Columbia International Publishing American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 doi:10.7726/ajhmt.2015.1004 Research Article The Use of Quadrature Method of Moments (QMOM) in Studying the Mechanisms of Aerosol Agglomeration and its Practical Use Dong Liao1, Cheng Wu1, Ye Yao1*, Huiming Hu2, Fang Zhao 2, and Daolai Chen2 Received 18 January 2015; Published online 28 March 2015 © The author(s) 2015. Published with open access at Abstract The efficiency of dust collector is relatively low when dealing with PM2.5. Agglomerating the aerosols under acoustic field is a preliminary method to make the efficiency improve. Acoustic agglomeration of aerosol mainly includes four mechanisms: orthokinetic interaction, hydrodynamic interaction, acoustic wake effect and Brown agglomeration. All mechanisms have their own characteristics with the change of acoustic field. Among witch orthokinetic interaction plays the leading role, while Brown agglomeration is the weakest. Besides, Brown agglomeration is only related to the change of temperature and other air characteristics, thus it changes little under the effect of acoustic field. Compared with experimental methods, simulating the agglomerate process on computer is much faster and more economical. To overcome the flaws of traditional ways in simulation of long-time, hard to make exact hypotheses and difficult to make the formulas close, quadrature method of moments (QMOM) is employed when doing simulations, and taking it into practical use. The results of QMOM show a good match with group method, while it takes less time and does not need to make unnecessary hypotheses. Besides studying the characteristics of acoustic agglomeration, QMOM will also be easy to be used in other fields of studies with similar dynamic equations. Keywords: Aerosol; Agglomeration; Mechanisms; QMOM 1. Introduction Acoustic agglomeration can promote the relative motion of fine particles under the hi-density energy caused by high-strength acoustic field, thus improving the agglomeration rate of the fine particles, which will largely improve the effect of dust collectors. Researches on the mechanisms of acoustic agglomeration mainly include the mechanisms of orthokinetic interaction, hydrodynamic interaction, acoustic wake effect and Brown agglomeration. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding e-mail: 1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China 2 School of Urban Construction and Safety Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, China 42 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 Among these mechanisms, orthokinetic interaction is always to be regard as the main mechanism of acoustic agglomeration (Chiu and Edwards, 1996; Rajendran et al., 1979), and plays the decisive role. Hydrodynamic interaction is based on Bernoulli law, considering the motion of particles under the effect of the flow field, which includes mutual radiation pressure interaction and acoustic wake effect. This mechanism can be used to explain the force between long-distant particles and the agglomeration among monodisperse particles (Hoffmann and Kooplmann, 1996). Besides, acoustic wake effect can be used to explain the refill mechanism of acoustic agglomeration further. Brown agglomeration is the agglomeration under the effect of Brownian motion (Otto and Fissan, 1999), which is quite different from other mechanisms, for it is mainly defined by the temperature and the particle size distribution while the intensity and the frequency seem to have little relationship to this effect. Based on the mechanisms above, related aerosol kinetic equations can be formed, and the kernel functions related to numerical simulation of the particle agglomeration process can also be derived. Then the law of the particle agglomeration process influenced by the changes of several environment variations will also be concluded. By now, common numerical simulation methods include group method, moment method and Monte Carlo method (Park and Lee, 2000). Among these methods, moment method is quite a fast method compared with others. It will not be able to get the particle size distribution, while many other important outcomes, like particle quantity concentration and particle mass concentration etc., are easily to get. However, it is not easy to solve the moment functions. In order to overcome these flaws, a new method called quadrature method of moments (QMOM) (Su et al. 2007) was proposed. With the help of QMOM, particle distribution moment functions can be closed under any conditions (McGraw, 1997), for there is no