ST COLMCILLE’S CHURCH, HOLYWOOD PARISH Fr Stephen P McBrearty PP 2a My Lady’s Mile, Holywood, BT18 9EW Tel: 028 9042 2167 Office Hours: 10.00am – 2.00pm E: W: Recently Deceased: Eileen Harvey (Tyrone) Month’s Mind: Tony Collins, Rose Egan Anniversaries: Alice Churchman, Adrian Egan, John Hodges, Dermot Wilson, Mary Duffin, Raymond Duffin, Kathleen James, Austin Hinds, Vincent Clarke, Derek Woods, David Howes, James & Mary Molloy, Tom Ferguson. Sunday Mass Saturday vigil at 6.30pm Sunday at 10.00am and 12noon Weekday Mass Monday - Thursday at 9.30am Friday at 7.00pm Tuesday 9.30am - St Anthony’s Novena during Mass Friday at 7.00pm - Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour during Mass Eucharistic Adoration Before weekday Mass for ½ hour Every Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm Our Parish Penitential Service will be on WEDNESDAY 1st APRIL at 7.30pm Rev Andrew Black will be Celebrating his Ordination on 3 rd May 2015, please continue to pray and ask for God’s blessings for him in his ministry and his response to Jesus’ call in his life to the priesthood. The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Holy Thursday at 11.00 am. All parishioners are invited to attend. NEW ENVEOPES FOR COLLECTION WEEKENDS OF 21st/22nd & 28th/29th March. Please collect in IONA after all the Weekend Masses. Every envelope will have a card re Gift Aid, if you have signed a form recently there is no need to re-sign up but if you haven’t and wish to do so, then just fill in the card and leave it into the parish office. Fr Stephen is very appreciative of the wonderful support of all the parishioners both financially and in terms of volunteering. Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland response to the Department of Justice (NI), Consultation on the Criminal Law on Abortion. Please refer to our website where the full copy of this report can be found. ORDINATION CHOIR – rehearsal continues on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in preparation for the ordination. The Apostolic Works meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday in Gartan at 10am. All those interested in this ministry just turn up, all ladies welcome. Children’s Liturgy will be on this Sunday 22nd March at 10am. P1-P7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join us as we pray The Stations of the Cross immediately after 7pm Mass every Friday during Lent. ---------------------------------Join us in the church to pray the Rosary at 3.15pm on Tuesdays and Fridays during Lent. Everyone welcome - why not join us after picking the kids / grandkids up from school? For more information please phone Fionnuala on 07799753400 Centering Prayer Group Wednesdays in Gartan. Continues on 25th March at 8.00pm. Fr Stephen is requesting for men in the parish to consider volunteering as Ministers of the Word, particularly at 6.30pm Vigil and Sunday 12 noon Mass. Please just leave your name in to the parish office during the week if interested. THE SERVICE OF LIGHT for children preparing for Confirmation will take place in the church on Monday 23rd March at 7.00pm. The First Confession Ceremony will take place in the church on Tuesday 24th March at 12.30pm Hospital Visiting Volunteers - Fr Stephen wishes to set up a hospital visiting group. Volunteers would cover hospital visits to parishioners when Fr Stephen is unavailable due to his other duties as Prison Chaplain. The volunteers would need their own transport to get to and from the hospital but the petrol and parking costs would be refunded by the Parish. If you are interested in becoming involved then please leave your name and contact details in the Parish office. For all those who have already signed up many thanks. Know someone suffering with Parkinson’s or need some support please contact Paula McLarnon, Branch and Volunteer Support Officer, Parkinson's UK, Wellington Park Business Centre, 3 Wellington Park, Malone Road, Belfast Tel: 0844 225 3684 E: W: We are currently looking for volunteers. All bulletin notices or anniversaries need to be received into the parish office no later than Wednesday at 2.00pm ST COLMCILLE’S CHURCH, HOLYWOOD PARISH 5th Sunday in LENT Friends in Faith Group- Clonard- Open to new members! Simply register now by emailing your name/and contact details to or text your name/to 07842960198 and we will be in touch. Krista Detor will be in Concert at Tobar Mhuire on Friday 17th April at 7.30pm In aid of Tobar Mhuire funds. Donation £15.00. All welcome. 22nd March 2015 Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 25th of March 2015 from 19:30 to 21:00 in the County Armagh Golf Club, 7 Newry Road, Armagh, BT601EN. