2015 Town Hall - Parking & Transportation

Parking & Transportation at KSU Faculty and Staff Who’s who What are the biggest changes? NOW FALL 2015 Pay to park? NO YES Reserved Faculty/Staff areas? YES YES Park in any Faculty/Staff area? NO YES Dedicated spaces available? NO YES HANGTAGS DECALS Not really YES Permit type: ShuHle Service? What are my parking options? •  Reserved faculty/staff standard parking: $23 per month •  May park in any available standard faculty/staff parking area •  Economy faculty/staff parking: $10 per month •  May park only in faculty/staff economy area •  Opt-­‐out: $0 per month •  May not bring a car to campus •  Dedicated space: $88 per month •  Exclusive dedicated faculty/staff spot of your choice (if available) where only you are permiHed to park •  You are permiHed to park only in this spot •  Carpool: $23 per month •  One decal per car, other members opt-­‐out •  May park in reserved faculty/staff carpool spaces Where are F/S areas? Parking on Kennesaw campus StarXng August 1, 2015, faculty and staff from either campus may park in any faculty/staff parking area on both campuses. How does it work? Starts fall 2015 semester: 1.  Input your vehicle informaXon in Owl Express before going to Card Services 2.  Go to Card Services and select a parking opXon 3.  Card Services will issue you a faculty/staff decal – up to two (2) addiXonal decals may be purchased 4.  Card Services will noXfy HR of your choice 5.  HR will insXtute automaXc payroll deducXon in the amount for your parking opXon Owl Express? 2 3 1 What is the BOB Shuttle? •  KSU operates a FREE shuHle system for all students, faculty and staff with valid KSU ID cards •  StarXng fall 2015, BOB will run: •  Routes between the Kennesaw and MarieHa campuses •  Regular routes Monday through Friday locally on both campuses Details and schedules coming soon parking.kennesaw.edu What else is happening? • 
New parking area signage New striping EvaluaXon of handicapped spaces and ADA compliance EvaluaXon of road condiXons for needed repairs/maintenance Parking and TransportaXon CommiHee representaXon EvaluaXon of lights in lots and deck Adding speed limit signs campus-­‐wide Redesigning visitor parking areas Adding faculty/staff spaces to deck FAQs When does this go into effect? August 1, 2015 is the deadline date for all MarieHa faculty and staff to have new KSU parking credenXals. When can I pick up my decal? MarieHa campus decals will be available starXng June 1, 2015. Note that once you pick up your decal, you will begin to be charged monthly for parking. Are the decals transferable? Yes. However, faculty and staff may purchase up to two (2) addiXonal decals for two addiXonal cars. All decals must be registered to a unique vehicle. FAQs When will citaNons start to be issued for incorrect parking credenNals? Parking enforcement will begin on both campuses September 1, 2015 for incorrect decal display. What does “Open Parking” mean? During open parking, Faculty and Staff may park in any legiXmate parking space on campus with the excepXon of the following spaces: CANNOT PARK IN: Dedicated Spaces ADA Spaces Carpool Spaces Fire Lanes Service Vehicle Spaces Resident Student Spaces Police Vehicle Spaces Faculty and staff may NOT parking in student parking spaces unless we are in OPEN parking mode. Questions? 678-­‐915-­‐4279 parking@kennesaw.edu parking.kennesaw.edu