International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference

Miami, Florida | June 7-10, 2015
Innovative and Cost-Effective Pavements
for a Sustainable Future
T&DI International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference
Welcome Letter
Special Events & Conference Agenda
Technical Program
Hotel and Travel
General Information
Exhibit & Sponsor Information
Registration Information & Form
Sponsor & Exhibits
(Subject to Change)
Sunday, June 7, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Committee Meeting – TRB AV070
Welcome Reception
Monday, June 8, 2015
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
5:45 – 6:45 p.m.
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Opening Plenary Session
Networking Break
Exhibit Hall Hours
Technical Sessions
Technical Sessions
Networking Break
Technical Sessions
Committee Meeting – Airfield
Committee Meeting – Highway
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
5:45 – 6:45 p.m. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Technical Sessions
Networking Break
Exhibit Hall Hours
Technical Sessions
Award Luncheon
Dessert in the Exhibit Hall
Technical Sessions
Networking Break
Technical Sessions
Younger Member Special Session
Younger Member Social Hour
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:00 – 12:45 p.m.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Technical Sessions
Networking Break
Technical Sessions
Lunch on your own
Technical Tour
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
2015 Conference Steering Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
John Harvey, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, University of
California, Davis
Katie Chou, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, Hatch Mott MacDonald
Conference Steering Committee
Imad Al-Qadi, Ph.D., P.E., Dist. M.ASCE, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Scott Murrell, P.E., M.ASCE, P ort Authority of NY and NJ
Jeb Tingle, P.E., M.ASCE, U S Army Engineering Research
and Development Center
Shiraz Tayabji, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, Applied Research
Julie Vandenbossche, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, U niversity
of Pittsburgh
Jorge Prozzi, Ph.D., P.E., A.M.ASCE, University of
Texas at Austin
Conference Best Younger Member Paper Selection
Lucy Priddy, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, US Army Engineering
Research and Development Center Ambarish Banerjee, Ph.D., A gileAssets Ray Brown, Ph.D., P.E., National Center for Asphalt Technology,
Auburn University
Hui Li, Ph.D., P.E., University of California, Davis Hasan Ozer, Ph.D., M.ASCE, U niversity of Illinois at
Celik Ozyildirim, Ph.D., P.E., Virginia Department of
Conference Local Organizing Committee
Eileen Velez-Vega, P.E., M.ASCE, Kimley-Horn Associates
Heath Jenkins, P.E., M.ASCE, A SCE Pensacola Chapter
President/Hatch Mott MacDonald
Rufus James,Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport Tim Fish, P.E., M.ASCE, ASCE Broward Chapter President/HDR
Manuel Bejarano, Ph.D., P.E., A tkins Global
Conference Scientific Committee
Hossein Ajideh, O range County Public Works
Zia Alavi, University of California Pavement Research Center
Hesham Ali, F lorida International University
Imad Al-Qadi, U niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ricardo Archilla, U niversity of Hawaii
Martín Arraigada, E MPA
Ambarish Banarjee,AgileAssets
Gabriel Bazi, D ynatest Consulting, Inc.
Manuel Bejarano, A tkins Global
Amit Bhasin, University of Texas at Austin
Michael Bienvenu, F lorida International University
Rick Boudreau, Boudreau Engineering, Inc.
Thomas Burnham, M
innesota DOT
Francesco Canestrari, P olitecnico di Milano
Bouzid Choubane, F lorida Department of Transportation
Greg Cline, F ederal Aviation Administration
Erdem Coleri, O regon State University
Brian Diefendorfer, V irginia Department of Transportation
Zejiao Dong, H arbin Institute of Technology
Louw Du Plessis, CSIR Built Environment
Heather Dylla, N ational Asphalt Pavement Association
Mostafa Elsefei, L ousiana State University
Ellie Fini, North Carolina A&T University
Jeffrey Gagnon, F ederal Aviation Administration
Mark Gardner, A MEC
Navneet Garg, F ederal Aviation Administration
Daba Gedafa, U niversity of North Dakota
Nasir Gharaibeh, Texas A&M University
Nelson Gibson, F ederal Highway Administration
Danny Gierhart, A sphalt Institute Regional Engineer
Alvaro Guarin, KTH University
Elie Hajj, University of Nevada Reno
Jim Hall, Applied Research Associates
Dave Hein, A pplied Research Associates
Joe Holland, C alifornia Department of Transportation
Mustaque Hossain, K ansas State University
Maureen Jensen, M
innesota Department of Transportation
David Jones, U niversity of California Pavement Research
Center, Davis
Vivek Khanna, Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission
Issam Khoury, Ohio University/ ORITE
Erwin Kohler, Dynatest Consulting, Inc.
Jeremy Lea, U niversity of California Pavement Research Center, Davis
Hui Li, University of California Pavement Research Center, Davis
James Mack, CEMEX
Venkata Mandapaka, C alifornia Department of Transportation
Angel Mateos, C EDEX Transport Research Center
Rebecca McDaniel, N CSC, Purdue University
Gary Mitchell, American Concrete Pavement Association
Louay Mohammed, L ouisiana State University
Scott Murrell, T he Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Boo Hyun Nam, U niversity of Central Florida
Kent Newman, U S Army Engineering Research and
Development Center
Ghim Ping Ong, National University of Singapore
Aybike Ongel, B ahcesehir University
Hasan Ozer, U niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Celik Ozyildirim, Virginia Department of Transportation
David Peshkin, A ppled Pavement Technology
Linda Pierce, A pplied Pavement Technology
Lucy Priddy, US Army Engineering Research and Development Center
Jorge Prozzi, University of Texas, Austin
Lu Qing, University of South Florida
Stefan Romanoschi, U niversity of Texas at Arlington
Pedro Romero, U niversity of Utah
Dean Rue, C H2M HILL
James Scherocman, consulting engineer
Charles Schwartz, U niversity of Maryland at College Park
Kevin Senn, Nichols Consulting Engineers
James Signore, Nichols Consulting Engineers
Kurt Smith, Applied Pavement Technology
Wynand Steyn, U niversity of Pretoria
Shiraz Tayabji, Applied Research Associates
Gabriele Tebaldi, U niversity of Parma
Guillermo Thenoux, P ontifical University, Santiago, Chile
Jeb Tingle, U S Army Engineering Research and Development Center
Erol Tutumluer, U niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tom VanDam, N ichols Consulting Engineers
Julie Marie Vandenbossche, U niversity of Pittsburgh
Adriana Vargas-Nordcbeck, L anamme/UCR
Eileen Velez-Vega, K imley-Horn and Associates
Ting Wang, A gileAssets
Quintin Watkins, LPA Group
Ralph Wessels, P ort of Seattle
James Willis, A uburn University
Benjamin Worel, M
innesota Department of Transportation
Danny Xiao, L ouisiana State University
Hongduo Zhao, Tongji University
Muhammad Amer, M.ASCE, Director, Transportation and
Development Institute
Andrea Baker, Manager, Transportation and Development Institute
Tabitha Costello, P rogram Coordinator, Transportation and
Development Institute
ASCE Conference Staff
Elaine V. Watson, M
anager, Conference & Meeting Services
Sheylla Shiell, C oordinator, Conference & Meeting Services
Drew Caracciolo, M
anager, Exhibit and Sponsorship Sales
Invitation To
Dear Prospective Attendee,
On behalf of the Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of ASCE, we invite you to the
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference scheduled to be held in
Miami, Florida, on June 7-10, 2015.
