Our Current Newsletter - Okanogan Valley Chapter

The Picket Line
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Volume 29, Number 6
Ted Sharr Editor
Presidents Page
Chapter President : Stan Kvistad
Volume 29,
Number 6
Presidents page
Director Report
Trail Boss Report
Legislative Report
Yearly calendar
Fcc steak ride flyer
State work party
Classified Ads
A post from peggy
OVC Officers
Upcoming Events
Here we go again, the end of May and I’m wishing it was still
April. I don’t think I will ever catch up this year! We have a
work party scheduled at the 4th of July trail June 6th & 7th and also
another work party at Salmon Meadows, June 27th & 28th
BBBUUUT! With the State work party over the 4th Of July this is
looking a little cramped, we will have to talk about this at the June meeting the 17th at
the Tonasket park. So come to the 4th of July trail on the 6th & 7th and we can get that
done and go from there.
Know it looks like we need a new trail boss for the rides, Dave is needing a break so
thanks Dave for all you have done and are doing and can someone step up and handle
this… JodI? Well maybe??? LOL
Nora now has her permanent pacemaker and according to Sharon, she is doing
great. Even asking for food and may even be able to come home as early as tomorrow. Her daughter’s Sharon and Dianna will be staying with her to make sure she
Thanks for sending out this great news about Nora.
Eden Valley Guest Ranch
31 Eden Valley Lane
Oroville, WA 98844
Patrick and Robin Stice
june 2015
Dave Sunde
Nothing to report
May, 2015
Dave Sunde
May started off with the Scotch Creek Ride. We had good participation for that
ride. Our work party at Whistler Canyon on the 16th only drew 5 people including
one from the climbing community. With that we got the entire trail sprayed from the watering hole
loop clear down to the trailhead. The short trail into the Frog Pond was also sprayed. We brushed
out some spots through the BLM portion as well as a few places where the brush was encroaching
on the trail as it climbed up through the cliff bands. We also repaired a couple of the rock cairns up
by the top bench. Stan Cathy and Gail weeded the center island in the parking area. Now all we
need are some plantings that require no water.
Trygve and I spent a day scoping out the possible camping sites for the Statewide Work Party which
will run from June 29th to July 5th. We tentatively picked the old sheep corrals up past the road to
Iron Gate. Jason is coming up this weekend and we’ll meet with him and make a final decision.
We have National Trails Day coming up on the 6th. This is our publicized NTD work party that is
published on the NTD website so we may get some outside help. We are starting at the 4th of July
campground and working both direction if manpower permits. In addition to clearing the Whistler
Canyon trail in its entirety as well as the various loops within the complex, Michael has already
started the clearing process on the Bonaparte trail system. Maybe this year we’ll get the entire trail
cleared. His last report said that there were a lot of trees down including some of good size.
Tom Windsor, Steve McKinney, and gene Wehmeyer went up to the international Airport and pinned
the wing logs on the bridge approaches to the new bridge. The DNR has dumped some more
gravel for us and we will need to get to work on finishing up the other 2 bridge approaches as soon
as the Statewide Work Party is over. We are planning on late July or early August for that work.
Chris is going to see if we can get the excavator and wheelbarrow again which will make our work
go a lot faster. The last 2 bridges are a little farther than the first one but we can still get to them
with the excavator and wheelbarrow.
I’m still waiting for a volunteer or volunteers to lead the rides. This Trail Boss position needs to be split into 2 separate jobs. If you are interested in doing one or
more rides please get ahold of either me or Stan. Linda Oborne has done this in
the past on some rides and it has worked out fairly well.
Several of you have requested information on which pass to use where so here are
some guidelines:
All state lands require a pass.
A WDFW pass that you get with your hunting or fishing license is good for WDFW lands only.
A discover Pass (which can be bought over the internet) is good for ayy state land and is
transferrable between 2 vehicles.
A Northwest Forest Pass is required on the Tonasket Ranger District to use any trailhead that
provides access into the Pasayten Wilderness. Other Ranger Districts have different rules.
These passes are $30 per year and are available at any USFS Ranger Station. If you are 62
or older you can get a lifetime pass for a whopping $10.
If you are unsure of whether or not the land is state or federal then looking at a USFS map is
your best bet.
The chapter website lists most of the trailheads in the area and explains what pass is required.
That’s all for now. Don’t forget the statewide work party and stay safe.