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents. 9 Day Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela & Fatima. 3 nights H/B, 4* Hotel Gran Los Abetos, Santiago de Compostela. 6 nights F/B, 3* Hotel Avenida, Fatima. From the 30th July / 8th August. Spiritual Director Fr Fleck PP. Reduced price of £709, inclusive of tax, insurance and transfers. For further details contact Joe Catney 90714001 or 07776425631 The Class of 1971 - Were you or a relative a student teacher who commenced their course (Cert Ed, BEd or Post Grad ) in St Mary’s or St Joseph’s Colleges of Education, Belfast in September 1971? A Mass followed by a cup of tea will be held to celebrate 40 years associated with the Colleges as Alumni and to remember deceased friends and classmates. Venue: St Mary’s, Falls Road, March 27th 2015 at 6pm,in the College Chapel. Please contact John on 07701336308 for more details. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2015: Full board in 3* hotel: 7nights (10-17 July) for £625 or 5nights (11-16 July) for £570. Full board for sick or infirm pilgrims with medical and nursing care in Accueil Notre-Dame: 5nights (11-16 July) for £450. Youth Team (8-17 July) £520. All flights from Belfast International Airport. Application forms now available in the parish office or contact Pilgrimage Office T:9064-6040 or email: A new group for those interested in expressing themselves in Creative Writing. Every Monday evening at Gartan (2B My Lady's Mile, beside Fr Stephen's house), 7pm for 7.30pm to 9pm, initially for six weeks starting Monday 13th April, 2015. Contact Patrick on 07506 451043. The group is open to every level beginners to advanced, aged 21 &upwards. First Holywood (Non-Subscribing) Presbyterian Church, High St, Holywood invite you to share in celebrating 400 years on Thursday 23rd April at 7.00pm. For more information contact Kathleen on T:9337-3119. You are warmly invited to Trocaire’s Annual Lent Lecture on Thursday 26th March in St Mary’s University College, Lecture Threatre 2, 191 Falls Rd, Belfast from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. RSVP to Mary Friel on Email: Creating Pastoral Communities If you want to know more information about Creating Pastoral Communities please read the document on the following website. and also at LIVING YOUTH - A joint team from Living Youth and Ulster University will be travelling to Ethiopia this summer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity. As part of their fundraising campaign they are hosting a GALA BALL on Friday 17th April in The Tullyglass House Hotel, Ballymena. Tickets £40/£400 per table. To reserve tickets or for more information please contact Claire Smylie, Living Youth Office Manager * 16 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH ( 028 90232432 8 email: Please help build homes and hope in Ethiopia. HOLYWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hillview Place, Holywood would like to cordially invite all Senior Citizens to attend the full dress rehearsal of our School Production ‘Aladdin in Trouble’ on Tuesday 24th March at 7.30pm. We expect the show to finish at 8.45pm. Entrance to the hall is by the school playground and is suitable for wheelchair access. PUBLIC MEETING ON “HOW HOLYWOOD IS POLICED” IN HOLYWOOD LIBRARY 26TH MARCH AT 6.30PM. ENCYCLICAL LETTER LUMEN FIDEI POPE FRANCIS 5. Christ, on the eve of his passion, assured Peter: "I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail" (Lk 22:32). He then told him to strengthen his brothers and sisters in that same faith. Conscious of the duty entrusted to the Successor of Peter, Benedict XVI proclaimed the present Year of Faith, a time of grace which is helping us to sense the great joy of believing and to renew our wonder at the vast horizons which faith opens up, so as then to profess that faith in its unity and integrity, faithful to the memory of the Lord and sustained by his presence and by the working of the Holy Spirit. The conviction born of a faith which brings grandeur and fulfilment to life, a faith centred on Christ and on the power of his grace, inspired the mission of the first Christians. In the acts of the martyrs, we read the following dialogue between the Roman prefect Rusticus and a Christian named Hierax: "‘Where are your parents?’, the judge asked the martyr. He replied: ‘Our true father is Christ, and our mother is faith in him’".[5] For those early Christians, faith, as an encounter with the living God revealed in Christ, was indeed a "mother", for it had brought them to the light and given birth within them to divine life, a new experience and a luminous vision of existence for which they were prepared to bear public witness to the end.
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