The current situation faced by most pavement professionals is that the condition of our pavement networks
is deteriorating and the available funding is limited. This situation, and the need to improve sustainability
from both a financial and environmental perspective, requires knowledge of best practices and use of
innovative solutions. The Conference is focused on pavement state-of-the-art and state-of–the-practice, and
delivered under the theme, “Innovative and Cost-Effective Pavements for a Sustainable
Future.” The Conference provides a unique opportunity for participants to share recent developments in
pavement technology, design, modeling, analysis, construction, evaluation, rehabilitation, management,
and emerging materials.
The Conference will bring together researchers, designers, project and construction managers, and contractors
from around the world to discuss airfield and highway pavement sustainability and efficiency. The Conference
program includes the following:
• An
extensive technical program developed by
a scientific committee with over 90 members.
It includes four concurrent paper/presentation
tracks, with detailed papers documented in
published conference proceedings.
• Two technical transfer workshops:
through Pavement
• Two technical tours:
billion expansion of Fort LauderdaleHollywood International Airport
million SR 826/SR 836 Interchange
Reconstruction Project
• A
plenary session, including keynote
addresses by:
Byron, Chief Engineer, Florida
executive from Miami International
Airport (invited)
• Younger Member events
• ASCE award presentations
• Exhibits of companies driving sustainability,
innovation, and quality in pavement
engineering, construction and maintenance
Professionals in the airfield and highway pavement fields need continuous professional development. This
Specialty Conference offers many opportunities to earn professional development hours (PDHs) for licensed
professionals in meeting continuing education requirements.
Please join us! We look forward to continuing the tradition of another successful conference.
John Harvey, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
University of California, Davis,
Conference Co-Chair
Katie Chou, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
Hatch Mott MacDonald,
Conference Co-Chair
Register Now! Visit 3
Special Events & Conference Agenda
Sunday, June 7, 2015
You must purchase a separate ticket to attend workshops. They are not
included in your conference registration. Workshop fees include handouts
and a networking break.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Jeffrey Gagnon, P.E., and the FAA Airport Pavement Sub-Team
The topic of this workshop is the FAA’s program, FAA PAVEAIR. FAA PAVEAIR
is a free internet-based computer program for airport pavement evaluation,
management and maintenance. The workshop and presentation have been
developed to provide an introduction to FAA PAVEAIR for airport engineers,
consultants, and authorities. FAA PAVEAIR is a new airport pavement
evaluation application. The workshop will include a live demonstration of
FAA PAVEAIR, including remote connection to the FAA server. In addition
to providing the development and the testing history of FAA PAVEAIR, the
application source reference and functionality will also be presented.
Attendees are welcome to participate with their laptops. The demonstration
will also illustrate the importing of data from existing pavement management
systems, login and account set up, and application architectural design.
Topics to be covered by the FAA PAVEAIR presentation and
demonstration include:
• Importing data from existing pavement management systems
• Security measures to prohibit unintended release of data
• Inventory – add, delete, and edit pavement information
• Work – allows entering of pavement work data for specific areas
• PCI – Pavement Condition Index
• Standard Reports – a variety of reports for given data such as section,
branch, etc.
• Prediction Modeling – allows predicting the future condition of larger
samples of pavement based on the evaluation of smaller samples of
similar pavements
• Condition Analysis – allows quantification of the cause and rate of
pavement section deterioration with respect to time
• Maintenance and Repair (M & R) – allows evaluation of various M &
R options with the resulting pavement life
• Mapping Functions – allows reports that display the current PCI of the
pavement sections on a shapefile map
• Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) – allows the use of LCCA for different
M&R scenarios chosen by the user.
The FAA PAVEAIR presentation and workshop will also address future
improvements to the software, how to provide feedback on its use, and
the future merger of FAA pavement software programs into a suite of tools.
PDHs earned: 4 hours
Fee: $125 Early-Bird & Advance, $150 Onsite
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
Sustainability through Pavement Preservation
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Imad Al-Qadi, Ph.D., P.E., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jorge Prozzi, Ph.D., P.E., University of Texas at Austin
John Harvey, Ph.D., P.E., University of California, Davis
Karim Chatti, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Jeffery Roesler, Ph.D., P.E., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hasan Ozer, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This workshop will provide an overview of recent research and
implementation examples on the application of pavement preservation
techniques to enhance the pavement sustainability. This workshop will
cover the following:
1. Introduction to pavement preservation and its methods;
2. Assessment of existing pavement and selection of treatments for
3. Construction and QC/QA, for preservation;
4. Performance of treatments and their impact on safety, noise,
durability, etc., and;
5. Effect of pavement preservation on LCCA and LCA.
The workshop will combine well established best practices as well as
some recent research findings.
PDHs earned: 4 hours
Fee: $125 Early Bird & Advance; $150 Onsite
Welcome Reception / Exhibit Hall Opens
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
What a terrific way to end the first day of the Conference! Enjoy
refreshments while you browse the new and exciting developments our
exhibitors have to offer. Meet old and new colleagues and make plans
to enjoy the night life that Miami has to offer.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Opening Plenary Session
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Learn the latest transportation and infrastructure developments from our
keynote speakers including, Thomas Byron, Chief Engineer of Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT), and an executive from Miami
International Airport (MIA) (invited).
Technical Session
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. See pages 7-11 for a list of papers.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Technical Sessions
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. See pages 7-11 for a list of papers.
Awards Luncheon
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Several prestigious ASCE transportation awards will be presented at this
special awards luncheon program. The awards include:
2014 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Award
Airfield Pavement and Practitioner Award
Best Younger Member Paper Award (1st Place)
Best Younger Member Paper Award (2st Place)
All registrants, including exhibitors, are encouraged to attend.
Dessert in the Exhibit Hall
1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Younger Member Special Session:
What I Wish I Knew
What Industry Leaders
Are Saying About the
Terry A. Ruhl, P.E.,
F.ASCE, President,
Transportation Market,
As the president of CH2M Hill’s
Transportation business, I am
responsible for the company’s
Aviation and Highways &
Bridges market sectors. In
this role, I’m acutely aware of the importance of
designing and constructing reliable, cost-effective
and sustainable infrastructure. ASCE has long been a
national leader in sustainable engineering practices.
This conference provides an outstanding opportunity
to learn and share first-hand experience—with
colleagues from around the world—about emerging
technologies and the future of sustainable pavements.
5:45 – 6:45 p.m.
Unwritten rules, hard won knowledge through mistakes, and
general career advice; things that leaders and respected veterans
of civil engineering have earned, and things our younger members
need! Come hear a panel discussion on this topic as experienced
leaders of the field pass on their hard-won advice to the younger
members. Younger Member Social Hour
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Come network with leaders in the civil engineering field. The event
allows younger members an opportunity to speak directly with company
leaders, academic administrators, and other “movers and shakers” in the
civil engineering field and pavements research and development fields. Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Technical Sessions
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. See pages 7-11 for a list of papers.
Lunch on own
12:00 – 12:45 p.m.
Technical Tours
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. See page 6 for descriptions.
Bouzid Choubane, Florida
Department of Transportation,
State Materials Office
The International Airfield &
Highway Pavements Conference
appropriately themed “Innovative
and Cost-Effective Pavements
for a Sustainable Future”
will provide an opportunity to
stay current and gain knowledge, perspective, and
information from exchange of ideas and interaction
with attendees from around the world. Technical
sessions and workshops will address a wide range
of transportation-related issues that have a mission
critical connection to transportation agencies such as
ours. These issues range from emerging technologies
to assess and improve the performance, efficiency,
sustainability, and safety of our transportation system,
to state-of-the-art testing and materials characterization
concepts, to performance prediction models including
mechanistic empirical designs.
I hope your attendance will be a worthwhile
experience and time well spent in your exploration of
all that the conference and Miami have to offer.
Register Now! Visit 5
Technical Tours
You must purchase a separate ticket to attend technical tours.