need to make hypotheses of the particle size distribution. The characteristic of this method is to integrate the dynamic equations firstly, so it focuses on the overall change of the aerosols, and does not need to make hypothesis of the aerosol dispersion at each time of calculation. Besides, since it considers the overall dispersion of the aerosols, QMOM also takes less time to get the outcomes compared with other methods like group method. It was introduced firstly in studying the growing mechanism of sulfuric acid droplet (McGraw, 1997), then QMOM has been used to study the law of particle breaking, sedimentation and growing etc. (Attarakih et al. 2009). While in particle agglomeration, some researchers have put it in the study of orthokinetic interaction (Zhang, 2010), further studies are still needed. In this paper, the QMOM is employed to study the mechanisms of hydrodynamic interaction, acoustic wake effect and Brown agglomeration. Table 1 Nomenclature Symbols Meanings d The diameters of particle v The volumes of the particles c The concentration of particle u0 The vibration velocity of gas medium 43 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 s The distance between particles i and j f The frequency Lij The length of related agglomeration volume Tf The time period of sound wave l Slip coefficient under Oseen flow field conditions n Slip coefficient under Stokes flow field conditions h An intermediate variable I Acoustic intensity I0 Standard reference value of SPL t Time k The Boltzmann constant,k=1.38*10-23 J/K r Aerosol particles floating in the radius gj1 The first element in the first line in the characteristic vector D Diffusion coefficient of particles i and j m0 The number of aerosol particles concentration N0 The number of aerosols l,h,q Intermediate variables for the purpose L, w The corresponding abscissa particle size and weighting factor e, g The characteristic value and characteristic vector for Jacobi matrix Dm, The average diameter of aerosols SD The standard deviation of particles VSV Velocity of sound velocity. SPL Sound pressure level DC The drag coefficient of particles in flow field AT Absolute temperature n(r) Distribution function for the number density of particles 44 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 mk(t) The moment Kor The kernel function of orthokinetic agglomeration KHy The kernel function of Hydrodynamic Interaction KAW The kernel function of Acoustic Wake Effect KBr The kernel function of Brownian Agglomeration Table 2 Greek Symbols Symbols Meanings ω The angle frequency υ The kinematical viscosity coefficient μg The slip coefficient μp The carrying coefficient μ Fluid viscosity coefficient τ The relaxation time ρg The gas medium ρp Density of particle 2. Agglomeration Models and Kernel Functions 2.1 Brief Introduction of Kernel Function The agglomeration process leads to a reduction in the total number of particles and an increase in the average size. The net rate of generation of particles of size k can be described as below (Friedlander, 1977): dck 1 k K i, j di d j dvi ck K i, k di dvi 0 dt 2 0 (1) where the first item in the right of the formula is the collision frequency function; the second represents the rate of loss of particles of size k by collision with all other particles; di and dj is the diameters of particle i and j; vi and vj are the volumes of the particles, and vk=vi+vj; particle k is agglomerated from particles i and j; vk is the volume of particle k; ck is the concentration of particle k; K(i,j) is the kernel function of particles i and j, which represents the number of collisions occurring per unit time per unit volume between the two classes of particles. To get the numerical solution with computer, Eq. (1) is converted into discrete form called Smoluchowski function as follows (Sarabia, 2003): 45 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 m dck 1 K i, j ci c j ck K i, k ci dt 2 i j k i 1 (2) The Smoluchowski function is based on the idea that the particles are grouped in terms of the diameter from small to large. 