Columbia International Publishing American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 doi:10.7726/ajast.2015.1001 Research Article Can Plant-Driven Selection Supplement Grain Micronutrient Efficiency in Wheat? D. Mohan1* and R.K. Gupta1* Received 17 August 2015; Published online 25 April 2015 © The author(s) 2015. Published with open access at Abstract To establish association between important agronomic traits and grain mineral contents, data generated in national wheat programme of India was analyzed for the period 2005-12 wherein 405 genotypes specified for five diverse zones and two production conditions (timely and late sown) were evaluated. Iron, zinc, copper and manganese content in the harvested grains was examined in relation to five major yield components i.e. plant height, days to heading, grain filling duration, grain weight and grain yield. Study highlights that short duration wheats draw more accumulation of micronutrients especially iron, copper and manganese and this advantage is region specific. Scope of improvement in grain micronutrients can also vary as certain region are more conducive in effective screening. Pre and post anthesis periods and plant height was found linked with grain micronutrient content but the magnitude and direction varied in different mineral elements. Zinc was not influenced by any of the field traits, individually or in combination. In Indian varieties, contribution of early heading and quick grain ripening was significant in iron whereas early flowering and short height held the key for copper. Short plant height and less grain bearing emerged as two major field traits in case of manganese. Just with two key field indicators; R2 value of 0.38, 0.43 and 0.35 was achieved in this investigation for iron, copper and manganese content respectively. Study advocates that just a handful field indicator can facilitate the wheat breeders in developing micronutrient efficient genotypes. Keywords: Agronomic traits; Indian wheats; Micronutrients; Selection criteria; Triticum aestivum __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding e-mail: and 1 ICAR – Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal, Haryana 132001, India 1 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 1.Introduction Enhancing concentration of micronutrients has become an important aspect in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) research ever since substantial genetic variations were reported in major cereals (Graham et al., 2001; Welch and Graham, 2004; Pfeiffer et al., 2007). It has special reference in India where wheat is seen as major route to better nutrition as this staple food crop has not only an edge over other major cereals in protein, yellow pigment and mineral contents but also provides tremendous scope of further improvement in nutritive properties of the grain (Misra et al., 2004). In Indian wheat varieties; copper and iron contents have been noted highly beneficial in flour extraction (Mohan et al., 2008; Mohan et al., 2013a). Strong positive association between iron and protein contents (Mourgounov et al., 2007; Mohan et al., 2008) is another positive aspect of supporting bio-fortification to improve grain nutrition value of wheat grains. Recognizing importance of micronutrient dense crop varieties, collaboration with HarvestPlus (the CGIAR global challenge programme on bio-fortification) has been initiated in India with focus on iron and zinc. Although mineral concentration in grains depend highly on their availability in the soil; large genetic variations observed in Indian wheat varieties (Mohan et al., 2009 and 2013b) indicate that opportunities exist to exploit this variability for improvement in grain micronutrient concentration. It is a complex exercise but can be simplified if selection of efficient genotypes could be aided by some morphological markers. If protein content in wheat grain can be altered through grain filling period, opportunity might exist in grain micronutrients too. The present investigation address such issues by examining eight year (2005-12) data of the All India Coordinated Wheat & Barley Improvement Project (AICW&BIP) to understand whether i) efficiency of genotypes differ for each micronutrient, ii) efficiency depends upon climate (region) and duration of the crop, iii) elite genotypes have specific agronomic expressions, iv) agronomic parameters contribute in grain mineral content and v) key traits associated with mineral concentration in wheat grains. 