Bylaws of the School Advisory Council South Olive Elementary School Prepared by: Bylaws Committee - January 8, 2001 Adopted: February 13, 2001 Amended / Updated: April 3, 2001: September 15, 2003: March 21, 2006: October 20th, 2009: November 15, 2011, May 21, 2013, October 15, 2013 April 8, 2014 Article I Name of Organization The name of this organization shall be The School Advisory Council of South Olive Elementary. Article II Purpose and Function Section 1: The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a resource for the school, its teachers and its principal. Its function is to develop and oversee the implementation of a School Improvement Plan (SIP) that will serve as a framework for school improvement; to oversee and to implement systematic evaluation. Section 2: The primary function of the SAC is to provide all of the stakeholders (school board employees, parents, business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial and economic community served by the school) an opportunity to be active participants in the assessment of needs, development of priorities, and identification and use of resources. Specific functions include, but may not be limited to, the following: a) To develop and review the implementation of the School Improvement Plan, required pursuant to Florida Statutes, and with technical assistance from the Department of Education, to assist in the preparation of the School’s annual budget and plan, as required by Florida Statutes. b) Enlist, promote, and support greater interaction between school and community. c) To provide input in matters concerning disbursement of school improvement funds and other monies related to school improvement, and to ensure that such expenditures are consistent with the School Improvement Plan. d) To consult with the Instructional Innovation Team when making decisions concerning educational practices within the school. e) To consult with persons or departments impacted by the School Improvement Plan. f) To adopt bylaws including membership procedures, to review bylaws annually for alignment with legislation and policy, and to submit bylaws to the School Board with the School Improvement Plan. Article III Representation and Membership Section 1: The SAC membership shall be elected by and from among the Constituency and shall be responsible to them for voting upon and for implementing the decisions of the Council. a) The SAC shall be composed of elected members who comprise the formal committee responsible for voting upon and for implementing the decisions of the SAC b) The Constituency shall be composed of the stakeholders (Article II, Section 2) and all other interested persons who shall provide recommendations to the SAC via public discussions at SAC meetings. c) Membership will consist of only 13 members. Section 2: Reasonable efforts shall be made to: a) Achieve a SAC that is representative of the ethnic, racial and economic community served by the school (in accordance with Florida Statutes); and b) Include minority persons and persons of lower socioeconomic status. Section 3: The SAC membership shall be divided into two classes of Representatives: a) Persons not employed by the School Board and /or South Olive Elementary School (hereafter “Non-School Employees); and b) Persons employed by the School Board and/or South Olive Elementary School (hereafter “School Employees”). Section 4: Non-School Employee Representatives shall be of such a number that, cumulatively, they enjoy and maintain an absolute, statutory majority of at least 50% +1 of the total of SAC. This shall not be construed to limit non-school employee participation. The NonSchool Employee members of the SAC shall represent the view of parents, citizens and community organizations served by the school. They shall act as resource persons for the SAC in matters that affect the school and its pupils. They shall serve as a communication link between the SAC and the community and parent groups. a) Parents will be limited to 3 year terms. Section 5: School Employee Representatives shall be of such a number that, cumulatively, they enjoy and maintain an absolute, statutory minority of at most 49% of the total SAC. The School Employee Representatives shall represent the views in the interest of the total faculty and staff. They also will act as resources for the SAC by making available specialized information regarding educational programs, innovative ideas, and available resources. School Employee Representatives shall serve as a communication link between the SAC and the school staff, informing others of the council’s actions and activities. b) All Teachers, ESE and School employee representatives will be limited to 3 year terms. Article IV Membership Composition Section 1: Non-School Employee SAC Members, with the exception of any Business or Community Representatives, shall be nominated from among and elected by the Non-School Employee constituency. 1a: New members – Elected to 3 year terms 1b: Existing SAC Members years of remaining service will be based on the following schedule. The schedule is takes into consideration of the amount of terms each member has already committed. Classification Term Remaining A B C 1 2 3 Classification o A = 1 year of Term remaining o B = 2 years of Term remaining o C = 3 years of Term remaining (New Member) Section 2: If an election fails to fill any seat, a canvassing effort shall be made by the Principal. The Principal shall recruit and nominate, and the SAC Chairperson shall select from among the nominees, a Representative for such open seat. Priority shall be given to a member of the representative group and secondarily from the constituency at large. 2a: Any vacancy remaining the SAC board shall reach out to fill those empty seats. Section 3: School Employee Representatives shall be divided proportionally between groups of “Teachers” and “Education Support Employees”, as those terms and/or groups are defined in State Statute; and a) School Employee members shall be assigned and / or work at South Olive Elementary School at the time of their election and term of office; and b) Teachers shall be nominated from, and elected by the Teachers; and c) Education Support Employees shall be nominated from, and elected by Education Support Employees. d) Business and/or Community SAC Representative shall be appointed by the Pricipal. Section 4: The Principal shall be a council member and officer with a vote. Section 5: Business and/or Community SAC Representative shall be selected in accordance with the procedures established by the School Board, and/or as required in Florida Statutes. In the event the School Board fails to promulgate procedures, then the Business and/or Community member seats shall be filled according to the bylaws as per Article IV, Section 3. Business and/or Community SAC Representatives need not to be elected by the constituency they represent. Section 6: No SAC member may miss more than two (2) SAC meetings during the South Olive Elementary School year. No member shall be penalized for missing a non-school year (summer) meeting. In the event of removal due to recurring absences, the Chairperson shall