2.2 Orthokinetic Agglomeration Mechanism Under the effect of acoustic field, the motions of the particles will be quite different due to the differences in mass, volume, inertial and etc., which will cause relative motions among the particles and finally lead to agglomeration. Assuming that only two types of particles, big and small, exist in the model and all of them are spherical. Big particles play the role of collecting kernel; the small particles around them are waiting to be agglomerated. The space that a big particle can move under the effect of acoustic field is called agglomeration volume (Mednikov, 1965), only in which the big and small particles are possibly to agglomerate. Then assuming that the concentrations of small particles in and out of the agglomeration volume are the same, and new small particles would immediately fill in after the particles in the agglomeration volume are agglomerated. In numerical simulation, the kernel function of orthokinetic agglomeration can be written as below (Medikov, 1965): i j 2 1 KijOr u0 di d j 2 1 2 i2 1 2 2j (3) where di and dj are the diameters of particles i and j. And the relaxation time is: pd 2 = 18 g (4) where ρp and ρg represent the density of particle and gas medium, respectively; ν is the kinematical viscosity coefficient; u0 is the vibration velocity of gas medium, which can be conducted from acoustic field intensity I (W/m2): u0 2I g VSV (5) where VSV is velocity of sound velocity; I is acoustic intensity, which can be expressed by Eq. (6). In practical, sound pressure level (SPL (dB)) usually represents the intensity of acoustic field, which can be expressed by: SPL I 10 10 I 0 (6) where SPL is sound pressure level, dB; I0 is the standard reference value. 2.3 Hydrodynamic Interaction According to orthokinetic agglomeration, the forces among particles are limited to the space of agglomeration volume, and only exist between the big and small particles when ignoring the electrostatic force. However, experiment manifested that the forces exist among monodisperse particles, and the distance is far beyond the space of agglomeration volume. Considering the 46 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 movement of flow medium under the effect of acoustic field, the hydrodynamic interaction is introduced, which mainly includes the effect of mutual radiation pressure interaction and acoustic wake effect. For the effect of mutual radiation pressure interaction (Danilov and Mironov, 1984), when the directions of the sound wave and the line of connecting the two particles are vertical, the two particles will be closer since the space for the medium decreases and speed of the medium increases, which leads to a drop of pressure between the two particles. When the directions of the sound wave and the line of connecting the two particles are parallel, the resistance to the medium will reduce the medium speed, which leads to an increase in pressure between the two particles. Thus the two particles move apart. Because of the effect of acoustic wake (Hoffmann, 1997), if relative motion between particles and flow medium exists, the wake will formulate behind a particle for the asymmetry of flow field under Oseen flow conditions. The pressure in the wake is lower, so the particles within this space will move closer. Under the effect of acoustic field, the movement of flow medium is reciprocating, so the direction of the wake will also change. Thus, the particles in the wake will gradually move closer until agglomeration. Of the two effects, the theoretical effect of mutual radiation pressure interaction is much weaker than that of acoustic wake (González et al., 2003). Analyzing the forces among particles in the flow field based on Bernoulli law, the kernel function can be conducted as follows (Wang, 2012): 2 3u u 1 KijHy di d j 0 2di bi 2d j b j 0 di2bi2 d 2j b 2j 4 8 s (7) 2 9u0 3u0 2 2 2 2 di bi d j b j bi b j bi qi b j q j di d j 64 s 2 16s 2 pi H i gi2 pj H j gj2 qi ; qj 1 H j gi2 1 H j gj2 gi gj ; bj bi 2 1 H j gj2 1 H i gi 9 g u0 9 g u0 ; Hj Hi p di p d j j i ; gj gi 2 2 1 i 1 j pi 1 1 i 2 ; pj 1 1 j 2 (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) where H, b, and q are intermediate variables for the purpose to make the functions seem clearer; s is the distance between particles i and j; μp and μg are the carrying coefficient and slip coefficient. 47 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 2.4 Acoustic Wake Effect After one agglomeration period, small particles in agglomeration volume will be supplemented immediately. Considering the long-distant effect of acoustic wake, the mechanism of refill can be well explained by acoustic wake effect (Dong et al., 2006). Then combining mechanisms of orthokinetic agglomeration and acoustic wake effect, the expanding kernel function in numerical simulation is provided as below (Wang, 2012): fu0 di d j i j 6u0 di li d j l j T f 1 1 2 2 2 L 2 ij 1 i 1 j nj ni ; lj li 1 2h j n 2j h 2j n 4j 1 2hi ni2 hi2 ni4 2 KijAW u0 i j Lij ni hi 1 i 2 ; nj (14) (15) 1 2 i2 1 2 2j i (13) j 1 j 2 4u0 g 4u0 g ; hj 9 di p 9 d j p (16) (17) where Tf is the time period of sound wave; l and n are slip coefficient under Oseen and Stokes flow field conditions, respectively; Lij is the length of related agglomeration volume; h is an intermediate variable, to make the functions seems clearer. 