2.Material and Methods Environments Study material involved final year irrigated entries and the corresponding checks evaluated in yield trials of AICW&BIP in five major zones i.e. northern hills zone (NHZ), north-western plains zone (NWPZ), north-eastern plains zone (NEPZ), central zone (CZ) and peninsular zone (PZ). Environment for wheat growth is different in each zone. NHZ that covers hills and foothills of Himalayas has long winter with low temperature. NWPZ and NEPZ represent the Indo-Gangetic plains where NWPZ labeled as most productive wheat land of India has the most soothing wheat growth environment whereas adjoined NEPZ has shorter winter and humid climate. Crop in CZ often faces soil moisture stress as climate is hot and dry. Peninsula in down south i.e. PZ has similar temperature and soil moisture conditions but climate is not that dry. Under irrigated conditions too, two types of wheat are grown in each zone i.e. timely-sown and late-sown and the study material involved genotypes from both trial series. The late-sown wheats are planted 15-20 days after the sowing schedule of timely-sown wheats and get shorter life span therefore short duration genotypes fit in this lot. 2 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 Study material In total, 405 bread wheat genotypes comprising released and the pipe-line varieties tested under AICW&BIP during 2005-12 were analyzed for micronutrient density namely iron, zinc, copper and manganese. The material involved 67 entries of NHZ, 96 of NWPZ, 103 of NEPZ, 73 of CZ and 66 of PZ. Ten best genotypes at the country level were examined to note distribution of elite genotypes in different production conditions and zones. Ten best and ten poorest genotypes of each zone were compared to gauge magnitude of advantage in the elite group. To study relationship between two categories of parameters i.e. agronomic vs. grain micronutrient density, only released varieties were considered because multi-year data was available for such genotypes. To have a broader view at the country level, an equal number of varieties representing five zones and two categories of production conditions were involved. List of 50 varieties (ten each for every zone and five each from timely-sown and late-sown conditions of every zone) is given below: NHZ : VL 788, VL 804, VL 892, VL 907, HS 240, HS 295, HS 420, HS 490, HS 507 and Sonalika NWPZ: PBW 343, PBW 550, PBW 590, DBW 621-50, HD 2967, DBW 16, DBW 17, RAJ 3765, UP 2425 and WH 1021 NEPZ : K 307, K 9107, HD 2733, HD 2824, HUW 468, DBW 14, DBW 39, HUW 234, NW 2036 and HI 1563 CZ : LOK 1, GW 173, GW 322, GW 366, HI 1531, HI 1544, MP 4010, DL 788-2, HD 2932 and HD 2864 PZ : GW 322, NIAW 34, NIAW 917, NI 5439, MACS 6222, RAJ 4037, RAJ 4083, HD 2189, HD 2932 and HI 977 Observations and data analysis Grain samples received from three to five locations of each zone were analyzed at ISO 9001-2008 certified laboratory located at Karnal for micronutrient contents as per method suggested by Jackson (1973). Field traits examined in this investigation were plant height, days to heading, grain filling period, 1000 grain weight and grain yield. Student t–test was applied to make comparisons at 5% level of significance. Mean across the years was used in 50 varieties to investigate role of agronomic traits in micronutrient and SAS software (SAS version 9.3, USA) was used for multiple regression analysis. 3.Results and Discussion Distribution of efficient genotypes Assortment of 10 most superior genotypes (test entries as well as varieties) at the country level indicated that majority of the elite material belonged to late-sown group (Table 1). Seven genotypes in case of iron and zinc, nine in copper and the entire lot in manganese were the short duration wheats. Results showed that early maturity provided an edge in grain micronutrient density. It was also observed that high density grains in iron and copper mostly belonged to the region where crop duration is generally short i.e. NEPZ, CZ and PZ. These are the regions where timely-sown wheats mature in 105 to 120 days in comparison to 140 and 170 days maturity 3 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 period observed in NWPZ and NHZ, respectively. There was no clear cut pattern in case of zinc but manganese rich genotypes mostly belonged to NHZ and NEPZ. It indicated that besides soil status and climate, crop duration also affects grain micronutrients density in wheat grains. Table 1 Ten best genotypes for grain micronutrient density Micronutrient Range Production NHZ NWPZ NEPZ (ppm) condition Iron 56-77 Timely-sown RAJ 4120 Late-sown Zinc 50-58 Copper 6.2-6.5 Timely-sown Late-sown Manganese 52-54 - Timely-sown Late-sown HS 490* - Timely-sown Late-sown HS 490* HS 295* HS 502 VL 892* Sonalika* * denote released varieties - PBW 585 WH 1063 WH 1061 HD 2982 - NW 1014* PBW 524 NW 2036* HUW 234* MP 3224 - CZ - GW 322* GW 366* HUW 234* GW 173* HD 2932* MP 4010* DBW 14* DBW 31 NW 2036* HUW 234* GW 173* PZ UAS 304* MACS 6222* HI 977* NIAW 34* UAS 304* HP 1913 RAJ 4083* UAS 304* HI 1541 HD 2932* RAJ 4083* HI 977* - Advantage in short duration wheats To confirm advantage of the shorter crop duration, the whole study material was assorted into timely-sown (TS) and late-sown (LS) groups (Table 2). At all India level; concentration of iron, copper and manganese was significantly higher in late-sown group. This advantage could be seen in four zones for iron and copper, and three zones in case of manganese. There was no regional specificity in case of zinc. In NEPZ, late-sown wheats were benefitted in all micronutrient whereas in adjoining NWPZ advantage was restricted only to iron. Iron, copper and manganese contents were significantly higher in late-sown wheat of CZ but this advantage ceased in manganese under PZ conditions. In hills, iron content remained same in both categories of wheat. It indicates