Stanford Avenue at Prior Avenue South • St. Paul, MN 55105 • (651) 696-5401 • AT THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE SHOULD BEND -PHILIPPIANS 2:10 APRIL 5, 2015 - EASTER SUNDAY NCCW First Friday Fellowship - Friday, April 10 8:45-9:45am All are welcome to join us in Steiner hall after mass to enjoy the coffee, doughnuts, and camaraderie! Each year NCCW recognizes an outstanding young woman of our parish with the Spirit of Mary Award. Female parishioners who are currently seniors in high school may apply or be nominated. The Award is a cash prize of $500, with $100 designated to the winner's charity of choice and the remaining $400 for the student's ongoing educational needs. The award winner must have demonstrated acts of faith, humility, generosity, and kindness through her school, parish and community involvement. Nomination forms are available on the Nativity website and at the school and parish offices. Applications are due by April 22. The winner will be acknowledged at the Annual Madonna Dinner on May 6. Contact Becky Devine at 7887052 or for more information. Quarterly Deanery Meeting - April 16 The 4th Quarterly Meeting of the St Paul Deanery Council of Catholic Women will be held at the Church of St John the Baptist in New Brighton at 8:30am. There will be a presentation about the Mission Churches of California by St. Agnes freshmen. Lunch will be served following noon mass. Registration is $12. Please RSVP by April 13 by calling Jane at 261-2534 or Mary Ann at 771-9976. All women of the parish are invited to attend. Missing Statues Please contact the parish office at 696-5401 with any information that might lead to the recovery of the baby Jesus and a donkey statue stolen from the crèche in front of the rectory. Faithfully Departed Please remember in your prayers: Elizabeth “Betty” Jeffery May her soul and those of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, amen. Catholic Kids’ Camp Nativity is again sponsoring its very own Catholic Kids Camp this summer. This year’s theme is “Set Sail with the Holy Trinity!” Please join us the week of June 22-26 for a week of songs, crafts, snacks and fun activities as we learn about St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity. Cost is $50/child or $135/ family. Camp is open to all children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. The registration form as well as additional information are available on the parish section of the website under “Bulletin and Forms.” Registration deadline is May 8. If you have questions, please contact Jill Dobie at or 698-1831. Community Fr. Robert Barron @UST - Thursday, April 9 The Classical Theism Project is hosting Fr. Robert Barron, a world-renown speaker on the Catholic Faith, on Thursday, April 9 at 7pm in Woulfe Auditorium (in the new Anderson Student Center). His presentation, entitled, “Aquinas and Why the New Atheists Are Right,” is free and open to the public. Priests and Seminarians Basketball Tournament - April 10 Mark your calendars for the 2015 Archdiocesan Priest and Seminarian Basketball Tournament. Come watch the priests and seminarians of the Archdiocese go toe-to-toe all in the name of vocational initiatives. It's free and open to the public. Serra club is sponsoring a BBQ that starts at 5pm and games start at 6:30pm at Totino-Grace High School in Fridley. Live Family Expo - April 10-11 The Archdiocese, along with the Diocese of St. Cloud and the Cana Family Institute, invite you to our first ever “Live Family Expo!” at St. Raphael’s in Crystal. Refreshingly Bold Speakers include: Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Curtis Martin and Fr Thomas Loya. You have the conviction, join us to give yourself the edge to strive for the marriage and family God intends for you. For more information and to register, visit keywords: Family Conference, or call Sonya at 291-4488. Siena Symposium Public Lecture - April 16 Dr. Janet Smith will receive the 2015 Siena Symposium Humanitarian Leadership Award and speak on “The Real Meaning of Responsible Parenthood” on Thursday, April 9 at 7:30pm in 3M Auditorium (OWS) @ University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. Event