They are not included in your conference registration.
SR 826/SR 836 Interchange
Project Tour
Wednesday, June 7, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
This $560M project involves the reconstruction of a System-to-System
Interchange between State Road (S.R.) 826 (Palmetto Expressway) and
S.R. 836 (Dolphin Expressway), two limited access facilities, as well as
the reconstruction of S.R. 826 at Flagler Street and S.R. 836 at NW 72
Avenue interchanges. The S.R. 826 and S.R. 836 Interchange currently
handles over 430,000 vehicles per day. Capacity improvements include
the reconstruction and widening along both S.R. 826 and S.R. 836,
and the construction of 45 bridges. The project will provide new direct
connector ramps for major movements and collector-distributor (CD)
roads, eliminating the need to use mainline S.R. 826 and S.R. 836,
thereby minimizing travel times and providing enhanced access to local
Tour is limited to 50 attendees.
PDHs: 4 credits
de Moya JV
Fee: $25 Advance; $40 Onsite (Member/Non-Member/
SR 826/SR 836 Interchange Reconstruction Project
S.R. 826/836 Interchange
Looking North
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Airport (FLL) Tour
Wednesday, June 7, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The on-going $2.3 Billion Airport Expansion Program (AEP) at the Ft.
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) includes the South
Runway Expansion Project and the Terminal 4 Expansion projects. These projects required very unique and forward thinking design and
construction techniques to overcome site and limitations, such as karst
topography, environmentally sensitive areas, and close proximity to
major roadways and rail lines. The South Runway Expansion increases
the runway length to 10,000 feet which required that the runway be
elevated utilizing bridge structures over the existing US 1 and FEC
Railway. Terminal 4 project will completely replace the existing 10 gate
concourse with a new 14 gate concourse and expanded apron area
and is being constructed while the existing Terminal remains in operation. Together these projects will greatly diminish delay times experienced at
FLL along east region of the US.
Tour is limited to 50 attendees. Valid official government issued photo
ID is required.
PDHs: 4 credits Fee: $25 Early-Bird & Advance; $40 Onsite (Member/NonMember/Student)
Terminal 4, Fort Lauderdale International Airport
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
Technical Program
Sunday, June 7, 2015
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Workshop: Sustainability through Pavement Preservation
Instructors: Imad Al-Qadi, U niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jorge Prozzi, University of Texas at Austin; John Harvey, University of California, Davis; Karim Chatti, M
ichigan State University; Jeffery Roesler, U niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
Hasan Ozer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Workshop: FAA PAVEAIR, the Free Internet-Based Computer Program for Airport Pavement
Evaluation, Management and Maintenance
Instructors: Jeffrey Gagnon, P.E., and the FAA Airport Pavement Sub-Team
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Monday, June 8, 2015
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Opening Plenary Session
Moderators & Co-Hosts: John Harvey, University of California, Davis; Katie Chou, Hatch Mott MacDonald
Thomas Byron, Chief Engineer, Florida DOT
An Executive from Miami International Airport (Invited)
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Networking Break
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
M1030A: Performance Evaluation of
More Sustainable Asphalt Mixtures
Moderator: Elham Fini, North Carolina A&T
M1030B: Airport Pavement
Evaluation, Design, and
Moderator: Ralph Wessels, Port of Seattle
M1030C: SHRP2 Renewal Pavement
Moderator: Stephen Cooper, FHWA
M1030D: Pavement Preservation
Techniques and Performance
Moderator: Qing Lu, University of South Florida
Evaluation of Semicircular Bending
Test for Assessing Cracking Potential
of Superpave Mixtures with High
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Content,
Ananna Ahmed, Syeda R. Aziz, and
Release of the French Technical Guidance for Flexible Airfield Pavement Assessment Using HWD, M
ichael Broutin
Precast Concrete Pavement (R05),
am Tyson, FHWA New Composite Pavement Systems
Impact of Site Factors on the Effectiveness of Flexible Pavement Preservation
Treatments, S
yed Haider, Michigan State
Mustaque Hossain, Kansas State University; Blair
Heptig, Kansas Department of Transportation
Investigation on the Effect of Tear-off
Roofing Shingle as Additive in Hot-Mix
Asphalt, B ehnam Golestani, University of
Central Florida, Hamid Maherinia, CDM Smith
Inc.; A
mir Behzadan and Boo Hyun Nam,
University of Central Florida
Characterization of a Warm Mix
Asphalt Containing Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavements, H
ugo Rondón, Universidad Distrital
Francisco, José de Caldas; Carlos Urazan,
Universidad La Salle; Saieth Chaves, Universidad
Católica de Colombia
and Damien Mounier, French Civil Aviation Technical
Preliminary Pavement Design for New
Runway, Taxiways and Apron for
Third Runway Project at Hong Kong
International Airport, G
eorge Nowak,
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Dry Mass Stabilization for Airport
Taxiway and Apron Expansion in
South Florida, E d Garbin, James Hussin,
and Michael Gillis, Hayward Baker Inc.
Extended Airfield Pavement Design
Life Initiative: 20 to 40, G
regory Cline,
Federal Aviation Administration
(R21), Linda Pierce, A pplied Pavement Technology
Tools to Improve PCC Smoothness During Construction (R06E), G
ary Fick, Trinity
Construction Management Services
Pavement Renewal Solutions (R23),
T om Deddens, FHWA
Comparing the Performance of Various Maintenance Treatments in California, J eremy Lea, U C Davis
Construction and Performance Evaluation of Flexible Microsurfacing Test
Sections in Pennsylvania, S
Rao, Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Functional, Structural and Environmental Benefits of Concrete Inlays for
Pavement Preservation: A Preliminary
Study, S
ushobhan Sen, Daniel King,
and Jeffery Roesler, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
TiO2-Containing Aggregates with the
Function of Photocatalytic Decomposition of Nitrogendioxide,Dawei Wang,
R WTH Aachen University; Michael Hüben, FraunhoferInstitut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie;
Zhen Leng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
Markus Oeser and Bernhard Steinauer,
RWTH Aachen University
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Register Now! Visit 7
Technical Program
Monday, June 8, 2015 (continued)
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
M130A: Impact of Binder
Modification on Asphalt Concrete
and Mastic Properties
Moderator: Richard Willis, Auburn University
M130B: Airport Pavement
Performance, Preservation, and
Moderator: Navneet Garg, FAA
M130C: Permeable and Roller
Compacted Concrete Pavements
Moderator: David Hein, Applied Research
M130D: Impact of Geotechnical
Features on Pavement Performance
Moderator: Charles Schwartz, University of
Maryland at College Park
Selection of Optimum Nano-Modifier
Content to Ensure Proper Performance
of the Asphalt Binder, Fabricio Leiva-
Durability of Concrete Pavements at
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International
Airport – A Ten-Year Review, T ara L.
Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
in Virginia, M
. Shabbir Hossain and
Sustainable Use of Unconventional
and Recycled Aggregates in Flexible
Pavement Foundations, E rol Tutulmuer,
Villacorta, LanammeUCR; José Pablo AguiarMoya, LanammeUCR
Creating a Performance-Based Asphalt
Mix Design to Incorporate Oil Sand,
Michael Vrtis, Auburn University; Pedro Romero,
University of Utah
Investigating Aging Susceptibility of
Bio-Modified Asphalts, E llie Fini, Daniel
Oldham, Shahrzad Hossein Nezhad, and
Felix Buabeng, North Carolina A&T State University
Characterization of Damage and
Aging Resistance of Asphalt Mastics
with Coal Combustion By-Products,
Emil Bautista, UW-Milwaukee; Ahmed Faheem,
Temple University; R
ajan Saha and Konstantin
Cavalline, UNC Charlotte; Richard L. Boudreau,
Boudreau E ngineering, Inc.; Quintin Watkins,
Michael Baker International, LLC; Garth B. Freeman,
Materials Analysis Group, Inc.
