April 26, 2015 MASS & WORSHIP SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:30 PM SUNDAY MASSES: 7:30, 9, 11:30 AM; 1:30 PM Spanish; 6PM Youth Mass MONDAY-FRIDAY: 6:30 & 8 AM; Saturday 8 AM RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4-5 PM or by Appointment ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Thursday 8:30 AM—3:30 PM; Saturday 4-5 PM C H U R C H 50 L EOPARD R OAD , P AOLI , P A 19301 PHONE 610.644.1655 FAX 610.644.1928 S C H O O L 6 G REENLAWN R OAD , P AOLI , P A 19301 PHONE: 610.644.1670 FAX: 610.644.0201 MARY KAY HENNESSY, PRINCIPAL CLERGY REV. MICHAEL J. LEE, O.PRAEM., PASTOR R E V . CARL W. BRASCHOSS, O.PRAEM., PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACON JOHN P. LOZANO FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Do we truly know the voice of Christ? Do we truly respond to the voice of our shepherd with our own distinctive voice? How often we attempt to imitate those around us, appropriating the response of another member of the flock to Christ. Perhaps we need to balance the image of being sheep of one flock with the image from the second reading, which tells us that we are all children of God. What child has precisely the same interaction with parents as his or her siblings? Instead, they frequently do and say things to distinguish themselves in the eyes of their parents. Whether we use the image of children or of sheep to understand our relationship with Christ, we believe that we are all known and called by name. With this great gift comes a responsibility: to respond to the call with our own distinctive voice, to take time to discern exactly what our call is, to determine precisely what the will of the Father is for each of us. GOOD DEED SUNDAY Today is popularly known as “Good Shepherd” Sunday. The scriptural image of Jesus the Good Shepherd looms so large in Christian piety that it often obliterates the other images we might encounter in scripture. Peter’s speeches last week and today follow the healing of the man outside the temple. This good deed, done in the name of the good shepherd, caused Peter and John to be imprisoned, and later called upon to defend themselves. What we heard last week and what we hear today is Peter’s defense of the good deed that he and John performed. This might also be called “good name” Sunday, for Peter emphasizes that it is in the name of Jesus that the man was healed, in his name that the man stood before them, and in his name that all will be saved. GOOD CHILDREN SUNDAY Likewise, we might call this “good children” Sunday, based on the beautiful passage from the first letter of John. The apostle John was writing to early Christians who were being ostracized or persecuted by their communities. This is why he refers to the world “not knowing” the children of God, for they do not truly know God. On this day, when we are reminded that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the flock, we should call to mind that if we are living as good children of the loving Father, we will be taking the good news of Christ to places where it is not known and may not be welcome. If we are not encountering some who “do not know us” (who do not comprehend why our faith is so important to us), there is a good chance that we are not witnessing to our faith with the steadfastness and perseverance we ought. All we need do is follow the example of Peter and John in the Acts of the Apostles. They gave neither silver nor gold but acted as good children of a loving God, and in the name of God’s son healed a man, even though it caused them to endure more suffering. This, however, is our calling as members of the flock of the suffering, risen Good Shepherd. TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 © J. S. Paluch Company Page 2 April 26, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 Sunday, April 26, 2015 Vigil †Marjorie Noel 7:30 †Sue Christmyer 9:00 †Thomas and †Rita Ashdale 11:30 †Brady Lahiff 1:30 PM Spanish Mass 6 PM Members of the parish Monday, April 27 6:30 For the unemployed 8:00 †Helen Grevy Tuesday, April 28 6:30 †Anna Marie Hill 8:00 †Gerard and †Marie Hageney Wednesday, April 29 6:30 †Graham Shafer 8:00 †Mary Jane Johns Thursday, April 30 6:30 For the unemployed 8:00 The Lord’s Blessing on the Fairorth Family Friday, May 1 6:30 For the