is free and open to the public. Free Tax Assistance for Senior Citizens Keystone Community Services will provide free tax help from trained AARP members every Monday and Wednesday until April 15 during daytime hours. Contact Merriam Park Community Center at 645-7424 for more information. Wedding Banns The following couple is preparing for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Please keep them in your prayers. Anne Yetzer & Dan Crain Saturday, April 18 To be married at Nativity, the bride, groom, or one of the parents must be an active, registered parishioner for at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding at Nativity. Grandparents’ Apostolate All grandparents are invited to 1.5 hours of encouragement, discussion, prayer and fellowship highlighted by Deacon Russ Kocemba (Permanent Deacon at Nativity) speaking on “The Grandparent Presence” – Is It a Role or Something More? on Wednesday, April 29. Sign-up begins at 8:45am in Steiner Hall and the event at 9. Contact Lilee Perera at 414-9367 with questions. Refreshments will be served. Boy Scouts Attention moms and dads of Nativity Cub Scouts: a reminder the Scout Pinewood Derby is the morning of Saturday, April 11 in the school gym. If your scout hasn't received his car kit yet please contact Mark Dahl at 270-5201 or Darcy Tinnes at 612-987-3450. Charitable Bike Donations & Pickup - April 18 The Nativity Boy Scout Troop 67 is looking for bikes and accessories of all sizes for their Annual Used Bike Sale. Donations can be dropped off April 18 from 9-11am at the Nativity Gym. Pick-ups can also be arranged. Bike Sale is on Saturday, April 25 from 9am-1pm. For donation info, pickups and charitable donation receipts, please contact Food Drive Easter weekend is the last chance to donate to the March Food Drive. If you prefer to make a cash donation, checks should be made payable to Keystone Community Services with "food shelf" in the memo section. Together we can surpass last year's total of over 2,000 lbs. of food. Thank you for your generosity! Adoration During Lent, I urged you to consider dedicating yourself to one hour of weekly prayer in Nativity’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Thank you to those who answered the call! I encourage you all to continue to a spirit of prayerfulness into the Easter season. There are still a few hours in need of adorers. The following hours currently have no adorers scheduled: Sunday 4-5am Tuesday noon-1pm Monday 3-4pm Saturday 2-3am, 4-5am By committing yourself to weekly prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, you will begin to fully open yourself to the Lord and allow Him to accomplish what He wills in your life. -Fr. Patrick If interested in signing up to become a regular adorer or dedicated substitute, contact Jim at Faith Formation Congratulations and Welcome to the Catholic Church! We would like to extend our congratulations to our newly baptized and newly professed Catholics who came into the Church during the celebration of the Easter Vigil over the weekend. John Lee, Michael Stollonwerk, and Daniel Wiley received all three of the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Blake Hillerson, Stephanie (mother), Noah (son), and Claire (daughter), Laurey, Alycia Johnson, Susan Neuville, and Amelia Rockwood, all made their Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church, were Confirmed and received their First Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil. And as a special gift, Elijah Wiley, son of Daniel and Stefani Wiley, along with Will Neuville, son of Susan and John Wiley, were both baptized during the Vigil that saw their parents come into the Catholic Church. We commend these faithful candidates and their generous sponsors for steadfastly participating in the eightmonth RCIA process of coming into the Church. Our prayers are with each of you as you begin the adventure of living the challenging life of a faithful Catholic. Cover Art Resurrection of Christ by Raffaellino del Garbo circa 1510 (public domain) Pastoral Care Men’s Club Educational Series on Grief - Wednesday, April 8; May 20 All are welcome to learn the intimate dynamics of grief from