1 Our Lady of Hope Parish Bulletin May 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MASSES AT OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE MASSES AT ST. ANTHONY’S SITE Wednesday, May 6 — 9:00 a.m. with Devotions of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Bertilla Feltracco by Ed & Paula Macoritto Larry Lemonchick by Joe & Greta Barnzzutti Maureen O’Driscoll by Susan & Harry Sheppard Thursday, May 7 — 9:00 a.m. Phil Dalle Vedove by Luigi & Lisa Ricci Franco Rocca by Memma Rocca & Family Angelina Franco by Giovanni Zanchetta Alfredo Pappano by Carmella Pappano & Family Friday, May 8 — 9:00 a.m. Loriann Contini by OLH CWL Ed Hapanovich by Frances Carter c.s.j. Mary Miller by Nancy Del Ben Sunday, May 10 — 11:00 a.m. Sixth Sunday of Easter Amalia Ciccone by Angela Ciccone & Rosie Luigi & Clementina Fiorino by Angelo & Vincezina Panaia Giuseppe Mastroianni by Giovanna Folino Delfina Doni by G. Doni Julia Serafino by St. Anthony’s CWL Saturday, May 9 — 4:30 p.m. Vigil of The Sixth Sunday of Easter Jim Egan by Colleen Egan Katie Carter by Frances Carter c.s.j. Manuel dePinho by Alzira dePinho, Olivia & Domenico Noella Blackwell by Mary & Nello Ronchin Franco Baldan by the Baldan Family Sunday, May 10 — 9:00 a.m. Sixth Sunday of Easter Bruna Bandicra by Susan Oliver & Family Romeo Roach by Gail Roach Mary Bartolucci by the Family Ruggero Delmissier by Sonia Delmissier Peppina Monteleone by the Family ST. JOSEPH’S VILLA Tuesday, May 5 — 1:30 p.m. Souls in Purgatory by G. Vezina Pastor: Fr. Larry Rymes Secretary: Julie Lavoie Deacon: Rev. Mr. Bruno Michel Rev. Mr. Victor Vere D.O.S.: Maria Santoro Parish Office: 591 Brennan Rd., Sudbury ON P3C 5L6 Tel: 705-673-1774 Fax: 705-673-4711 E-mail: olhope@vianet.ca Office Hours: Mon—Fri 8:00 am to 12 Noon; 1:00 to 4:00 pm SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT April 26, 2015 OLH Sunday Offering: (243 Envelopes) $ 5,686.00 Share Lent: (3 Envelopes) $ 225.00 Seminary Offering (12 Envelopes) $ 210.00 St. A. Sunday Offering: (77 Envelopes) $ 972.00 Seminary Offering: (3 Envelopes) $ 11.50 Easter Offering: (2 Envelopes) $ 40.00 Share Lent: (2 Envelopes) $ 25.00 _____________________________________________ FORGOT YOUR BULLETIN? Go to www.ourladyofhope.ca St. Anthony’s Worship Site: 19 Mary St. Phone: 705-674-2259 St. Anthony’s Hall Rental Call Ann Dalle Vedove: 705-674-2919 Website: ourladyofhope.ca Confessions: Before weekday Masses and Saturdays 3:30—4:00 p.m. After weekday Masses at St. Anthony’s For Information About: Offering Envelopes, Sacraments, Mass Intentions, Past Bulletins, Parish History, etc. please check the entrance bulletin board or visit our Website. Adoration Chapel Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hearing Assist Devices Available in the Sacristy 2 MEETINGS THIS WEEK OUR LADY OF HOPE SITE Sunday After Mass, GS May 3 KofC Pancake Breakfast Tuesday 6:30 PM, CH May 5 First Communion—Lesson 1 Wednesday 10:00 AM, CH 6:30 PM, CH 7:00 PM, BR May 6 St. Francis School Mass Divas/Divos Choir Practice Property Meeting Thursday 7:00 PM, CH, SA May 7 CTK Prayer Community Meeting Saturday 9:30 AM, CH 1:00 PM, CH May 9 Sudbury Singers Funeral Mass—David Briand Abbreviations: BR - Boardroom OF - Office CH - Church SA - St. Anne’s Room GS - Gathering Space SJ - St. Joseph’s Room _____________________________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S WORSHIP SITE Monday to Friday 8:30 AM, CH Rosary FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER FOCUS: In Christ we find our ability to bear fruit and glorify God, thereby receiving His blessings. We must understand the importance of being firmly connected to Jesus Christ. This unity not only makes us true children of God, but it empowers us to bear the presence of Christ in the world – to carry on His mission