7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings Brings practitioners and researchers together Welcome to the 7th Passivhus Norden conference, 7PHN Living is multifaceted, even living sustainably. So is maintaining a sustainable society and creating new parts of it – cities and buildings. To fully succeed in our work, we must look to greater perspectives and frameworks as well as the detail, quality and actual performance. That is what the multidisciplinary organizing team as well as the program of 7PHN reflects. The program combines the scientific format with reviewed papers and posters with invited speakers, which all bring interesting experiences. We look forward to meeting you and wish you a very good conference. The conference is organized in cooperation between: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation 20 August 2015 in Bella Center, Copenhagen 7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings 08.30 Registration and breakfast buffet 09.15 Welcoming addresses and keynotes in Auditorium 15. Moderator: Søren Pedersen, Passivhus.dk ‚Liveable Society by Sustainable Design‘ by Professor and Architect Walter Unterrainer, Aarhus School of Architecture ‚From Off-Grid Living to Mainstream Buildings, a Personal Journey‘, Design Engineer Nick Grant, Elemental Solutions 11.40 Lunch Projects and Experiences Brings practitioners and researchers together Auditorium 15 AMBITIOUS ENERGY REFURBISHMENTS Chairman: Lars Kvist, Arkitema www.7phn.org Session room 18 Research and development Framework NEW SOLUTIONS: THERMAL ENVELOPE Session room 19 FUTURE ENERGY SYSTEMS Chairman: Tuomo Ojanen, VTT Chairman: Morten Blarke, Energianalyse.dk Workshops Session room 5 BARRIERS TO THE CITIES’ GREEN AMBITIONS Moderator: Ole Stilling, Stilling Consulting 12.40 034 Challenges in Designing for Sustainability in Housing Renovation vs. New Build - Examples of Two Recent Projects by C.F. Møller, Julian Weyer, C.F. Møller 12.40 075 Development of a Building Class 2020 outer wall system with a ‚no thermal bridge‘ technology. Klavs K. Jakobsen, ROCKWOOL International A/S 12.40 105 Passive House Institute introduces new and updated building certification criteria, Zeno Bastian, Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist Mayors and municipalities have actively been making climate agreements and plans to become carbon neutral, among other things. Which kinds of barriers do they meet? 13.00 052 Deep renovation of older multi-storey building blocks - Seems Have, Jørgen Rose, Danish Building Research Institute, SBi, AAU 13.00 New durability testing of membranes and tapes for air tightness Morten Hjorslev Hansen, DUKO 13.00 048 Buildings‘ interaction with the Energy Systems - A Research Agenda, Alfred Heller, Technical University of Denmark 13.20 067 Step-by-step deep energy retrofit to Passive House (EnerPHit) Standard of a family home in Stockholm and a workshop in Næstved (DK), Ingo Theoboldt, IG Passivhus Sverige AB 13.20 104 Retrofit with PUR insulated prefab. Elements. Design, sustainability and economy, a case study 13.20 050 a Zero Energy Library in northern Italy, Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, University of Brescia 076 Smart integration of solar power in office buildings, Elsa Fahlén, NCC Construction Sweden AB 030 Solar thermal technologies for sustainable cities and buildings, Jakob Berg Johansen, Technical University of Denmark 13.40 082 Sustainable regions, Elsebeth Terkelsen, The Association of Sustainable Cities and Buildings The municipalities mention unfortunate internal incentive structures, procurement rules, framework agreements and lack of internal resources to motivate individual stakeholders. Secondly there are distinct limits to the direct influence municipalities can have: They own relatively few buildings and only have little influence on choice for transportation let alone foods, which are two significant sectors in the overall environmental impact. How should this be handled? 