Brenda DeMotte, MSW, LICSW, as she explains Grief Demysitified this Wednesday from 7-8pm in Steiner Hall. Learn how to help yourself and better understand others as they grieve. Brenda DeMotte is a Licensed Social Worker and the director of Professional Counseling & Grief Services. She has extensive experience in the area of grief and loss, and holds degrees in Grief Therapy and Mortuary Science and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Brenda will also be speaking May 20 as she debunks the Myths of Grief . Start your fake engines! The 3rd Annual Men's Club Grand Prix (pinewood derby for adults) is back on Saturday, April 11 in the school gym. Gates open at 5:30pm. This fundraiser for Nativity scout troops is open to women as well as men, so make it a date night! Build your own derby car with an available car kit, bring your kid's derby car, or dust off your old car from yesteryear. Just $20 gets you a gate pass, car kit or use of a loaner car to race at the event, and includes a brat with beverage. Additional food and beverages will be available, so bring cash. Must be 21 or older to attend. Don't miss the popular adult-sized trike races, too! Contact Darcy Tinnes at 612.987.3450 or for more information or to get a car kit in advance. Grief Group - Thursday, April 9 8:15-10am Nativity of Our Lord Church hosts a monthly group to support anyone who has suffered loss of someone or something of value. Grief is individual but is often eased with sharing your experiences with others. We typically meet the First Thursday of each month September-May in the Bride’s Room. Dementia Friend Sessions - April 14 & 30 Anyone can become a Dementia Friend. Simply attend an hour-long session to learn a little bit about dementia to better support others living with the disease. Tuesday, 4/14, 2-3:30pm Wilder 650 Marshall Rm 109 ADH RSVP to: Thursday, 4/30, 3-4pm Carondelet Village Auditorium RSVP to: *Please list that you are from Nativity when you sign in.* Anointing Mass and Luncheon - Friday, April 17 Mass will be celebrated at 11am with lunch to follow. Please note this April event will replace the one typically held in June. RSVP to Leah at 696-5401 by Tuesday, 4/14. Nativity and the Wilder foundation will be co-hosting a 6-week caregiver series entitled Powerful Tools for Caregivers beginning Wednesday, May 20 and continuing every Wednesday through June 24 from 1:30-3:30pm in Steiner Hall. Tickets are $40 and must be purchased ahead from Wilder by contacting or 280-CARE (2273). Music Ministry The Singers MN Choral Artists Concert - April 12 at 2pm For the first time in the ensemble’s history, The Singers present a concert of music solely from the Renaissance era entitled Underground Renaissance. As the political and religious winds changed rapidly throughout the Tudor Era, William Byrd composed his Mass for Four Voices late in life after a conversion to the Catholic Church, all the while serving the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. The Singers also will share portions of The Triumphs of Oriana, a 1601 madrigal collection assembled by THOMAS MORLEY in the Queen’s honor. Details: Sunday, April 12, 2pm at Nativity William Byrd | Mass for Four Voices and Vigilate Orlando Gibbons | O Clap Your Hands Weelkes, Bennet, Morley | excerpts from The Triumphs of Oriana For tickets, call 917-1948 or visit Doughnut Sunday - Sunday, April 12 All are invited to join fellow parishioners and worshipers for hospitality and fellowship following any of next Sunday’s morning masses. Doughnut Sunday takes place in the school cafeteria and is sponsored and hosted by the Nativity Men’s Club. Hope to see you there! The Men's Club Trap Shoot is back Saturday, April 18 from 25pm at the South Saint Paul Gun Club. Guys, gals, youth (12+), hot shots, and rookies are all invited. Loaner shotguns and instruction available. Youth 12-17 must have MN Firearms Safety Certificate. Sorry, no children under 12 permitted. Questions? Go to the Nativity Men's Club website ( or contact Gary Fischbach 247-6735. RSVP's are appreciated. Knights of Columbus The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 7 at St. Joseph’s Church in West St. Paul in the