that shorter crop duration benefits harness of higher mineral content in wheat grains and this advantage varies from zone to zone. 4 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 Table 2 Overall micronutrient levels (ppm) in timely and late sown wheats Micronutrient NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ All India TS LS TS LS TS LS TS LS TS LS TS LS (35) (32) (47) (49) (58) (45) (30) (43) (30) (36) (200) (205) Iron 35.1 34.8 37.4 42.6 41.0 48.3 35.2 37.8 45.3 49.1 38.9 42.8 Zinc 29.9 36.1 38.0 38.5 35.1 37.5 39.3 31.9 38.4 40.2 36.0 36.8 Copper 3.45 4.97 5.02 5.08 4.66 5.50 5.23 5.70 5.20 5.55 4.70 5.36 Manganese 31.8 46.0 37.5 38.0 38.1 44.9 39.0 41.9 39.5 40.4 37.2 42.0 Figure in the parenthesis indicate number of entries and bold figure denote significance at P 0.05. Regional difference in genotype efficiency Grain quality differences emerge at the regional level due to differences in soil/ moisture conditions, climate and genotypes (Ereifej et al., 1999; Welch and Graham, 2002; Mohan et al., 2011 and 2013b). Zone-wise assortment of elite genotypes illustrated that iron superior genotypes occurred more frequently in NEPZ and PZ (Table 1). In copper also, eight genotypes belonged to central-peninsular India whereas manganese superior genotypes were mostly confined to NHZ and NEPZ. Zinc superior genotypes could be observed in all zones except CZ. Overall, PZ and NEPZ emerged as mineral rich zones as number of elite lines was much higher in comparison to rest of the zones. Elite Poor Mean 50 6 Content (ppm) 40 30 5 4 3 Zn Mn PZ CZ NEPZ PZ CZ NEPZ NWPZ NHZ PZ CZ NEPZ NWPZ NHZ PZ CZ NEPZ NWPZ NHZ Fe NWPZ 2 20 NHZ Content (ppm) 60 Cu Fig. 1. Difference between ten best and ten poorest genotypes Data showed that vast differences prevailed amongst five zones in micronutrient grain density (Fig 1). Overall iron content was significantly better in PZ (47ppm) and NEPZ (44ppm) in comparison to NWPZ (40ppm), CZ (37ppm) and NHZ (35ppm). Differences were of lower magnitude in zinc content but NWPZ and PZ wheats (38-39ppm) did register mean value higher in comparison to NEPZ, CZ and NHZ (33-36ppm). Differences among zones were smaller in manganese content but NEPZ and CZ (41-42ppm) were still distinguishable from other zones (38-40ppm). Average copper content which was 5.4ppm in wheats of central-peninsular India (CPI) and 5.0ppm in the IndoGangetic plains (IGP), dipped to 4.2ppm in NHZ. 5 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 To weigh advantage in the efficient genotypes, ten best genotypes of each zone were compared with the poorest ten. It was observed that nearly 30ppm iron, zinc and manganese could be observed in mineral deficient genotypes throughout the country (Fig 1). When elite group was compared for iron content, mean values were elevated to nearly 60ppm in NEPZ/ PZ, 50ppm in NWPZ and 45ppm in CZ/ NHZ. Difference between two groups of iron was large in NEPZ and PZ which indicates that such places are better suited to differentiate the genotypes. In contrast, CZ was least suited to identify iron efficient grains. Such differentiation among zones was not visible in zinc and manganese. Average zinc levels in efficient group increased to 46-48ppm in all zones except the hills. Hills provided better platform for effective screening of test entries against manganese content. Grain density in copper presented a different picture. There were wide differences among the zones even in the poor class as it was 2.7ppm in NHZ and 4.8ppm in CZ. Due to high zonal mean, even poor category grains of CZ had mean copper content comparable with top category of NHZ. Although efficient genotypes for this element had nearly 6.2ppm copper content in NEPZ, CZ and PZ; the genotypes were better differentiated in NEPZ. Mohan et al. (2009) had earlier illustrated location advantage for these micronutrients under Indian conditions and this study indicated the areas where prospects of micronutrient augmentation are higher. Phenology of elite materials Variations in wheat crop duration occur due to varying vegetative and reproductive phases. Ten best genotypes of each zone were compared with the ten poorest for pre and post anthesis durations to search any parallelism with grain mineral concentration. Manifestation of early flowering resulted in high concentration of three minerals i.e. iron, copper and manganese (Fig 2). Margin of difference between elite and poor group varied according to the zones and generally this difference was high in IGP in comparison to CPI. Grain filling period also influenced mineral content of wheat grains but the impact was not uniform across the zones. Negative influence of longer grain filling duration was conspicuous for iron content in NEPZ; copper content in CZ/ NHZ and manganese content in NEPZ/ NHZ. Zinc content in wheat grains was benefitted by longer filling duration in NWPZ and CZ. 35 25 30 Zinc Copper Manganese Iron Zinc Copper NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 50 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 40 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 75 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 45 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 