in our words and deeds. _________________________________________ FIRST COMMUNION Lesson # 1 for the candidates begins Tuesday, May 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the church. Please bring $10.00 to purchase book. _________________________________________ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Most people say they were never asked! Consider yourself asked. Join The Knights of Columbus to better serve your church and your community. Call 705-929-1586 Grand Knight Steve Yawney or 705-673-2854 Tony Sottile Deputy Grand Knight for more information. _________________________________________ ROSES FOR LIFE SUNDAY— MAY 10TH The Knights of Columbus will be at the entrance of the church at all Masses for Our Lady of Hope and St. Anthony next weekend. Please buy a lapel rose “to stem the tide of ABORTION”. MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE FOR MAY 9/10 PLEASE NOTE: Ministers, please find a replacement if you are unable to attend. TIME LECTORS HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 P.M. A. Pride M. Grimard L. Leclerc, T. Lecour, D. Mattiazzi, M. McDonald 9:00 A.M. T. Niro A. Ferri L. Giusto, L. Giusto J. Oliver, J. McLaughlin _________________________________________________ OUR LADY OF HOPE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE We have confirmed new dates for assisting at the Blue Door soup kitchen. Please sign up on the CWL bulletin board for times if you are available May 22 or June 26. Congratulations to Karen McDonald, Diocesan President, Ann Koivu, Corresponding Secretary and Patricia Clizia, Sudbury Regional Chair. May God continue to bless them as they answer their call and share their gifts in service for God and Canada. We are collecting baby items for Birthright and the Infant Food Bank before and after the Masses this weekend and next weekend, May 9/10. Your donations are most welcome. Thank you for supporting our good works. The Catholic Women’s League celebrates and supports their members. At our May 13th general membership meeting following the Living Rosary, we will celebrate 4 of our sisters and their inspiration to us. We will also have a special guest to assist us with our “Sound of Music” trivia night. The prize is 2 Theatre Cambrian tickets to see our own Cathy Burns on stage in this family production. Please join us for this spiritual and entertaining evening on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 pm. _________________________________________________ FUNERAL MEMORIAL MASS Next Saturday, May 9th at 1:00 pm, a Funeral Memorial Mass will be celebrated for David “Mikey” Briand, son of Michelle and grandson of Peter and Annette D’Aoust. David was an Easter Seals ambassador and an altar server at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. _________________________________________________ HOME MADE REGULAR OR HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGES The KofC Council 1387, is taking orders for Italian sausages this weekend May 2-3. The cost is $27/5 lbs. Pick-up of sausages is at St. Anthony’s, 19 Mary St., Friday, May 15 from 1:00-4:15 pm and Saturday, May 16 from 1:00-4:00 pm. 3 NEWS AT ST. ANTHONY WORSHIP SITE COMMUNITY NEWS CWL NEWS The Annual Infant Food Bank Baby Shower will be held on Thursday, May 7th, at 7:00 p.m. in the hall. Your donations are most welcome. Suggestions of items needed by the infant food bank will be listed in the play pen. Please pick up a paper with these suggestions to take shopping with you. All are welcome to attend. Thank you for your continued support. Donations will be collected until Mother’s Day. ► PREPARATION FOR THE CONSECRATION TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY — as per St. Louis de Montfort’s method every Tuesday at 7:00 pm until May 26th with the Consecration on Sunday, May 