Welcome to… • May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter . St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc From the Pastor Ten reasons why the English language is weird: 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) The farm was used to produce produce. 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 5) He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier in the desert decided to desert his dessert. 7) Since there was no time like the present, she decided to present her present. 8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10) I did not object to the object. Or, as Jesus might have said in the Gospel this weekend, “He prunes away the prunes on the branch.” It isn’t just the English language that has difficult words to master; nor is it just words that can present challenges. Sometimes the problem is with the listener or learner. And so it is with the Gospel—it’s often the message that is at issue, not because it is so difficult to understand, but because it is so difficult to accept. We understand the words; we just don’t like what they’re asking us to do. So allow Jesus, as he asks in today’s Gospel, to cut out from within us all that is selfish and narrow-minded, all that is judgmental and offensive, all that is vindictive and arrogant is not an easy task. But with God’s grace, it can be done. Letting go of the past is so painful, especially when it conjures up memories of a happier time than my present situation, especially when there were people to lean on in those days who are no longer with me on the journey. But, the pruning continues, and with every aged or diseased shoot the Lord removes, a shoot of new life can burst forth—if I allow that to happen. May this season of spring remind us all that there needs to be a seed that dies before new life can emerge! For every flower that blooms and every cob of corn that ripens, a seed had to give of itself totally and uncompromisingly. May we be willing to do that as well! And in this month of May, let us acknowledge Mary, the Blessed Mother, as the shining example of what that means. Happy spring! May 3, 2015 ♦ page 1 MOTHER’S DAY ROSES Mother’s Day is next weekend. The Respect Life Committee will again have roses available after each of the Masses on May 9th and 10th for a suggested donation of $2.00 per rose or six roses for $10.00. We are using the same supplier for our roses as we did the last three years, and believe our roses will meet the standards that both you and members of the committee expect. This is an opportunity to get something beautiful for your mother, grandmother, godmother, or that woman who has touched your life in a special way, while contributing to a special cause. The proceeds will be used to sponsor scholarships for teens to the March for Life Pilgrimage to Washington, DC in January 2016 around the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade legalizing abortions in the USA. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts to promote the CULTURE OF LIFE. HELPING HANDS ~ GIVING HEARTS The Respect Life Committee is looking for some helpers to prepare and/or sell the roses for Mother’s Day. PREPARATION: Thursday, May 7th from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 11:00 a.m. and/or from 1:00 p.m. to approximately 4:00 p.m. in the Grand Avenue school basement. SELLING: The roses will be sold after each of the Masses on Mother’s Day weekend and we need two people at each of the exit doors after all Masses for this purpose. If you are able to sell roses after any of the Masses, please call Rose Marie at 682-4415 or send an e-mail to us at sfarespectlife@hotmail.com stating which Mass or Masses you prefer. We have 86 volunteer slots for selling of roses so whatever help you can give would be greatly appreciated. When volunteering, please leave a phone # or e-mail address where you can be reached. Mass Schedule News It’s hard to believe that Memorial Day is almost here! The last 5:00 PM Sunday Mass will take place on May 3, 2015 and will not resume until September 13, 2015. St. Francis of Assisi Parish will not be celebrating an evening Mass during the Summer months. Please enjoy your Summer and the many family activities that fill your life during this time. See you in September! St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc The Week Ahead Sunday, May 3rd— Final 5:00 PM Mass until September Tuesday, May 5th— May 3, 2015 ♦ page 2 UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Sunday, May 10th—MOTHER’S DAY · Rosary Recital: 12:15 PM Knollwood Memorial Pk · Baptismal Preparation Class: 6:30 PM parish office Prayer Shawl Mtg: 7:00 PM parish office Wednesday, May 6th— Fatima Devotions: 6:00 PM at the Marshall site church with benediction, runs through November 4 Thursday, May 7th— Rosary Makers Guild: 1:00—3:00 PM, Grand site in a room just to the right of the ramp leading into the school hall. Please us the ramp entrance. Reflections of Faith: 7:00 PM LifeTeen House chapel Friday, May 8th— NOMADs (Nurturing Other Mothers As Disciples) spiritual fellowship group for mothers; childcare provided: 9:00—11:00 AM, LifeTeen House Serra Club Meeting: Noon at Holy Family Memorial Attention Rosary Makers Guild Members The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015 from 1:00 PM—3:00 PM at