EMT Training Class - January 6 - March 31, 2015

 Class Dates:
January 6th 2015 – March 31st 2015
Classes will be held Tuesdays and
Thursdays 6pm -10pm (Five Saturdays 8-4)
Cost: $750 (includes book, polo, EMT pants,
nametag, and initial practical testing) Lake Ozark Fire will be hosting an EMT class for anyone interested in pursuing a career in Emergency Services. This
130 hr course will include clinical and practical training with current equipment and methods to help prepare you for
a challenging career.
Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will qualify for National Registry Exam testing and state
licensure. This course meets or exceeds the requirements as set forth by the Department of Transportation and the
Missouri Bureau of Emergency Medical Services.
Registrations are due by December 8 th 5pm. Orientation will be December 9th 6pm.
For more information or to register contact David Matusik (573) 286-6789/ dmatusik@lofpd.com Lake Ozark Fire Protection District Lake Ozark, MO 65049| 573-­‐365-­‐3380 lofpd.com