Guidelines for Selection of LongLasting and Cost-effective Pavement
Maintenance Treatment Options
for General Aviation Airport
Management, P oura Arabali and
Maryam Sakhaeifar, Texas A&M University; Tom
Freeman and Bryan Wilson, Texas A&M
Transportation Institute (TTI)
Choosing Appropriate Rehabilitation/
Construction Methods for Airfield
Pavements, B rett Dolan, Tartaglia Engineering
Airfield Pavement Preservation:
Maintenance, Management, Materials,
Gregory Cline, Federal Aviation Administration
3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Networking Break
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
H. Celik Ozyildirim, V irginia Department of
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Effects of Aggregate Packing Structure
on Low-Fines Roller-Compacted Concrete, J eff LaHucik and Jeff Roesler, The
Effects of Fine Content on the Performance of Unbound Granular Base
Aggregates, B ora Cetin, S outh Dakota School of
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mines and Technology
Summary of Evaluations of Permeable
Interlocking Concrete Pavement under
Traffic Loading, R
ongzong Wu, David
Impact of Subgrade Soil Stabilized by
Bio-energy Co-product on Pavement
Performance, H
alil Ceylan, Sunghwan
Jones, John Harvey, and Hui Li, University
of California Pavement Research Center; David Smith,
Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute
Residual Strength of Pervious Concrete
under Static and Impact Loading,
Nicholas Brake, Hamid Allahdadi, Fatih
Adam, Nicholas Carillo, and Murphy
Mason, Lamar University
Kim, and Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan,
Iowa State University
Use of Lightweight Deflectometers for
Compaction Control and Verification
of Design Intent, C
huck Schwartz, Sadaf
Khosravifar, and Zahra Afsharikia, U niversity
of Maryland at College Park
The Precision of the T307 Test and Its
Impact on Design, B oudreau, R., B oudreau Engineering; V
on Quintus, H., Applied Research and Associates
M330A: Characterization of Asphalt
Moderator: Bouzid Choubane, FDOT
M330B: Airport Pavement Project
Case Studies
Moderator: Scott Murrell, The Port Authority of
New York and New Jersey
M330C: Concrete Pavement
Technology Topics
Moderator: Gary Mitchell, American Concrete
Pavement Association
M330D: Design and Management of
Highway Pavements in Latin America
Moderator: Jorge Prozzi, University of Texas
at Austin
Moisture Susceptibility of Superpave
Mixtures with Varying Binder
Contents, K
iran Uppu and Mustaque
Case History: Concrete Reconstruction
of Runway 18-36 and 8-26 Intersection at Tulsa International Airport,
Manuel Bejarano, Stephen Kahle, and
Fatigue Testing of High Strength Concrete Beams at the National Airport
Pavement Test Facility, J effrey Stein, S RA
Latin America has experienced
significant grow in the recent past
as a result of the economic crisis in
Europe and the US. Countries such as
Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru
are investing substantial funding in
upgrading their surface transportation
infrastructure. These investments need
to be guided by the application of
updated and appropriate technologies for the region. This session will
provide an overview of the stateof-the-practice in pavement design,
performance and management as
well as recent research developments in Latin America. The session
will address both flexible and rigid
pavements and the latest efforts in the
region for incorporating mechanisticempirical principles in pavement
Hossain,Kansas State University; Lon Ingram and
Rick Kreider, Kansas Department of Transportation
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of
Workability and Compactability of
Asphalt Concrete Mixture, S
amer Des-
souky,University of Texas-San Antonio
Evolution of Asphalt Mixtures Viscoelastic Properties due to Continuing
Oxidative Aging, M
ohammad Zia Alavi
and Elie Y. Hajj, University of Nevada, Reno
Modelling the Effect of Filler Materials
on Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt
Using A Novel Genetic Programming
Approach, Mehran Mazari, The University of Texas
at El Paso; Younes Niazi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Evaluation of the Impact of Relative Humidity on the Mechanical Response of Asphalt
Mixtures and Fine Aggregate Mixtures,
Silvia Caro, Eduardo Rueda, Sonia Hernandez,
and Bernardo Caicedo, U niversidad de los Andes
Comparison Between Elastomers and
Plastomers in Improving Rutting
Resistance of Asphalt Binders, K
Al-adham and Hamad Al-Abdul Wahhab,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Performance Properties of Polymer Modified Pelletized Asphalt Mixtures , S
William McGrew, Atkins North America; B
Aussieker and Jeff Hough, Tulsa Airport Improvement Trust
Airfield Pavement Reconstruction at
ATL in the 21st Century: A Historical
Perspective, J oseph Snyder and Quintin
Watkins, Michael Baker International
Innovative & Sustainable Runway
Rehabilitation at Buffalo – Niagara
Falls International Airport, S
Moulton, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co. Inc.;
Chris Decker, Roy D. McQueen & Associates, Ltd.;
Jim Falvey, Self-Employed; J ohn Diebold, Niagara
Frontier Transportation Authority
New Runway Construction at Fort
Lauderdale: Geotechnical and Pavement Considerations, M
anuel Bejarano,
Josepth Duarte, and Darin Larson, ATKINS NA
The Runway 8-26 Rehabilitation and
the Safety Management Systems in
the San Juan Luis Munoz International
Airport, E ileen Velez, Kimley-Horn Associates
Standards for Specifying Construction
of Airports: AC 150/5370-10G; FY
2015 & Beyond, G
regory Cline,Federal
Aviation Administration
Amirkhanian, U niversity of Alabama; Feipeng Xiao,
Tongji University; Kelly Sockwell, Phoenix Industries
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
International; David Brill, FAA; Q
iang Li, S RA
CRCP Design for Guided Bus Route in
the UK, M
anuel Bejarano, A tkins North America
Investigation of ESALs Versus Load
Spectra for Rigid Pavement Design,
Amanda Bordelon, University of Utah; J acob
Hiller, M
ichigan Technological University; J effery
Roesler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Victor Cervantes, CEMEX
Innovative Technologies and Applications for Jointed Precast Concrete
Pavement Systems, M
ark Snyder,
Impact of Diamond Grinding on the
Rigid Pavement Performance, S
Haider, M
ichigan State University
Experimental Evaluation of Erosion
Processes in Rigid Pavements, S
Caro, Bernardo Caicedo, Daniel Varela,
Julieth Monroy, and Jaime Wills, Universidad
de los Andes; O
scar Velásquez, Institute of Urban
Development of Bogota; D
iana Beltran, Institute of
Urban Development of Bogota
Technical Program
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
T830A: Modifications of Warm
and Hot Asphalt Concrete and
Moderator: Jim Scherocman, Consulting Engineer
T830B: Updates from Large Airports –
Past, Current, and Future
Moderator: Geoffrey Baskir, FAA
T830D: ME Design and Analysis
T830C: Life Cycle Use Phase: Thermal
Properties of Pavements and Their Effects Procedures
Moderator: TBD
Moderator: Bill Buttlar, University of Illinois at
Rubberized Warm-Mix Asphalt: An
Appropriate Alternative for Traditional
Asphalt Concrete Overlays, D
avid Jones,
The Agonizingly Slow Death and
Reconstruction of Sea-Tac’s Center
Runway, R
alph Wessels, Port of Seattle
Holding Bay 24R Rehabilitation at
Toronto Pearson, K
evin Chee and Chris
Evaluation of Effect of Cool Pavement
Strategies on Human Thermal Comfort,
Hui Li, John Harvey, and David Jones,
UC Davis
Effect of Warm Mix Technologies and
Testing Protocol on Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures, J ames Richard
Willis, National Center for Asphalt Technology; Kristoffer
Leatherman, Graduate Research Assistant
Low Temperature Performance of Superpave Recycled Hot Mixtures in Ontario,
Xiomara Sanchez-Castillo, Doubra Ambaiowei, and Susan Tighe,University of Waterloo
Stewart, Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Case Study on a Bonded Concrete
Overlay, J effrey Brown, Houston Airport System
Port Authority of NY & NJ Airfield
Paving Capital Program and System
Enhancement Planning, S
cott Murrell, The
Port Authority of NY & NJ
Plasma Empowered Limestone Composite Structures for Asphalt Performance
Applications, S
ebnem Sargin Karahancer,
Characterization and Simulation of
Asphalt Pavement Temperature: Impact
of Thermochromic Materials, J ianying Hu
and Xiong Yu, Case Western Reserve University
James Mack, CEMEX; R
obert Rodden, A CPA
Mechanistic-Empirical Procedure for
Flexible Airfield Pavement Design: The
New French Technical Guidance, D
Influence of Sustainable Technologies on
In-Place Thermal Properties of Asphalt
Pavements, M
iguel Diaz-Sanchez and
Mounier, Michael Broutin, and Regis Bost,
French Civil Aviation Technical Center
Incorporating Heat Wires and Renewable Energy to Develop an Anti-Icing
Airfield Runway Surface, E rnie Heyms-
meister and Gustavo CanonFalla, TU Dresden;
Markus Oeser, RWTH Aachen
David H. Timm, Auburn University
Analytical Design Methodology for Low
Volume Roads in Germany, S
abine Werk-
field, Joseph Daniels, and Mark Kuss,
University of Arkansas
Melek Kiristi, Serdal Terzi, Mehmet Saltan,
Aysegul Uygun Oksuz, and Lutfi Oksuz,
Suleyman Demirel University
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Networking Break
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
University of California, Davis
Review of National and State-Level
Calibration of the Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide for Jointed
Plain Concrete Pavement, F eng Mu and
T1030A: Developments in Tack Coat
Moderator: Pedro Romero, University of Utah
T1030B: Airport Pavement R&D
Developments at the FAA’s William J.