the Grand site in a room just to the right of the ramp leading into the school hall. Please use the ramp entrance. New members are always welcome. You can learn to make rosaries which are sent to missions. All supplies are furnished. If you are unable to participate but are interested in being part of this group, donations may be made that are used toward purchasing supplies. Contact Dawn Holsen at 682-2864 with any questions. Tuesday, May 12th— · St. Vincent de Paul Conference Meetings: 4:30 PM—Grand, Waldo & Marshall at SVDP store · Respect Life Mtg: 7:00 PM parish office · Knights of Columbus: 7:00 PM Grand site Wednesday, May 13th— · Men’s AM Bible Study: 5:30 AM parish office · Care Ministry Mtg: 6:00 PM Waldo site school hall · Finance Council Mtg: 6:00 PM parish office Prayer for Peace All ages are welcome to join in the Fatima devotions. Devotions will begin again on Wednesday, May 6th and will be held every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at the Marshall site, lasting approximately a half hour. The devotions will run through November 4th. Enter the church through the west door, off of the driveway. Please join us in praying the rosary. CHOIR SCHEDULE Sunday, May 10th: Marshall at 9:00 AM: Celebrators Waldo at 9:30 AM: Gloria Dei Grand at 10:30 PM: Cecilia Choir All other Masses will have an organist /song leader. Ongoing Weekly Events Sundays: (last day is May 17th) Sunday Mass Childcare Service: during 9:30 AM Mass at the Waldo site, in the mini-gym Monday-Thursday: Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon. 5:00 AM—Thurs. 12 Midnight, Waldo site rectory; Adoration before the Tabernacle: Friday 8 AM—4:30 PM Monday-Friday: Adoration Society—Adoration before the Tabernacle: 8:00 AM—8:00 PM at Holy Family Memorial chapel Rosary Recital: 6:00 AM at Marshall, 6:30 AM at Waldo Wednesdays: Holy Hour for Life: 9:00 AM in the Eucharistic Chapel at the Waldo site Women of Hope Bible Group: 9:30 AM parish office Fatima Devotions: 6:00 PM at the Marshall site church Thursdays: Thursday Morning Bible Study: 9:00—10:30 AM parish office Holy Family Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:00 PM at the parish office, includes prayer for needs St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Mass Intentions Saturday May 2nd—Vigil, Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM G †Mary Scherer; †Dolores Stefancic 4:00 PM M †Tom Bonin; In Thanksgiving of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Bob & Ruth Welnetz 4:30 PM W †Patricia Luedtke; †Blanche & Fabian Junion 6:00 PM M Misa en Español Sunday May 3rd—Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM W †Daniel Janda; †Daniel V. Jeske 8:30 AM G †Edward VanderBloomen Sr.; L/D Mbrs of the Robert Bolle Family 9:00 AM M †Generose Bartels; L/D Mbrs of the Lishka, Menzel & Vogel Families 9:30 AM W †Dolores M. Grall & Emil D. Grall 10:30 AM G †John & Roy Knorr; †Kasey Herrmann 5:00 PM W †Mary Claire Mullins Monday May 4th—Easter Weekday 6:45 AM G †Paul Kramer; †Norb Strzyzewski Tuesday May 5th—Easter Weekday 6:45 AM G †Samuel Huston Wednesday May 6th—Easter Weekday 6:45 AM G †Samuel Huston 8:45 AM M †Dolores Kubis & Sharon Bosserman Thursday May 7th—Easter Weekday 6:45 AM G †Eileen Knier; †William Jarosh 9:00 AM W †Deacon Paul Kieffer; †Ruth Broeckert Friday May 8th—Easter Weekday 6:45 AM G †Ronald Foerg; †Paul & Mary Rohrer Saturday May 9th—Vigil, Sixth Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM G †Evelyn Tosten; †Faye Riebe 4:00 PM M †Florence & Lori Bursek, Rueben & Alice Kelley, Joseph & Veronica Schultz; †Mildred Orth 4:30 PM W †Irene Becker and Nancy Lemberger; †Allen Reich 6:00 PM M Misa en Español Sunday May 10th—Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM W †Pat Brenk; †Blanche Neuser 8:30 AM G †Gladys Krowiorz; †Lorena Leider 9:00 AM M †James E. Goonan; †Orland Moreau 9:30 AM W For the Parish 10:30 AM G †Marion & Elmer Nonnemacher; †Laverne Foerg "Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing." - Jn 15:4-5 May 3, 2015 ♦ page 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter Fr. Bill Brunner Jesus’ prays for His disciples this Sunday: “… that you bear much fruit…” We are his disciples, so the challenging question is: “Am I bearing abundant fruit?” Looking at the first reading, we understand why the disciples in Jerusalem were skeptical of Saul’s conversion. Just a few weeks ago they knew him as the one who was breathing out murderous threats against them, and now he is claiming to be one of them! Questions arise in their hearts: “he’s really a spy,” or “he’s trying to trick us.” How were they convinced? Simple – they witnessed the fruit of his conversion. They saw with their own eyes that he “spoke out boldly in the name of Jesus,” even risking death to preach the Gospel. The Christians witnessed that Saul’s faith was not just a matter of “word or speech,” but also of “deed and truth.” They saw the difference that Jesus made in Saul’s life. So, how do we know that Jesus is bearing fruit in our life? The second reading is simple and straight forward: “let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. Now this is how we shall know that we belong to the truth…” We are bearing fruit, when the same change that happened in Saul happens to us. For him, faith in Jesus was not a mere matter of words, but a change in his life. And it is the same for us, as it was for him. Our faith cannot be a matter of only words and speech, but it must change us. So ask yourself: “How is my life different, because I am a Christian; because I am a Catholic?” Whether we like it or not, the world around us can see the difference. Faith is never private, but always public. The world around us can see if your faith is only a matter of words and speech. This faith convinces no one. But the world also sees when your faith has changed your life, by your deeds… And this faith is so powerful that it can change not just our lives, but theirs as well. