Quicck-Sta art Guide G e Ingenuiity® Adm min Too ol (IAT) The Ingenuityy Admin Tooll (IAT) is desiigned to strea amline Groups managemen nt and to alloow customers to self-administerr their Group’ss membership. Access to IAT If you don’t have access to IAT, please contact Cuustomer Support and reque est that you bbe ur Ingenuity V Variant Analysis license. Once O you’re aan assigned as the Administtrator for you n have acce ess to the IAT p portal (https:// /apps.ingenuity.com/iat). administratorr, you should now Make surre you contac ct Customer S Support (supp port-ingenuity@ @qiagen.com) to become an a administrator of your li cense and to o get access to t the Ingenuuity Access To ool (IAT). Once you are an administrator and have access to o IAT, simply point to the IAT portal U URL (https://appss.ingenuity.com m/iat) using a modern brow wser that suppo orts HTML5. Figure 1. Accessing Ingenuity Admin Tool (IAT). Sa ample to Insight___ Managing g Group me embership 1 2 3 5 6 4 Figure 2. How to manage Group membership. m Ingenuity Admin Tool 03/2015 2 1 of account adm ministrators. One O can have > >1 administrattor per license List o 2 m Ingen nuity Variant A Analysis login ID Enter new Group member 3 on to add Inge enuity Variant Analysis A user tto Group mem mbership Butto 4 of Group mem mbers List o 5 u or acctual name Searrch for Group members by username 6 s ascending/descendinng via toggle Coluumns may be sorted Administratorrs 1 This is a list of Group adm ministrators. Th his list is mannaged by Custtomer Supportt. If you wish to his list, you mu ust contact Cu stomer Support. Administrattors need not bbe add/remove names from th Ingenuity Varriant Analysis users. Adding new G Group membe ers 2 3 To add new G Group membe ers, you need to enter their IIVA login ID, then t click the “Add to Grou p” Button. The prospective Gro oup member must m already h ave an Ingenu uity Variant An nalysis accounnt. Make surre the user yo ou want to ad dd already ex xists in the In ngenuity Variaant Analysis system. That means they must already y have an Ingenuity Variaant a before e you can add d them to your Group. Analysis account List of Group members 4 5 6 This table off Group members shows all a the membeers of the Group, and may be sorted bby username or actual names.. There’s also a feature to a llow searching g by typing in a portion of tthe e. Additionally y, you can cchange the nu umber of row ws displayed bby username or actual name ow the numbe er of entries” from the drop pdown in the top left portion of the useer’s selecting “sho window. Ingenuity Admin Tool 03/2015 3 Removing Grroup member(ss) 2 1 Figure 3. Removing group memberrs. To remove ussers from your Group, first check the bo ox to the left of o the member(s) you wish to remove and tthen click on th he “Remove Frrom Group” b utton. For up-to-date e licensing info ormation and product-speciffic disclaimerss, see the resp pective QIAGEEN kit handbookk or user ma anual. QIAGE EN kit handb ooks and use er manuals are available at www.qiagen.com or can be b requested frrom QIAGEN Technical Servvices or your lo ocal distributoor. Trademarks: QIA AGEN®, Ingenuity®, Sample to Insig ght® (QIAGEN Grooup). 1094449 03/2015 © 2015 QIAGEN N, all rights reserv ved. PROM-8139--001 Ingenuity Admin Tool 03/2015 4
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