Great Room at 7:30pm. We will be discussing the State Convention, Wakota Lifecare Benefit, Elections, Tootsie Roll Drive, Star Council Award, Night at the Fire Pit with the MYO, raffle ticket sales, and the Habitat for Humanity Project. Knights for Life Banquet - April 11 The Knights of Columbus, together with the Wakota Life Care Board, cordially invite you to join them at a banquet benefiting the Wakota Life Care Center. The benefit is Saturday, April 11 in St. Joseph’s Great Hall. The evening will begin with mass at 5pm and a social hour at 6pm followed by dinner, Yvonne Florczak-Seeman as the featured speaker, and a live auction. Tickets are $75/plate or $600 for a table of eight. Sponsor an ad for your business: For $250 you receive an ad on our table program and an ad on the big screen. For $750 you receive an ad on our table program and an ad on the big screen plus a table sponsorship for eight. Contact Paula at 457-1195 or for more information. We are over 200 men strong. We are doing great things for the community. Come and get involved with our council. If you are interested in joining the Knights, call John Rutz at 492-7823. Parish Calendar · April 6 - April 12, 2015 6 Monday OCTAVE OF EASTER 7 Tuesday OCTAVE OF EASTER 8 Wednesday OCTAVE OF EASTER 9 Thursday OCTAVE OF EASTER 10 Friday OCTAVE OF EASTER 11 Saturday OCTAVE OF EASTER NO SCHOOL, 8:15am Servers 8:15am Servers 8:15am Servers 8:15am Servers 8:15am Servers PARISH OFFICE, Aidan Tegeler Matthew Oberst Matthew Oberst Matteo Marchio Matteo Marchio Rory King Rory King Anna Middleton Anna Middleton NELC CLOSED Cormac Gannon 8:15am Servers Aidan Tegeler Cormac Gannon 8:15am Lector Bill Turley 5pm Servers Abigail Reeder Anne Stang 8:15am Lector Janelle Peine 8:15am Lector Gregory Page 5pm Servers Abigail Reeder Anne Stang 5pm Servers Robert Christy Alex Blackwood 5pm Lector John Sondag 5pm Lector Barb Bowman 8:15am Lector Nancy ShatekSuek 5pm Servers Robert Christy Alex Blackwood 5pm Lector Celeste Pariana 8:15am Lector Bill Turley 10:15 All-School 5pm Servers Mass Servers Charlie Anderson Luke Bishop Aidan Tegeler Noel Busse Rory King Matteo Marchio Anders Busse 5pm Servers Grandparents’ Afternoon Bridge Timmy Lawder Steiner Hall Rosary 5pm Lector Grief Group Anthony Rumpza 1:30-4pm Celeste Pariana Adoration Chapel Bride’s Room 8:45am 5pm Lector 8:15-10am Parish Council Michael Rumpza Meeting RCIA Fr. Robert Barron Lannan Center Lannan Center First Friday University of 6-8pm 7-9pm Fellowship St. Thomas Steiner Hall 7pm Grief Demystified Knights of 8:45-9:45am Presentation Columbus Men’s Club Steiner Hall meeting Board Meeting Live Family Expo 7-8pm St. Joseph’s St. Raphael’s Steiner Hall West St. Paul 6-10pm 6:30-9pm 7:30pm Priests and Seminarians Basketball Tournament Totino-Grace 6:30pm Mass Intentions 5pm Souls in Purgatory Linda Gahlbeck + W 8:15am Kevin Blaney + Edward Thom + Deceased members of the Probst & Caprio families Th F Sa Stephanie Galloway + Peggy Todd + Kevin Flynn + Diane Stephens Mary Kaye Jones - M Tu Jerry Alfveby + Mass Readings Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 8:15am Lector Tim Huberty 12 Sunday OCTAVE OF EASTER Divine Mercy 7am Servers Mary McConville Brooke Steigauf 7am Lector Bill Kranz 8:15am Servers Sarah Kohlbeck Eileen Ryan Grace Schwab Meghan Sexton 5pm Lectors Ty Silberhorn Larry Gallatin 8:15am Lectors Diane Reisdorfer David Reeder Pinewood Derby School Gym 8am 9:30am Servers Abby Sticha Gwen Sullivan Live Family Expo St. Raphael’s 8am-4:30pm 9:30am Lectors Steve Kuncio Sara Gross Methner Knights for Life Banquet 11am Servers Wakota Life Care Lizzie Schneeman Center Kerry Schneeman 5pm Marybeth Schufman Men's Club Sophia Thuente Grand Prix Clare Fitzpatrick School Gym Julia Waters 5:30pm 11am Lectors Mary Kisch Dave Altman 5pm Lectors Joan Costello Tim Dykstal Doughnut Sunday Cafeteria After morning masses Children’s Liturgy Church 9:30am mass Singers MN Choral Artists Concert Church 2pm “A Juicy Blucy Revolution!” M I C H A E L P . St. Paul Automotive Domestic & Foreign Auto Service & Repair T I E R N E Y CompleteComputerized Alignments Your high achieving A+ Neighborhood Restaurant Wills • Trusts Probate Attorney Parishioner 