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Readings for the Week of May 3, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/ 1n 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Lay Leader of Prayer In her April 19 bulletin reflection, Dianne Vadney (Family Ministry Coordinator) challenges us to take action as followers of Jesus. Specifically, we need to reach out and be of service to others. We need to follow Christ’s example. As a people centered community, it is our duty to care and provide for those in need. After many years of devoted service, we have Lay Leaders of Prayer who are retiring from their ministry. These retirements leave us with several service opportunities. Lay Leaders of Prayer provide Liturgy of the Word Services with Communion for those in assisted living and long term care facilities. Training in the Lay Leader of Prayer ministry is facilitated by Fr. Dave Beaudry. The commitment request is one service per month. Potential volunteers are welcome to visit and observe a Liturgy Service with a current Lay Leader. Please, prayerfully, consider this service to others. For more information or to schedule your facility visit, contact Kay Goswitz (652-7851). May 3, 2015 ♦ page 4 PARISH SUPPORT Received Week of 04/26/15 Total Per Family Envelopes Loose Offering $ 26,356 $ 3,722 $ 40.24/env. Total $ 30,078 Support Budgeted/Week: Difference this Week: $ 45,962 ( $ 15,884 ) COME AND CELEBRATE... my 40 th anniversary of priestly ordination, Sunday, May 31, at the 9:30 Mass at the Waldo site, followed by a parish reception, graciously sponsored by the St. Clare Society. In humble gratitude to God and all of you, I look forward to this milestone. In Memory of… For the week of May 3rd Sanctuary Lights are in memory of... William Jarosh at the Marshall site Parish Office Scrip Sale Hours: Monday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Irene & Ted Becker and Arnie Patynski at the Waldo site Wednesday: 12:30 PM—4:30 PM Norb Strzyzewski at the Grand site Friday: 8:30 AM—12:00 Noon Eternal Rest to Our Loved Ones Scrip is also sold after all Masses at all sites! We extend our sympathy to the families & friends of: Helen Groh Visit www.sfamanitowoc.org for a complete list of all participating businesses! Arvid Schulz Thank You for your support of Scrip! Ed Spurney Our SFA Scrip Coordinator is: William Surfus Cindi Verch 652-7835 May all the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc St. Clare Corner Spring Banquet - Barb Schiesl, treasurer, is accepting reservations to the Spring Banquet to be held at the Eagles Club, Tuesday, May 19, cocktails: 5:30 p.m.; dinner: 6:30 p.m. Menu is baked chicken and pork loin. Cost is: $14. The program has been changed due to a scheduling conflict. We will be entertained by David and Rosalyn Bourgeois. Call Barb at 682-7421 to make your reservation. DCCW Marian Day – We are celebrating our 30th annual Marian Day this year with the theme, “Stella Maris – Our Lady, Star of the Sea.” The devotion will be at St. Jude the Apostle Church, Oshkosh, on May 21, 2015, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The day begins with a continental breakfast and a delicious lunch will be served at noon. Mass will be celebrated by the Very Rev. Matthew Simonar, pastor of St. Jude The featured speaker will be the Rev. Peter Mitchell, pastor of St. Mary, Greenville. Cost is $15. Deadline is May 8. Bus transportation is available. Cost: $22 Bus will leave from the 310 Park & Ride at 6:30 a.m. For further information and to register for the day ($15 check payable to Green Bay Diocesan Council of Catholic Women) as well as the bus ($22 check payable to St. Clare Society), call Helen at 682-4727. Mail checks to Helen Cichantek, 4030 S. 21 St., Manitowoc. DEADLINE IS MAY 8. No walk-ins. Reminder: The St. Clare June meeting is the second Tuesday of the month, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. We will begin with Mass in church. - Bishops Appeal 2015 Goal: $183,152 Current Donations: $174,355 1,289 families donating Thank you for making a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal. www.catholicfoundationgb.org May 3, 2015 ♦ page 5 We would like to thank everyone that attended the luminary service that was held on Good Friday. Also, thanks to our parishioners and friends that purchased luminaries for their loved ones as well as the many volunteers that helped with making the luminaries, the candle lighters and those who performed the clean up on Saturday morning. THANK YOU! Calvary Catholic Cemetery Calvary Chapel Mausoleum 2601 South 14th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 684-3646 www.calvarymanitowoc.org “Life has changed...not ended.” Stewardship in Scripture If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him? Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. (1 John 3:17-18) CHANGE FOR LIFE This weekend, May 2-3, Respect Life will kick off the Change for Life baby bottle fundraiser. Baby bottles are available at all the entrances of the worship sites. You are encouraged to participate in this project by taking one of the baby bottles, placing your change in the bottle, and returning the bottle with your change to church on Father’s Day weekend, June 20-21. As in the past years, one-half of the proceeds will be given to The Crossing, our local pregnancy counseling center on Washington Street. The remaining half will be divided among several other pro-life projects such as The Haven, Hope House, the Domestic Violence Center, the Veritas Society, an educational wing of Wisconsin Right to Life, and other pro-life activities. Thank you for your participation and generosity in this project. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 6 Stewardship Corner Each week we invite you to visit this space as we feature a group or individuals in our parish community that exemplifies our stewardship concepts of prayer, service & sharing. Featured group: Bereavement Ministry Mission: As a parish community, respond through care and compassion to the needs of those grieving a loss. Type of Stewardship: Service Contacts: Kay Goswitz, Parish Nurse (652-7851) kgoswitz.pn@sfamanitowoc.com Each month, a grief group session is offered. This one time gathering provides support and encouragement through video presentation, hand-outs, discussion, and follow-up options for continued assistance through the grief process. The session is intended for adults experiencing a recent loss, but anyone is welcome to attend. Please join us at our next scheduled session: Thursday, May 14 6:00 – 8:00 PM Holy Family Memorial – 2300 Western Avenue Reedsville Room There is no fee Light Refreshments To ensure sufficient materials and refreshments for participants, please register by contacting: Kay Goswitz MASS PRESIDER SCHEDULE: For the weekend of May 9 & 10 Marshall site—Fr. Rene Balbero Grand site—Fr. Bill Brunner Waldo site—May 9, Fr. Finian and May 10, Fr. Dave Pleier St. Thomas the Apostle—Fr. Dave Beaudry (Changes may occur due to special events.) St. Vincent de Paul Help Corner A In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Military Displays Calling all families of active servicemen and women and veterans. We need a current picture of your loved ones who are actively serving our nation to update our military displays in our worship spaces. These displays will be up the weekend before and after Memorial Day, Veterans Day and July 4th. We use these pictures as a way of creating a beautiful tribute to those in our parish currently serving and a reminder to us to always pray for our armed forces and veterans for their service. Please drop your pictures off at the parish office by Friday, May 15th and don’t forget to put your loved ones name and place of deployment and which worship site you would like the picture displayed at on the back of the picture. Pictures will not be returned. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Help! Help! Help! Desperate Need SFA Manitowoc Meals on Wheels Volunteers Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver prepared meals from The Manitowoc Senior Center. These meals are for anyone needing prepared meals—a hot daily meal and a cold lunch. The service is important to help people stay in their own home and out of nursing home care. A volunteer picks up the prepared food from the Manitowoc Senior Center after 10:30am. The driver drives his/her car on the route. Working in pairs, the meals are taken to apartments of the SFA Route. Meals are delivered to each recipient with a quick hello and then on to the next person. The total daily time is usually less than an hour per day between 11:00 am and Noon. SFA has the week of the 4th Monday of each month. Since the death of our volunteer for WEDNESDAYS, we are in dire need for a pair of volunteers for that day of the week. Some volunteers developed health issues so they no longer participate. We also need substitutes, especially in the winter months when two pair of regular volunteers snowbird. This is an excellent service that can be done by the newly retired or someone with other than first shift work hours. One is usually done within an hour. Should you be interested, please call Lynn Sweetman at 682-9694. Special thanks to our SFA volunteers. Bridge Player Needed Play Bridge or know a lady who does and wants to play bridge? SFA sponsors a bridge ladies’ group which needs another player. The yearly entry fee is $10 and proceeds go to The Crossing, a service for pregnant women needing help and support to prevent an abortion decision. This year we gave a check of $120 to The Crossing. We welcome any lady. She need not be Catholic or an expert player. Any lady who is interested is welcome to join in our 2015 playoff luncheon on May 11 at an area restaurant. Please call Lynn Sweetman at 682-9694 for more information. If you get her answering machine, leave your name and number and she will quickly follow up. Lynn also has openings in a 18 hand Pink Ribbon Bridge Marathon. Roncalli High School News Please note