Technical Information How Ingenuity® Variant Analysis subscriptions work Due to overwhelming demand, QIAGEN® Bioinformatics is now offering Ingenuity Variant Analysis in 12-month subscription packages. The following are some of the benefits of the new subscription offering: Group/Professional Personal (free) License type Group Named Users per license Unlimited 1 License period 12-months 1-month Unlimited samples upload Yes Yes Unlimited analysis setup Yes Limit: 4 samples Unlimited use of filters Yes Limit: 4 samples Samples deletion Unlimited No Export results Yes Yes Unlimited secure sharing Yes Yes Group of users Yes No Licensing Samples and analysis Collaboration Customers can choose from a little as a 50 samples subscription, which allows up to 50 samples to be used in an analysis. If you require larger analyses, we offer larger-sized subscriptions. In addition, we’re replacing our 30-min preview with a free personal subscription offering. With a Personal 1-month subscription, a user may use Ingenuity Variant Analysis free of charge for up to 4 samples. This is ideal for users who would like to try Ingenuity Variant Analysis for a paired tumor-normal study or a family trio/quad study. With one month to try Ingenuity Variant Analysis, users will have more time to see the benefits and become experts in genome interpretation. Licensing When you purchase an Ingenuity Variant Analysis subscription license, you get 12 months access and, optionally, your collaborators may be included under your license (as Group Members), allowing them to upload and analyze samples. With the Personal license, you’re able to analyze up to 4 samples for one month. Sample to Insight__ Samples and analysis With an Ingenuity Variant Analysis subscription, you have the ability to analyze all the active samples in your account. Furthermore, you can delete active samples and replace them with newly uploaded samples, allowing you to analyze even more samples. Active samples are eligible for analysis setup and filtering. Finally, as a paid subscriber, you can download your results for offline analysis. With a Personal license, you’re restricted to up to 4 active samples, which can be used in an analysis and filtering. Deletion of active samples is prohibited. Collaboration With the option to create a Group of users under one license, an Ingenuity Variant Analysis subscription goes a long way. Using the Ingenuity Admin Tool (available free of charge through Customer Support), an admin user can add/remove users from their license. Each unique user will gain access to Ingenuity Variant Analysis. They are free to upload and analyze their own samples, which are viewable only to themselves – unless they share the sample or analysis among other users. Samples can be shared among Group users, as well as with users outside of the license. FAQs Q: Will I still need to have an activation code to activate my uploaded samples? A: No. All samples uploaded to your account will automatically be activated once the samples enter the account — provided you’re not at the limit of your subscription. Q: Will users within a Group see samples from other Group members? A: No. Each Group member has their own private “apartment” within the account; however, members can share samples with other members within the Group. Q: What happens if I try to accept a share of a cohort of samples but do not have enough slots available in my account? A: Whenever you receive shared samples, the incoming samples occupy available slots in your account. If your account does not have enough capacity to accept the incoming samples, your account cannot accept the share. You will need to either upgrade to a larger subscription or delete enough samples to accommodate the new incoming samples. How Ingenuity Variant Analysis subscriptions work 03/2015 2 Q: What hap ppens when I share sample es with someo one who doesn’t have an In ngenuity Variaant Analysis acco ount? A: The recip pient will rece eive an e-maill notifying theem of the sha ared samples/ /analysis. Upoon clicking on th he shared link, the user will be prompted to log into th heir Ingenuity Variant V Analys ysis account or crreate a new acccount. The ne ew account willl accept the sh hare. Q: What hap ppens when myy uploaded sa amples exceed d the account’ss capacity? A: Samples tthat “overflow w” the accountt will remain iinactive and will w become active when th ey “drain” into tthe account, once samples are a deleted fro m the accountt (see Figure 2). Q: Will sharing samples afffect my subscrription capacitty? A: Yes and no, dependin ng on whether you’re shariing samples between b licenses or within a license (withiin a Group). All users mustt have a subsscription licensse (or a member of a Grouup license) to accept a shared sample or analysis (see Fig gure 1). License A Sharing outsid de a license countts against the recipient’s license License X Sha aring within a lice ense does not co ount against the Group license Figure 1. Sharing g samples. Q: Can I ana alyze more sam mples than spe ecified in my suubscription? gible for anallysis. You can “turnover’ yoour A: Yes. All a active samples within your license are elig active sample es by deleting g active samples and replaccing with new samples. If yo ou upload moore samples than n your subscrip ption’s capacitty, the “overflo ow” samples queue q up in an a inactive statte. mples get dele eted, this queue of inactive ssamples will trickle into the active a portion of As active sam your license ((see Figure 2). ariant Analysis sub bscriptions work 03/2015 How Ingenuity Va 3 Uploaded samples auto-activ vate into account (b bucket) if there’s space able, availa otherwise samples back up into an inactive q queue of samp ples Deleted d samples es Inactive s samples Active sa amples Figure 2. Exceediing the account’s capacity. c For up-to-date e licensing info ormation and product-speciffic disclaimerss, see the resp pective QIAGEEN kit handbookk or user ma anual. QIAGE EN kit handb ooks and use er manuals are available at or can be b requested frrom QIAGEN Technical Servvices or your lo ocal distributoor. AGEN®, Ingenuity®, Sample to Insig ght® (QIAGEN Grooup). Trademarks: QIA 1094450 03/2015 © 2015 QIAGEN N, all rights reserv ved. PROM-8140--001 ariant Analysis sub bscriptions work 03/2015 How Ingenuity Va 4
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