1 Our Lady of Hope Parish Bulletin April 19, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER MASSES AT OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Wednesday, April 22 — 9:00 a.m. with Devotions of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Special Intentions of Teresa Morrison on the occasion of her 100th Birthday Emilio Centis by Gloria Cassio and Family Glena Cunningham-Proulx by Lucette Langlois Friday, April 24 — 9:00 a.m. Special Intentions of Helen Valiquette by Lucette Langlois Special Intentions of Tom Sheahan by Tom & Dave Smith Alma Cassio by Gloria Cassio & Family Office Hours: Mon—Fri 8:00 am to 12 Noon; 1:00 to 4:00 pm Sunday, April 26 — 11:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Easter Amalia Ciccone by The Knutson Family Vincenzo & Elvira Ciardullo by Maria Meandro Stano Deluca by Gabriel & Rosetta Fiorino Nicola & Elvira Massimiliano by The Family Tuesday, April 21 — 11:00 a.m. Intention to end Abortion by Kevin Murphy SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT April 12, 2015 Sunday, April 26 — 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Easter Noreen Giommi by Don Giommi & Family Marina Bertoli by Sonia DelMissier & Jesse Winters Loriann Contini by The Giusto Family Patricia Murphy by Sheila Murphy Natale & Cesira Scagnetto by Romeo & Joan Bertoli Parish Office: 591 Brennan Rd., Sudbury ON P3C 5L6 Tel: 705-673-1774 Fax: 705-673-4711 E-mail: olhope@vianet.ca Thursday, April 23 — 9:00 a.m. Delfina Doni by Joe Doni Souls in Purgatory by A. Dalle Vedove Angelina Franco by Vincenzo Argira Rosaria Rocca by Apolinia Amella EXTENDICARE YORK Saturday, April 25 — 4:30 p.m. Vigil of The Fourth Sunday of Easter Neno Nizzero by Maria Nizzero & Family Mildred Murray by Dave & Tom Smith Maria Zulich by The Stopar Family Rick Van Oort by Vic & Peggy Venecek Ettore & Alisa Basso by Mario Basso & Family Pastor: Fr. Larry Rymes Secretary: Julie Lavoie Deacon: Rev. Mr. Bruno Michel Rev. Mr. Victor Vere D.O.S.: Maria Santoro MASSES AT ST. ANTHONY’S SITE OLH Sunday Offering: (289 Envelopes) $ 6,822.00 Easter Offering: (39 Envelopes) $ 844.00 Share Lent: (52 Envelopes) $ 4,020.25 St. A. Sunday Offering: (89 Envelopes) Memorial Flowers: (3 Envelopes) Easter Offering: (8 Envelopes) Share Lent: (6 Envelopes) St. Anthony’s Worship Site: 19 Mary St. Phone: 705-674-2259 St. Anthony’s Hall Rental Call Ann Dalle Vedove: 705-674-2919 Website: ourladyofhope.ca Confessions: Before weekday Masses and Saturdays 3:30—4:00 p.m. After weekday Masses at St. Anthony’s $ 1,098.00 $ 70.00 $ 115.00 $ 71.00 For Information About: Offering Envelopes, Sacraments, Mass Intentions, Past Bulletins, Parish History, etc. please check the entrance bulletin board or visit our Website. Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hearing Assist Devices Available in the Sacristy 2 MEETINGS THIS WEEK OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Sunday 3:00 PM, CH April 19 Cancer Healing Mass Tuesday 7:00 PM, GS April 21 CWL General Membership Meeting Wednesday 6:30 PM, CH April 22 Divas/Divos Choir Practice Thursday 7:00 PM, CH, SA April 23 CTK Prayer Community Meeting Saturday 10:30 AM, CH April 25 Memorial Mass for Helen Drennan Sunday 12 Noon, CH 2:00 PM, BR April 26 CWL Diocesan Convention Mass CTK Word Ministry Meeting Abbreviations: BR - Boardroom OF - Office CH - Church SA - St. Anne’s Room GS - Gathering Space SJ - St. Joseph’s Room _____________________________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S WORSHIP SITE Monday to Friday 8:30 AM, CH Rosary THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER FOCUS: Redeemed by Jesus, we are to turn from sin and ask for forgiveness when we fail, that we may be saved. Through the Paschal Mystery, Jesus saved the world from sin and death. As a redeemed people and followers of Jesus, we strive to live by His commandments – to love God and love our neighbor. However, Jesus understands our weaknesses, gives us the Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and assures us that we will be forgiven if we repent. _________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION TEAM Preparation for First Communion begins the first week of May. The process needs adult volunteers to teach the lessons. Our team meeting will be Tuesday, April 28th in the office at 6:30 p.m. New members are welcome. Please see Fr. Larry. _________________________________________ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Most people say they were never asked! Consider yourself asked. Join The Knights of Columbus to better serve your church and your community. Call 705-929-1586 Grand Knight, Steve Yawney or 705 673-2854 Tony Sottile, Deputy Grand Knight for more information. MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 25/26 TIME LECTORS HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 P.M. M. Henry F. Carter c.s.j. M. Ronchin, E. Vaillancourt D. Wilton, M. Wilton 9:00 A.M. T. Niro A. Ferri C. Myher, L. Walz B. Pilon, G. Pilon OFFICE HOURS PLEASE NOTE: The office will be open 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon only, for the weeks of April 20th and 27th. We welcome Judith Finn to replace Julie Lavoie who is on holidays. _________________________________________________ FROM THE OUTREACH COMMITTEE During the month of April you are asked to bring toiletry items for Daffodil Terrace Lodge residents. New underwear and sleepwear (tags attached) would be appreciated. __________________________________________________ OUR LADY OF HOPE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE The next CWL General Membership meeting is on April 21 at 7pm. We have much to share. Hope to see you there! We have confirmed new dates for assisting at