2.5 Brownian Agglomeration Besides the effect of acoustic field, the diffusion motion of particles caused by Brownian motion is also one of the agglomeration mechanisms. Unlike other mechanisms, Brown agglomeration is not related to the intensity and frequency of acoustic field, and its kernel function is as follows: (18) KijBr 2 Di D j di d j where Di and Dj are diffusion coefficient of particles i and j, and their functions are below: Di = k AT k AT ; Dj = DC j DCi DCi =3 di ; DC j =3 d j (19) (20) where DCi and DCj are the drag coefficients of particles in flow field; μ is fluid viscosity coefficient; k is the Boltzmann constant, and AT is absolute temperature. 3. The Use of Quadrature Method of Moments and Results 3.1 Theoretical Model and Algorithm 48 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 QMOM algorithm of aerosol particle size distribution of k order of moments can be defined as (Marchisio et al., 2003a): mk n(r )r k dr 0 k 0,1, 2 (21) where r stands for the radius of aerosol particles; n(r) is the distribution function for the number density of particles. Different moments have their own physical meanings (McGraw et al., 1998), and it is helpful to analyze some properties of aerosol particles. Moments as m0, m1 and m2 can be got when k equals to 0, 1 and 2. In this paper, only m0 is used, which means the number of aerosol particles concentration. For other moments like m1 and m2 stand for the total of particle diameters and superficial areas, respectively, which are not closely related to this study. Based on aerosol dynamic formulas, the density formulas can be approximated gotten as below (Marchisio et al., 2003b): k /3 dmk (t) 1 n( , t) K ( , )( 3 3 ) n( , t) d d 0 dt 2 0 (22) L n( L, t) K ( L, ) n( , t )d dL k 0 0 k=0, 1, 2… where the first item in the right of the equation means the rate of birth of particles due to aggregation of smaller particles; the second represents the rate of death of particles due to agglomeration with other particles; n(λ, t) is the number density function in terms of the particle volume; K(λ, β) is the volume-based kernel function; L stands for the abscissa particle size; λ and β stand for the volume of the particles; t is time. When taking k from 1 to N, N corresponding formulas are gotten. By using QMOM, the N corresponding formulas are closed and will be solved easily (Marchisio et al., 2003c). And the moments of the particle size distribution are: Nq mk (t) wi (t)Lki (t) (23) i 1 where w and L stand for weights and abscissas determined through PD(product-difference) algorithm. In order to calculate the corresponding abscissa particle size Li and weighting factor Wi, PD (product-difference) algorithm can be used (Gordon, 1968; Dette and Studden, 1997). Assuming the characteristic value and characteristic vector for Jacobi matrix is e and g by PD, we have: Li ei wi m0 g j12 (24) where gj1 is the first element in the first line in the characteristic vector. The initial value of Mk can be calculated by the following formula: mk (t 0) N0 exp(k ln(Dm ) k 2 (ln SD)2 / 2) (25) where Dm is the average diameter of aerosols; SD stands for the standard deviation of particles. 49 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 Initial amount: input frequency, sound pressure level, temperature, grain density, geometric standard deviation, particle size, time and etc Through the formula to calculate Mk initial value when t = 0 Agglomeration kernel function Kor,Kaw,Khy,Kbr Computing the next moment the eigenvalue Li(t) and eigenvector Wi (t) Again through the calculation of eigenvalue and eigenvector to get Mk(t) Y t<tm N Draw and print Mk(t) Fig. 1. QMOM simulate aerosol reunification process flow chart The calculation procedure for simulating the process of aerosol acoustic agglomeration is presented in Fig.1 (Zhang, 2010). 