Nothing to report
16th – OVC Board Meeting 1:00 PM – Teddy Sharr
18th – OVC Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM dinner 7:00 PM meeting – El Paraiso
29th – Carter Mountain Ride – Dave Sunde
13th - OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
15th - OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Tonasket CCC
18th - Sinlahekin Trail Clearing – Dave Sunde
19th - Sinlahekin Ride – Dave Sunde
25th – 26th Methow Spring Ride
2nd Scotch Creek Ride – Linda Oborne
4th – 8th Ride to Rendezvous
9th – 10th – 49’R Days
16th - 17th – Whistler Canyon Work Party
18th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Oborne
20th – OVC Membership Meeting – dinner 6:00 PM meeting 7:00 PM – El Pasario
6th – National Trails Day
6th – 7th – Fourth of July Work Party
15th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
17th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM–Tonasket Park
27th – 28th – Work Party North Fork Trail/Salmon Meadows
3rd – 5th BCHW Work Party – Eastern Pasayton
11th – 12th – Johnny Beall Work Party
15th – OVC Membership Meeting & Ice Cream Social – Triangle Park
18th – 19th – Johnny Beall Work Party
23rd – 26th – FCC Lambert Creek Steak Ride
6th – Stampede Ride-In
17th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Cher Bower
19th – OVC Membership Meeting and BBQ - Tonasket City Park
22nd – Pasayten Ride over Windy Peak
12th – OVC/FCC Joint Ride at Edd’s Mountain
14th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
16th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Triangle Park
19th – OVC/FCC Ride at Granite Creek-Maple Mountain – 9:00 AM
26th – Whistler Canyon Ride Through
19th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
21st – OVC/FCC Membership Meeting & Halloween Party 7:00 PM – Tonasket CCC
24th – Short Mountain Ride and BBQ – Cher Bower
31st – BCHW Wine Ride
16th – OVC Board Meeting - 1:00 PM – Culp
18th – OVC Membership Meeting at El Paraiso - 6:00 Dinner 7:00 PM Meeting
21st – OVC Planning Meeting 1:00 PM – Oborne
4th - BCHW Public Lands Meeting
12th – OVC Christmas Party – Tonasket CCC
Sponsored by Ferry County Chapter of BCHW, Republic Washington
Location: FCC BCH Horse Camp on Lambert Creek in the Kettle Range
Com ride with us on July 24, 25, & 26th, 2015
Fun for all Ages around the campfire
COST: $25.00 per adult
$15.00 for children under 12 years
POTLUCK on Friday the 25th, 5:00 PM
SATURDAY RIDE , first rider out at 8:00 AM
DINNER, on Saturday the 26th at 6:00 PM
steak, baked potato, salad and dessert
SILENT AUCTION Saturday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
LIVE AUCTION Saturday 7:00 PM
ENTERTAINMENT following live auction
sausage, pancakes and juice
COWBOY CHURCH following breakfast
INFO: Call Jerry or Gail Downs at 509-775-3218
EMAIL: kozykabin@rcabletv.com
WEBSITE: http://www.FCCBCHW.com
To download registration form go to the website and click Riders Club
Click 2015 Steak Ride Info.
At the bottom of the Steak Ride Flyer click on http://www.fccbchw.com/fccregform.pdf
I won’t have any hard info on the work party until after 18th. I don’t want to put out any bad information.
Here is what we have so far.
If you want to be considered for any fuel reimbursement you have to sign up before June
8 . See me at the meeting or drop me an email.
If you expect any BCHW provided meals you need to be registered by June 8thand include the
days you will be working. No tickee, no dinner.
There will be a need for packers to re-supply the wilderness camps every day. Don’t expect to
use the same horse and string every day. You will be working the animals above 6000 feet and they
need oxygen just as much as we do.
We will establish one and possible 2 camps along the 39 road between about the Iron Gate
Road and the 300 spur at Long Swamp.
We will probably need drivers with 5 horse trailers or bigger to shuttle workers from one end to
the other. It is all uphill between the IG road and the Cathedral Driveway trailhead. I know because I
rode May out of the Basin and up there to the trailer last year. She was beat and I was sore.
From the BCHW Special Projects Coordinator Jason Ridlon:
Hello BCHW,
The 2015 state wide work party will be held in the Eastern Pasayten Wilderness. The dates for this
event are July 1st - 7th. We are still currently working out camp details but at this point its looking like
we will run a large base camp with wilderness work crews running from this location. There is also
the possibility of another camp within the wilderness located out of Horseshoe Basin, this would allow for trail crews to cut deeper into the wilderness.
Needed: BCHW certified cross cut sawyers, swampers, packers, cooks & kitchen help!
Please call or email with questions and I will be updating info as its put together. Hope to see you all
in the Eastern Pasayten!