unemployed 8:00 †Alan Vukasovic 9:00 †Marino Puliti Saturday, May 2 8:00 †Nancy McKloskey Sunday, May 3 Vigil †Assunta Ginnona 7:30 Members of the parish 9:00 Deceased members of Sharpless Family 11:30 †Waldemar Nachajski; †Maria and †Piotr Nachajski 1:30 PM Spanish Mass 6 PM †John and †Mary Gregg OUR VISION St. Norbert Parish aspires to become one in Christ as a community of fervent disciples, who listen attentively for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and who lovingly embrace Jesus, present in the poor, the alienated and the spiritually hungry. Stewardship A Beautiful Garden “As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family.” Pope Francis, January 18, 2015. As we continue to cele- brate the Easter season, the rebirth of spring and even Earth Day on April 22, we look around and everywhere we see the splendor of God’s creation in the greening grass, budding trees and blooming flowers. Here at St. Norbert’s we are blessed by the tireless efforts of the volunteers in our Gardening and Landscaping Ministry, who have worked so hard to beautify our parish grounds. Many thanks to the fervent disciples who exercise good stewardship of God’s creation by lovingly tending our beautiful gardens: Herman Schauble, Denise and Kevin Duffy, Sandy and Steve Ryan, Marita McManus and Danielle Hughes. Many thanks also to all those who generously contribute to our Sunday offering, which allows St. Norbert’s to engage professional landscaping services to maintain our lawn areas and large trees. Stewardship of God’s creation has also been and will continue to be a major focus for Pope Francis in the upcoming months. The Pope speaks often of this obligation, and is working on a papal encyclical on care of the environment, which is expected to be released this summer. In addition, Pope Francis is convening a climate change conference in Vatican City beginning this Tuesday April 28 called “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Development.” The opening address will be by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon as well as statements and panel discussions involving 60 world religious leaders and scientists. The day-long event is sponsored by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and Religions for Peace, a nongovernmental organization (NGO) headquartered at the United Nations in New York City. Moira Murphy, Stewardship and Development Coordinator † Prayers & Readings PRAY FOR HEALING: Especially Corinne Kerrigan, Lowen Wilmer, William A. Ross, Anne Sullivan, Steve Siple, Kathleen Paleudis, Patty Kundert, Rose Ruscitto, Joe Monte, Brad Moser, Vera Valyo, Carole Mahon, Carol Vanchina, Matthew Rice, Harvey Pollack, Marty Kenney, Susan Cantando, Debra Ulicny, Joe Mensick, Alice Spina, Greg Kleckner, Jim Hayes REST IN PEACE: Marian J. Blake PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS: Capt. Dan Kohli, USMC Sgt. Justin Lansford, USA Maj. James Merenda, USAF Spc. R. J. Paski, USA A1c. Matthew Paski, USAF READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:23, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:14; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 St. Norbert Bulletin Page 3 few ideas for reflection on the words of Pope Francis. At the end of these reflections I also list a web site which is a very helpful study guide2. ♦ Christ continually brings joy anew, and the best way to be filled with that joy is to recommit to a relationship with Christ. ♦ “God never tires of forgiving all people, but people may get tired in seeking God’s mercy” (Mt 18:22). ♦ “Where and how do you find joy? Does your faith bring you joy? If so, how do you share that joy with people around you? Where do you see joy in the communities where you celebrate your faith?” ♦ “Discipleship means making your life a witness to a relationship with Jesus.” ♦ “A joyful faith is an act of peacemaking and we should respond to difficult relationships with prayers for those who challenge us.” ♦ “God calls to each of us with the joys of community and missionary discipleship is the most natural and rewarding response” (Mt 28: 18). ♦ “Personal encounters with the saving love of Jesus opens hearts and fills the voids in ourselves and our society. People of faith carry on his ministry in pursuit of the joy and meaning it brings.” — Fr. Mike