20-21 August 2015 7th Passivhus Norden is more than a Passivhaus-conference or a GBC-meeting. 7PHN is an open-minded forum for architects, engineers, builders, contractors, manufacturers and researchers focusing on highly energy-efficient and in wider sense sustainable and green buildings and cities. The conference gathers the latest knowledge and most recent experience within the field. Experienced and young researchers as well as practitioners from the Nordic countries present during the two days conference about 80 contributions on a variety of specific agendas. The conference is organised jointly by: 7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings www.7phn.org 7th Passivhus Norden Conference, 20-21 August 2015 in Bella Center, Copenhagen Program draft based on scientific committee's review of abstracts 05-05-2015 Thursday 20 August 2015 09.00 Welcome & Keynotes Lunch Projects and Experiences 12.45 Ambitious energy refurbishments I Research and Development Framework Workshops New solutions: Thermal envelope Future energy systems Strategies for Cities 037 Refurbishment of a one-family house from 1967, focusing on energy efficiency and economic sustainability. Rein Terje Thorstensen, University of Agder 088 Design of novel functional package for deployable membrane skins: technical validation and life-cycle cost analysis Salvatore Viscuso, Politecnico di Milano - Architecture 105 Passive House Institute introduces new and updated building certification criteria Zeno Bastian, Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist Climate plans for cities. Good examples on implementation. Lessons learnt 052 Deep renovation of older multi storey building blocks - Sems Have Jørgen Rose, Danish Building Research Institute, SBi, AAU 075 Development of a Building Class 2020 outer wall system with a 'no thermal bridge' technology. Klavs K. Jakobsen, ROCKWOOL International A/S 048 Buildings interaction with the Energy Systems - A Research Agenda Alfred Heller, Technical University of Denmark Climate Adaptation. Energy and CO2 034 Challenges in Designing for Sustainability in Housing Renovation vs New Build - Examples Commercial solutions for internal insulation presented by the manufacturers of Two Recent Projects by C.F. Møller Terri Peters, University of Toronto 067 Step-by-step deep energy retrofit to Passive House (EnerPHit) Standard of a family home in Stockholm and a workshop in Næstved (DK) Ingo Theoboldt, IG Passivhus Sverige AB 082 Sustainable regions Elsebeth Terkelsen, Foreningen Bæredygtige Byer og Bygninger 104 Retrofit with PUR insulated prefab. Elements. Design, sustainability and economy, a case 050 Hypogeum design and renewable energy systems: a Zero Energy Library in northern Italy study (Poster) (Poster) Søren Dietz, Bjerg Arkitektur/ Dansk Passivhus Center Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, University of Brescia 046 A systematic approach to the refurbishment of a Danish office building applying the "Total 008 Sustainable solutions in practice: how implementing thermal insulation material based on 076 Smart integration of solar power in office buildings a Case studies of coverage rates and Concept"method (Poster) cellulose fibres from recycled paper enables lowered CO2-emissions in housing and transports surplus power generation (Poster) Pawel Krawczyk, Ramboll moisture in holiday homes (Poster) Elsa Fahlén, NCC Construction Sweden AB Per Thomsen, CBI Danmark 030 Solar thermal technologies for sustainable cities and buildings (Poster) Jakob Berg Johansen, Technical University of Denmark Break 14.20 Ambitious energy refurbishments II Building physics: Moisture safety Politics and international projects Centralization or revitalization? 010 Sustainable buildings - how Regenerative design can support the transformation Matthias Haase, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 121 Retrofitting with internal insulation - a review and state-of-the-art Ruut Peuhkuri, Technical University of Denmark 065 NeZeR - Promotion of smart and integrated Nearly Zero Energy Building Renovation measures in the European renovation market Riikka Holopainen, VTT Workshop hosted by FBBB - Association of Sustainable Cities and Buildings 107 Unusual approach on a sustainable neighborhood in Malmö Emma Karlsson, WSP Sverige AB 073 Moisture performance of energy efficient building envelopes Tuomo Ojanen, VTT 061 The future Building Legislations 2015 concerning energy performance of multi framed windows, in particular concerning listed buildings (Poster) Thomas Kampmann, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Presentation of different strategies in the Nordic countries. Is it best for a sustainable society to develop cities or keep the rural areas liveable? How do we achive a sustainable society and the best solutions? 