students who are enrolled at Saint Paul University to participate in supervised internships related to their academic studies. Centre staff members assist students by providing a range of services, including: • Individual consultations • Resources for finding an internship placement • Professional development workshops cacs-ccls@ustpaul.ca 613.236.1393 (x2418) Guidance Counsellor Resource Page - This one-stop information centre is designed to assist guidance counsellors in discovering what Saint Paul University has to offer its students. From specific information about programs and campus life to finances and important dates, it’s all here. 613.236.1393 (x2580) recrutementrecruitment@ustpaul.ca Enrichment mini-courses program - Saint Paul University is pleased to participate for a second year in the Enrichment Mini-Courses Program (EMCP) along with the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, and La Cité. This program is a unique annual event in the world of Canadian education. Project Officer 613.236.1393 (x2481) amlarose@ustpaul.ca Recruitment and Communications Services 613.236.1393 (x2344) communications@ustpaul.ca Manager Julie Nantel-Powell 613.236.1393 (x2251) jpowell@ustpaul.ca More information at: www.emcp-pmce.ca You can explore further at OttawaJobPath.ca: Exploring Aptitude and Interest Building New Capabilities Getting Practical Experience Access this page directly at ottawajobpath.ca/quick-clicks.php
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