Pastor’s Pulpit CONTINUING OUR ALPHABET JOURNEY . . . “JOY OF THE GOSPEL” As a student in grade school the Sacrament of Confession (it was called confession then and not reconciliation) was something that put the fear of God into us. There were certain priests that we knew we needed to avoid even if our fear was unfounded. I remember one priest in particular, a Norbertine priest, who I would look for on Saturdays for confession, the time when most went to confession. What is my point? When I hear Pope Francis speak about the Joy of the Gospel1, I remember the words of encouragement I received from this priest concerning JOY. He said that the “J” stands for Jesus and the “Y” stands for you. The “O” is the nothing we try to keep between Jesus and You. These are very simple words, but very profound. We try as Christians to maintain the Joy of the Gospel by keeping nothing between Jesus and ourselves. Jesus then becomes central in our lives and in our relationships with family and friends. As a parish community here at Saint Norbert’s, I believe we must be open to the GRACE that the Joy of the Gospel brings. The entire work by Pope Francis offers many challenges, but bringing the knowledge of Jesus Christ to others is our FIRST PRIORITY. The following are a POPE FRANCIS SPEAKS ON MEN & WOMEN ON COMPLEMENTARITY Speaking on the complementarity between man and woman at a Papal Audience on April 15, Pope Francis said that in the Book of Genesis, God made both in his image and likeness adding, “Not only man as such, not only woman as such, but rather man and woman, as a couple, are the image of God. The difference between them is not a question of contrast or subordination, but instead of communion and generation, always in the image and semblance of God.” Later, he commented: “Modern and contemporary culture has opened up new spaces, new freedoms and new depths for the enrichment and understanding of this difference. But it has also introduced many doubts and much skepticism. I wonder, for example, if so-called gender theory is not an expression of frustration and resignation, that aims to cancel out sexual difference as it is no longer able to face it. Yes, we run the risk of taking step backwards. 1 Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel can be downloaded from the Vatican: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/ documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangeliigaudium.html 2 Joy of the Gospel Study and Action Guide, Network Education Program: http://network-education.org/images/jotg-guide.pdf † Indeed, the removal of difference is the problem, not the solution. To solve their problems in relating to each other, men and women must instead speak more, listen more, know each other better, value each other more. They must treat each other with respect and cooperate in friendship. With these human bases, supported by God's grace, it is possible to plan a lifelong matrimonial and family union. The marriage and family bond is a serious matter for all, not only for believers. I would like to encourage intellectuals not to ignore this theme, as if it were secondary to our efforts to promote a freer and more just society.” Pope Francis ended his audience saying, “...The earth is filled with harmony and trust when the alliance between man and woman is lived well. And if men and women seek this together between them and with God, without doubt they will find it. Jesus explicitly encourages us to bear witness to this beauty, which is the image of God.” For the Pope’s full enlightening text on this subject, go to: http://www.news.va/en/news/general-audience-thecomplementarity-between-man-a Page 4 News & Events MISSION DIOCESES RIGHT HERE AT HOME... STRUGGLING CHURCHES In the Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, there are approximately 35,000 Catholics in 14 counties, with only 36 active and 12 retired priests. This shortage leaves one county in the diocese with only a single Catholic church and one priest. With a grant from Catholic Home Missions, the diocese is training seven seminarians for the priesthood. On the weekend of May 2-3, we will hold the Catholic Home Missions Appeal to support and strengthen the Church right here in the United States. Through your generosity, Catholic Home Missions funds