100 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 50 NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ 125 Iron Post-anthesis days Poor Elite NHZ NWPZ NEPZ CZ PZ Pre-anthesis days Manganese Fig. 2. Differences in crop phenology of elite and poor materials 6 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 Effect of agronomic traits Micronutrients in 405 genotypes were plotted against major yield determinants and the graphical representation was examined for polynomial trend of degree 2 (Fig.3). Results demonstrated that flowering had small influence on zinc and manganese contents (R2: 0.09). Influence of early flowering was high in copper (R2: 0.38) and the declining trend became sharp when flowering occurred after 90 days of sowing and such materials mostly belong to IGP. Iron content in wheat grains was also related with pre-anthesis period (R2: 0.16). The association however was not as strong as that of copper and the declining trend was also gradual. Pattern during reproductive phase illustrated that effect of grain filling duration was negligible in grain micronutrients (Fig. 3). Comparatively, some association with micronutrient density was detectable in iron as declining trend appeared in the genotypes where post-anthesis period was large (more than 45 days) and generally such pattern is observed in CZ and NHZ. Good evidence for the high reproductive mobility of both iron and copper had been reported in wheat by Garnett and Graham (2005). 3 30 2 R² = 0.048 25 35 45 55 Post-anthesis days 70 60 R² = 0.181 50 R² = 0.175 30 80 100 Plant height (cm) 120 2 R² = 0.090 20 1 60 80 100 Pre-anthesis days 120 140 5 60 R² = 0.0406 5 50 R² = 0.119 4 40 R² = 0.002 3 30 R² = 0.103 2 1 60 30 70 2 20 3 6 3 R² = 0.063 4 40 40 4 R² = 0.094 40 1 R² = 0.164 50 65 Fe, Zn, Mn (ppm) 40 5 Cu (ppm) R² = 0.007 6 R² = 0.377 6 20 Cu (ppm) 60 4 20 Fe, Zn, Mn (ppm) 5 Fe, Zn, Mn (ppm) 50 70 Cu (ppm) R² = 0.023 60 6 Cu (ppm) Fe, Zn, Mn (ppm) 70 1 10 20 30 40 Grain yield (q/ha) 50 60 Fig. 3. Micronutrient content vs. agronomic traits Vertical growth attained during vegetative phase depends upon rooting pattern and an efficient rooting system can also influence assimilation of soil minerals as grain nutrients. Significant contribution of heading and height in flour recovery (Mohan and Gupta, 2014) and strongly adverse relationship between iron and plant height (Morgounov et al., 2007) has been reported in wheat. Graphical representation supported this viewpoint as cooper and manganese contents in wheat grains appeared to have moderate affiliation with plant height (R2: 0.17-0.18). Study expressed that taller plants tend to lose copper and manganese content in wheat grains and it happens sharply when height exceeds 90cm (Fig. 3). Trend was similar in case of iron and zinc also but association was weak. Plotting yield against grain micronutrient density did not display any 7 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 pattern in case of zinc and copper (Fig. 3). Moderately negative influence of grain yield on manganese and iron contents did emerge with R2 values 0.10-0.12. Though R2 value were similar in these two elements, there was difference in the pattern as decline was gradual in case of manganese whereas in case of iron, the association was positive in the productivity range 20 to 35q/ha. The decline however started emerging in manganese content once yield exceeded 40q/ha. Relationship between grain size (1000 grain weight) and the filled micronutrients was very feeble as the R2 value resolved between 0.00 and 0.03 only. Scenario in Indian wheat varieties Contribution of agronomic traits in grain mineral content was investigated in 50 Indian bread varieties. Regression analysis revealed that collective contribution of five field traits was highly significant in iron, copper and manganese (Table 3) but non-relevant in case of zinc. It indicates unlike other minerals, zinc content is not altered by the agronomic traits. Analysis revealed that contribution of agronomic traits in iron, copper and manganese (R2: 0.40 to 0.48) was higher than grain protein (R2: 0.32), another grain quality parameter highly influenced by soil nutrients. Table 3 Coefficients of multiple regression and contribution of component traits Parameter Iron Zinc Copper Manganese Multiple regression 0.636 0.370 0.696 0.634 2 R 0.405 0.137 0.484 0.402 Significance (P value) <0.001 0.244 <0.001 <0.001 Grain protein 0.569 0.324 0.003 In regression analysis, contribution of some components stayed negative; therefore coefficients were derived again by involving only those field attributes where individual contribution was also significant. This exercise revealed that only two traits played significant role in grain minerals (Table 4). Results showed that early heading was highly beneficial for iron and copper. Just like protein, contribution of short grain filling duration was significant for iron. Contribution of plant height appeared negative in copper and manganese. In contrast to protein content; grain weight exerted no role in altering micronutrient density. Though some pattern between yield and iron was observed in Indian wheats (Fig. 3), contribution of yield remained insignificant as only linear regression is accounted in multiple regression analysis. Similarly plant height was also an insignificant contributor in iron content. Table 4 Key contributors for grain micronutrients Parameter Iron Copper R2 value 0.38*** 0.46*** Beta value Heading days -0.47*** -0.47** Grain filling days -0.41** Plant height -0.28* Grain weight Grain yield - Zinc 0.14 Manganese 0.35*** - -0.48*** -0.33** Grain protein 0.25** -0.29* -0.29* - *, **, *** denote significance at P 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. 