13.40 046 Refurbishment of a Danish office building applying the ”Total Concept” method, Pawel Krawczyk, Rambøll 13.30 Roskilde Vocational School (Roskilde Tekniske Skole) presents the modelhouse situated in the coffee-break zone, which is used for their training on air-tightness Johnny Lundgreen, Roskilde Tekniske Skole 019 Renovation to passive house standard of sixties and seventies onefamily houses, Åke Blomsterberg, Lund University 14.00 Break AMBITIOUS ENERGY REFURBISHMENTS Chairman: Søren Vadstrup, the Royal Danish Academy‘s School of Architecture BUILDING PHYSICS: MOISTURE SAFETY 14.20 073 Moisture performance of energy efficient building envelopes, Tuomo Ojanen, VTT 14.40 107 Unusual approach on a sustainable neighbourhood in Malmö, Emma Karlsson, WSP Sverige AB 14.40 Performance of air subsoil heat exchanger for pre-conditioning of outdoor air, Carsten Rode, Technical University of Denmark 15.00 111 Practical implementation of step-by-step EnerPHit retrofits carried out on selected case studies across Europe, Zeno Bastian, Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist 15.00 103 Energy Efficient Houses in Northern Conditions - Is »Dry Chain« a Solution to Building Physical Issues, Markku Hienonen, Oulu Building Supervision Office 15.20 072 Establishing the primary energy balance for Powerhouse Kjørbo, Henning Fjeldheim, Skanska Norge POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Chairman: Ruut Peuhkuri, Technical University of Denmark 14.20 010 Su stainable buildings - how regenerative design can support the transformation, Matthias Haase, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 15.40 Where are the good examples of implementing the plans? The good combinations? What have the municipalities learned? 15.10 Retrofitting with internal insulation: Actual research cases from Technical University of Denmark 15.30 Brainstorm: Which are the actual questions regarding moisture safety? Chairman: Annette Blegvad, Danish Architects‘ Association 14.20 024 Building regulations cannot assure ambitious energy upgrading of existing residential buildings according to Norway‘s national targets, Michael Klinski, SINTEF Byggforsk 14.40 065 NeZeR - Promotion of smart and integrated Nearly Zero Energy Building Renovation measures in the European renovation market, Riikka Holopainen, VTT 15.00 047 Norwegian Passive House standard for commercial buildings is less ambitious than previous criteria and completed projects, Michael Klinski, SINTEF Byggforsk 15.20 061 The future Building Legislations 2015 concerning energy performance of multi-framed windows, Thomas Kampmann, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts CENTRALIZATION OR REVITALIZATION? Moderator: Elsebeth Terkelsen, The Association of Sustainable Cities and Buildings Urbanisation causes forfeiture of economic and cultural values in building and infrastructure outside the metropoles, which becomes redundant and other buildings, which decrease in value. In turn, there are expenses when building replacements in the metropoles. 1. Consequences of de-industrialisation in Denmark and internationally, Curt Liliegreen, Boligøkonomisk Videncenter 2. S trategies for town-development in Denmark, professor Jens Kvorning, Royal Academy’s School of Architecture 3. V illages with visions, Lene Straarup Skygebjerg, koordinator, Esbjerg Municipality 4. Debate with the speakers Break EXPERIENCES FROM ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING Chairman: Inger Andresen, SINTEF Byggforsk 16.10 110 Comparison of five zero and plus energy projects in Sweden and Norway - A technical review, Björn Berggren, Skanska Sverige AB 16.30 Experiences from Komforthusene – 2006-2015, Susanne Højholt, hoejholt INNOVATION 16.50 068 Tomorrows buildings today - results, conclusions and learnings, Brian Wendin, VELUX Danmark A/S 17.10 081 A model for prefabricated timber passive house in Estonia, Kristo Kalbe, Sense OÜ Italics: the short poster presentations 123: Numbered, reviewed papers ENERGY EFFICIENT INSTALLATIONS DESIGN METHODS AND TOOLS Chairman: Jakub Kolarik, Technical University of Denmark Chairman: Steffen Petersen, Aarhus University 16.10 066 Evaluation of the heat generation and distribution system in a Swedish passive house residential area, Henrik Olsson, NCC Construction Sweden AB 16.10 011 Development of a tool for sustainable building design, Matthias Haase, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 16.30 036 Vertical temperature gradient and operative temperature with three heating systems in a low-energy building, Jarek Kurnitski, Tallinn