catechesis, seminarian education, lay ministry training, Hispanic ministry, and other pastoral programs for dioceses in need. The dioceses funded by the appeal comprise nearly 45 percent of all US dioceses. Mission dioceses often struggle with high rates of poverty and a lack of educated pastoral and lay leadership. Please be generous with your support of the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your support will truly make a difference. Gratefully and with best wishes in Jesus Christ, † Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, OFM, Cap Archbishop of Philadelphia SAVE THE DATES FOR YOUNG ADULTS . . . THEOLOGY ON TAP Make your plans now and clear your schedule for our St. Norbert Young Adults June Theology on Tap. Always intriguing and never disappointing, this is the third year for our series of outstanding speakers. Join us at McKenzie’s in Malvern/Frazer on: ♦ June 1: Damon Owens, Holiness in personal relationships, Director – Theology of the Body Institute ♦ June 8: Sister Sheila Galligan, IHM, Personal virtues needed to promote good family relationships Professor of Theology, Immaculata University ♦ June 15: Bill Donaghy, Family as a School of Humility, Hilarity and Holiness, Instructor, Theology of the Body Institute; Adjunct Professor, Immaculata University ♦ June 22: Tom Southard, Director, Wolfington April 26, 2015 Center at Cabrini College and Sister Mary Beth Hamm, NETWORK Board Member FOLLOW: St. Norbert Young Adults on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NorbsYA/ 50+ HAPPY HOUR — SAVE THE DATE . . . 5/5 AT 5! Join us for a 50+ Group Happy Hour on Tuesday, May 5th from 5 to 7 PM at the General Warren Inne (Garden Room) in Malvern. Special pricing on drinks and light fare till 6:30 PM. Separate checks—no RSVP required. If you decide to stay for dinner, they now have “small plates” on their dining menu. CONTACT: Joan Reed at joanhreed@yahoo.com or 610.358.4449 WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES . . . WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? As part of a special introduction to the World Meeting of Families, St. Norbert’s will be presenting a special 9 week speaker series this summer on The World Meeting of Families and You featuring what the Church teaches on families, marriage, being a man or a woman, the gift of children and more. Save the dates and plan on seeing one or all June 7 to August 9, Sundays from 10:15—11:5 AM in the Oratory. Stay after the 9 AM Mass or come early before the 11:30 for our own parish speakers: ♦ June 7: Sarah Christmyer, What is the World Meeting of Families and how can you participate? ♦ June 14: Bill Donaghy, What does it mean to be a man in today’s society? ♦ June 21: Deacon John Lozano, Why marriage? ♦ June 28: Andrew Youngblood, The gift of children ♦ July 5: No program ♦ July 12: Sarah Christmyer, What does it mean to be a woman in today’s society? ♦ July 19: Kevin Hughes, PhD, Called into life together: The gift of the family ♦ July 26: Kevin Hughes, PhD, Family: Trial and grace in the ‘messiness of life’ ♦ August 2: Kevin Hughes, PhD, Family: “Love is our Mission” ♦ August 9: Deacon John Lozano, Church as family CONTACT: Mark Christmyer at 610.644.1655 ext. 131 or mchristmyer@stnorbert.org KNOW SOMEONE IN NEED OF HEALING? Join us for a night of healing prayer, laying on of hands, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick all in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 PM St. Norbert Bulletin Page 5 Around Our Parish Cheering the Reading Fightin’ Phils onto victory Friday, April 17, was the St. Norbert Mother/Son group led by Principal Mary Kay Hennessy who threw out the 1st pitch (1, 2). The recent Princess Ball was hosted by Prince Charming and Cinderella with School fathers bringing their special princess daughters as dates (3-7). New banners welcoming Pope Francis to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families are appearing on campus (8). April Fools rumors that he will be visiting us are unfounded...perhaps. Keep those letters going to the Vatican. 