भारत सरकार अंत�रक �वभाग अंत�रक उपयोग क��(इसरो) आंबावाड� �वस्ता पी.ओ. अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दरू भाषः +91-79-2691 3051/98 फैक् नं. : +91-79-2691 5835/02/48 Government of India Department of Space SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE (ISRO) Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA) Telephone : +91-79 – 2691 3051/98 Fax No. : +91-79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48 Email: Tender Notice No: SAC/EOI/07/2014-15 Dt.: 26-11-2014 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) For and on behalf of the President of India, Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from capable vendors for Design, Development and Testing of Space Qualified CCD Clock Driver Devices (Global). Interested parties may download the documents attached hereunder and submit detailed response to the undersigned on or before due date and time i.e. 29-12-2014 (15.00 Hrs. IST) in sealed cover. While submitting your EOI, super-scribe above mentioned tender notice No., and due date on the envelope. In the event the due date indicated is declared as holiday, the next working day at SAC shall be considered as the due date for receiving & opening of responses. Late/Delayed responses will not be accepted. No request for extension of due date shall be entertained. For any clarifications, queries can be addressed in writing to: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, (email:, reference no. of this notice should be indicated in all correspondence. As ISRO has implemented e-tendering, the commercial bids after completion of technical assessment may be invited through online tender. For this purpose the interested parties must register themselves on ISRO e-procurement portal and also apply for empanelment as authorized vendors for Space Applications Centre. Detailed instructions in this regard are available on the portal. S/d Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores अिभरुिचक� अिभव्य�� ह ेतु आवेद के िलए अनुरोध Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) सीसीड� क्लॉक �ाइवर उपकर CCD Clock Driver Devices (Global) अंत�रक्ष उपयोगक� (सैक), भारतीय अंत�रक्ष अनुसंधान संगठ (इसरो), भारत सरकार शांितपूण्र उ� ेश्य� किलए अंत�रक्ष �वज्ञान एवं �ौ�ोिगक� के उपयोग हेतु नीतभार� के �वकास कायर् करता ह ै। इस स ंबंध म, आवश्यकता दस्तावेजम� उ�ल्ल�खत चाजर् यु�ग्मत उप करण आवश्यकताओं को पूणर् करने के िल सैक अंत�रक् ष �ेड क्लॉक �ाइ क� खर�द के िलए अिभरूिचक� अिभव्य� हेतु आवेदन (ईओआई) आमं��त करता है । ईओआई म� क्लॉक �ाइवर क� अिभकल्पन, �वकास, पर�क्षण एवं अंत�रक्ष गु संबंधी दृ��को का उल्लेख �कयागया हो। Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Govt. of India is engaged in the development of payloads for utilization of Space Science and Technology for peaceful purposes. In this context, SAC invites Expression of Interest (EoI) for the procurement of space grade Clock Driver meeting requirements of Charge Coupled Devices mentioned in the requirement document. EOI shall include approaches for design, development, testing and space Qualification of clock drivers. आरईओआई दस्तावेज �ारंिभक आवश्यकता, कायर् का क्, गुणव�ा एवं उ�रदाियतत्व उपलब् कराता है , �जसे वेबसाइट से एक्सेस �कया जा सकता ह ै REoI document provides the preliminary requirements, scope of work, quality and responsibility, which may be accessed from website Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) For CCD Clock Driver Devices (Global) Nov 2014 Space Applications Centre (SAC) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Ahmedabad- 380015 INDIA SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 1 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................3 2. CONDITION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY..............................................................................................3 3. SCOPE OF THE WORK ...........................................................................................................................4 4. RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................................5 5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................5 6. RELIABILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................7 7. DEVICE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................7 8. VENDOR DETAILS .................................................................................................................................8 SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 2 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) 1. INTRODUCTION Space Applications Centre (SAC) of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Govt. of India is responsible for the different payloads development under its Space Science and Technology Utilization Program for peaceful use of outer space. SAC proposes Expression of Interest (EoI) for the procurement of CCD Clock Driver devices for space use fully compliant to the requirement delineated in this document. EOI includes design and development of high voltage monolithic devices, testing and delivery of qualified flight model devices. High speed clock driver devices should be capable of running upto frequency of 40MHz, voltage swing upto 20V and with capacitive loads driving upto 850pF. This Expression of Interest (EOI) document provides the preliminary information of the requirement specifications, work involved, responsibility and delivery schedule etc. The details and requirements identified may undergo some changes due to the on-going refinement and based on discussions with the vendors. The vendors should provide budgetary estimates with different possible options, configurations and proposals. The vendor is requested to submit following: • Expression of interest for the execution of the work • Vendor details as per Table- 1 • Compliance of understanding the EOI document • Detailed technical proposal • Budgetary proposal • Schedule SAC reserve right to identify qualified vendors based on outcome of EOI. 2. CONDITION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY “The Intellectual property rights relating to the design, development, processes, technical information, documents and other details shared/ published by SAC/ISRO shall remain the exclusive property of SAC/ISRO. Vendor or Personnel deputed/deployed/ assigned job by the vendor shall make no attempt to unlawfully reveal, misuse or encroach upon the intellectual or private data/ information/ Computer systems at SAC/ISRO or provided by SAC/ ISRO to which they may have access to, as part of the work to be carried out “. SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 3 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) 3. SCOPE OF THE WORK The work pertains to the procurement of • Already qualified monolithic CCD Clock Driver devices or • Devices under qualification or • Custom developed devices (which will be qualified in the time frame mutually agreed upon) meeting requirements outlined in this document. There will be two phase development for devices under qualification and custom developed devices. • • Phase 1 pertains to design, development and qualification of the device Phase 2 is the flight model development. Vendor is requested to submit complete execution plan and comprehensive activities for the following mentioned works. The nature of work for new device will be typically (not limited) to the following jobs. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. Formalization of the specifications/requirements generated by SAC Feasibility analysis by vendor and review by SAC. Fabrication process finalization Front End & Back End design Preliminary design review document generation by Vendor and review by SAC Die/Wafer fabrication Die/ wafer level testing and test result generation Package modeling, thermal model generation and heat extraction methodology Device Packaging** Test set up development Proto device characterization and sample prototype delivery to SAC Critical design review document generation by Vendor and review by SAC Device qualification as per section-6 Final Device datasheet generation Result Review and clearance by SAC ** Device package should support for 40 MHz, 850pF load, 20V swing under thermo-vacuum conditions @ 55 oC ambient. SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 4 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) 4. RESPONSIBILITIES VENDOR Design, develop and qualify the Tri level CCD clock driver devices as per requirements of SAC, ISRO. SAC SAC will generate electrical, R & QA, approximate quantity and delivery schedule requirements. SAC engineers will review test results and provide final acceptance of the product. Shipment/delivery will be initiated only after due clearances by SAC-ISRO. SAC-ISRO will participate at different stage of development and reviews like Preliminary design review (PDR), Critical Design Review (CDR) and sample tests etc. 5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Device will be capable of running from single or dual power supplies while using ground referenced inputs. Each output can be switched to either the high level (VOH), middle level (VM) or low (VOL) level, depending on the input/inputs signal level. The inputs will be compatible with both 3.3V and 5V CMOS and TTL logic. Features: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TTL/CMOS input-compatible Clocking speeds DC to 40MHz Wide output voltage swing (upto 20V) 4V ≥ VOL ≥ -9V 3V ≤ VOH ≤ 18V VOL ≤ VM ≤ VOH 10ns Tr/Tf at 850pF CLOAD Matched rise and fall time Output duty cycle variation ±5% Output ripple including supply noise, overshoot/undershoot <1 % of output swing Low quiescent current <1mA and minimum quiescent power dissipation Low turn On delay time(TON) Fast output enable/disable Operating temperature range -55oC to +125oC 4 channels SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 5 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) • • • • • • • Independent Input/output delay programmability for the rising and falling edges on each channel. Low output impedance Low input capacitance High Peak output current (>2A) ESD protection, Latch up immune Short circuit protection Preferred Preferred Package style CFP with minimum pin count Two Level clock waveform Fig. -1 Tr = Rise Time Tf = Fall Time TON = Turn On Delay Time Duty Cycle = Th / (Th + TL) SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 6 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Tri- Level Clock waveform Fig. -2 6. RELIABILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The devices already qualified or custom developed shall be Radiation hardened meeting the requirement (SEL> 80MeV/mg/cm2, TID > 100Krad) and qualified to Class V requirement of QML 38535 or processed equivalent to MIL-PRF-38535-J, class V for Space application requirements. In case of processed equivalent to MIL-PRF-38535-J, class V, the vendor shall clearly define with supporting documents, test reports how the processing shall meet the requirement of MIL-PRF-38535 Class V in Design, Wafer fabrication, assembly, packaging and testing. 7. DEVICE REQUIREMENTS: Devices are required as flight model and equivalent Proto/Industrial/commercial model with approximate quantity requirements given below: Proto Type : ~ >250 Screened Flight Devices : ~ >500 SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 7 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) 8. VENDOR DETAILS The prospective vendors should submit full details of their technical competence for undertaking project of this nature, in the technical part of their proposal document. A preferable format (not limited to) is provided in the following table. TABLE - 1 S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description Details Year of Establishment Vendor’s Area of Core Competence / Activities Infrastructure Details (Area, Facilities Etc.) Annual Turnover in the last two financial years from electronics device development Value of major orders currently being executed Number of VLSI design Engineers List of in house facilities (license details) Any tie-ups with relevant / specialized companies/fab proposed for this activity and list of their facilities with qualification Status. Concern from those companies. Quality certification and Internal QC procedures followed Details of similar device if developed for commercial/Space applications. Development and Testing of Electronics H/W experience Details of test facility planned to be used Export license requirements, if any Willingness to provide Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Confidentiality Agreement, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Arbitration SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 8 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Company Name: Name: Title: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Website: Signature: Date: SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 9 Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Contact for any clarification Sr. Purchase & Stores officer, Bldg. #30, Room #98, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad-380015 Telephone: +91 079 2691 3098 Email: Contact for any Technical Information 1. Mrs Shweta Kirkire SCI/ENGR 'SE', SEDA Bldg. #38, Room #77, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad-380015 Telephone: +91 079 26913873/3877 Email: shwetak @ 2. Mr. Hari Shanker Gupta SCI/ENGR 'SE', SEDA Bldg.#43,Room #68, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad-380015 Telephone: +91 079 26914368/4395 Email: 3. Mr. Mohammad Waris SCI/ENGR 'SD', SEDA Bldg.#43,Room #94, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad-380015 Telephone: +91 079 26914396/3877 Email: Note: Response is expected as per line items proposed in REoI. SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE, AHMEDABAD Page 10
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