1811 Selby Ave. 651-493-1865 Chassis Dynamometer Trucks & RV’s 910 Randolph Ave. 651-298-0956 651-227-9411 E-mail: Highland Office Brian Glendenning Realtor® The Brennan Group Nativity Graduate Gerald D. Brennan, CIMA® James R. Seidel, CFP® Lynn L. Kittelson 651-690-8441 “Sellin’ or Buyin’ ...Call Brian” Linda Harmon, CFP®, CPA • Colleen Hartmon Bollom, CFP® Jerry Brennan, Parishioner Parishioners “The Purposeful Management of Wealth” Robert W. Baird & Co. 952-857-5502 380 W. 7th St. St. Paul GARAGE Blake Hillerson Auto and Light Truck Repair 1521 Randolph Ave. Phone 690-2050 612-720-2292 Parishioner CAR CARE BY PEOPLE WHO CARE • COMPUTERING • TIRES • BRAKES • EXHAUST • A/C WORK EXHAUST • SUSPENSION • AWARD WINNING COLLISION REPAIR • PAINTING • FRAME STRAIGHTENING • INSURANCE RECOMMENDED 651-222-4458 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA COME FOR THE LIVE MUSIC, FOOD, BOWLING AND DRINK SPECIALS, AND OUR FREE SHUTTLE TO ALL WILD AND VIKINGS HOME GAMES! 492 Hamline Avenue S. Saint Paul • (651) 698-4347 995 W. 7th Street Saint Paul • (651) 228-9925 HAPPY HOUR 11-5:30PM Daily • 10PM-Close Monday-Saturday 1834 St. Clair Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 MN: 20627160 -A custom design and build remodeling contractor- 651•699•5058 Additions, kitchens, baths, and more... Midway Animal Hospital -Initial consultations are complimentary- Peter Kelley, D.V.M. & Teresa Nolte, D.V.M. 651.644.2100 731 N. Snelling St. Paul Call Andy Sonnen 651-248-0252 Nativity class of ‘96 WWW.BLUEJACKBUILDERS.COM 518034 Nativity of Our Lord Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 P.J. Murphy’s Bakery “You’ll Love the Taste and the Price” Wedding/Party Cakes 699-9292 651-690-5497 542 S. Snelling Avenue Highland Park, MN 55116 1279 Randolph Ave. Our Burgers Are Divine Parishioner 393 Selby Ave., St. Paul 651-789-0545 651-699-6140 Parishioner 0710-527HO Chris Jensen PETER ROSENDALE 651-698-7804 Aligning Smiles for a Bright Tomorrow Complimentary initial exam for children & adults Parishioner 651-205-8135 Auto • Home • Life • Business HAIR STYLING FOR MEN & WOMEN 2028 FORD PARKWAY ST. PAUL, MN 55116 JAMES AUDETTE 651-698-5531 Orthodontic Specialists We offer Traditional Braces, Clear Braces & Invisalign Dr. Aamodt Eagan • 2130 Cliff Road, Suite 220 651.405.1055 White Bear Lake • 4790 White Bear Pkwy 651.426.3873 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. • New breakfast & lunch menu selections • Voted 1 of the Top 10 Breakfasts in City Pages • Owned & operated by Tom & Sheila Casper Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ©2014 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved NMLSR ID 294654 AS1040588 Expires 12/2015 Located at Randolph & Hamline • 651-690-0993 THOMAS LIQUOR St. Paul’s Finest Wine Selection Glenn Wiessner - Agent Same Day Service New Doors Openers Free s Estimate PARISHIONER OWNED (651) 486-0000 Grand at Prior 699-1860 Carbone’s Pizza 250 S. Hamline Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Daily Lunch Specials Soups • Sands. • Salads Wed. Spaghetti Dinner Family Owned for 42 Years 651-698-0771 1698 Randolph 698-0721 $2.00 OFF All UPS Shipping (with this ad) 7757 W. 99th St. Bloomington 612-802-4980 Leitner’s Garden Center Fresh Cut Flowers 945 Randolph Ave. St. Paul, MN Landscape Products Center U Cart Concrete W. 7th St. & Randolph Ave. 291-2655 Pat McGill, CRS BURNET 651-695-4311 Independently Owned and Operated By NRT, Inc. Living and Working in the Parish 1991 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 The Neighborhood Choice 696-0855 Pizza, Hoagies, Phillys and Coneys!! RESULTS 2100 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Waters Plumbing LLC John Griep • Steve Woog 551 Snelling Ave. S. Parishioner-Chris Waters (at Randolph) 612-801-6649 651-695-1111 “We Love Our Seniors” Commercial - Residential - Remodel Licensed - Bonded - Insured PARKWAY AUTO CARE • Complete Auto Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 651-698-3208 1581 Ford Parkway at Snelling Regina’s Candies Jeffrey “Goody” Goodwin, Owner/Operator 1017 7th St. W, St. Paul, MN 55102 (7th & Randolph) 651.690.1893 FAMILY PARKWAY MOBIL • Full & Self Service Gasoline