31st, at the Water Gate, 1534 Pioneer Road, Sudbury. All books needed will be provided. For info please call 705.523.1437. Our CWL Dinner will be held on Friday, May 29th at 5:00 p.m. at the Caruso Club. Sign up sheet is at the back of the Church. _____________________________________________ BINGO The next bingo is Wednesday, May 13th, at 7:00 p.m. Pizza and surprise draws. Come out and bring a friend! _____________________________________________ SALE OF HOME MADE SAUSAGES The Knights of Columbus Council 1387, is taking orders for Italian sausages this weekend May 2-3. The cost is $27/5 lbs. Pick-up of sausages is at St. Anthony’s, 19 Mary St., Friday, May 15 from 1:00-4:15 pm and Saturday, May 16 from 1:00-4:00 pm. _____________________________________________ ST. ANTHONY’S FESTIVAL will be held on Sunday, June 14th. Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. with the blessed bread distribution and followed by the Procession of the St. Anthony Statue through the neighbourhood. The luncheon will start at 12:30 p.m. and is sponsored by St. Anthony’s CWL. The cost this year is $15.00 for adults and $6.00 for children 8 years and under. There will be music, door prizes and activities for the children. Tickets are available before or after mass or by contacting Rosalba at 705-522-9006 or Julie at 705-522-2581. We appreciate tickets being purchased prior to the festival as very limited tickets will be available at the door. Everyone is welcome to attend. _____________________________________________ BAPTISMS Welcome to our parish community Karina Florence Lillian Felhaber child of Ryan & Katie (Benkovich) Felhaber; and Julian JeanGuy Strickland child of Derek Strickland & Trina Pellerin who were baptized Sunday, April 26th at St. Anthony’s Site by Fr. Larry Rymes. Please remember these children and their families in your prayers. ► THE BEL CANTO CHOIR — in concert on Thursday, May 7 and Friday, May 8 at 7:30 pm at St. Andrew’s United Church, 111 Larch St. Tickets: $15/person. Special Guest: Deanne Wells-Hunt, soprano. For tickets call 705-522-6147. ► The SUDBURY FGBMF BREAKFAST — Saturday, May 9 at 9 a.m. at Marriott Town Place Suites, 1710 Falconbridge Rd. Guest Speaker Jukka Ovaska, Owner/ Operator Nordic Energy Systems in Sudbury. Tickets: $12.00 (at Door). Pre-Purchase $10.00 at CJTK & Light House Book Store, 2156 Lasalle Blvd. or John Dallard at 705-840-8607. Your 1st time at our Breakfast, is on us! (NO CHARGE!). Everyone Welcome! ► MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH — hosted by the Knights of Columbus will be held at Ste. Anne des Pins Parish Hall, 14 Beech St., on Sunday, May 10th from 10.00 am to 1:00 pm. Menu: eggs, pancakes, potatoes, homemade beans, ham, toast, sausages, fruit cocktail, tea, coffee, juice. Price; $7/adult, $3/child (12 & under) and $17/family. All are welcome! ► SUDBURY CHAMBER SINGERS — celebrate 40 years of Song on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 pm at Church of the Epiphany. Tickets are $15 (under 12 free) and can be purchased at Fromagerie Elgin. Director is Jeff Wiseman with accompanist Iona Reed and many guests. ► VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — St. Joseph’s Health Centre invites you to join their Volunteer Community. There are a variety of Volunteer Services and Programs to suit your interest. If you are interested please contact: St. Joseph's Villa/St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Center: 705-674-4447 ext. 1330. ► SUMMER RETREAT — at Villa Loyola. Theme: Praying with the Words of St. Ignatius: a pilgrimage through the Spiritual Exercises. Director: Fr. Joseph Schner, S.J. Sunday, August 9th to Friday, August 14th. To register call 705-522-3502 Monday to Friday or by email at loyola@isys.ca
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