8 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 Study illustrated that with just two field traits, R2 value of 0.38, 0.46 and 0.35 was achievable in iron, copper and manganese respectively. Early heading and quick grain ripening were significant contributors in iron and role of each determinant was equally important. Contribution of two phenology attributes in iron matched each other. R2 was reduced from 0.38 to 0.28 when pre and post anthesis periods were replaced by a single variable i.e. crop duration which suggests that it’s not the short crop cycle but the hastened flowering and grain filling that matters in assimilating iron. Early heading and reduced plant height was crucial for copper content of wheat grains. Route to manganese was totally different as short grain filling duration and fewer yields emerged as key components. Both traits had equal importance in articulating manganese content in wheat grains. Selection criteria The exercise of identifying key agronomic traits indicated that phenotypic indicators can be useful in enhancing grain mineral concentration of iron, copper and manganese in wheat. During field selection, early heading and fast grain ripening can be preferred for iron whereas genotypes expressing early flowering and reduced plant height shall be useful to enhance copper content. Similarly, discard of long grain filling and heavy grain bearing might turn useful for manganese content in bread wheats. 4.Conclusion Improvement in grain mineral elements is a major step forward to tackle malnutrition in developing or under-developed nations. Though it may not be difficult to identify areas better suited for grain minerals, exploitation of location specificity still remains elusive. Karami et al. (2009) observed that soil micronutrient concentrations alone were very poor predictors of grain micronutrient content and emphasized to account climate variables for improving predictions. This study broadly endorses this view point but also indicates situations, emerging due to climate or genetic interventions, when variability in the screened materials remains small even at high micronutrient concentration soils. Prospects of selecting micronutrient efficient genotype recede under such situations. Scope of improvement in grain micronutrients therefore varies under different situations. Bio-fortification even with few important micronutrients has turned highly complex in wheat with occurrence of genotype-environment interactions (Joshi et al., 2010). Under such conditions, it becomes utmost important to exploit the available variability in a befitting manner. In this venture if some handy tools could be applied as selection criteria, the approach to augment micronutrient concentration gets simplified. In quality breeding, there is hardly any trait which is controlled by single variable. Pyramiding of 3-5 factors is a must to ensure quality of end-products and if efforts in bio-fortification can be strengthened by exploiting two easily observed field attributes, it’s worth trying. This investigation suggests that even if soil status is the major regulator, certain phenotypic markers can be applied to expedite the selection process. Selection based upon early flowering and quick grain ripening for iron, early heading and less plant height for copper and reduced plant height with less grain bearing for manganese can supplement bio-fortification ventures. It indicates that selection for early heading will help in faster assimilation of iron and copper, simultaneously. Murphy et al. (2011) found several cultivars with high concentrations of two or more minerals across locations. 9 D. Mohan and R.K. Gupta / American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (2015) Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-11 It is generally stated that concentration of minerals in wheat grains makes no difference to grain yield (Welch and Graham, 2002; Murphy et al., 2011). It might hold true for iron and copper but not for manganese where concentration might recede with increasing yield. The role of individual grain contributing factors requires some investigations supported by root studies. Handling zinc through breeding seems to be more complex as plant-driven zinc is hardly of any use. Studies in wheat as well rice suggest bio-fortification with zinc through soil and foliar applications of nitrogen as remobilization becomes critical for grain zinc accumulation when its availability is restricted during grain filling (Kutman et al., 2010; Phattarakul et al., 2012; Zou et al., 2012). 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