Current Newsletter is HERE

The Picket Line
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Volume 29, Number 5
Ted Sharr Editor
Presidents Page
Chapter President : Stan Kvistad
Volume 29,
Number 5
That lottery ticket didn’t come through again!
I don’t know how you guys are doing but this work thing is really starting
to get in my way! Things are busy but that’s life so I think I’ll just grab a
big hand full of it and hang on.
Presidents page
Director Report
Trail Boss Report
Legislative Report
Yearly calendar
Scotch creek ride
State work party
Classified Ads
Out Behind the
OVC Officers
Upcoming Events
At the April meeting I came up with a plan to help get more of the member ship involved with our event calendar, and so now at the meetings I
will devote some time to look at the schedule and then we can discuss what we are doing this
year and is that what we want to do next year or is there something else we would rather do.
Well it seemed to go over very good and to me it’s all about getting more members involved.
The April meeting had around 28 members so that’s good and one thing I missed was Jon
Knechtel was there and he is the PNTA (pacific northwest trails association)go to guy that
Tryg runs a trail crew for and I should have had him tell about there out fit and how it works.
By now the scotch creek ride has happened, the wagon train will be pulling out and our next
work party is scheduled at Whistler Canyon the 16th and 17th call Dave to see what it’s going
to involve I know there will be some weed control and sprucing up around the trail head as
for logging out I think Michael has that done but maybe there is some tread work to do up the
hill. Hope to see ya there.
The next meeting is at El Parsicio with dinner at 6:00 and the meeting to start at 7. Hope to
see you there.
God Bless,
April, 2015
Dave Sunde
The March Director Report covered just about everything of interest and was in the newsletter. If you didn’t catch it is available on the website at
.Back Country Horsemen of Washington Board of Directors Meeting 1st Quarter ­ March 20, 2015 Ellensburg, WA ­ KVEC ­ Armory Building Executive Committee report with two actions was accepted by the board. Treasurer's report was provided by Teri Starke, Treasurer. Trygve reported that Teri will be the new Ways & Means Committee Chair. Membership report was given by Heather Moorman. Memberships are 7% down. The report includes un­renewed memberships by chapter this year. The report will be posted. Rendezvous report was given by Lori Lennox who thanked the chapters for their overwhelming assistance. Teri Starke will head Rendezvous for 2016, if someone does the clinicians. The first 2016 planning meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday in the Teanaway Room. Statewide Trailwork Party report was given by Jason Ridlon. The work party this year will focus on 5 priority trails during July 1­7, 2015 in the Eastern Pasayten. Saw Certification report was given by Trygve Culp. May 15­16 will be instructor certifier re­do on American Rivers Guard Station, Naches Ranger district. All those who initially got certified are up for re­cert this year and should at­
tend. There will also be spots for new instructors to be certified. Executive Director Report was given by Darrell Wallace. Action item #1 ­ insurance says trail challenges and clinics may not be covered. Teunis Wyers, Mt Adams Director, moved to adopt option 2, to discontinue trail challenges and professional clinics unless separate insurance is purchased by the sponsoring chapter. Second. Discussion followed. Motion was adopted. Leadership Training update was given. Plan is for sessions in North Bend and Moses Lake in 2016. Grant overpay was explained. Louise Caywood, Pierce County Director, moved to have BCHW absorb the over payment to Lewis County Chapter. Second. No discussion. Motion carried. BCHA report was given by Jason Ridlon. Trail miles need to be recorded. Darrell Wallace explained that a sample letter will be sent out Monday to help support new proposed legislation. Officer and Committee Reports: (written only) BCHW Store report was given by Lori Lennox. 2
Volunteer Hours report was given by Deb Wesselius. Totals will be available at the June meet­
ing. Awards report was given by Deb Wesselius. Set­up will be at 9:00 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. session tomorrow. Legislative report was posted by Jeff Chapman. Safety report was given by Doc Wesselius. Trail Work leadership and Trail Ride leadership have been separated. Forms were available to Directors and will be posted on the website, since there are no suggested changes. LNT report was given by Jane Byram. 2nd annual LNT camp will be held the last weekend in May. Haney Meadows Project report was given by Cathy Nelson. Donations are still needed. Please send donations to the Traildusters treasury. New Business: Raffle Calendar for 2016 was discussed by Trygve Culp, based on experience from 2015. It was moved and seconded to only buy 1000 non­raffle calendars which will be sold at $10 per calendar at the time out the door. Discussion fol­
lowed. Motion carried with one objection. Grizzly Bear Resolution was presented by Dave Sunde. Teunis Wyers, Mt Adams Director, moved approval of the resolution as printed. Second. Motion carried ­ 25 for and 1 against. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The big takeaways from the meeting are:
There will be no raffle calendar in 2016. All calendars will cost $10.00 each and must be paid for
when they are picked up.
