We have built our Indoor Soccer program in a non-stressful environment that encourages participation by everyone those children on the team and the families and friends who come to support those children. Please join us for a time of fun and fellowship as we teach our children, the love of sports and a healthy lifestyle! First United Methodist Church 167 East Broad Street Ozark, AL 36360 First United Methodist Church of Ozark is Aim Higher Events Flagship Indoor Soccer Program! First United Methodist Church Ozark, AL REGISTRATION Nights: Mon., May 4 & Tue., May 5 5:30p.m. – 8:00p.m. in the Family Life Center (FLC) Gym Late Registration CLOSES Thursday, May 7, 2015 FUMC-OZARK FUMC-OZARK INDOOR SOCCER INDOOR SOCCER Phone: 334-774-0990 Website: www.ozarkfumc.org E-Mail: lesperault@yahoo.com SCHEDULE Registration Nights Monday, May 4 & Tuesday, May 5, 2015 5:30p.m. to 8:00p.m. in the FLC Gym. We will have shirts for the children to try on to get the correct fit. Team Assignments Practice & game schedules will be posted closer to season start. Practices & Game Nights Start May, 14 and run through July 14, 2015 The End of Season Pizza Party all teams meet Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 5:30p.m. in the FLC-Gym. Each child will receive a gift for this special evening to celebrate the end of the season. Equipment Needed: Tennis Shoes (No cleats) Shin Guards We will provide the team shirt. INDOOR SOCCER It’s Summer! It’s a time of year for fun and exciting Soccer. This league is designed with three divisions (4, 5 & 6 Year Old), (7, 8 & 9 Year Old) and (10, 11 & 12 Year Old) children *Limit of 40 children per Division* . All games are played on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings at the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center Gym. Parents are an active part of this event. So, we ask that you consider being a Coach for your child’s team. Child’s Name: ___________________ Birth Date: __________ Age____ Grade____ Jersey Size: (Circle one) YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL AXXL Address: ________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________ Parent/Guardian: ________________ ________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Alternate Phone: _________________ Email: __________________________ Liability/Photography waiver This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, my child has no physical impairments or problems that would be detrimental to his/her well-being while participating in the Indoor Soccer program. As a Parent/Guardian of: ___________________________________, I realize that First United Methodist Church of Ozark, Aim Higher Events, League Organizers, Coaches, and Referees are not responsible for any physical impairments or injuries resulting from participating in the Indoor Soccer Program. I also understand that I am responsible for medical Insurance coverage for my child. Photographs maybe used for display on Video Screen or Internet for promotion purposes. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: ________________________________ Fee: $20 _____ Late Registration (After May 5): $30 _______ Sign up Deadline Thu., May 7, 2015! YES, I WANT TO HELP! COACH: _________________________ TEAM PARENT: ___________________ CONTACT NUMBER: _______________ First United Methodist Church 167 East Broad Street Ozark, AL 36360 For More Info. Contact Les Perault-Family Life Center Director Phone: 334-774-0990 Fax: 334-774-3831 E-mail: lesperault@yahoo.com
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