Hughes Technical Center
Moderator: Jeff Gagnon, FAA
T1030C: Life Cycle Use Phase:
Pavement Vehicle Interaction
Moderator: Amlan Mukherjee, Michigan
Technological University
T1030D: Modeling and Analysis of
Moderator: Julie Vandenbossche, University of
Evaluation of Nanotechnology Additive
on Tack Coat Moisture Resistance and
Bond Strength, J ames Richard Willis and
National Airport Pavement and Material
Research Center (NAPMRC), N
The Impact of Use Phase and PavementVehicle Interaction (PVI) in Comparative
Pavement Life Cycle Assessment, X
in Xu,
Mechanical Responses of Dowel Joints
Using 3D Finite Element Analysis for
Different Airplane Configurations, Yusuf
Adam Taylor, National Center for Asphalt Technology
Evaluation of the Bond Strength of
Asphalt Overlays, J ohn Zaniewski,
Mohammad Rashidi, West Virginia University; Seth
Knihtila, Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
The Effect of Chemico-Mechanical Interaction of Non-Tracking Tack Coat and
Aggregate on Bond Strength, A
h Young
Seo and Maryam Sakhaeifar, Texas A&M
University; Bryan Wilson, Texas A&M Transportation
Institute (TTI)
Development of Test Procedures to
Measure Tracking Resistance of NonTracking Tack Coat, B ryan Wilson, Texas A&M
Garg, FAA
Analysis of Full-Scale Testing Data and
Airport Pavement Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA), J ohn Harvey, University of California, Davis
A Stress History Based Approach for
Predicting Deformation Potentials of
Granular Base and Subbase Layers in
Airport Pavements, E rol Tutulmuer, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Big Data Requirements to Establish 1mm
Virtual Runway for Comprehensive
Evaluation, K
elvin Wang, University of Oklahoma
Transportation Institute (TTI); Maryam Sakhaeifar,
Mayur Yelpale, Ah Young Seo, and Sanket
Shah, Texas A&M University
Jeremy Gregory, and Randolph Kirchain,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mehta, Felipe Blotta, and Douglas Cleary,
Rowan University
Calibration of HDM-4 Fuel Consumption
Model to Field Measurement on I-95 in
Florida, M
ichael Bienvenu and Xin Jiao,
3-D Finite Element Analysis of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
(CRCP) using Basalt Fiber Reinforced
Polymer (BFRP), L ijuan Zhang and Ennong
Florida International University
Summary of Evaluations of Open-Graded Asphalt Mixes for Noise, Permeability and Durability, J ohn Harvey, University
of California Pavement Research Center, UC Davis; Arash
Rezaei, Consultant; R
ongzong Wu, University of California Pavement Research Center, UC Davis; Irwin Guada,
University of California Pavement Research Center, UC Berkeley;
Erdem Coleri, University of California Pavement Research
Center, UC Davis; M
asoud Kayhanian, Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Structure-induced Rolling Resistance
(SRR) of Tire-Pavement System, H
Ozer, Maryam Shakiba, Mojtaba Ziyadi,
and Imad L. Al-Qadi, U niversity of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Awards Luncheon
1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Dessert in the Exhibit Hall
Ming, S outh China University of Technology; Xuejun Xu,
Administration Bureau for highway of Guangdong Province;
Zhongzheng Xu, South China University of Technology
Modeling and Analysis of Stress-Dependency Coupling with Temperature-Sensitivity for Surface Layer of Semi-Rigid
Base Asphalt Pavement, N
iya Dong,
Chang Li, and Fujian Ni, S outheast University
Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Structural
Response using Semi-Analytical Finite
Element Method with Infinite Element,
Pengfei Liu, Markus Oeser, and Dawei
Wang, R WTH Aachen University
Register Now! Visit 9
Technical Program
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 (continued)
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
T200A: Hot In-Place Recycling and
Use of Recycled Materials in Asphalt
Moderator: Boo Hyun Nam, University of Central
T200B: Airfield Pavement
Maintenance, Repair, and
Moderator: Jeb Tingle, US Army Engineering
Research and Development Center
Field Investigation and Laboratory
Performance Characterization of Hot InPlace Recycled Asphalt Mixtures, H
What You Need to Know about Airfield
Pavement Preservation, D
ave Hein, A pplied
Ozer, Punit Singhvi, Ibrahim Abuawad,
Imad L. Al-Qadi, and Aaron Coenen,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Effect of Asphalt Rejuvenating Agent
used in Hot-in-Place Recycling on Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Rutting and
Creep Performance, N
assim Sabahfar and
Mustaque Hossain, K ansas State University
Laboratory Evaluation of Highly Recycled Slag and Non-Slag FRAP RAS
Mixtures, H
e Wang, Brian Hill, and Wil-
Research and Associates
Long-Lasting Duration of a Porous Friction Course: A Case Study, S
am Cardoso,
SHCardoso Consulting, LLC
Airfield Pavement Maintenance and
Preservation, W
ayne J. Seiler, All About
Curling in Concrete Pavement: A Case
History Revisited, W
. Charles Greer, Jr.,
T200C: Sustainable Materials in
Pavement Applications
Moderator: TBD
Sustainable Utilization of MSWI Bottom
Ash as Road Construction Materials,
Part I: Physical and Mechanical Evaluation, J inwoo An, Behnam Golestani, and
T200D: Modeling and Prediction of
Unbound Layer Characteristics and
Moderator: Erol Tutumluer, University of
Illinois at Urban-Champaign
Sustainable Utilization of MSWI Bottom
ash as Road Construction Materials,
Part II: Chemical and Environmental
Characterization, B oo Hyun Nam and
Kazi Tasneem,University of Central Florida; J ongwan
Eun, U niversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Recycled Materials for Subgrade Stabilization, N
ishantha Bandara, Tarik Habib
Evaluation of Resilient Modulus Prediction Models for Cohesive and Noncohesive Soils, S
adaf Khosravifar, Zahra
Afsharikia, and Charles W. Schwartz,
University of Maryland
Evaluating the Influence Depth of Light
Weight Deflectometer through Finite
Element Modeling, C
esar Tirado, Mehran
Binoy, Haithem Aboujrad, and Juliana Sato,
Lawrence Technological University
Mazari, Cesar Carrasco, and Soheil Nazarian, U niversity of Texas at El Paso
A Study on Long-Term Aging of Recycled
Binders, Based on Performance Grade
Tests, M
ojtaba Mohammadafzali and
Simulation of Shakedown Behavior for
flexible Pavement’s Unbound Granular
Layer, A
inalem Nega and Hamid Nikraz,
Hesham Ali, F lorida International University; James
A. Musselman, Gregory A. Sholar, Sungho
Kim, and Tanya Nash, F lorida Department of
liam Buttlar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
C urtin University; Imad L. Al-Qadi, U niversity of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Green Roads in Nigeria with Reclaimed