University of Technology 16.30 PHPP9 for parameter analysis, economy calculations, and PHPP Design, interactive tools for shape and energy optimization of buildings, Zeno Bastian, Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist 16.50 083 Integrated design of daylight, thermal comfort and energy use with use of IDA ICE, Line Karlsen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science 17.10 071 Designing beyond BR10 and Passivhaus Standard prescriptions with the use of Genetic Energy Optimisation, Emanuele Naboni, The Royal Danish Academy HOW DO WE ASSESS PROGRESS IN THE FUTURE? Moderator: Ulrik Jørgensen, Centre for Design, Innovation and Sustainable Transition, Aalborg Universitet If genuinely sustainable buildings last 100 years, we need to imagine possible framework conditions under which they should function. GDP-growth has been made a central target in any country‘s planning. However GDP does not directly measure how well we are doing. Furthermore, a high indexed GDP is partially contradictive to saving on resources. Therefore other leading indicators may very well be implemented within the life time of present new-builds and refurbishments. What will this mean to cities, buildings and the building industry? 1. Background on GDP, professor Jesper Jespersen, Roskilde University 2. New welfare indicator from 2016, director Niels Ploug, Statistics Denmark 3. Debate with the speakers and architect Søren Nielsen, Vandkunsten 21 August 2015 in Bella Center, Copenhagen 08.40 10.10 How do we speed up co-creation? Keynote and debate in Auditorium 15. Moderator: Søren Pedersen, Passivhus.dk ”Super-Light Constructions for Sustainable Buildings”, Professor, M.Sc. (eng.) Kristian Hertz, Technical University of Denmark, Founder of Abeo, World Champion in Cleantech 2010. Panel discussion: How do we tear down the walls between building site, design and research? With Louis Becker, Walter Unterrainer, Kristian Hertz and Rob Bindels. Break Projects and Experiences Auditorium 15 ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS Chairman: Tor Helge Dokka, Skanska Norge AS Session room 18 New projects, ambitious goals Tools, Design & Approach Session room 19 TOOLS AND METHODS FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION HOW FAR ALONG IS ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING INTERNATIONALLY? Chairman: Jarek Kurnitski, Tallinn University of Technology Chairman: Henrik N. Knudsen, Aalborg University 10.40 Design development and measurement follow-up of energy consumption in Viborg Town Hall, Svend Erik Mikkelsen, COWI A/S 10.40 Passive houses in Germany and around the globe, Zeno Bastian, Passivhaus Institut, Dr. Wolfgang Feist 10.40 041 Daylight conditions and thermal indoor climate in low-energy dwellings the consequence of Danish building legislation, Steffen Petersen, Aarhus University 11.00 SE‘s Passive- and Plus Energy HQ - A review on the actual building energy consumption compared with the estimated consumption. Rob Bindels, Hoffmann A/S 11.00 Passive houses and zero-carbon in Great Britain, Nick Grant, Elemental Solutions 11.00 042 Method for comparison of Be10-calculated and actual energy use, Steffen Petersen, Aarhus University 11.20 087 Influence of measurement uncertainty on classification of thermal environment in buildings according to European Standard EN 15251, Jakub Kolarik, Technical University of Denmark 11.40 094 Nordic passive house window design - is it possible, Søren Dietz, Bjerg Arkitektur/ Dansk Passivhus Center 11.20 055 Högåsskolan in Knivsta - the first certified passive house school in Sweden, Anna Kovacsne Sas, Archus Arkitekter Finnish development, Kimmo Lylykangas, Umeå School of Architecture Norwegian development, Michael Klinski, SINTEF Byggforsk Status in Sweden, Ingo Theoboldt, IG Passivhus Sverige 11.40 020 Kollaskolan - a passive-house school, Jenny Nyström, Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture 12.00 HOW TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF EXISTING BUILDINGS? Moderator: Morten Ørsager, Erik Møller Architects and Ruut Peuhkuri, Technical University of Denmark What are the technical and organizational tasks and how do we ensure, that we obtain a both ambitious energy improvement and construction technological safety with respect for the cultural value? The workshop includes reviewed contributions from The Royal Danish School of Architecture and discussion with representatives from the Nordic Countries. 