PROGRAMME* DAY THREE | THURSDAY | 7 MAY 2015 BEACHING TECHNICAL SESSION SPONSOR SESSION CHAIR Ted Lord, Senior Tailings Consultant, Canada 08:30 Practical observations in beach slope formation and application of the thin layer equilibrium model to observed data JA Wates, HA Venter, VT Dittle, RA Cooper, Fraser Alexander Pty Ltd, South Africa 08:50 A launder design method for thickened tailings TG Fitton, Fitton Tailings Consultants, Australia 09:10 Stochastic beach profile modelling KD Seddon, B Pirouz, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia; TG Fitton, Fitton Tailings Consultants, Australia 09:30 Simulation of the meandering flow path of a beaching slurry using a random walk technique GI McPhail, SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd, Australia 09:50 Discussion 10:00 MORNING BREAK BEACHING AND TRANSPORT SESSION CHAIR Dr Gordon McPhail, SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd, Australia 10:30 Stress analysis of underground pipeline with flexible couplings – unrestrained approach J Sabeti, A Asgarian, Hatch Ltd., Canada 10:50 Open channel transportation of thickened tailings S Javadi, RMIT University, Australia; PT Slatter, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia; SN Bhattacharya, R Gupta, RMIT University, Australia 11:10 Recycling fine slurry – an alternative to paste for coarse rejects co-disposal in Queensland coal mines AD Thomas, NT Cowper Snr, Slurry Systems Pty Ltd, Australia; S Whitton, Mechanical Advantage Pty Ltd, Australia 11:30 Chuquicamata full-scale field deposition trial B Pirouz, S Javadi, P Williams, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia; C Pavissich, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Chile; G Caro, Codelco, Chile 11:50 Discussion 12:00 LUNCH ABOVE GROUND DISPOSAL (1) SESSION CHAIR Paul Williams, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia 13:00 Characterisation of a thickened tailings beach KD Seddon, JK Albee, ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia 13:20 Tailings co-disposal case study – art or science? A Beveridge, BASF Australia Ltd, Australia; P Mutz, Murray Zircon Pty Ltd, Australia; D Reid, Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Australia 13:40 Upstream stacking of thickened tailings at Neves Corvo R Lopes, Golder Associates Ltd., Canada; R Bahia, Golder Associates Portugal Unipessoal Lda, Portugal; M Jefferies, Golder Associates (UK) Ltd, UK; M Oliveira Somincor, Portugal 14:00 The impacts of using thickened tailings on water management and CAPEX of tailings storage facilities K Fabian, AECOM, USA; M Jacobs, Goldcorp Inc., Canada; A Hooshiar, E Ngwenya, AECOM, Canada 14:20 Discussion 14:30 AFTERNOON BREAK ABOVE GROUND DISPOSAL (2) SESSION CHAIR Fred Schoenbrunn, FLSmidth, USA 15:00 Managing high-density tailings disposal – deposition, water management and closure considerations S Kam, Golder Associates Ltd., Canada; D Yaschyshyn, N Hmidi, Goldcorp Canada Corp., Canada 15:20 Differential water footprint assessment – conventional versus paste tailings disposal A Fernandez-Iglesias, S Andres, ArcelorMittal Global R&D Asturias, Spain; R Luiña, D Pecharroman, V Alvarez-Cabal, University of Oviedo, Spain 15:40 Assessing the flow liquefaction susceptibility of cyclone underflow material J Boshoff, D Reid, Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Australia 16:00 Discussion 16:10 Seminar farewell and announcements R Jewell, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Australia 16:30 SEMINAR CLOSING DRINKS AND NIBBLES VENUE | ACCOMMODATION Pullman Cairns International Hotel 17 Abbott Street Cairns, Queensland, 4870 Australia Tel: +61 7 4031 1300 Email: Delegates attending the Paste Seminar in May 2015 will have access to discounted rates at the venue location. *The programme is subject to change. For updates please visit W W W. PA S T E 2 0 1 5 . CO M
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