111 Practical implementation of step-by-step EnerPHit retrofits carried out on selected case studies across Europe Zeno Bastian, Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist 103 Energy Efficient Houses in Northern Conditions - Is “Dry Chain” a Solution to Building Physical Issues (Poster) Markku Hienonen, Oulu Building Supervision Office 024 Building regulations cannot assure ambitious energy upgrading of existing residential buildings according to Norway's national targets Michael Klinski, SINTEF Byggforsk Discussion input from reserachers and politicians 072 Establishing the primary energy balance for Powerhouse Kjærbo including energy for materials, construction and operation Henning Fjeldheim, Skanska Norge Test of membranes and tapes Morten Hjorslev Hansen, DUKO 047 Norsk passivhusstandard for yrkesbygg er mindre ambisiøs enn tidligere kriterier og ferdigstilte prosjekter Michael Klinski, SINTEF Byggforsk 019 Renovation to passive house standard of sixties and seventies one-family houses (Poster) Åke Blomsterberg, Lund University Break 16.10 New architecture: Single family houses Energy efficient installations Energy efficiency and rentability What kind of growth? 110 Comparison of five zero and plus energy projects in Sweden and Norway - A technical review Tor Helge Dokka, Skanska Norge AS Overview of energy efficient installations 060 Economical baselines for energy ambitious upgrading of non-residential buildings Mads Mysen, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Framework for future sustainable buildings: Life span of real sustainable buildings is 100 years. Whar are the expected conidtions we can use to design after? 081 A model for prefabricated timber passive house in Estonia Kristo Kalbe, Sense OÜ 066 Evaluation of the heat generation and distribution system in a Swedish passive house residential area Henrik Olsson, NCC Construction Sweden AB 029 Cost-energy analyses of different measures for upgrading an office building to passive house standard in Norway Anna Svensson, SINTEF Byggforsk What kind of growth should dominate? What defines the good life? Which parameters are definitive and how do we use them? Consequences for cities and buildings 068 Tomorrows buildings today - results, conclusions and learnings Brian Wendin, VELUX Danmark A/S Heat pumps: State-of-the-art 044 Swedish experiences of using Total Concept for refurbishment towards nearly zero-energy buildings Åsa Wahlström, CIT Energy Management 036 Thermal comfort assessment with three heating systems in a low-energy building Mikk Maivel, Tallinn University of Technology 19:00 CONFERENCE DINNER Friday 21 August 2015 Keynotes 09.00 Coffee, fruit Projects and Experiences 10.15 New architecture: Offices and Schools New projects, ambitious goals Tools & Design & Approach Workshops Current advances in nZEB Tools and methods for performance evaluation How to improve energy efficiency of existing buidlings? Status and and state-of-art of current advances: passive houses and nZEB buildings. Nordic and World wide status 041 Daylight conditions and thermal indoor climate in low-energy dwellings - the consequence of Danish building legislation Steffen Petersen, Aarhus University How do we get ambitious improvement in energy efficiency simultanously with high building physical performance and architectural value? 093 SE's Passive- and Plus Energy HQ - A review on the actual building energy consumption compared with the estimated consumption. Rob Bindels, Hoffmann A/S 042 Method for comparison of Be10-calculated and actual energy use Steffen Petersen, Aarhus University 009 Sustainable transformation and energy improvement of old buildings Søren Vadstrup, The Royal Danish Academy 055 Högåsskolan in Knivsta - the first passive house school in Sweden Anna Kovacsne Sas, Archus Arkitekter 087 Influence of measurement uncertainty on classification of thermal environment in buildings 051 From Uniformity to Diversity Inge Vestergaard, Aarhus School of Architecture according to European Standard EN 15251 Jakub Kolarik, Technical University of Denmark 020 Kollaskolan - a passive-house school Joakim Kaminsky, Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture 094 Nordic passivhouse window design - is it possible Søren Dietz, Bjerg Arkitektur/ Dansk Passivhus Center 014 Sustainable Transformation Nicolai Bo Andersen, The Royal Danish Academy 012 Energy Monitoring and Quantitative Evaluation within the EU-BUILDSMART project (Poster) Jacob Lindblom, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Design and decision making tools for transformation existing buildings NN 106 Design development and measurement follow up of energy consumption in Viborg Town Hall Svend Erik Mikkelsen, COWI A/S Lunch 13.05 New architecture: Multi-family houses Green labelling - or green washing? Design methods and Tools How to ensure quality in Design - Construction - Operation? 