The board passed the Grizzly Bear resolution presented by OVC so now the BCHW has a stand
on the proposed plan.
Trail challenges and similar activities are not covered by our insurance.
We have an outside consultant looking at our organization who does a lot of work with 501(c)3
groups. It is hoped that he will be able to give us ideas on ways to increase our membership
as well as increase our revenues.
At the annual meeting it was announced the Dave Swanberg was a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award. This award was in process before he passed away, so it was awarded posthumously.
The award was accepted by his daughter and her kids.
The dinner was very good and the auction provided some spirited bidding at times. The numbers
will be in shortly and I’ll share them as soon as I get them.
Throughout the member chapters we are seeing more use of chapter websites and Facebook
pages. This seems to be generating more interest in our organization and helping to get the word
out about who we are and what we do.
I will present a verbal report at the next meeting and will of course be open to any questions and will
be happy to fill in any blanks about any of the actions of the board.
I’ll see you all on the 15th at the Tonasket CCC for our April Meeting.
April, 2015
Dave Sunde
April started off with the trailer clinic at the Okanogan County Fairgrounds. It was
not as well attended as we’d hoped. We need to consider revisiting that event. It
seemed to be well publicized so I don’t think that was the problem.
We had a pretty good crew show up for the Sinlahekin work party. The WDFW or their contractors
did a number on us by again piling slash directly in the trails. I’ve met with them several times and
mentioned this but cannot get through to them about this. I’m open to suggestions on how to deal
with this problem so please let me know your thoughts.
The Scotch Creek ride is coming up on the 2nd and will probably be history by the time you read this.
The next big work party is on the 16th and 17th at Whistler Canyon. We’ll meet at the trailhead ready
to work at 09:00. The trail has already been pretty well cleared by Michael Alvarado but there is a
lot of work to do on the first mile or so of trail. Horses should not be needed unless it is to pack our
tools and possible a weed sprayer or two.
We did get the fence built at the Carter Mountain Trailhead on US 97. If you have not been there
yet you should stop and take a look. Almost every time I drive by there is a horse trailer or two
parked there so someone is using it.
Don’t forget Nation Trails Day on the 6th of June. We have a work party scheduled for the 4th of July
area. There will be more to come on this as we get closer.
Stan has suggested that we consider setting aside a few minutes at each meeting to plan the next
activity. This will probably be discussed at the next meeting so please come prepared to suggest
your favorite activity. This year’s work parties are already published but going forward this may be
the way to go. Meanwhile stay safe and enjoy this nice spring weather.
On Wednesday, April 29th, our National Forest "trails bill" was introduced in bipartisan fashion in
the U.S. Senate by Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Michael Enzi (R-WY).
Senate Bill 1110 (S.1110), the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act, is a companion
bill to one we announced in February that is currently before the House of Representatives (H.R.
845). The language of both bills is identical and would promote volunteerism in the service of our
national forest trails.
It's great news that the Forest Trails bill has the interest of leaders in both the House and Senate. And why
not? Trails and stewardship represent bipartisan issues with no losers--only winners. Trails are just as American as baseball and apple pie.
BCHA strongly supports S.1110 and H.R. 845.
Like H.R. 845, the bill was initially promoted by BCHA and our partners, The Wilderness Society and American Horse Council. Today, the bill enjoys widespread support among the national trails community, including
national organizations representing hikers, climbers, mountain bikers, motorcyclists and snowmobile riders.
Form more information on this national partnership,
If enacted as currently written, H.R. 845 and S.1110 would:
• Direct the U.S. Forest Service to develop a strategy to more effectively utilize volunteers and partners to
assist in maintaining national forest trails;
• Provide outfitters and guides the ability to pay permit fees in trail maintenance activities instead of dollars;
• Address the liability issue that hampers volunteer and partner trail maintenance activity in some national
forests; and
• Prioritize specific areas for trail maintenance within national forests.
