WEBELOS OUTDOOR WEEKEND 2015 WEBELOS ADVENTURE BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DISTRICTS– PATHWAY TO ADVENTURE COUNCIL OUTDOOR PROGRAM Webelos and Arrow of Light Den & Parent or Guardian WOW 2015 is an introduction to Boy Scout camping for first and second year Webelos Dens. WOW 2015 is an introduction to This is a one parent/guardian, one scout event. Parent/ guardians are requirements for Webelos Badge expected to accompany their Requirements, Arrow of Light Cub Scout to all event sessions. Requirements and Webelos This is not Family Camping, so Elective Adventures. We will siblings are not invited. have sessions covering the following: Fire building Cast Iron Chef Webelos dens provide their WOW DETAILS When: Check in begins Saturday 9/19/2015 @ 8:00 AM Program begins: 12:00 PM 9/19/2015 Event ends: 12:00 PM 9/20/2015 Where: own gear for overnight camping Lakota Scout Camp and meal cooking and cleaning. 2050 Deep Cut Road We will assist with gear Woodstock, IL Into the Wild hauling, both in and out of Into the Woods camp. Coordinate with the Webelos Walkabout others in your group to minimize $15.00 1st and 2nd Build It over packing, this is a one night year Webelos Scouts WOW 2015 is also a chance for event. We practice Leave No $10.00 Adult Leaders, your Webelos den to perform Trace. Please keep your Parents and their best skit or song at the campsite clean. Please pack out evening campfire. what you pack in. NO vehicles In the mix will be a Webelos to (except staff) allowed in camp. Boy Scout transition Introduction Cost: Guardians $10.00 for Preordered WOW T-shirts session for Parents & Leaders Event patch included with all paid registrations. QUESTIONS??? Registration: OPENS 08/01/2015 Denise Peterson/Blackhawk CLOSES 9/11/15 supplied information you still have dsp276@hotmail.com No late registrations. questions, please contact one of (847) 630-3683 No walk in's the following: Christopher Sprague/Northwoods If after you have read the Mr.sprague401@sbcglobal.net (847) 797-5739 BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts Consider contacting a local Be sure that parents are Use the enclosed roster sheet Boy Scout troop as to the aware that there are event costs in this package to keep track of possibility of borrowing tents or beyond the registration fees. your group. Fill in all the other equipment that your . . members do not already own. Create a duty roster so that your group’s fees accurately. This Ask for their help in overall everyone will understand what roster sheet CANNOT be turned in camping and meal planning. their responsibilities are. to PTA for your registration. Make copies of the Menu and Equipment lists and discuss them with your Webelos leaders and Registration and Payment is Consider carpooling parking space is limited. parents. Hopefully this will avoid having to haul un-needed equipment out to camp and If you have one, bring a cart Doubleknot system: eknot.com/event/112 . to haul your gear. Be sure to keep a copy of your Make a presentation at your upcoming August Pack committee meeting. Decide on a menu. roster and online receipt for use at camp, should any issues arise. Be aware of the registration deadlines. Make your Pack Explain to the leaders and Calculate the per person costs. online only through the PTA http://pathwaytoadventure.doubl back home again. Have a plan. information, so you can calculate deadline at least one week parents that this event is a good earlier. There is no walk-in starting point for the Webelos registration at this event. Outdoor Program. Campsite Commissioners We understand that many of your Webelos parents may not have had the previous experience of camping with large groups. It is our intention that every campsite area will have an adult scouting staffer to assist your Pack with setting up your Pack campsite. The Campsite Commissioner will be able to offer useful advice to make your camp setup take place smoothly. The Commissioners will be on hand to direct you to the correct person should you have any event/schedule questions. The Commissioners will be able to tell you where you can go to purchase any essential supplies that you may have forgotten to pack. T-Shirt Design Contest T-shirt Ideas for our Webelos Outdoor Weekend 2015 theme – “Webelos Adventure”. Entry deadline is June Roundtable: Tuesday, June 9th 2015 at the meeting. BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts We are asking your Webelos Den to perform at the evening campfire "Why should we do a campfire?" Campfires can be an exciting and inspirational part of the Cub Scout outdoor program! Ask any Cub Scout why he likes going to campfires - his answer will be one of the following: • Fun -It's hard not to have fun at campfires! There is enjoyment for ALL concerned. • Entertainment - Our families, friends, and guests get pleasure from attending a campfire. • Fellowship -We can bring a group closer together -a deeper felling than just "fun." • Action! - Cub Scout age boys ALWAYS have extra energy. Let's use it singing songs, doing cheers, and how about some skits! • Adventure! - A campfire is a great place to share someone else's adventure ... or state one of your own! • Training - Baden-Powell said it: "Scouting is a game ... with a purpose." Our Cub Scouts can learn new things in an informal setting. • Inspiration - Campfires will inspire everyone to leave with a greater commitment to Scouting's ideals. Guidelines • Everything that happens at our campfire needs to be checked and approved in advance. There is no place for off-color or questionable jokes, stories or songs. Have the groups walk you through the skit or song if you are not familiar with it. You should not be surprised by anything at YOUR campfire! A good rule of thumb is, "Would you do this if your saintly grandmother was in the audience?" When in doubt, leave it out! Rules