035 DGNB certified Healthcare Centres - decision-making and design process Camilla Brunsgaard, Aalborg university 11 Development of a tool for sustainable building design based on PHPP Matthias Haase, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure How to bridge the cap? Workshop hosted by BYG-ERFA 027 Indoor Environment in Passive Houses - Field Measurements, Data Analysis, and Resident Overview of green certification schemes: Different criteria in different Nordic countries. How to Interviews in 6 Norwegian dwellings. succeed with DGNB/LEED/BREEAM? Lars Gullbrekken, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure PHI: PHPP Design. Interaktivt værktøj for formgivning og energimæssig optimering af bygninger. The building site is too far from authorities, universities and craftsman education. Facilities management and commissioning is missing. Quality is uneven and non-existing. How do we change this? 080 Influence of indoor environment and occupant behavior on energy consumption in passive A critical view on certification schemes house apartments Sergio Altomonte, University of Nottingham Asger Søvsø, Technical University of Denmark 014 Integrated design of daylight, thermal comfort and energy use with use of IDA ICE Line Karlsen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science What's the problem? The Architects' ability for detailling? The tradespersons' pride? The building owners' optimism? 056 Evaluation of energy performance and indoor climate in the passive house area Vallda Heberg Elsa Fahlén, NCC Construction Sweden AB 071 Impact of Building Form and Construction on its Energy Performance in Scandinavian Climates Antonio Malcangi, The Royal Danish Academy 021 BOLIG+ in Søborg - 10 energy neutral multistorey dwellings Lars Kvist, Arkitema Break 15.55 New architecture: Smaller buildings New "green" buildings User perspective Competions: Winning entries 040 The ZEB Living Lab: a zero emission house for engineering and social science experiments, Francesco Goia, The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings, NTNU Presentaiton of examples on green buidlings 077 Perceived indoor climate in Danish low-energy houses Henrik N. Knudsen, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University Urban+ Oslo Breeam NOR Outstanding competition project in Oslo 031 Eco House Biestøa - indoor climate performance Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, University of Agder Green buildings: Lessons learnt, Design team experiences, Examples on follow up and how to 025 Satisfaction, acute health symptoms, performance, behaviour and preferences of build up knowledge occupants in green mark certified office buildings Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark Fremtidens Bæredygtige Almene Bolig Danish competition on Sustainable Social Housing of the Future 062 LSS Andersberg Gävle (Poster) Besfort Halili, Emrahus AB 058 Functionalist Houses compared to Passive, Active, Adaptable and Prefabricated Houses. Are we moving on the right direction? Emanuele Naboni, The Royal Danish Academy Renovérprisen Nominees for the Danish The Refurbishment of the Year Prize 017 Energy efficient Swedish preschools - the users' comments Helena Westholm, ferrum arkitekter AB 079 Experiences, learning and guidelines concluded from the first of the new generation super low energy houses built in Denmark after approx. 2007. Klaus Ellehauge, Ekolab Break Summary of 7PHN 16.30 Arranged in co-operation: >>The architect-engineer-contractor cooperation is vital in order to create beautiful, functional, and sustainable building. In short – good architecture. The conference is unique in being this multidisciplinary<< Annette Blegvad, vice director, the Danish Architects’ Association 19 August: Excursions and welcoming reception 20-21 August: Key notes and presentations, exhibition 22 August: Excursions (alternative date) Keynotes Welcoming address by Mogens Lykketoft, President of the United Nations General Assembly, President of the Danish parliament, former minister of foreign affairs and finances, economist “From Off-grid Hydrogen Farm to Value Engineering”, Nick Grant, Elemental Solutions, Great Britain More keynotes will be announced as soon as they are confirmed. supports the conference financially Professional associations, networks and NGO’s who are partners of the 7PHN conference:
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