Asphalt Pavement, Crumb Rubber, and
Rice Husk Ash as a Filler, J ibrin Moham-
Boo Hyun Nam, University of Central Florida; Jeffrey
L. Lee, ARRB Group Ltd.
med Kaura and Yusuf Dada Amartey,
Ahmadu Bello University; S
alisu Dahiru and Ahmad
Rabilu, N uhu Bamalli Polytechnic
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Networking Break
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
T400A: Performance Specifications
and Quality Control for Pavements
Moderator: Shiraz Tayabji, Applied Research
T400B: Instrumentation and
Accelerated Testing of Pavement
Moderator: Lucy Priddy, US Army Engineering
Research and Development Center
T400C: Distress Measurement and
Pavement Evaluation Techniques
Moderator: Quintin Watkins, Michael Baker
International, LLC
T400D: Characterization of Aggregate
Base Course Materials
Moderator: Richard (Rick) Boudreau, Boudreau
Engineering, Inc.
Infrared Thermography Technologies for
Thermal Measurement and Control of
HMA Pavement Construction, R
Aircraft Lateral Wander Characterization for Pavement Design – Runway
Instrumentation with Optical Sensors,
Damien Mounier and Michael Broutin, French
Field Evaluation of 3D Systems for the
Automated Measurement of Pavement
Surface Distresses, P edro Serigos, Jorge
Characterization and Evaluation of
Quarry By-products for Sustainable
Pavement Applications, W
enting Hou,
Schmitt, University of Wisconsin; Tyler LeClair, Wisconsin Department of Transportation; James Hedderich,
Mobile Automation
Performance Related Specifications
Development of Hot Mix Pavement
Projects using Field Data, P rasad Bud-
dhavarapu, Jorge Prozzi, and Andre Smit;
The University of Texas at Austin
Case Study on Premature Pavement
Failure and Successful Reconstruction
at the NCAT Test Track, M
ichael Vrtis and
David Timm, Auburn University
Innovative Crack Sealing Analysis and
Cost Estimation for Airport Runway
Shoulders Using 3D Laser Technology
and Automatic Crack Detection Algorithms, S
hreenath Rao and William Vavrik ,
Civil Aviation Technical Center; Marie-France Espie,
Toulouse Blagnac Airport
Evaluation Indexes and Criteria for
Asphalt Strain Gauge, H
ong-Duo Zhao,
Song-Yuan Gu, Can Wu, and Jian-Ming
Ling, Tongji University
Dynamic Load Testing in an Instrumented Experimental Short Continuously
Reinforced Concrete Pavement, L ucio de
Salles and José Tadeu Balbo, University of São
Paulo; Deividi Pereira, Federal University of Santa Maria
Roller Compacted Concrete over Soil
Cement Under Accelerated Loading,
Zhong Wu and Moinul Mahdi, Louisiana
Transportation Research Center
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
Prozzi, and Andre de Fortier Smit,The University
of Texas at Austin; Mike Murphy, Center for Transportation
Rutting Evolution Prediction in Flexible
Pavement Life Cycle at the Road
Network Scale Using an Air-Launched
Ground-Penetrating Radar System,
Fabio Tosti, Andrea Benedetto, Luca
Bianchini Ciampoli, Alessandro Calvi,
Fabrizio D’Amico, and Andrea Umiliaco,
Roma Tre University
Condition Evaluation of General Aviation Airport Runways in Kansas, J ose
Villarreal, Burns & McDonnell; M
ustaque Hossain,
Kansas State University
Evaluation of Nontraditionally Surfaced
Airfield Pavements, L ucy Priddy and Jeb
Tingle, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Vincent Mwumvaneza, Hasan Ozer, and
Erol Tutumluer, University of Illinois
Evaluation of Effect of Rolling Direction
on Unbound Material Modulus Using
Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer
iang Li, S RA; Navneet Garg, FAA
Airport Technology R&D Branch, ANG-E262
Assessment of Material Strength Using
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test for
Pavement Applications, M
ariely Mejias-
Santiago, Lulu Edwards, and Lyan Garcia,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mobilization and Tensile Behavior of
Geogrid Reinforcement in Pavements,
Xiaochao Tang, Widener University
Technical Program
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
8:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Concurrent Sessions
W830A: Innovative Assessment of
Pavement Smoothness
Moderator: Omar Smadi, Iowa State University
W830B: Design, Construction, and
W830C: Cost Effectiveness of
Preservation of Pavements on Toll Roads Structural Alternatives, Materials,
Moderator: Mustaque Hossain,
Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Kansas State University
Moderator: David Jones, University of California, Davis
W830D: Improvement and Evaluation
of Pavement Supporting System
Moderator: James Signore, Nichols Consulting
Effect of Smartphone Model on Measured Pavement Roughness, S
Beyond the Airfields: Port Authority of
NY & NJ Roadway Pavement Engineering, S
cott Murrell, The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Illinois Tollway 50-Year Asset Management Plan, W
illiam Vavrik, Applied Research and
Performance Evaluations of Pavement
Working Platforms Constructed with
Large-Sized Unconventional Aggregates,
Hasan Kazmee and Erol Tutumluer, University of
Islam and William Buttlar, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; William Vavrik, Applied Research
Associates, Inc.; Roberto Aldunate, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
A Pavement Longitudinal Profiler Based
on Inertial Measurement and 30KHz 3D
Sensor, Y
ang Liu Main, Allen Zhang, Kelvin
Wang, and Joshua Li, Oklahoma State University
IRI Measurement through Dynamic Tire
Pressure Sensor Inside the Tire, Y
Zhao and Ming L. Wang, Northeastern University
Kansas Turnpike Pavement Practices,
avid Jacobson, Kensas Turnpike Pavement Practices
The Road Worth Traveling – Challenges
of designing, Building, Operating And
Maintaining Pavement for Florida’s
Turnpike, P aul Wai, Mike Shannon, Florida
Department of Transportation – Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
Maximizing the Use of Local Aggregates
to Minimize Costs and Environmental
Impacts, R
ebecca McDaniel and Ayesha
Shah, N CSC, Purdue University; K
arol Kowalski,
Warsaw University of Technology
Techniques for Selecting Cost-Effective
Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies:
Oklahoma Case Studies, M
ona Nobakht
and Maryam Sakhaeifar, Texas A&M University;
Dave Newcomb, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
(TTI); S
hane Underwood, Arizona State University;
Tom Freeman, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Research of Different Perpetual Pavement Structures Based on Performance
Comparison and LCCA in Jiangsu Province, China, Z
hu Yuqin and Ni Fujian, C ollege
of Transportation Engineering, Southeast University
Innovative Crack Sealing Analysis and
Cost Estimation for Airport Runway
Shoulders Using 3D Laser Technology and
Automatic Crack Detection Algorithms,
Yichang Tsai, Zhaohua Wang, and Chenglong
Illinois; Debakanta Mishra, Boise State University
A New Approach for Estimating the
Resilient Modulus of Pavement Subgrade Taking into Account the Influence
of Moisture Regime, Z
hong Han, Baudin
Mihambanou, and Sai Vanapalli, University
of Ottawa
Injection of Structural Polymer Foam to
Control Highway Frost Heave, T homas
Edgar, University of Wyoming; Roy Mathis, C oncrete
Stabilization Technologies, Inc.; C
hristopher Potter,
Wyoming Department of Transportation
Investigating the Effect of Moisture
Variation on Resilient and Seismic
Modulus of Unbound Fine-Grained
Materials, M
ehran Mazari, Jose Garibay,
Imad Abdallah, and Soheil Nazarian, The
University of Texas at El Paso
Jiang, Georgia Institute of Technology; B
ob Mahfood and
John Rone, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Networking Break
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Sessions
W1030A: Quantification and Effects
of Surface Texture
Moderator: Erwin Kohler, Dynatest Consulting, Inc.
