Test Administrator Training Module FAQ 2813 Q. What is the module and how do we complete it? The module is an interactive personal learning presentation which covers the basics in test administration. District Assessment Coordinators, School Assessment Coordinators, and Test Administrators should go to http://pssatraining.com , register and complete the module so that they are certain they have covered the basics in current test administration and security. NOTE: The site domain name is pssatraining.com but the module covers basic administration of both the PSSA and Keystone Exams. The module is a tool which provides 1. Consistency in training of basic test administration and security. 2. Accountability at all levels for training in basic test administration. 3. A one-on-one learning experience that can be viewed and reviewed as often as necessary. 4. Brief formative assessments throughout and a short summative assessment at the end to selftest your knowledge of test administration and security. Q. How long is the module? The module will take about 45 minutes. However, it is a save and resume format, so it does not have to be completed in one sitting. Q. I am a DAC or SAC and already do training with my staff. How is this training different? The training system is an individual, self-contained learning experience meaning anyone can access the site, register, and complete the training without prior approval. DAC’s and SAC’s DO NOT have to register their Test Administrators or provide approval for them to take the module. Everything you need to know about the site, the module, and the training is contained on the site. It is designed so that a person can review the material on the site, register, and complete the module without any other formal training. This is a totally different type of training than has been done in the past. This is not a train-the-trainer delivery. This is training provided directly to the user. As a DAC and SAC, your primary responsibility in executing this training is to inform your Test Administrators about the website and confirm they have registered and completed the module. 1 Q. I am a district superintendent or a charter CEO. What do I have to do? 1. Notify your District Assessment Coordinator and make sure he or she is aware of the website http://pssatraining.com where the test training module is housed. In some charter cases your DAC may also function as your SAC because you only have one building but every district and charter should have a designated DAC. NOTE: If you have never designated a District Assessment Coordinator, now is the time to do so. 2. Ensure that all individuals who act as Test Administrators in your district have completed the module. 3. Email khelm@pa.gov the name of your District Assessment Coordinator so he or she can be granted access to results to confirm their Test Administrators have completed the module. 4. It is recommended you register and complete the module so that you are familiar with the training. Q I am a District Assessment Coordinator. What do I have to do? 1. Register and complete the module so you are familiar with the training content. 2. As part of your training of School Assessment Coordinators, have them register and complete the module. 3. Ensure School Assessment Coordinators have their respective Test Administrators register and complete the module. 4. You will need to approve your School Assessment Coordinator(s) in the system so they can access their TA data in the system. When you sign in, if your SAC(s) have registered, you should see their names waiting for approval. If you need help with this, contact us. Q I am a School Assessment Coordinator. What do I have to do? 1. Go to the website. 2. Register and complete the module. 3. Introduce your Test Administrators to the website, have them register and complete the module. 4. You can access your TA’s results on the site if you have been granted access as an SAC so make sure your DAC approves you in the system. Q I am a Test Administrator. What do I have to do? 1. Go to the website. 2. Register and complete the module. 2 Q I am a DAC or SAC and have done or have to do several PSSA/Keystone trainings. What is the training scheduled for the 19th and 20th? I need to get started before then! The trainings scheduled for the 19th and 20th are to introduce District Assessment Coordinators to the test training website and module. If you want to get started before then: 1. Go to the website and register. 2. Complete the module. 3. If you are a DAC, have your SAC’s complete the module and ensure they have their TA’s complete it. If you are an SAC, you are responsible to ensure your TA’s complete the module. 4. If you are a DAC, don’t forget to remind your superintendent to email khelm@pa.gov your name confirming your role as DAC. This way we can approve you as a DAC in the system to access and view who has completed the module in your district. You will approve your SAC(s) in the system to access their TA data to confirm who has completed the module in their building. Q For the training schedule for the 19th and 20th, I can’t attend the date/time on the PENN*LINK, can I attend another session? Attend the session that best fits your schedule. The sessions were set up to avoid having an overwhelming number of participants at any one session. If you want to get started before the scheduled training sessions, feel free. You do not have to attend if you don’t have any questions. For technical questions and support, use the contact information provided on the website. 3
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