Take Action!
Please call or write your senators to express support for S. 1110.
Go to this website to find contact information for your senators. In your own words, tell them why you support
Senate Bill 1110, the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. Tell them of your passion for, and commitment to, keeping national forest trails open and enjoyed by horsemen and others. Lastly, please ask them
to consider co-sponsoring S.1110
If you are a resident of Wyoming or Colorado, please include in your message a heartfelt "Thank You!" to
Senators Enzi and Bennet, respectively, for introducing S.1110 on behalf of the Back Country Horsemen.
Feel free to share copies of your letters with BCHA's Advisor for Public Lands & Recreation, including any
response you receive from your senators
Thank you! Please call or send letters today to you senators in support of S.1110.
16th – OVC Board Meeting 1:00 PM – Teddy Sharr
18th – OVC Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM dinner 7:00 PM meeting – El Paraiso
29th – Carter Mountain Ride – Dave Sunde
13th - OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
15th - OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Tonasket CCC
18th - Sinlahekin Trail Clearing – Dave Sunde
19th - Sinlahekin Ride – Dave Sunde
25th – 26th Methow Spring Ride
2nd Scotch Creek Ride – Linda Oborne
4th – 8th Ride to Rendezvous
9th – 10th – 49’R Days
16th - 17th – Whistler Canyon Work Party
18th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Oborne
20th – OVC Membership Meeting – dinner 6:00 PM meeting 7:00 PM – El Pasario
6th – National Trails Day
6th – 7th – Fourth of July Work Party
15th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
17th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM–Tonasket Park
27th – 28th – Work Party North Fork Trail/Salmon Meadows
3rd – 5th BCHW Work Party – Eastern Pasayton
11th – 12th – Johnny Beall Work Party
15th – OVC Membership Meeting & Ice Cream Social – Triangle Park
18th – 19th – Johnny Beall Work Party
23rd – 26th – FCC Lambert Creek Steak Ride
6th – Stampede Ride-In
17th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Cher Bower
19th – OVC Membership Meeting and BBQ - Tonasket City Park
22nd – Pasayten Ride over Windy Peak
12th – OVC/FCC Joint Ride at Edd’s Mountain
14th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
16th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Triangle Park
19th – OVC/FCC Ride at Granite Creek-Maple Mountain – 9:00 AM
26th – Whistler Canyon Ride Through
19th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
21st – OVC/FCC Membership Meeting & Halloween Party 7:00 PM – Tonasket CCC
24th – Short Mountain Ride and BBQ – Cher Bower
31st – BCHW Wine Ride
16th – OVC Board Meeting - 1:00 PM – Culp
18th – OVC Membership Meeting at El Paraiso - 6:00 Dinner 7:00 PM Meeting
21st – OVC Planning Meeting 1:00 PM – Oborne
4th - BCHW Public Lands Meeting
12th – OVC Christmas Party – Tonasket CCC
4 Scotch Creek Ride – Linda Oborne
Rondy 2015
I won’t have any hard info on the work party until after 18th. I don’t want to put out any bad information.
Here is what we have so far.
If you want to be considered for any fuel reimbursement you have to sign up before June 8th. See me at
the meeting or drop me an email.
If you expect any BCHW provided meals you need to be registered by June 8thand include the days you
will be working. No tickee, no dinner.
There will be a need for packers to re-supply the wilderness camps every day. Don’t expect to use the
same horse and string every day. You will be working the animals above 6000 feet and they need oxygen just as
much as we do.
We will establish one and possible 2 camps along the 39 road between about the Iron Gate Road and the
300 spur at Long Swamp.
We will probably need drivers with 5 horse trailers or bigger to shuttle workers from one end to the
other. It is all uphill between the IG road and the Cathedral Driveway trailhead. I know because I rode May out
of the Basin and up there to the trailer last year. She was beat and I was sore.
From the BCHW Special Projects Coordinator Jason Ridlon:
Hello BCHW,
The 2015 state wide work party will be held in the Eastern Pasayten Wilderness. The dates for this
event are July 1st - 7th. We are still currently working out camp details but at this point its looking like
we will run a large base camp with wilderness work crews running from this location. There is also
the possibility of another camp within the wilderness located out of Horseshoe Basin, this would allow for trail crews to cut deeper into the wilderness.