50 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 3.2 Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Agglomeration 3.2.1 The agglomeration effect of four mechanisms In numerical simulation, except for Brownian motion simulation, all parameters stay unchanged except for sound frequency which ranges from 10 to 100000Hz. The basic conditions are given as below: sound pressure level (SPL) is 150dB; temperature is 30 degrees Celsius; the initial number of aerosols (N0) is 100000; particle density is 2400kg/m3; the standard deviation (SD) of particles is 1.6; the simulation time is 4 seconds. (1) The Influence of Frequency on Orthokinetic Agglomeration Dm=6m,SD=1.6 N0 (105 m-3) 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 f(HZ) Fig. 2. The influence of frequency on the acoustic agglomeration with Kor Fig.2. presents the influence of frequency on the orthokinetic agglomeration, where N0 is the remaining number of particles after agglomerating 4 seconds, and it is equal to the moment m 0. Smaller N0 means better agglomeration effect. Here the initial number of N0 is set to 100000. As the frequency changes, an optimal frequency for agglomeration exists. When the average diameter of aerosols is 6μm, the optimal frequency is about 4000Hz. Since orthokinetic is the leading effect in agglomeration process, this frequency is quite close to the optimal frequency in practice (Shuster et al., 2002). (2) The Influence of Frequency on Hydrodynamic Interaction Mechanism 51 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 N0(105m-3) 1.00 Dm=6m,SD=1.6 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 f (HZ) Fig. 3. The influence of frequency to acoustic agglomeration of Khy Fig. 3 shows the number change of aerosols under the effect of hydrodynamic interaction, where the average particle size is 6μm; standard deviation of the aerosols is 1.6. It is found that the effect of hydrodynamic mechanism becomes more significant as frequency goes higher. However, when it reaches over 12000Hz, the effect of kernel function grows slowly. Thus when considering the effect of hydrodynamic, there is no such thing of an optimal frequency as it is in orthokinetic effect, but a sudden-change point, above which the effect can only grow slowly. And even if the frequency comes to 1000000Hz, over 75% of the particles still remain. (3) The Frequency Influence on the Acoustic Wake Effect 1.1 Dm=6m,SD=1.6 1.0 N0(105m-3) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 f(HZ) Fig. 4. The influence of frequency to acoustic agglomeration of Kaw 52 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 The influence of frequency on the acoustic wake effect is shown in Fig. 4. The effect goes in the same way of that in hydrodynamic mechanism. As frequency becomes higher, the effect is more obvious. The principle of acoustic wake effect explains that, the higher the frequency, the differences between the speed of particles and fluid go larger. And the effect of acoustic wake goes more obvious as well. But before the frequency reaches a specific point, the effect of acoustic wake is extremely low. But when it comes to high frequency zone, the effect becomes much stronger. (4) The Influence of Temperature on Brownian Motion 0.89 Dm=5m,SD=1.6 0.88 N0(105m-3) 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0 200 400 600 800 1000 T(℃ ) Fig. 5. The influence of temperature on acoustic agglomeration of Kbr Fig. 5. shows the influence of temperature on acoustic agglomeration of Brownian motion, where the following two parameters in Brownian motion kernel function are changed: one is the average particle size and standard deviation, another is the temperature. In this case, the standard deviation and average particle size are given as 1.6 and 5μm, respectively; sound pressure level (SPL) =150dB; the initial number of aerosols is 100000; particle density is 2400kg/m3; the temperature range is 273-1273K. This effect is quite weak compared with other effects. 3.2.2 The Comparison between QMOM and Group Method in Kernel Functions In this section, the results are compared to the researches previously (Wang, 2012). More changes of parameters, like the aerosol’s average diameter and standard deviation, of the simulation process are take into account, and the changes of kernel functions (Kor, KHy, KAW, KBr), which represent the reduction number of N0 at each simulation time step, are shown in the 4 agglomeration mechanisms. Here larger kernel function means better agglomeration effect. (1) The Comparison of Orthokinetic Agglomeration 53 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 Fig. 6 shows the influence of sound frequency on kernel function Kor at different diameters and SDs. The diameters of 2.5μm, 5μm and 10μm are set in QMOM. The standard deviation of the aerosol is 1.8, a relatively large parameter, which represents the dispersion degree of the particles. And in the paper (Wang, 2012) using group method, the large particle is as large as 5 times of the small ones, a large number as well. The optimal frequencies in agglomeration for the diameter of 2.5μm, 5μm and 10μm are 15859Hz, 39910Hz, 1010Hz respectively in QMOM, which accord well with the frequencies in group method of 15850Hz, near to 4000Hz and 1000Hz. Besides, the overall changing tendencies of the two methods accord with each other, too. While QMOM needs less time to get the conclusion. 