for the Campfire audience • Enter and leave in silence. • Be courteous when it's not your turn on stage. • Cheer everyone for his or her contributions. • One Scouter tells the Cub Scouts to cheer even louder if they didn't like a skit or joke - and no one knows that way! • Keep your flashlights off during the program. BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts Tentative WOW 2015 Schedule Friday 09/20/2015 Staff only Saturday 09/20/2015 8:00 AM-11 :00 AM 8:00 AM-11:30 AM Webelos check in Campsite set up 11:00 A-11:45 AM Lunch in your unit campsite Noon- 12:20 PM Opening ceremony/flag raising at the Activities field 12:30 PM -05:30 PM Activity sessions 1-5 (at various locations throughout camp) • 12:30- -01:20 Session 1 01:30 -- 02:20 Session 2 03:30 -03:20 Session 3 03:30 -04:20 Session 4 04:30-05:20 Session 5 05:30 PM- 05:40 PM Retire the colors at the Activities field 05:45 PM Dinner in your unit campsite 8:00 PM- 09:30 PM Campfire at the Council Fire Bowl Staff songs & skits, Webelos Den songs & skits Sunday 09/20/2015 08:45 AM Open ceremony/flag raising at the Activities field 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM Worship Service "Scouts Own” - at Council Fire Bowl 9:30 AM – 11:30AM Activity sessions 6-7 (at various locations throughout camp) 9:30-10:20 Session 6 10:30-11:20 Session 7 11:30 AM Closing Ceremony/ Flag lowering (at Activities field) 11:45 AM Campsite teardown & Homeward bound BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts Webelos Outdoor Weekend 2015 - Webelos Adventure Cub Scout Webelos Den Suggested Equipment List Personal Gear: Tent Ground cloth for under the tent Sleeping bag or blankets Foam pad to sleep on Personal eating kit (plate, cup and utensils) Camp chair Toiletries (soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste) Toilet paper Wet wipes Insect repellent Sunscreen Water bottle Flashlight Change of clothes Uniform shirt for Flag ceremony, Campfire Program and Religious service. Rain Gear Walking shoes Jacket Hat What not to bring: Pets Entertainment systems: (stereos, video games, DVD/movie players etc.) Equipment such as air compressors or any other appliance requiring an electrical outlet. Pack/Den shared gear: Dining Fly (or canopy) Matches Camp stove and fuel Charcoal Charcoal Chimney (NO lighter fluid or other accelerants) Garbage bags Lantern Paper towels Dishwashing liquid Bucket Frying pan, Kettle, Dutch oven Water jugs (refillable) Portable table (small table or box) Existing campsite tables must be shared. First Aid Kit Gear wagon (or cart) We practice Leave No Trace. Please keep your campsites clean. Please break down your cardboard boxes. Separate and bring your recyclables to the Program Center Bring your garbage to the bin in the parking lot by the Maintenance Building (extra garbage bags are available at the program center) BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts The First Aid station is located on the first floor of the Program Center Den Leaders should have current BSA Health & Medical Record forms in hand for all attending Webelos Pack Roster – Pathway to Adventure Blackhawk & Northwoods District 2015 Registration for WOW 2015 closes Friday; September 11th Please keep this copy for your unit records. This cannot be used for registration The event budget number is 11 2. Please put this number on all checks Make all checks payable to Pathway to Adventure Council Pack # _________ Contact Name/Phone _______ Name Adult/Scout T-Shirt Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Scouts _______ x $15.00 = ________________ Total Adults _______ x $ 10.00= ________________ Total T shirts ________ x $10.00 = ________________ Total ________________ Available T shirt sizes: Youth Sizes: Adult Sizes: Medium Large Small Medium Large XL XXL XXXL BLACKHAWK & NORTHWOODS DIstricts Directions to Camp Lakota Camp Lakota is located at 2050 Deep Cut Road Woodstock, IL 60098. Take Route 14 (Northwest Highway) through Barrington, Fox River Grove, Cary, Crystal Lake and Woodstock. Continue past Highway 47 approximately 8 miles to Deep Cut Road. Watch for brown sign to "BSA Camp Lakota". Turn right on Deep Cut Road approximately 3/4 mile to Camp Lakota on right. -orTake I-90 (Northwest Tollway) to Route 47 (2nd exit past Elgin Toll Plaza).Take Route 47 north approximately 12 miles to Route 14. Turn left (west) on Route 14 and follow directions above. A FEW THOUGHTS ON MAKING THIS TIME WITH YOUR SON, HIS FELLOW SCOUTS, AND YOUR FELLOW PARENTS THE BEST IT CAN BE. Plan, plan, plan. A good plan that falls short, will always finish better than no plan at all. Be prepared for the weather. September can be tricky, follow the weather reports prior to the event. Coordinate with the other adults on what gear is needed. Every family does not need a full cook kit, Dutch ovens etc. Pack sensibly, don’t overdo it, it’s one night and 2 meals. Arrive early. Get your campsite set up, so when program begins, you’re ready to go. You don’t want your son to miss anything, and you don’t want to miss any time with your son. Check in will begin at 8:00 AM. Plan a bag lunch to eat before program begins. Involve the scouts in everything. Have them make meal plans for themselves, let them cook and cleanup. Help them to plan simple meals they can handle, with your guidance. You’ll be amazed at what they can do, and they need the experience. Have them help set up the campsite as well. Don’t leave early on Sunday, unless it’s an absolute necessity. You don’t want to miss anything. Have several adults stay at camp on Sunday morning to help break down camp, while the Scouts are at their program areas. We will be providing gear hauling in and out of camp. Gear hauling out on Sunday will be only after the morning programs end. Any gear hauling prior to that will be your responsibility.
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