arrange for the replacement of the member by election. Individuals so elected will serve for the remainder of the term to which they are elected. Section 7: After term limits has been exhausted, individuals may revisit SAC membership after 1 year grace period. Article V Meetings and Voting Section 1: There shall be at least one regular SAC meeting per month during the calendar year. Meetings scheduled during the traditional “summer months” (when school is not in session) can be cancelled pursuant to theses bylaws and/or Florida Statutes. Meetings shall be held at a time of day decided upon by the SAC. Subcommittees shall meet as needed. Section 2: A special meeting of the SAC shall be held when directed and properly noticed by the Chairman or the Officers, or when requested in writing by not less than ten percent (10%) of all SAC members. Section 3: Meetings of the Council shall be held at South Olive Elementary School or at any other place designated by the Board of Directors. Section 4: The SAC shall provide reasonable notice of all meetings. At a minimum, written notice stating place, day and hour of the meeting, and in the case of a special meeting, the purpose for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered to all SAC members and Constituents. The time for notice shall be not less than (4) calendar days before the meeting. Section 5: The SAC will operate under Robert’s Rules of Order. Section 6: A quorum is required for any meeting at which actions will be taken. Fifty percent (50%) of the SAC members represented in person shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Council. If a quorum is present, then the affirmative vote of a majority of the members represented at the meeting shall be the act of the members, unless otherwise provided in the bylaws. Section 7: Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote at any meeting of the SAC. Members are defined in Article IV. Section 8: A member may vote in person only. Section 9: Meetings shall be advertised, conducted and memorialized in accordance with Florida Statutes, collectively referred to as the Florida “Sunshine Law”. In addition to statutory Notice requirements, each parent of South Olive Elementary School will be notified of Council elections and meetings by notices and/or newsletters. At a minimum, all summer SAC meetings shall be noticed prior to the end of the current school year. Section 10: No member present at any SAC meeting shall abstain from any vote but shall vote yes or no unless there appears to be a conflict of interest by the Florida Statutes. Article VI Officers Section 1: The officers of this Council shall be a Chairperson, a ViceChairperson, Secretary and the Principal. Each officer shall have one vote on any matter before the SAC. Section 2: SAC officers shall be regularly elected each May. Nominations shall be made by and nominees from among the members at the prior meeting. Section 3: SAC officers will be elected to one-year terms except for Chairperson, which will consist of a 2 year term. a) The officers term limits may be extended to fulfill the requirement of the 2 year term for Chairperson or the 1 year term for Vice Chair and Secretary. Section 4: No member shall be elected Chairperson who has not first served 1 school term as a SAC member. Section 5: In the event of a vacancy in any Council office, the vacancy will be filled, by election, at the next scheduled meeting. Article VII Duties of Officers Section 1: Chairperson. -- In consultation with the Principal, shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Council. The SAC Chairperson shall appoint the chairperson of all standing and ad hoc committees, set the number of committee seat and be a de facto member of all committees. Section 2: Vice-Chairperson. -- The vice-chairperson shall act as an aide to the Chairperson and preside in the absence of the Chairperson. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall become the Chairperson until an election can be held. The Vice-Chairperson will coordinate with the School Treasurer on SAC expenditures. The Vice-Chairperson shall oversee all activities, decisions and attendance of the Council and its committees for accountability. Section 3: Secretary. -- The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings and shall be responsible for such correspondence as is delegated to him/her by the Chairperson. The minutes and all handouts will be filed in the SAC Notebook. A review of this material for completeness will be done once per year. Section 4: Principal. -- The Principal as a resource providing information regarding the school education plan. The role of the Principal includes the development, through positive actions, of feelings of trust and mutual regard among the SAC, the community and the staff. The Principal arranges for presentations of interest to the SAC and encourages leadership from within the Council. Article VIII Committees Section 1: The School Advisory Council (SAC) is the statutory organization that is responsible for voting upon and for implementing the decisions for the organization. The use of various committees serves several functions. It will allow greater participation of those who wish to serve, while limiting the actual voting membership of the SAC to a manageable number. Additional benefits include a wider variety of ideas and greater sense of ownership by the constituents. Section 2: Committees are either Standing or Ad Hoc (Task Force) committees. Standing committees are created for long-term, ongoing functions and are expected to schedule regular meetings. The standing committees focus on “large” issues. Section 1: The Standing Committees are: Budget, Bylaws and Communication. The Chairperson of a standing committee will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Council. Each Standing Committee will study its issues and make recommendations to the SAC. Section 1: Ad Hoc (Task Force) committees are formed to deal with specific, short-term concerns that are not appropriately assigned to the Standing Committees. An example of an Ad Hoc Committee would be a uniform committee, or a committee formed to deal with a bus problem. Each Ad Hoc Committee will study its issue and make recommendations to the SAC. Section 1: All committees shall be established by the SAC Chairperson in accordance with Article VII, Section 1. Committee Chairpersons will be members of the SAC. Committee seats shall be filled from among the SAC membership, and by non-members at the discretion of the SAC Chairperson. Article IX Amendments Section 1: The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the SAC committee by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present and voting. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon. A quorum is required at any meeting for action to be taken. Section 2: The Bylaws Committee shall review, and when appropriate, recommend revisions of the SAC Bylaws at least once every year. The adoption of the revised bylaws shall follow the procedure for amendments. The updated and current bylaws shall be maintained in the SAC Notebook.
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