Needed: BCHW certified cross cut sawyers, swampers, packers, cooks & kitchen help!
Please call or email with questions and I will be updating info as its put together. Hope to see you all
in the Eastern Pasayten!
Jason Ridlon 509 964-9260 Cell 509 699-9927
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: The Chapter has 1/2 inch, three strand,
poly-propylene rope for sale by the foot. Excellent for
lead ropes, sling ropes, high line ropes or what-haveyou. $0.50 per foot. Can be back braided or have a
loop braided in one end for an additional fee. Telephone (509) 486-2061.
FOR SALE: 50- 10 ’ 3 “to 4” untreated Fence rails (509) 826-1421
FOR SALE Trailer For Sale 2007 Silverlite Freedom, 3 horse slant, gooseneck trailer. New King Size Mattress, swing out saddle racks, bridle hooks, 30 gal water storage container. Excellent condition asking
$11,500. (509) 826-1217
FOR SALE 17in Qthro Flex Saddle very nice condtion $600 See at Detros in Riverside
FOR SALE Breachen very nice $150 phone 509 699 8014
Please patronize the businesses that advertise in the Picket Line. While
you are shopping in their businesses or utilizing their services remember
to thank them for supporting our efforts to keep trails open on public
lands in the Okanogan.
Eden Valley Guest Ranch
31 Eden Valley Lane
Oroville, WA 98844
Patrick and Robin Stice
Out Behind The Barn
Editorial by Ted Sharr 5-15-2015
In JULY we host the eastern pasayten state work party PLEASE call Dave Sunday for
more info on this we need volunteers of all skills
Elected Officers for 2015
Appointed Officers for 2015
President: Stan Kvistad
Volunteer Hours Coordinator: Cheryl Johnson
Vice President: Frank Oborne
LNT Coordinator: Steve McKinney
Secretary: Cher Bower
Newsletter Editor: Ted Sharr
Treasurer: Cathy Kvistad
Publicity Chair: Linda Oborne
Trail Boss: Dave Sunde
Alternate Trail Boss: Trygve Culp
Director: Dave Sunde
Legislative Chair: Gene Wehmeyer
Alternate Dir: Ted Sharr
Social Director: Gail Sunde
Webmaster: Dave Sunde
Immediate Past President: Dave Swanberg
Please patronize the businesses that
advertise in the Picket Line. While
you are shopping in their businesses
or utilizing their services remember
to thank them for supporting our efforts to keep trails open on public
lands in the Okanogan.
Okanogan Valley Chapter
Back Country Horsemen of Washington
Minutes of the April 15, 2015 Business Meeting
The meeting was held at the CCC in Tonasket, Wednesday April 15, 2015.
There were 26 members present, including one member guest, John Knechtel.
President Stan Kvistad called the meeting to order at 7:13.
The minutes of the March business meeting-as posted on the Chapter website-were approved by voice vote on a motion
by Cher Bower.
Cathy Kvistad gave the Treasurers Report. The Chapter is solvent. The Treasurers report was approved by voice vote
on a motion made by Trygve Culp.
R e p o r t s
Director: Dave Sunde reported that the report is in the Newsletter.
Trail Boss: Dave Sunde reported that there would be a work party meeting at the campground at the North end of Blue
Lake in the Sinlahekin. Be there at 9:00. He also asked for a volunteer to put granny sticks on 2 gates on the Carter Mt.
Legislative: Gene Wehmeyer was not present.
Volunteer Hours: Cheryl Johnson and Stan Kvistad awarded patches to the volunteer hour workers. See the Newsletter
for the list of members and their hours.
Website: Dave Sunde stated that the pictures are up to date on the site.
Newsletter: Ted Sharr reported that the Newsletter was a little late because of medical procedure.
Advertising: Linda Oborne presented flyers and BCH Brochures to be posted in various places by the members.
Social Director: Gail Sunde stated that there would be a potluck after the Sinlahekin work party.
LNT: Steve McKinney reminded people to leave a clean camp and trailhead. If it is a well-used trail we should take the
manure home to dispose of. Cathy Kvistad said she would call Mike Tibbs and have the outhouse placed at the Whistler
Canyon trailhead and tell him to clean it every two weeks. Discussion followed as to weather to send the bill to the
county of if BCH OVC should pay the bill and alternate years of payment. A voice vote passed on a motion by Michael
Alvarado for BCH to pay the bill this year. There we two opposed.