Jason Ridlon 509 964-9260 Cell 509 699-9927 jhridlon@fairpoint.net
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: The Chapter has 1/2 inch, three strand,
poly-propylene rope for sale by the foot. Excellent for
lead ropes, sling ropes, high line ropes or what-haveyou. $0.50 per foot. Can be back braided or have a
loop braided in one end for an additional fee. Telephone (509) 486-2061.
FOR SALE: 50- 10 ’ 3 “to 4” untreated Fence rails (509) 826-1421
FOR SALE Trailer For Sale 2007 Silverlite Freedom, 3 horse slant, gooseneck trailer. New King Size Mattress, swing out saddle racks, bridle hooks, 30 gal water storage container. Excellent condition asking
$11,500. (509) 826-1217
FOR SALE 17in Qthro Flex Saddle very nice condtion $600 See at Detros in Riverside
FOR SALE Breachen very nice $150 phone 509 699 8014
Please patronize the businesses that advertise in the Picket Line. While
you are shopping in their businesses or utilizing their services remember
to thank them for supporting our efforts to keep trails open on public
lands in the Okanogan.
Out Behind The Barn
Ted, would you please put this in the June newsletter.
Please accept my thanks for the Chapter's donation to BCHW in remembrance of
Dave. it seems so fitting that even with his passing he was able to generate almost
a $1,000 total to benefit the organization.
There will be a carrot cake celebration-open house on July 13th from 2 until
4pm. Please feel free to come by and say hello and meet Dave's other friends and
Thank you again,
Elected Officers for 2015
Appointed Officers for 2015
President: Stan Kvistad
Volunteer Hours Coordinator: Cheryl Johnson
Vice President: Frank Oborne
LNT Coordinator: Steve McKinney
Secretary: Cher Bower
Newsletter Editor: Ted Sharr
Treasurer: Cathy Kvistad
Publicity Chair: Linda Oborne
Trail Boss: Dave Sunde
Alternate Trail Boss: Trygve Culp
Director: Dave Sunde
Legislative Chair: Gene Wehmeyer
Alternate Dir: Ted Sharr
Social Director: Gail Sunde
Webmaster: Dave Sunde
Immediate Past President: Dave Swanberg
Please patronize the businesses that
advertise in the Picket Line. While
you are shopping in their businesses
or utilizing their services remember
to thank them for supporting our efforts to keep trails open on public
lands in the Okanogan.
Okanogan Valley Chapter
Back Country Horsemen of Washington
Minutes of May 20, 2015
The meeting was called to order at the El Parisio Restaurant at 7:00, by our president Stan Kvistad. There
were 25 members present.
The minutes of the April business meeting, as posted on the Website and in the newsletter, were approved by a
voice vote on a motion by Trygve Culp and seconded by Dave Sunde.
The Treasurers Report was given by Cathy Kvistad. The chapter is solvent. The report was approved by voice
vote on a motion by Jane Byram.
Stan Kvistad presented Tom Windsor with his volunteer hour patch.
Director: Dave Sunde reported that the report is posted on the website and is in the newsletter.
Trail Boss: Dave Sunde reported on the Whistler Canyon work party. There were only a few people there and
those that commit to helping need to show up. Michael Alvarado has the trail logged out. Weeds were
sprayed in the parking area and part of the trail and weeds were pulled in the rock landscape.
Legislative: Gene Wehmeyer reported on new happenings and the report will be on the website and in the
Volunteer Hours: Cheryl Johnson was not present but Stan reminded us to get in our Volunteer hours in a
timely fashion.
Website: Dave Sunde reported that everything has been updated.
Newsletter: Ted Sharr was not present to make a report.
Advertising: Linda Oborne passed out flyers with a phone number tear off that we could post at different
places to try and get more people involved in BCH.
Social Director: Gail Sunde invited all lady members to attend a luncheon on Tues. May 26th, 12:30 at Shannon’s Restaurant in Tonasket, to celebrate Lu Younge and Cathy Kvistad’s birthdays.
LNT: Steve McKinney reported that the FCC ride from Haag Park was a wonderful ride and that the riders
cleaned up and left the area in good order.
National Trail Day: June 6th at 4th of July Trail Head we will meet at 9:00. Dave needs a trail boss for this
work party. Contact him if you can volunteer.