009 Sustainable energy improvement of old buildings, Søren Vadstrup, The Royal Danish Academy‘s School of Architecture 014 Sustainable Transformation, Nicolai Bo Andersen, The Royal Danish Academy‘s School of Architecture Lunch ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS Chairman: Rob H.W. Bindels, Hoffmann A/S 13.00 021 BOLIG+ in Søborg - 10 energy-neutral multi-storey dwellings, Lars Kvist, Arkitema , Simon Kamper, MOE NEW COMPETITION PROJECTS AND PRIZES ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENTABILITY Chairman: Agnieszka Zalejska-Jonsson, KTH Chairman: Kimmo Lylykangas, Umeå School of Architecture 13.00 The Refurbishment of the Year Prize (Denmark) Nominees for 2015 are presented by Nina Koch-Ørvad, DAC 13.20 027 Indoor Environment in Passive Houses - Field Measurements, Data Analysis, and Resident Interviews in 6 Norwegian dwellings, Inger Andresen, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 13.40 080 Influence of indoor environment and occupant behaviour on energy consumption in passive house apartments, Asger Søvsø, Danish Technological Institute 13.40 Danish competition on Sustainable Social Housing of the Future: The winning project will be presented by Architect Søren Nielsen, Vandkunsten 14.00 056 Evaluation of energy performance and indoor climate in the passive house area Vallda Heberg, Elsa Fahlén, NCC Construction Sweden AB 14.00 Competition on 23.000 m² New Vocational School in Silkeborg: The Winning project is presented by Flemming C. Østergaard, Aarstiderne Arkitekter 14.20 Workshops Session room 5 13.00 060 Economical baselines for energy ambitious upgrading of non-residential buildings, Mads Mysen, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure 13.20 029 Cost-energy analysis of different measures for upgrading an office building to passive house standard in Norway, Anna Svensson, SINTEF Byggforsk 13.40 044 Swedish experiences of using Total Concept for refurbishment towards nearly zero-energy buildings, Mari-Liis Maripuu, CIT Energy Management GREEN LABELING - OR GREEN WASHING? Moderator: Emanuele Naboni, the Royal Danish Academy‘s School of Architecture Overview of green certification schemes: Dgnb/Leed/Breeam, Pernille Hedehus, MT Højgaard The (in)significance of Environmental Product Declarations in building certification, Anders Christian Schmidt, FORCE Technology Green buildings don’t create happier workers, yet, Sergio Altomonte, University of Nottingham Panel debate on strengths and weaknesses, with the speakers and Lau Raffnsøe, DK-GBC. Break NEW ARCHITECTURE: SMALLER BUILDINGS Chairman: Åsa Wahlström, CIT Energy Management NEW “GREEN” BUILDINGS THE USER PERSPECTIVE OF INDOOR CLIMATE Chairman: Peter Andreas Sattrup, Danske ARK HOW TO ENSURE QUALITY IN DESIGN - CONSTRUCTION - OPERATION? Chairman: Geo Clausen, Technical University of Denmark Moderator: Morten Hjorslev, BYG-ERFA 14.40 040 The ZEB Living Lab: A zero emission house for engineering and social science experiments, Francesco Goia, The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings, NTNU 14.40 035 DGNB certified Healthcare Centres - decision-making and design process, Camilla Brunsgaard, Aalborg University 14.40 077 Satisfaction with indoor climate in new Danish low-energy houses, Henrik N. Knudsen, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University The quality in building sites even in commissioning is highly inconsistent. The reasons can be ambiguties at project design and contracts, but downright sloppiness is also part of the equation. 15.00 031 Eco House Biestøa - indoor climate performance, Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, University of Agder 15.00 Building of Tomorrow Plus, ensuring that green buildings meet their targets, Dieter Herz, Herz&Lang GmbH 15.00 Satisfaction, acute health symptoms, performance, behaviour and preferences of occupants in green mark certified office buildings, Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark 1. E xamples from building sites by Walter Unterrainer, Søren Pedersen and others 15.20 017 Energy efficient Swedish pre-schools - the users‘ comments, Helena Westholm, Ferrum Arkitekter AB 3. In groups: What to do about it? A prioritized list of action from each group. 