Unfinished Business:
State Work Party July 1 to 7, 2015: Dave Sunde reported that people who intend to help need to sign so meals could be
planned. What days do you plan to work, bringing stock etc? There will be a map of the area available at the next meeting. Dave passed around a sign up sheet and you can sign up on the website.
Trailer Clinic: Stan Kvistad reported that 3 trailers arrived for the clinic, one from the Methow and one from Chelan.
Carter Mountain Reroute: Trygve Culp stated that the Carter Mt. reroute needs to be further explored and that Mike
Buchert would help and show some new areas and possible trails so as not to pass so closely to the pig farm. A grant has
been approved for the reroute project. While on the subject of Carter Mt. a motion by Steve McKinney to pay the bill
for the gravel and work for the parking lot was approved by a voice vote.
National Trail Days: Dave Sunde reported that June 6th would be a work party at 4th of July TH.
N e w
B u s i n e s s :
Med Star: Cathy Kvistad explained the Med Star Group plan, needing 10 applications to get the group rate of $48.00 per
year. She passed out applications. Please get them back to her with payment, by May 10th.
Plan Event Schedule for 2016: Stan Kvistad talked about wanting more input from the members as to where and when
they would like to ride. For early, lowland rides it was suggested –both ends of Carter Mt, Horsespring Coulee and the
Whitestone area. It was decided that the March ride would be Carter Mt. (9 votes)(HSC received 7 votes), Short Mt the
end of April and Whitestone area the beginning of April. The May ride is Scotch Creek. More to be decided later.
Whistler Canyon Work Party: May 16 with a ride on the 17th We will need to do some weed spraying. Trygve Culp
suggested using Honcho, which is like Round-up but less expensive. Several people said they had back-pack sprayers,
which could be used. The chapter plans on purchasing 2-2 ½ gallons of Honcho.
Sponsor Wounded Warrior: Cathy Kvistad explained the plan to sponsor 2 rides for the WOGA Ride to Rendezvous. A
Lady has paid the donation money to BCHOVC and we will write the check so she can get a donation slip for tax pur14
poses from our 401c. BCHW president approved this.
F o r
t h e
g o o d
o f
t h e
o r d e r
Blue Ribbon Collation: Cathy Kvistad stated that we had joined in the past for $100.00. Ted Sharr made a motion that
we join again this year. The motion was passed by voice vote.
Wine Ride on the Loup: Ted Sharr suggested that this event be a fundraiser for our chapter. Jerry Downs said we might
need some special permits. Trygve Culp said he would call Jennifer Zbysusky to see what permits would be needed.
Steve McKinney, Cheryl Johnson, Catherine Woodfield, and Cher Bower volunteered to be on Ted’s committee.
Scotch Creek Ride: Linda Oborne said it would be May 4th. There will be a potluck after.
The meting was adjourned following a motion made by Ernie Walters at 8:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Cher Bower, Secretary
Upcoming Activities
Phone: 509-699-8014
To perpetuate the common use and
enjoyment of horses in Americas BackCountry and wilderness.
1st – FCC Membership Meeting at Freckle’s – 5:00 PM Dinner – 6:00 PM Meeting
4th – OVC/FCC Trailer Clinic 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM – Okanogan County Fairgrounds
11th FCC Packing Clinic at Dolly’s Arena 9:00 AM to 3:00
13th - OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
15th - OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Tonasket CCC
18th - Sinlahekin Trail Clearing – Dave Sunde
19th - Sinlahekin Ride – Dave Sunde
25th – 26th Methow Spring Ride
2nd Scotch Creek Ride – Linda Oborne
4th – 8th Ride to Rendezvous
6th – FCC Membership Meeting ay Freckle’s – 5:00 PM Dinner – 6:00 PM Meeting
9th – 10th – 49’R Days
16th - 17th – Whistler Canyon Work Party
16th – FCC Ride - Sherman Creek Game Area – 9:00 AM –
Rob Michaels
18th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Oborne
20th – OVC Membership Meeting – dinner 6:00 PM meeting
7:00 PM – El Pasario
30th – FCC Work Party at Lambert Creek – 9:00 AM
6th – National Trails Day
6th – 7th – Fourth of July Work Party
15th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
17th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM–Tonasket Park
27th – 28th – Work Party North Fork Trail/Salmon Meadows