1.35 di=2.5m,SD=1.8 di=5m ,SD=1.8 1.30 di=10m ,SD=1.8 Kor(103s-1) 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 f(HZ) Fig. 6. The influence of frequency on the kernel function of orthokinetic agglomeration (2) The Comparison of Hydrodynamic Interaction Mechanism As it is shown in Fig. 7, the change of kernel function KHy at different aerosol dispersion condition is given. In hydrodynamic mechanism, the sudden-change point is the most important sign to show the results under different particle size distribution conditions. Here the diameters of the particles are 5μm, 10μm and 10μm, and the standard deviations are 0.6, 1.4 and 1.8. The standard deviations have the same tendency to the particle size disperse in group method. And the sudden-change frequencies of QMOM and group method (Wang, 2012) are near to 1000Hz, accord with each other as well. 54 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 di=10m,SD=1.4 1.8 di=10m,SD=1.8 di=5m ,SD=0.6 1.7 Khy(108s-1) 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 f(HZ) Fig. 7. The influence of frequency to the kernel function of hydrodynamic interaction mechanism (3) The Comparison of Acoustic Wake Effect 1.08 di=2.5m,SD=1.6 1.07 di=5m ,SD=1.6 Kaw(×10-6s-1) 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 10 100 f(HZ) 1000 10000 Fig. 8. The influence of frequency on the kernel function of acoustic wake effect 55 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 Fig. 8. Represents the effect of sound frequency on kernel function KAW at two different aerosol dispersion conditions. The results also show a sudden-change point, while it is on the opposite direction. Similar to that in group method, the diameters of the particles are 2.5μm and 5μm. Since the diameters of large particles is as five times as that of the small particles, standard deviation in QMOM is set to 1.6. Comparing with group method, the sudden-change frequencies are near to 1000Hz (Wang, 2012). The two methods are in accord with each other. (4) The Comparison of Brownian Motion 1.90 1.88 di=2.5m,SD=0.1 1.86 di=1m ,SD=2.3 1.84 Kbr(1011s-1) 1.82 1.80 1.78 1.76 1.74 1.72 1.70 1.68 1.66 10 100 1000 T(Celsius) Fig. 9. The influence of temperature to the kernel function of Brownian motion As it is shown in Fig. 9. As temperature rises, the effect of Brownian agglomeration is better. This is because of the rising temperature leads to higher possibility for particles to collision, which causes the Agglomeration efficiency to rise (Oubella et al., 2014). In the QMOM program, the sound source frequency is 1400Hz and sound pressure level is 150dB, which are the same to group method (Wang, 2012). The temperature varies from 10 Celsius to 1000 Celsius when the grain size are di=2.5μm, SD=0.1 and di=1μm, SD= 2.3. 4. Conclusion By analyzing the results of four mechanisms, the outcomes of QMOM have a good match with that of group method, which has turned out to be reliable, and take less time. Besides, QMOM takes the 56 Dong Liao, Cheng Wu, Ye Yao, Huiming Hu, Fang Zhao, and Daolai Chen / American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2015) Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 42-58 overall distribution of the aerosol into consideration by dealing with the average diameter and standard deviation. By this way, the simulation process is closer to real conditions for it does not need to make unnecessary hypotheses. Among the four mechanisms, Brownian motion is the weakest while orthokinetic is the strongest. And in general conditions, the influence of Brownian motion can be ignored. Hydrodynamic interaction and acoustic wake effect are stronger as sound frequency becomes larger, but orthokinetic agglomeration still plays the leading role. The optimal agglomeration frequency can also be able to get by using QMOM, and this will be helpful to enhance the effect of dust collector in practical use. Besides frequency and temperature, QMOM will also be able to study the influence of other parameters like sound intensity, agglomeration time and etc. and other fields as well. References Attarakih M. M., Drumm C., Bart H. J. (2009). Solution of the population balance equation using the sectional quadrature method of moments (SQMOM) [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (4): 742-752. 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