Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Mathematik , Prof. Yuri Suris, Dr. Matteo Petrera Mathematical Physics II SS 15 Exercise Sheet 2 (Kinetic Theory of Gases) Due date: 04.05.15 60% of the total sum of points. Each exercise sheet has 20 points. Please work in xed groups of 2 students. Please justify each step of your computations. Results without any explanation are not accepted. Please write in a readable way. Unreadable handwriting will not be corrected. Feel To get the Übungsschein (necessary condition for the oral exam) you need to collect free to write your answers either in English or in German. Please turn in your homework directly to me (Matteo Petrera) at the beginning of the Tutorial. No homework will be accepted after the deadline has passed. (6 pts) Exercise 1 Consider a closed and isolated system of N 1 distinguishable but independent identical particles. Each particle can exist in one of two states with energy dierence " > 0. Given that m particles are in the excited state, the total energy of the system is m " with a degeneracy of Z (N; m) := (N N! : m)!m! 1. Give a combinatorial interpretation of Z (N; m). 2. Dene the entropy of the system by S := log Z (N; m); where is the Boltzmann constant. Determine S in the Stirling approximation. From now on work in this approximation. 3. The absolute temperature of the system is dened by @S T := @E ! 1 ; where E is the total energy. Compute the inverse temperature := ( T ) 1 . 4. Find the density of excited states m=N as a function of . Use your result to express the entropy as a function of . Turn over 5. Determine the entropy in the limit T ! 0. (8 pts) Exercise 2 Consider a free ideal gas at equilibrium described by the Maxwell distribution: %0 (p) := n 2m !3=2 2 e kpk =(2 m) : (1) Here := ( T ) 1 , m is the mass of the particles and n := N=V is the number of particles per unit volume. 1. Dene the Boltzmann functional by H := and the entropy by Z R3 %0 (p) log %0 (p) dp; S := V H: Compute explicitly H and prove that ! V 4 m E 3=2 3 S = N log + N; N 3N 2 where E := (3NT )=2 is the internal energy. 2. Compute the average velocity of the particles, hkv ki%0 := hkpki%0 =m. Let > 0 be the diameter of each particle. Consider pairs of colliding particles with momenta p1 and p2 . Choosing a reference frame translating with one of the particle, the frequency of collisions per unit volume is dened by the positive number 2 Z := kp p2k %0(p1) %0(p2) dp1 dp2: m R6 1 Since every collision involves only two particles, the total number of collisions to which a particle is subject per unit time can be found by dividing 2 by the density n of particles. 3. Compute explicitly . 4. Prove that the mean-free path of each particle, dened by n := hkv ki%0 ; 2 is given by 1 1 = p : 2 2 2 n Note that does not depend on T ! Turn over (Hint: The following integral is useful: Z +1 0 xn e ax2 1 dx = a (n+1)=2 2 n + 1 2 a > 0; n 2 N ; ; R where is the Euler -function dened by (x) := 0+1 tx 1 e t dt; x > 0: The Euler -function satises the identities p (x + 1) = x (x); (n + 1) = n!: Special values are: (n + 1=2) = (2n)! =(4n n!)) (6 pts) Exercise 3 Consider an ideal gas in a box [0; L]3 at equilibrium at temperature T and subject to an external conservative force whose potential energy is U (q ) := U0 cos 2 ` q1 ! L U0 > 0; ` 2 N: ; Here q1 2 [0; L] is the rst component of the position vector q . The gas is described by a Boltzmann-Maxwell distribution of the form %(q; p) := %0 (p) e U (q ) I0 ( U0 ) ; where %0 is the Maxwell distribution (1) and the function I0 is a modied Bessel function (see the hint below) which guarantees the correct normalization of %(q; p). 1. Determine an approximated formula for %(q; p) in the limit U0 1. 2. Prove that the total internal energy, E := N is given by 3 2 * kpk 2 2m + U (q ) + % ; I1 ( U0 ) ; I0 ( U0 ) where the functions I0 and I1 are modied Bessel functions (see the hint below). Note that E is the total internal energy of a free ideal gas if the external force is switched o. E = N T N U0 (Hint: The following integral representation and series expansion of the modied Bessel functions of the rst kind are useful: In (z ) = with z 2 C; n 2 N) 1Z 0 ez cos cos(n ) d = z n X (z 2 =4)j ; 2 j 0 j !(n + j )!
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