15.40 079 Experiences, learning and guidelines concluded from the first of the new generation super low energy houses built in Denmark after approx. 2007. Klaus Ellehauge, Ekolab 15.20 062 LSS Andersberg Gävle, Robin Berkhuizen, Emrahus AB 012 Energy Monitoring and Quantitative Evaluation within the EU-BUILDSMART project, Jonas Henriksson Fejes and Carolina Faraguna, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute 16.00 15.40 058 Learning from Functionalist Nordic Houses towards Passive, Active, Adaptable and Prefabricated Homes, Emanuele Naboni, The Royal Danish Academy Break 16.30 Capture of the conference in Auditorium 15. 17.00 The conference ends. Organised by: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation 2. Brain storm in plenum: What are the quality issues? 4. Capture and panel debate ”The cooperation between architect, engineer and contractor is essential in order to create beautiful, functional, and sustainable building. In short - good architecture. The conference is unique by being multidisciplinary”. 7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings Brings practitioners and researchers together Annette Blegvad, Director, Policy & International Relations, The Danish Architects‘ Association Keynote speakers Welcoming address by the president of the UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft one of the most prominent politicians, to have started the discussion on quality of growth. This can have significant influence on cities, buildings and building industry in the future. Architect and Professor Walter Unterrainer incarnates the span of the conference from specific knowledge about details to the greater perspective on sustainable society. He comes from Vorarlberg, where he has planned simple, location adapted buildings, but is equaly satisfied working with students venturing to the poorest neighbourhoods in Mumbai. Design engineer Nick Grant and many of his peers in the UK have been involved with eco-building, which did not perform in terms of comfort or energy use and so the hot topic today is the ‘performance gap‘. In 2007 he attended his first Passivhaus Conference and returned inspired but with many questions. Nick will share his story and lessons learned. He welcomes robust debate and is generally happier talking with sceptics rather than believers. Nick will show us a range of buildings that he has worked on from single homes to schools and a Passivhaus archive that owes more inspiration to Denmark than Germany. Welcome to the 7th Passivhus Norden conference, 7PHN Living is multifaceted, even living sustainably. So is maintaining a sustainable society and creating new parts of it – cities and buildings. To fully succeed in our work, we must look to greater perspectives and frameworks as well as the detail, quality and actual performance. That is what the multidisciplinary organizing team as well as the program of 7PHN reflects. The program combines the scientific format with reviewed papers and posters with invited speakers, which all bring interesting experiences. We look forward to meeting you and wish you a very good conference. Civil Engineer and Professor Kristian Hertz is an example of being able to break down the walls between research and practice. The company Abeo‘s super light SL-decks and pearlchain reinforcement reduce embedded energy dramatically, meets strict fire and sound requirements, and give a larger freedom in design. Abeo was announced the unofficial world champion of cleantech at the ”Cleantech Open Global Ideas Competition 2010” Organizing committee Conference chair: Søren Pedersen, Passivhus.dk Chair of the scientific committee: Ruut Peuhkuri, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Members: Charlie Steenberg, Emanuele Naboni and Søren Vadstrup, The Royal Academy‘s School of Architecture The conference is supported by: The Royal Academy‘s School of Architecture, Technical University of Denmark, and Passivhus.dk organize the conference in cooperation with: The conference is organized in cooperation between: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation
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