correction of date: Roncalli Music Department will be having their Spring Music Awards Concert on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Zimmer Auditorium. All are invited to attend. May 3, 2015 ♦ page 7 HOPE HOUSE ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE/PLANT SALE & BRAT FRY If you have any items you would like to donate to the Hope House Rummage/ Plant Sale please bring your items to Hamann Construction Monday, May 12th 11AM-4PM May 13th - May 14th. Between 10AM-6PM. Please No televisions, mattresses, exercise equipment or computers ~ Thank You We are also hoping for donations of cans of soda for the brat sale! RUMMAGE & PLANT SALE HOURS: Friday, May 15, 9am-6pm Saturday, May 16, 9am-2pm BRAT FRY HOURS: Friday, May 16, 10am-6pm Saturday, May 17, 10am-2pm WHERE: Hamann Construction 4613 Custer Street St. Thomas the Apostle presents An Evening of Wine & Cheese Tasting Silent & Oral Auctions Friday, May 8th, 2015 6:30—10:00 PM Holiday Inn Atrium, Manitowoc Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 at the door Tickets available at: Holiday Inn, Newton Meats, Superior Liquor, St. Thomas the Apostle Save the Date for the 2015 Awakening Hope Youth Retreat! The 2015 Awakening Hope Youth Retreat is coming up on July 24-26! This year's extended overnight retreat will feature pro-life reflection, prayer, and FUN! The retreat will be held at the beautiful and scenic St. Vincent Pallotti Retreat Center in Elkhorn. Awakening Hope is open to teens aged 13-17. Registration fee is $60 per person. Limited space available. Registration is due by May 4th. Contact Emma at escuglik@prolifewisconsin.org for more information. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 8 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 9 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 10 God’s Care for Widows Workshop: Secure Amidst the Seas My grief on the sea, How the waves of it roll! For they heave between me and the love of my soul! …. by Douglas Hyde May 16, 2015 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Holy Family Memorial Medical Center Manitowoc Room 2300 Western Ave., Manitowoc Has the loss of your loved one left you feeling alone or insecure? Join Holy Family Memorial Hospice and a group of local widows to guide, uplift and empower you as you journey through everyday activities, embrace social relationships and embark on travels near and far. Presentations include: Complimentary lunch provided by · Spiritual Security and Healing HFM Cafeteria Catering · Safety at Home and in the Community · Social and Technological Security · Travel with Ease Register by May 11 320-4231 Ma Register by St. Francis of Assisi—St. Thomas the Apostle Monthly Grief Support Group Thursday, May 14 6:00—8:00 PM Reedsville Room HFM—2300 Western Avenue To register call: 652-7851 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Nurse Office: (920)-652-7851 Email: kgoswitz.pn@sfamanitowoc.com May 2-3, 2015 St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 11 The mission of Roncalli High School is to educate in the Catholic traditions of spiritual growth, life-long service, and academic excellence. Roncalli will be holding its 9th annual Mr. Roncalli Spirit Competition “The Spirit Games” on Saturday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the Roncalli Zimmer Auditorium. Tickets are $7 and may be purchased in Roncalli's main office May 11-15th or at the door that evening. “Mr. Roncalli” was founded in 2007 by a group of senior students looking for a new opportunity to show school spirit and support a worthy cause at the same time. This year’s proceeds will go to the Domestic Violence Center and Manitowoc Tennis Association. We would like say a special thank you to our sponsor Fricke Printing Service. Please join us for a night of Talent, Spirit and FUN! In early April, Fifty-one Roncalli Spanish students along with five chaperones made a service trip to Costa Rica. This year’s service would involve a local women and children’s rescue center in San Jose, Costa Rica where students first visited a local grocery store and personally purchased $10 of items ranging from diapers, to clothes, to personally made Spanish story books, face paint, and personal hygiene products for the center. They then returned to the center to clean and repair the facility, and spend time playing soccer with the young mothers and taking care of the children in the center. MR. RHS contestants above left to right: T.J. Kleckner, Cole Becker, Hunter Decker, Steven Vogel. Bottom (L to R): Lukas Peterson, Chance Voysey, Sam Brahm A mass in memory of Br. Cyril, Roncalli’s first principal, was held on April 15 followed by a reception attended by many former faculty, parents, and friends. A memorial fund to support student financial aid has been established by friends of Br. Cyril at Roncalli. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 3, 2015 ♦ page 12 What’s happening at… Mr. Tittl, our state assemblyman, came to the 4th grade classroom to discuss his position and prepare the students for their trip to Madison. Grandparent’s Day at the Middle School. MARIBEL HEATING & PLUMBING LLC Bob Nelson REALTOR GRI, ABR, SRES E-PRO, BPOR Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, Wells, Septics, Softeners, sump pumps & bath/kitchen remodel (920) 860-0178 Parish Member 610 Tower Ave. Kellnersville, WI. 54215 863-2921 • 732-3506 mhp@tm.net MP230545 THE REAL ESTATE GROUP, INC. Knox’s Banquet Hall • Aluminum Awnings • • Ornamental Railings and Columns • • Rustic Lawn Art • Sunday Brunch 10am-1:30pm Specializing in family style dinners 10 to 300 people 814 S. 28th Street, Manitowoc 684-5779 silvervalleybanquethall.com 1222 S. Alverno Rd. • (920) 686-2004 Manufactured by Brixius Manufacturing, Inc. Serving the Lakeshore Area for 65 Years YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE Transportation Services, Inc. 2880 Dogwood Lane Manitowoc, WI 54220 Tel.: (920) 683-3203 Fax: (920) 683-3247 Reed & 8th Street Thanks for Your Support Dan Wagner Tree Care Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check Large and Small Tree Pruning, Removal and Stump Removal 20 Years Experience B.S. Urban Forestry, U.W.S.P. 920-684-5618 4002 Wildwood Drive Manitowoc, WI 54220 the internet or yellow pages. I 43 & Hwy 151 Parish Member ® North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center Giving Life More Flavor Sausage Company Serving Manitowoc Since 1928 • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapy Available 7 Days A Week • Exceptional Patient Outcomes MANUFACTURERS OF PREMIUM CHEESE SPREADS & CONFECTIONS Call for a tour today at 920-682-0314 • 1445 N. 7th Street, Manitowoc www.mgmhealthcare.com/north-ridge-medical-and-rehab-center www.PineRiver.com Parish Member FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED MANITOWOC, WI 920-684-8143 • (920) 682-1492 www.checkelectric.net Roncalli Catholic High School Lawrence V. Salutz • Timothy M. Salutz David J. Pawlowski • John W. Stangel Kevin P. Stangel • Darryl W. Deets Specializng in Drywall Finishing, Installation and Home Improvements! 35 collective years of experience! Gary Meyer 920-684-8143 • Cellphone - 920-374-1615 Bob Meyer • Cellphone - 920-374-1614 GREAT SERVICE! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Delicious Friday Fish! Perch • Walleye • Haddock • Blue Gill Outstanding ing Clam Chowder 426 N 9th St., Manitowoc 920.684.3007 Regency House Senior Apartments Creating Christian Community Personalizing Education Call (920) 686-8126 for information Pray for Vocations • Extensive Nursing Experience • Compassionate Staff • Outstanding Wound Care GUY SCHUETTE BUILDERS Quality Craftsmanship 684-0880 1898 N. 18th St. Parish Member FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Across from Senior Center Affordable Senior Housing Monthly “Pot-Luck” Socials In-House Washers & Dryers Beautiful Park-like Setting Call for a Private Tour (920) 684-1531 Parish Member Owned 929 South 31st Street, Manitowoc ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC D 2C 01-0704 04-22-2015 10:48:59 BILL’S AUTO SALES & CUSTOM PAINT, INC. Quality Pre-owned Vehicles Complete Collision Center We Accept Scrip M. O. Orchekowski, D.D.S. • D.L. Beaupre D.D.S. 4725 Plank Rd., Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 682-7881 3836 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc 920-682-8867 Parish Member www.billsauto.us GENERAL DENTISTRY 1503 Randolph Ct. Manitowoc, WI 54220 920-682-0321 107 Eisenhower St. Valders, WI 54245 920-775-4168 Dr. Daniel R. Boettcher Dr. Matthew R. Culligan Dr. Steven M. Groddy Dr. Estella A. Pizana PERIODONTICS Dr. Michael L. Schmerman FAX: 920-682-3128 EBERT’S ANTIQUES Since 1967 Wanted to buy: Antique Furniture • Crocks • Guns Rahr Kingsbury Items Silver Coins • Jewelry Estates - No Commission Bring in or Call 682-0687 10% Off Entire Bill With Ad • Great Breakfasts • Daily Specials • Homemade Desserts • Soup & Salad Bar Daily • Dine-in or Carryout Family Restaurant 2021 Nagle Ave. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone (920) 683-2123 Fax (920) 683-3475 682-1081 2013 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc Windows Free Estimates 2816 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc John School 920-686-1278 All Insurance Work Has A Lifetime Guarantee 682-0240 Home Repair and General Carpentry Home: 920-686-0445 Cell: 920-860-2225 Call Tim for a Free Estimate! Fully Insured! All Occasion Catering Jim Vnuk • Manitowoc, WI (920) 901-0006 Available for Indoor or Outdoor Events Serving at Your Site or Eagles Club in Manitowoc Capable of Serving Groups from 50-2,500 we are here to serve all your needs LUISIER PLUMBING, INC. “Serving The Lakeshore for Over 50 Years” 1320 Washington St. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Novak’s Service Center 203 South Liberty Valders Jeremiah Novak 4623 Goodwin Road 682-3666 MP #232233 JOHN KOSS (920) 683-1996 4558 Broadway Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 JOHN KOSS BUILDERS, INC. Sales and Installation of Carpeting • Vinyl • Ceramic Laminate & Wood CUSTOM CARPENTRY NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS • GARAGES • SIDING ROOFING • KITCHENS LEE & DAVE DENK 1507 Twentieth St. Two Rivers, WI 54241 www.johnkossbuilders.com Phone 794-1364 Owner 920-684-5737 Fax: 920-684-5643 Repair and Maintenance We fill propane cylinders 775-9323 682-2480 1-800-236-4827 Working hard to be “Lumber 1” with you! Pro-View, Inc. Certified Home Inspections Matt Schuette P.O. Box 2048 Manitowoc, WI 54221 Phone: 920-973-7841 proviewinc@att.net www.proviewinc.net FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC C 2C 01-0704 04-22-2015 10:48:59 Joseph W. Debilzen, Financial Advisor KAMINSKI & POZORSKI Attorneys and Counselors • 18 Hole Championship Golf Course • Practice Facility • 9 Hole Practice Course • Season Passes, Leagues, Full Service Golf Shop Available • Wedding Ceremonies • Wedding Receptions • Christmas Parties • Corporate Events 3212 N. Union Rd. Cato, WI 54230 (920) 682-5901 www.golfbranchriver.com We can accommodate ps of 12 to 275 groups Rick Balzan Parish Member (920) 905-0543 SL.edu 2 years in a row! Four Seasons CHRIS LEWIS TREE SURGERY All Phases of Restaurant Great Breakfast All Day Tree Services. Aerial Bucket. Fully Insured 3950 Calumet Avenue TIM NATE PLUMBING INSTALLATION & REPAIRS New Construction - Remodel Residential - Commercial Garbage Disposals - Water Heaters Drain Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES MP #230792 Licensed & Insured Over 20 Years Experience 920-684-8968 “Helping to make things right” joe.debilzen@edwardjones.com 684-6694 Siding • Remodeling New Home Construction Windows • Roofing Custom Kitchens/Baths Rubber Roof Commercial & Residential Delicious Catering With All Your Favorites! (920) 876-2984 Serving Food Mon.-Thurs. 10am-Midnight • Fri. 10am-10pm Sat. 10am-Midnight • Sun. 7am-8pm 4117 Broadway St., Manitowoc 684-1622 • Graduation • Special Events Jim Bialek - Owner ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED 904 South Eighth Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 May is Lupus Awareness Month Stop in to Learn More About www.balzanhr.com and Donate to Personal attention to your human the Lupus Foundation resource issues Find the Extraordinary in You 846 N. 8th St., Manitowoc Bus. 920-682-4029 Cell 920-629-1601 Jung Construction LLC Book Your Next Event at Branch River Manitowoc County’s Finest Golf Facility 1925 North Rapids Road Manitowoc, WI 54220 VOGEL AUTO BODY • JOHNS AUTO SALES “THE PROFESSIONALS” COMPLETE BODY SERVICE • AMERICAN & FOREIGN Serving The Manitowoc Area FREE ESTIMATES For Over 30 Years Compliments 920 682-7684 of A Friend Caregiver Need a Break? 2324 N RAPIDS RD • MANITOWOC Recharge using Azura Memory Care’s Short-Term Respite Care Program. Only $150 per day! (less than $6.50 per hour) At Azura Memory Care, we believe in supporting our family caregivers by offering a cost-effective way for them to rest and recuperate. (920) 284-6584 3720 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc www.azuramemory.com 683-1444 682-5621 HOFMANN MONUMENTS, INC. Calumet Avenue Jim KaderabekSeiler Bros. Builder Construction, Inc. Dr. Chiropractic Thomas - Certified Chiropractic FOR THREE GENERATIONS MEMORIALS - MARKERS MAUSOLEUMS TODD & KEVIN HOFMANN 3104 Memorial Dr. Two Rivers 794-7541 Call us today to schedule a tour and witness our Exceptional Care. Extremity Practitioner Drain Tile Work Dr. Willhite - National Treasurer of the Concrete Work. ACA Council of Internal Disorders Trenching 3713 Calumet Ave. Basement Wall Repair Phone 682-4726 4511 E. Whitetail CT Remodeling New Home Construction Parish Member Manitowoc, WI 54220 682-0756 (920) 682-6680 HOME IMPROVEMENTS New Homes • Remodeling • Additions Exterior/Interior Home Improvements Bill Luedtke • (920) 758-9535 Honesty • Integrity Quality Workmanship Industrial - Commercial - Residential 920.686.1180 24 Hour Emergency Service 2 MARITIME PLUMBING CUT YOUR HEATING BILLS WITHOUT CUTTING COMFORT AND MECHANICAL LLC lakeheat@lakefield.net/www.lakeheat.com Residential • Commercial Full Service Plumbing For more information on these products, contact Dale or Jennifer Zipperer Kitchen & Bath Showroom 24 Hour Emergency Service (920) 682-8794 www.maritimepm.com 683-3967 Parish Family NEW TRANSMISSIONS MIKE HOWE BUILDERS NEW TRANSMISSIONS “Building With Pride” NEW CONSTRUCTION • ADDITIONS REMODELING • ROOFING SIDING • WINDOWS DECKS • CONCRETE mhowebuilders@yahoo.com www.mikehowebuilders.com 920-242-3111 Contact John Hiller to place an ad today! JHiller@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2481 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM AUTO • TRUCK • RV Foreign & Domestic Transmissions Repair/Rebuilt ASE Certified • See Us At Our New Location 4125 Cty Tk CR, Manitowoc (920) 682-9091 OUR GRILL IS NOW OPEN TRY OUR DELICIOUS SANDWICHES, BURGERS & MORE “Fun Place Where Good People Meet” 527 N. 10th St. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC 920-682-6510 B 2C 01-0704 04-22-2015 10:48:59 Parish Members Funeral Home • Skip Pfeffer and All-Care Cremation • Steve Pfeffer Center R & J FRICKE, INC. Silver Lake Country Store Jay Fricke, Parishioner Quality Sand & Gravel For Quality Concrete Division of Tri-State Feed & Grain 5814 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 Office: 920-682-3388 A Nice Catholic Lady Who Knows The Proper Length of a Hem Ready Mixed Concrete - Building Materials Sand Fill - Road Gravel Email: slcs@lakefield.net Alterations, Zipper Replacement, Repairs Mix Plant, 3107 Fricke Dr.684-4824 Website: www.tristatefeed.com 929 So. 8th St., Manitowoc Office, 3107 Fricke Dr. 684-9294 Concrete Lifting and Foundation Repair 4903 Vista Road Manitowoc, WI 54221-1054 920-684-8515 www.raise-rite.com Member FDIC Compliments of DR. WILLIAM J. BERO Family Dentistry Orthodontics Bob De Roche 682-2161 bob.deroche.b1gk@statefarm.com 2102 Marshall 684-9253 CUSTOM