State Work Party: Dave Sunde reminded us that if we are going to be at this work party you need to sign up
and state the days that you will be there so they can plan for the food. He said they would need people to pack
supplies to additional camps and swappers. Have your horses in shape. They are working on reimbursement
for fuel costs. On Friday June 5th Trygve Culp, Dave Sunde and Jason, (from the Forest Service) will meet
and decide where to set up camp and decide what needs to be done. To date 43 people have signed up. It was
stated at this time that the Trail dusters are going to be working on the road to Haney Meadows and Dave
Sunde made a motion to donate $100.00 to help with supplies. Trygve Culp approved the motion but amended
it to make the amount $250.00. Jane Bryam seconded it. The motion was approved by voice vote with one
Scotch Creek Ride: Linda Oborne said there were 16 in attendance with 13 riders. They had a good time and
saw a few snakes.
Med Star: Cathy Kvistad reported that she had sent in the applications and money and people should receive
their membership cards soon. People can still join at the group rate.
Event Schedule for 2016: Linda Oborne suggested that we do not do the Scotch Creek ride next year. We will
pick a ride for June at the next meeting.
Membership for 2016: Stan Kvistad has talked to some of the Senior Class advisors about doing a class project and they are too busy as this time. Some young people who would like to ride and work on the trails with
the club have approached Gene Wehmeyer. BCH can have a Jr. group but not a 4H group. Gene and Trygve
will get together with the parents and young riders to try and work something out.
Trail Passes: Linda Oborne asked if we could put together a list of commonly used trails and the passes that
are needed in each spot. Dave Sunde said he would work something up. Briefly a Discover pass is good on
any state land and is $35.00 for 2 vehicles. DNR land is a game department pass or Discover pass. On Federal
land with a developed campsite we need a Forest Service pass or Golden Age pass.
Ways and Means Committee: A committee needs to be formed to find a means of fundraising. We discuss
having a tack sale in 2016 sometime in April. Volunteers for the committee are Trygve Culp, Cher Bower,
Linda Oborne, Cathy Kvistad and Gail Sunde. Janet Logan suggested holding it during a citywide yard sale.
FC work party: Jerry Downs stated that there would be a work party at Lambert Creek on May 30th. The
FCC meeting will be at Freckles Restaurant on June 3rd, 5:00 for dinner and meeting at 6:00.
Tom Windsor said Chris Marcolin has 3 loads of gravel to be delivered for the trail work near the International
Airport. We only need one load there and the others elsewhere. Tom said the work on the turnpike to pin the
logs needs to be done soon. Steve McKinney and Gene Wehmeyer volunteered to help.
Cathy Kvistad reported that we received a thank you for our contribution to the Rendezvous. She also has registration forms for the Omak Stampede Parade.
A motion was made by Shelly Walla to adjourn, 2nd by Gene Wehmeyer. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35.
Respectively Submitted,
Cher Bower, Secretary
Upcoming Activities
6th – National Trails Day
6th – 7th – Fourth of July Work Party
15th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Ted Sharr
17th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM–Tonasket Park
27th – 28th – Work Party North Fork Trail/Salmon Meadows
1st – FCC Membership Meeting at Freckles – 5:00 PM Dinner – 6:00 PM Meeting
3rd – 5th BCHW Work Party – Eastern Pasayton – Dave
Sunde & Trygve Culp
Phone: 509-699-8014
E-mail: tandcsharr@gmail.com
11th – FCC Work Party at Lambert Creek – 9:00 AM
11th – 12th – Johnny Beall Work Party – Ready to work 9:00
AM – Dave Sunde
15th – OVC Membership Meeting & Ice Cream Social Triangle Park – 6:00 PM
18th – 19th – Johnny Beall Work Party – Ready to Work 9:00
AM – Dave Sunde
To perpetuate the common use and
enjoyment of horses in Americas BackCountry and wilderness.
18th – FCC Trail Clearing at Lambert Creek – 9:00 AM
23rd – 26th – FCC Lambert Creek Steak Ride
5th – FCC Membership Meeting at Freckle’s – 5:00 PM Dinner – 6:00 PM Meeting
6th – Stampede Ride-In
15th – FCC Ride at Edds Mountain – 9:00 AM
17th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Cher Bower
19th – OVC Membership Meeting and BBQ at Tonasket City
Park – 6:00 PM
22nd – Pasayten Ride over Windy Peak – Ready to Ride
10:00 – Trygve Culp
29th – FCC Work Party at Granite Creek Bridge – 9:00 AM
2nd – FCC Membership Meeting at Freckles – 5:00 PM
Dinner – 6:00 PM Meeting
12th – OVC/FCC Joint Ride at Edd’s Mountain
14th – OVC Board Meeting 7:00 PM – Sunde
16th – OVC Membership Meeting 7:00 PM – Triangle
19th – OVC/FCC Ride at Granite Creek-Maple Mountain – Ready to Ride 9:00 AM
26th – Whistler Canyon Ride through – Ready to Ride
10:00 – Dave Sunde