W1030B: Special Session: Fort
Lauderdale International Airport
Moderator: Tim Fish, HDR
W1030C: Pavement Consumption and
Cost Analysis
Moderator: John Harvey, University of California,
W1030D: Special Session: SR 826/
836 Interchange Reconstruction
Moderator: Oscar Gonzalez, Media Relations
Group, LLC
Evaluation of Variability of Macrotexture
Measurements with Different Laser-based
Devices, A
zzurra Evangelisti and Mauro
Overview of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Expansion Program, S
Probabilistic Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Implementation: Impact of Context and
Scope, O
mar Swei, Randolph Kirchain, and
Project History/Overview,
rik Padron, P.E., Florida Department of Transportation
D’Apuzzo, U niversity of Cassino and Southern Lazio; G
Flintsch, Edgar de León Izeppi, and Daniel Mogrovejo,V
irginia Tech Transportation Institute;
Vittorio Nicolosi, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Pavement Macrotexture Index Measurement through Acoustic Energy of Tire/
Road Noise, Y
iying Zhang,China Merchants
Chongqing Communications Research and Design Institute Co.
Ltd.; Ming L. Wang, Northeastern University
Simulation and Evaluation on the Seasonal Development of the Skid Resistance on Asphalt Surface using Selfdeveloped Aachen Polishing Machine,
Dawei Wang, RWTH Aachen University; Xiaoguang
T. Wiesner, Airport Development Broward County Aviation
Airfield Pavement Design for FLL Airport
Expansion Program, D
arin Larson, Atkins
North America
Implementation and Oversight of Pavement Construction Activities for FLL
Airport Expansion Program, T BD, P arsons
Design Oversight and Project Coordination, M
ark Wolfe, TY Lin International
Jeremy Gregory, MIT
A Rational Framework for Determination of Tariff Rates for Overweight
Trucks, A
mbarish Banerjee, AgileAssets
Inc.; Jorge Prozzi, The University of Texas at Austin
Quantification of Freight Traffic Impact
on Pavement Damage Cost for AxleWeight-Distance Pricing, J ingnan Zhao
District Six
Design Concepts and Innovations,
J ose Muñoz, P.E., BCC Engineering
Construction Methods and Challenges,
A.J. de Moya, C ondotte, de Moya Joint Venture
Construction Engineering and Inspection,
Francis Chin, PE., A IM Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
and Hao Wang, Rutgers University
Strategy for Monitoring Application and
Adaptation of Pavement Construction Technologies in Bogota, O
scar M.
Velásquez Bobadilla, Diana P. Beltrán Cruz,
Juan P. Nieto Mora, Jorge L. Burgos Rosas,
Vicente E. Leal Moreno, and Sully M. Rojas
Bayona, Instituto Desarrollo Urbano-IDU
Xie, Harbin Institute of Technology; Markus Oeser and
Bernhard Steinauer,RWTH Aachen University
Pavement Treatment Macrotexture and
Effect on Bicycle Ride Quality, H
ui Li and
John Harvey, University of California, Davis
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Technical Tours
Conclusion of the Conference
Register Now! Visit 11
Committee Meetings – All are encoraged to attend!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
TRB AV070 Aircraft and Airport Compatibility
5:00 p.m. – 6:00p.m.
Attend the semi-annual meeting of TRB AV070 committee and learn more about the charge and
activities of this vibrant committee.
Monday, June 8, 2015
T&DI Airfield Pavement
5:45 p.m. – 6:45p.m.
Attend the semi-annual meeting of T&DI Airfield Pavement Committee to learn more about the
charge and activities of this group.
T&DI Highway Pavement
7:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Attend the semi-annual meeting of T&DI Highway Pavement Committee to learn about the latest
activities of this dynamic group.
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
General Information
ADA Compliance
The Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel is barrier-free in compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require special assistance at
the Conference, please submit a written description of your requirements
with your registration form or email BEFORE
May 6, 2015. While ASCE will make every effort to meet the needs
of the disabled, accommodations cannot be guaranteed without prior
Attendee Packets
Early-bird and Advance registrants will receive their name badges and
any tickets ordered at the Registration Desk during registration hours.
Early-bird and Advance registrants should present their official registration
receipt to on-site registration staff to obtain Conference materials. If you
submit a registration form via fax or postal mail one week prior to or after
the registration cutoff date, please be sure to bring a copy of your fax
or postal confirmation (as well as your email confirmation if you have
received one), along with the original registration form to ensure ASCE
onsite registration staff can process your registration. Due to time constraints
near and after the registration cutoff date, the appropriate paperwork may
not have been forwarded to the onsite staff before their departure
The dress code for the Conference is business casual (i.e. slacks, casual
dresses). Meeting room temperatures will vary, so wear layered clothing
to ensure your personal comfort. We also recommend attendees wear
comfortable shoes.
Badge Policy and Ribbons
Your name badge is your admission to educational sessions. Please wear
your badge at all times while in the Hotel. ASCE recommends your remove
your badge when leaving the Hotel. Tickets are required for special events.
Where tickets are required, please be sure to bring them with you to each
event as you will not be admitted without one.
City Information
For more information, contact:
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2700
Miami, FL 33131
Conference Proceedings
To pick up your CD of the Conference Proceedings, present the ticket you
received in your registration package to an ASCE staff member at the
Registration Desk. After the Conference, CDs may be ordered by calling
1-800-548-2723 (US) or 703-295-6300 (International); or online at
International Registrants Tips
Tipping: Service charges or tips are generally not included in published
prices in the United States. Restaurant servers, taxi drivers, etc., generally
expect a tip of at least 15%-20%.
Electricity: Standard 110v electricity is used in the United States. We
regret that ASCE cannot provide adaptors.
Telephone Calls from the United States: Phone calls from hotel rooms can
be very expensive, especially to calls placed outside the United States.
One of the following options is recommended:
These are available at many locations, including airports, grocery stores,
department stores, convenience stores, and at some hotels. They are also
available through many online Web sites.
Use your personal or corporate telephone charge card.
Have your family or colleagues call you. There is no charge for calls that are
received, but there are large charges for calls you initiate.
