GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A. M. 9:30 A.M. Coffee Pastor Ric Koehn May 3, 2015 5th Sunday of Easter Director of Youth & Family Ministries – Mary Jane Kane (The * indicates standing. It is always appropriate to remain seated, if standing creates a problem.) “Christ in Us….With Us….Through Us!” PRELUDE THE RINGING OF THE BELL “Christ is Alive” *HYMN OF PRAISE No. 318 *PRAYER *GLORIA PATRI VISIT WITH THE CHILDREN Pastor Ric Koehn SCRIPTURE READING 2 Kings 2:1-14 Page 317 MESSAGE “What an Exit!” Pastor Ric Koehn “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” HYMN No. 703 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE INVITATION No. 7 CONFESSION & PARDON No. 8 ****************************************************** WELCOME: Wherever two or three people gather in Christ’s name, He is present (Matthew 18:20). We dedicate our time together to His glory. Welcome! OFFERING OF OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS 8:30 am 9:30 am OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY No. 95 THANKSGIVING AND COMMUNION (In the Wesleyan tradition, grape juice is used to represent the wine. *MISSION HYMN “Now Let Us From This Table Rise” No. 634 *BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE ****************************************************** Core Values Statement: Grace Church exists to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them grow in their relationship with Him, enabling them to be examples of Christ’s love to everyone they meet. Ministers: Members and friends of Grace Church Pastor: Ric Koehn Director of Youth and Family Ministries: Mary Jane Kane Uzone Site Manager: Nancy Hoiseth Administrative Assistant: Nancy Hoeft Finance Secretary: Shelli Bast Custodians: Gary and Marilyn Herzberg PARTICIPANTS IN MORNING SERVICES: Ushers: Terry & Deb Thomsen Bob Stoneburner Tom & Nancy Deadrick Jason Kelly Greeters: Jerry & Helen Olsen Sharon Schmidt Mike & Mary Nehring Delores Schoenherr Organist/Pianist: Faye Paster Nursery: Bernie Voss Marcia Gray Audio/Visual: Doug & Beth Voss Readers: Pete Fisk Pete Fisk Acolytes: Bradley Vanderpool Joshua Schaeffer Flower Committee: Geri Spanier, Diane Fuchs Banner Committee: Leta Stafford Communion Servers: Eileen Werner, Marge Hartmann (Greet each other in Christian love) PRAYERS AT THE ALTAR RAILING FOLLOWING THE SERVICE 9:45 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm Worship Service with communion Coffee Fellowship Hosts: Luanne Tschann, Linda Stelling Thank you to those that donate treats each Sunday. Sunday school Mission Team mtg. Worship Service with communion SPRC meeting PLEASE PASS and sign the registration pads in the pews. The Outreach Ministry Team encourages everyone to wear a nametag on Sunday morning. MISSION OFFERING: Missions for May will go towards the 2015 Love Offering. It will be divided as follows to 3 projects that will reflect and advance the theme “God’s Vision, Our Mission— Unleashed”: Grace Children’s Center in Vietnam (60%), Church-School Partnership Grants (30%), Volunteers in Mission Scholarships (10%). Thank you for your extravagant stewardship, for your God-sized love for all the children of the world, and for unleashing God’s vision to heal a broken world. UZONE ENDOWMENT payments can be made at any time; please make sure you write out the check to the Uzone Endowment Fund, so that it gets credited to the right fund. THANK YOU: I wish to express a most sincere thanks to everyone who sent cards, flowers, food, and gave their support through love and prayers at the time of my accident. A special thanks to Pastor Ric Koehn for his comforting words, and to all of my church family. Betty Keller th OPEN HOUSE: Please join us for a joint 80 birthday celebration for Stan & Bea Marple. The th Open House celebration will be held on Sunday, May 17 , from 2-4 pm at the Paynesville American Legion. th NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: Thursday, May 7 is National Day of Prayer. The Paynesville Ministerial Association invites you to join us at the flagpole outside the Paynesville City Hall at noon on that day for prayer. The prayer time will last about 30 minutes. SPRING SALAD LUNCHEON: CentraCare Health of Paynesville will be having a Spring Salad th Luncheon at Stearns Place (701 Stearns Ave.) from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on May 13 . Lunch served or delivered. A free-will donation will be accepted. Proceeds will fund a HoverMatt to transfer patients in the hospital. PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE KNOWN SICK: Berkley Damhof, Marcella Frank, Leola Wendroth ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday May 4 2:00 pm UMW meeting Tuesday May 5 2:00 pm Staff meeting 7:00 pm Church Conference with Leadership Meeting following Wednesday May 6 2:00 pm Joanna Circle – Serving: Marilyn Deadrick 6:00 pm Wed.G.E. meal 6:30 pm Gathering 6:45 pm Youth Groups Thursday May 7 Noon National Day of Prayer - Prayers @ flagpole by City Hall 2:00 pm Joanna Circle Bingo @ Manor Sunday May 10 MOTHER’S DAY 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship 9:45 am Sunday school 11:00 am Worship CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 am-3 p.m. -Church doors open 8-5 Monday-Friday, Saturday 9-5
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