Robert J. Schestak, DMD • Touch Free Car Wash DENTISTRY • Convenient Store 651-699-1668 As Always, Welcoming New Patients 2005 Ford Parkway Cleveland at St. Clair 651-699-3212 at Kenneth FAMILY DENTISTRY 2073 St. Clair Ave., St. Paul 55105 1905 S. Robert St., West St. Paul 55118 YOUR ONE STOP BUNNY SHOP!! Making Quality Candy Since 1926 RICHARD C. EHRMANNTRAUT, D.D.S. 91 N. Snelling 646-3735 Home of Kamikaze Buttermilk Pancakes/ Sourdough French Toast With Pecans, Blackberries & Bananas Clair’s Automotive “The New Generation of Service” FUNERALS from $1850 CREMATION from $750 651-315-8214 American & Foreign Towing Awesome! Grand & Fairview • 698-2346 Hrs. Mon.–Sat. 6 AM–3 PM Breakfast Served All Day Long Try Our Tex-Mex Breakfast Dale Frable - 651-698-5632 1341 St. Clair Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55105 518034 Nativity of Our Lord Church (A) 651-690-4243 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Misc. Information Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell 696-5401 Parochial Vicar Father Andrew Brinkman 696-5440 Permanent Deacon Deacon Russ Kocemba 696-5401 Parish Business Administrator Laura Barr 696-5423 Parish Secretary/Assistant to Pastor Leah Driscoll 696-5401 Emergency Anointing of the Sick (24 hours) 696-5401 (press 1) Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller 696-5454 Prayer Line 9-11am & 6-7pm Mary Kay McQuade Bette Hoffman Director of Music & Liturgy Patrick Henning 696-5430 Director of Nativity Choir Rob Pontious 653-3655 Pastoral Care Coordinator Nancy Shatek-Suek 696-5444 Development & Communications Director B.J. Kranz 696.5443 Communications Coordinator & Bulletin Isaac Huss 696.5425 696-5434 Lord’s Day Mass Saturday 5pm Sun 7am, 815am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall), 11am, 5pm Daily Mass Monday-Saturday 8:15am Monday-Friday 5pm *Hearing aid devices available in the sacristy. Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday-Friday 7:45am, 4:30pm Saturday 3:30-4:30pm 454-7431 699-8249 Lannan Parish Center 1900 Wellesley Avenue 696-5401 (phone) 696-5458 (fax) Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm, Friday 8am-Noon Online School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue 699-1311 Facilities Director Bill Beltz Principal Kate Wollan 699-1311 Parish Pastoral Council Chairman Joe Robinson Assistant Principal Sandy Kane 699-1311 Welcoming Committee (interim) Kate Johnson & B.J. Kranz 696.5443 Tuition Mary Super 696-5441 Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) Colleen Kelly (Interim President) 698-3665 Early Learning Center Director Nicole McGie 696-5437 Men’s Club President Steve Busse (612) 201-0356 Catholic Services Appeal Parish Directories The 2015 Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is underway. If you have not made your contribution to the 2015 CSA, please consider doing so today. Pledge envelopes are available in each pew. The Appeal funds services that no one parish or individual can support alone. These services must go on throughout these troubled times in our Archdiocese. And, when our parish reaches its goal, 25% of all funds received will be returned for use to support ministries in our parish. Please give generously to help share the message of salvation throughout our local church and beyond. For a description of CSA-designated ministries, or to give online, please visit the new Catholic Services Appeal Foundation website at Nativity Parish Directories are available for all individuals and households who sat for directory photographs. School families who sat for directory photographs may pick up directories at the school front office. All others who sat for directory photographs may pick up directories in the church vestibule. A limited number of directories are available at the Lannan Center Parish Office, on a first-come, first- served basis, for parishioners who were not photographed. Directory questions? Contact BJ Kranz at 696-5443 or Stewardship March 22, 2015 Stewardship Plate Hunger Box Current Fiscal YTD Budget 14,007.25 1,192,746.39 1,226,596 1,415.59 51,321.76 56,634.62 176.50 7,247.66 6,576.92
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