Meeting Room Overcrowding
ASCE will make every effort to schedule popular topics in rooms large
enough to accommodate anticipated attendance. As some topics may be
extremely popular, it is wise to select alternative sessions as you plan your
Conference schedule. ASCE and hotel personnel are REQUIRED to follow
local fire regulations and may ask participants in rooms filled to capacity to
choose another session.
No Smoking Policy
ASCE supports a “No Smoking” policy. Smoking is prohibited in the Hilton
Miami Downtown Hotel and all venues hosting ASCE events.
Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
You may earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs) - nationally
recognized units of record - by attending technical sessions. Please note
that there are differences from state to state in continuing education
requirements for professional engineering licensure. Each state licensing
board has the final authority to approve courses, credits, PDHs, and
other methods of earning credits in that state. ASCE strongly recommends
that individuals regularly check with their state licensing boards for
specific continuing education requirements in their jurisdictions that affect
professional engineering licensure and the ability to renew licensure. For
details on your state’s requirements, please visit
Program and Session Cancellation
ASCE reserves the right to cancel programs and/or sessions because of low
registration. In the unlikely event of a cancellation, all registrants will be notified
and will receive full refunds, if applicable. Programs and sessions are subject
to change, and ASCE reserves the right to substitute a program, session,
and/or speaker of equal caliber to fulfill the educational requirements.
Recording of Sessions
Video or audio recording of any educational session is strictly prohibited
without prior written consent from ASCE and the session presenter(s).
Release/Waiver/Special Assistance
Photograph Release: By registering for the Conference, I hereby release
any photographs that may be incidentally taken of me during these events
by ASCE to be used for any purpose.
Liability Waiver: By registering for the Conference, I agree and
acknowledge that I am undertaking participation in ASCE events and
activities at my own free and intentional act, and I am fully aware that
possible physical injury might occur to me as a result of my participation.
I give this acknowledgement freely and knowingly that I am, as a
result, able to participate in ASCE events, and I do hereby assume
responsibility for my own well-being. I also agree not to allow any other
individual to participate in my place.
Average temperatures range from a high of 89° and a low of 77°.
Use a pre-paid phone card or cell phone with international dialing capabilities.
Register Now! Visit 13
Exhibit & Sponsor Information
It’s not too late to become an exhibitor at T&DI’s International Airfield & Highway Pavement Specialty
Conference. Plan to showcase your products and services! The industry’s most qualified pool of buyers and
decision makers expect to visit your booth.
If your company or organization provides goods and services to the T&DI profession, exhibiting at the International Airfield &
Highway Pavement Specialty Conference is the ideal opportunity to meet new industry contacts and customers.
For more information on how to sponsor or exhibit, contact Drew Caracciolo at (703) 295-6087 or
Visit the conference web site:
Exhibit Hall Activity
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Decorator Move-in 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Move-in 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception 6:00– 8:00 p.m.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Exhibit Hall Hours
Morning Break
Exhibit Hall Luncheon
Afternoon Break
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Hours
Morning Break
Awards Luncheon
Dessert Break
Afternoon Break
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
If your company or organization provides goods and services to the transportation and development
industry, then sponsoring and exhibiting at T&DI’s International Airfield & Highway Pavement
Conference is the ideal opportunity to attract new industry contacts and customers.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum - $10,000
Conference Dinner
Gold - $5,000 (CHOOSE 1)
Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall
Conference Tote Bags
Conference Plenary & Opening
Hotel Key Cards
Silver - $2,500 (CHOOSE 1)
Conference Lanyards
Conference Tour
Exhibit Hall Lunch (Choice of Two)
Younger Member Events
Copper - $1,000
Tecnical Track Sponsor (Choice of
Sponsor - $500
General Conference Sponsor
Bronze - $1,500
Refreshment Breaks (Choice of Five)
Exhibit Hall Prizes (Choice of Two)
For more information, please visit
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
Registration Information
Registration Hours
Sunday, June 7
Monday, June 8
Tuesday, June 9
Wednesday, June 10
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
To receive a refund of the registration fee, cancellations must
be received in writing at the T&DI/ASCE headquarters by
May 6, 2015. A $65 processing fee will be deducted from all
refunds. Additional event tickets will be fully refunded if cancelled in
writing by May 6, 2015. There are no cancellations after
May 6, 2015. Fax cancellation requests to Attn: Customer Service at
(703) 295.6144 or e-mail to, or mail to
ASCE, Attn: Customer Service, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA
20191-4400, USA. NO REFUNDS will be granted for cancellations
received after May 6, 2015.
Included in Your Registration Fee
Welcome Reception
Monday Lunch
Tuesday Awards Luncheon
Daily :
Terminal 4, Fort Lauderdale International Airport
Register Now! Visit 15
Hotel and Travel
Hotel Information
Official Headquarter Hotel:
Driving Directions to the Hilton From Miami
International Airport (Mia)
Hilton Downtown Miami Hotel
From MIA: 6.12 miles or 10 minutes from the airport
1601 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
Main Phone: (305) 374-0000
(mention Pavements Conference 2015)
Main Fax: (305) 714-3654
Room Rates: $159
Enjoy this spacious high-rise hotel with panoramic views of Miami and
Biscayne Bay. Discover miles of white sandy beaches and South Beach
entertainment. Hotel amenities include high-speed internet access, MP3
connectivity and a fitness room. The Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel is
conveniently located 15-minutes from the Miami International Airport
(MIA) and 5 minutes from the Port of Miami.
Experience what downtown Miami has to offer, including Coconut
Grove, the Miracle Mile, Miami Beach, Bayside Marketplace, South
Beach, and American Airlines Arena.
Hotel Parking
Self-Parking Fee: $25.00 USD per night with no in/out privileges
Valet Parking Fee: $28.00 USD per night Hotel Cutoff
The cutoff date for the Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel is May 7, 2015.
After this date, reservations made will be accepted at the contracted
group rate and based on availability.
Start out going south on FL-953/NW 42nd Ave toward NW 14th St.
Merge onto FL-836 E/Dolphin Expy E toward I-95/Downtown
(Portions toll).
Keep right to take I-395 E toward Miami Beach/US-1/Biscayne Blvd.
Take the N.E 2nd Ave exit, EXIT 2A, on the left toward US-1/Biscayne
Turn right onto NE 2nd Ave. If you reach NE 11th Ter. you’ve gone a
little too far
Take the 1st left onto NE 11th Ter. If you reach NE 11th St you’ve
gone a little too far
Turn left onto US-1 N/US-41 N/FL-5/Biscayne Blvd. Continue to
follow US-1 N/FL-5/Biscayne Blvd.
1601 Biscayne Blvd. is on the right.
Ground Transportation
To Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel at 1601 Biscayne Blvd.
Super Shuttle: $16.00 USD
Taxi: $30.00 USD in light traffic; $48 USD in heavy traffic.
Metromover: $2.25 one-way, from MIA to Adrienne Arsht Center
(1455 Biscayne Blvd). Hotel is located at 1601 Biscayne Blvd.
Nearby Points of Interest
Hotel Tax Rates
American Airlines Arena
Room tax is currently 13% and subject to change. Check-in is 3:00 p.m.
and Check out is 11:00 a.m. The Hilton will honor these rates 3 days
before and 3 days after the conference, based on availability.
Arsht Center for Performing Arts
Bayside Marketplace
Coconut Grove
Miami Beach
Miami Seaquarium
South Beach
Vizcaya Museum & Gardens
Our conference session space depends on
your patronage of this official conference
hotel. Because of our contractual
agreements with the Hilton Downtown
Miami Hotel and because we heartily
believe that staying at the designated
conference hotel is an important part of
your conference experience, conference
organizers recommend this hotel
International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference 2015
Miami, Florida | June 7-10, 2015
Cooperating Organizations
(as of December 2014)