the Blue Door soup kitchen. Please sign up on the CWL bulletin board We will begin collecting items for the Birthright and Infant Food Bank before and after the Masses on May 2/3 and May 9/10. Your donations are most welcome. Thank you for your supporting our good works. _________________________________________________ VOCATIONS “Thus it is written, that the Christ is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day.” Lk 24.46 Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to point people to God? Are you hearing God’s call to the priesthood? Contact your Pastor or Fr. Pat Woods at 705-674-2727 ext 250. _________________________________________________ BAPTISMS Welcome to our parish community Ella Jane Latour child of Guy & Jennifer (Truchon) Latour who was baptized Sunday, April 12th at Our Lady of Hope Site by Fr. Larry Rymes. Please remember Ella and her family in your prayers. _________________________________________________ DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE The Development and Peace Committee wish to take this opportunity to thank the parishioners of Our Lady of Hope and St. Anthony’s for their generosity of prayers, participation and donations to the Share Lent campaign. You have demonstrated the spirit of the campaign by Sowing Much Love! 3 AN INVITATION TO ALL WOMEN OF THE PARISH AND CWL MEMBERS The Catholic Women’s League is holding its 95th Annual Diocesan Convention in Sudbury from April 24 to 26. You are invited to the Opening Mass at Christ the King Church on Friday, April 24 at 7 p.m. with His Excellency Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe as celebrant. The Closing Mass will be held at Our Lady of Hope Church on Sunday, April 26 at Noon with Diocesan Spiritual Advisor Rev. Trevor Scarfone, as celebrant. The newly elected executive will be installed including Karen McDonald as Diocesan President. We invite all women of the parish and all CWL members to join us for this special celebration. It is a wonderful opportunity to gather and pray together as women of faith. We sincerely hope that you will join us! _____________________________________________ PANCAKE BREAKFAST Please join us Sunday, May 3rd after Mass in the Gathering Space for a Pancake Breakfast. Adults: $6.00 per person. $3.00 under 10 yrs. Sponsored by Our Lady of Hope Knights of Columbus Round Table. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, toast, juice, coffee or tea. After expenses all proceeds go to Our Lady of Hope Parish. NEWS AT ST. ANTHONY WORSHIP SITE music at the Labyrinth. Members of the St. Peter’s Choir and friends will lead participants in an exploration of sacred chant in the Taizé style as a way of enhancing the meditative experience of the labyrinth. They will then walk the labyrinth together musically at 1:00 p.m. Light refreshments and activities for children will be available throughout. Rain location will be St. Peter’s United Church at 203 York St. More information on Facebook: Labyrinth walks Walks at Lourdes Grotto, Sudbury. Sponsored by The Manitou International Learning community (MILC). For more info on WLD 2015, visit: www.labyrinthsociety.org ► BLOOMIN' ARTISTS SHOW & SALE — Saturday, April 25th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., 26 Park St., Copper Cliff (downstairs at Copper Cliff United Church). Entry is Complimentary. From collectors and curators, to crafters and artists, visitors can explore and discover the works of art from artists in Sudbury and surrounding area. A unique opportunity to meet and buy art directly from artists and crafters. ► SPRING BLOSSOM TEA -- St. Andrew The Apostle CWL, 1250 Barrydowne Rd Sudbury, Sunday May 3, 2015, 12:15-3:00 p.m. Tickets: $5.00. Craft, Penny, Bake, Candy, Book and Raffle tables. Come, enjoy and relax. CWL NEWS The Annual Infant Food Bank Baby Shower will be Thursday, May 7th, at 7:00 p.m., in the hall. Your donations are most welcome. Suggestions of items needed by the infant food bank will be listed in the play pen. Please pick up a paper with these suggestions to take shopping with you. All are welcome to attend. _____________________________________________ BINGO The profit from April’s bingo was $705.10. The next bingo is Wednesday, May 13th, at 7:00 p.m. Come on out for some fun and bring a friend! Pizza and surprise draws. ► FETTUCCINE AND CHICKEN FUNDRAISER — At the Caruso Club Upper Hall by the Culture and Education Committee on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015. Take-out: 2:305:00 p.m. Sit down dinner: 5:00-6:00 p.m. Adults: $12.00. Children 10 and under: $6.00. Children 2 and under: Free. Crostoli for sale: $10.00 per bag. COMMUNITY NEWS ► VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — St. Joseph’s Health Centre invites you to join their Volunteer Community. There are a variety of Volunteer Services and Programs to suit your interest. If you are interested in Volunteer Opportunities please contact: St. Joseph's Villa/St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Center: 705-674-4447 ext. 1330. ► WALK AS ONE AT 1 — World Labyrinth Day on Saturday, May 2nd from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Join us at the St. Peter’s United Church Labyrinth at the Lourdes Grotto, 271 Van Horne St. Theme for 2015: Making ► SUMMER RETREAT — at Villa Loyola. Theme: Praying with the Words of St. Ignatius: a pilgrimage through the Spiritual Exercises. From Sunday August 9th (7pm) to Friday August 14th (1pm) 2015. Director: Fr. Joseph Schner, S.J. Cost: $475.00 (spiritual direction, private room, meals and taxes) all inclusive. $275.00 Commuter. Registration: Call 705-522-3502 Monday to Friday or by email at loyola@isys.ca
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