8 2 7 3 1 y Earl Now e l a et S k c i T Bird Daylesford Abbey 20 S. Valley Road Paoli, PA 19301 TheAbbeyFest.com 4 5 6 Page 6 April 26, 2015 WITNESS SUNDAY NOW AT STNORBERT.ORG “IT BECAME MY FAITH” Last weekend on Witness Sunday, Megan Lyons, gave a dynamic witness to her journey in the Catholic faith and a personal relationship with Jesus. Her witness is now available on our website at StNorbert.org, Resource Center, Videos, Witness Sunday (http://parish.stnorbert.org/ resource-center/videos/witnesssunday). Every month a different St. Norbert Parishioner will witness to their faith and their life at our parish. Currently we have three videos; our next Witness Sunday will be the weekend of May 9-10 at all Masses. HERE THIS YEAR . . . BIBLE ALIVE! Register now for the 2015 National Catholic Bible Conference (NCBC) co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia featuring Jeff Cavins, Mark Hart, Dr. Edward Sri, our own Sarah Christmyer and more. June 19-20 at Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown. REGISTER at: CatholicBibleConference.com CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SCHOLARS ARCHBISHOP CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL 1st Honors: Jacob George 2nd Honors: Victoria Dilks POPE JOHN PAUL II HIGH SCHOOL 2nd Honors: Lorenzo Giannandrea ABBEYFEST UPDATE: The next FREE AbbeyFest Praise Night featuring house band FireHill (photo left) will be Friday, June 12, 7:30 PM at Daylesford Abbey. Check out: THEABBEYFEST.COM DIVORCED & SEPARATED You are not alone! A free Catholic ministry offering welcome, support and direction in navigating this most stressful, confusing and painful time. SUNDAYS Now till May 31, 7:15 to 8:45 PM TOPICS COVERED: Anger, Depression, Loneliness, Forgiveness, Finances, Children, and more... TO REGISTER CONTACT: Deacon John Lozano at John@StNorbert.org Sessions Held at DAYLESFORD ABBEY 220 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA 19301, Phone: 610.647.2530 UPCOMING EVENTS WEEKLY: Sundays Becoming Catholic RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), 10:15-11:45 AM , Parish Office, CONTACT: Lorrie Grady at 610.644.4999 or lhg905@verizon.net or Hank Fila at 610.513.9768 or hankfila@gmail.com; Youth Group following 6 PM Mass Tuesdays Dawn Seekers Bible Study, Tuesday mornings, 8:30 AM, CONTACT: JoAnn Gregg grammygregg@ymail.com or Jeff Daily jxdaily@ix.netcom.com; Young Adults Sunday Reading Faith Sharing, Parish Office Lower Level, 7:30-9 PM Wednesdays JCREW Youth Group, 7-9 PM, Youth Group Room Thursdays Adoration, 8:30 AM—3:30 PM, Oratory; Legion of Mary, 10-11:30 am, Sacristy Meeting Room; The EDGE Middle School Youth Group , 7 PM, Youth Room Saturdays Reconciliation 4-5 PM or by appointment; Adoration 4-5 PM UPCOMING: Apr 28 School Spring Concert, 7 PM, School Dining Hall May 1 Festival of Praise, 7:30 PM, Oratory May 5 50+ Happy Hour, 5-7 PM, General Warren Inne, Malvern. CONTACT: Joan Reed at 610.358.4449 or joanhreed@yahool.com May 5 School Band & Select Choir Concert, 7 PM, School Dining Hall May 6 Catholic Book Club, 1st Wednesday of the Month, CONTACT: Mary Lucks 610.644.5305 or malucks@gmail.com Elaine Kicak 610.647.1562 or elakicak@gmail.com May 6 Bethesda 18th Annual Gala & Auction, 6 PM, The Diamond Club at Citizens Bank Park. CONTACT: bethesdaproject.org May 10 Gethsemani 12 Step Spirituality, 2nd Sunday of the month, 7:30 PM, Oratory, CONTACT: Deborah M. 610.644.1823 May 11 CYO Meeting, 7:30 PM, Parish Office Meeting Room, CONTACT: www.StNorbertcyo.org May 12 Word of Life Women 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7-9 PM, CONTACT: Maria O’Connell 610.731.9402 or msoakie3@comcast.net May 13 Christian Yoga, 11 AM, Parish Office Lower Level May 13 Vigil, Feast of the Ascension, 7 PM, MASS May 14 Feast of the Ascension, 6:30, 8 , 9:15 AM, Masses May 14 Prayer & Healing Night, 7:30 PM, Church May 16 Respect Life Committee, 8:45 AM, Parish Office Dining Room May 17 Youth Group Senior Appreciation Night, 7:30 PM, School Dining Hall May 21 Gethsemani Addictions Evening of Prayer, 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-8 PM, Oratory, CONTACT: Mark Christmyer 610.644.1655 ext. 131 May 25 Memorial Day, Parish Office Closed May 27 Christian Yoga, 11 AM, Parish Office Lower Level May 28 Men’s Word of Life, 7 PM, Parish Office Meeting Room, CONTACT: Mike Piccioni 610.648.0512 or amedeo.piccioni@yahoo.com June 6 Parish Picnic, 6:30-9 PM, St. Norbert School Grounds. Contact: Ed Grady at egrady@stnorbert.org
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