HEALTH PHARMACY INC. John Sowinski R. Ph., Pharmacist/Owner Parish Family St. Vincent de Paul Store 1011 S. 10th St., Manitowoc (Corner of 10th & Washington, next to Subway) 911 Chicago Street Manitowoc (920) 482-3145 920-682-9452 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm Store Hours: Mon 9am-5pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am-4pm Sat 9am-1pm Badger Cycle Motorcycles • ATVs • Scooters Snowblowers • Generators 920-682-2127 www.badgercycle.com Thank you for your donations Volunteers always welcome 1351 S. Rapids Rd. • Manitowoc John Kunesh, Owner • (920) 686-1003 Pietroske Inc. Free Estimates • Fully Insured Soffit & Fascia Work Available 4000 Grand Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 684-0224 Buick • Cadillac • GMC Truck • Chevrolet www.Pietroske.com 920-793-3311 Two Rivers, WI Special Events Construction Sites Luxury Units Handicap Units Handwash Sinks Celebrating 50 Years! 920-726-4101 Thank you for your patronage! 9621 Newton Rd. Newton, WI Free Estimates Fully Insured John Kunesh, Owner (920) 323-7264 Local and Long Distance High Speed - DSL Business and Wireless solutions Every life is worth remembering Buy 1 Adult Buffet get the 2nd for $5.99 (with coupon) 2205 Forest Avenue Two Rivers, WI 54241 Open Daily 11-10pm • Buffet ’til 9pm 920-553-2211 3212 Calumet Ave • 920-769-0015 Award winning cemetery memorials • Interior Painting • Decorative & Faux Finishes • Wallpapering & Borders • Trim Work • Drywall Finishing • Quick, Reliable Service www.zabelmonuments.com 920-684-3829 1232 N 8th St. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 Owners & parish members Eric & Claire (Lenaerts) Zabel MANITOWOC, WI • 684-5559 Sue Evenson • (920) 772-4500 GREEN BAY DIOCESAN MUSEUM At St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 140 So. Madison St. Green Bay, WI 54301 “Builders Of Beauty” Since 1938 Tours Available In Clover just south of Natural Ovens Phone 920-432-4348 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC 758-2231 A 2C 01-0704 04-22-2015 10:48:59 Parish Office Phone: 920-684-3718 Parish Central Office: 601 North 8th Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 8:00 AM—4:30 PM; Fri. 8:00 AM—Noon www.sfamanitowoc.org / parish e-mail: info@sfamanitowoc.com Parish Worship Sites: Grand site, 1416 Grand Ave. Marshall site, 1114 S. 21st St. Waldo site, 1121 N. 14th St. Faith Formation Center: 1416 Grand Ave., 652-7811 School Central Office: 1408 Waldo Blvd., 652-7830 Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Dave Pleier Fr. Dave Beaudry Fr. Bill Brunner Fr. Rene Balbero Dcn. Bob Beehner Parish Deacons Deacon Rich Bahnaman Deacon Bob Beehner Deacon Alan Boeldt Deacon Mike Dolezal Deacon Kenn Nelesen Parish & School Team Barbara Kratz……………….…Director of Faith Formation Ann Lensmire…………………………….Director of Music Mark Knipp….....………….………......Director of Worship Jonathan Blevins……………Coordinator of Youth Ministry Brittany Wilms…………………...Assistant-Youth Ministry Dianne Vadney………………Family Ministry Coordinator Kay Goswitz………………………………..…Parish Nurse Patrick Brandel…………………………………Stewardship Deanne Kuenzi………………………………….Accountant Mike Miller…………………………....Director of Facilities Linda Bender—Elementary School Principal…….683-6892 Steve Thiele—Middle School Principal .…………683-6884 John Stelzer—President, Tim Olson—Principal Roncalli High School…………………………..682-8801 Cemeteries Jerry Schermetzler—Family Services Manager www.calvarymanitowoc.org 684-3646 Want to become a Catholic? There is a process to connect with the Spirit and the Church. Call the parish office and ask about RCIA. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). · · · Mass Schedule Saturday: Marshall site: 4:00 PM Grand site: 4:00 PM Waldo site: 4:30 PM Marshall site: 6:00 PM Misa en Español Sunday: Waldo site: Marshall site: Grand site: 7:30 & 9:30 AM 5:00 PM LifeTeen Mass 9:00 AM 8:30 & 10:30 AM Weekday: 6:45 AM, rotating monthly. Waldo: January, April, July, October Grand: February, May, August, November Marshall: March, June, September, December Radio Broadcast Mass: Sun. 9:30 AM, WCUB 980AM Cablecast of Sunday Mass: Tues & Wed. at 2:00 PM Comcast Cable Channel 20 Sacraments Reconciliation: Marshall site: Saturday, 8:00-9:00 AM Grand site: Saturday, 3:00-3:30 PM Waldo site: Saturday, 3:30-4:00 PM Anytime by appointment. Baptism & Marriage Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick A communal celebration is offered three times per year. Individual anointing is available upon request. Pastoral Care of the Sick/Homebound Please notify the parish office of family/friends who are homebound, in care facilities, or hospitalized. We Welcome You to St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community! Our most important involvement in the parish community is our presence at the Sunday Eucharist— “the source and summit of our life in Christ”. Our parish Christian stewardship is based on prayer, service, and sharing. We are called to give back to God as generously as God has given to us. If you wish to find out more about our parish community, please contact the parish office, or complete this form and drop in the collection basket at Mass. You will be contacted by a member of the parish staff. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ .
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