Imporiont Circulor ql{d S{6-R, qgf riTfl4 q€rTc A-€T ofDel.ence :,. frziTo (Frqtfu), tou'-qits. 6td6TdT-700001't,;.: / Gor.r. olhrdia, Ir,liriistr.y ,.,:, i: Principal Contlollel of Accounts (F1:s), l0A, S. K. Bose Road. Kolkara_7(t0001..,ir*,,.,..,rJ; No.O63lAN-Vrrt/Lrc/xv re To ontroller of Finonce & Accoun All Bn.AOs under PCA(Fvs) Kolkota All section in Moin Office includinq Rly. Bldq. * * & RTC. Kolkota under PCA(Fvs) Kolkoto 5ub: A copy of office of Memorandum issued by Govt. rndia, Min. of personner, Public Grievonces ond pensions (Dapartment of personner ond Troining) received in this oflice from HQrs Office, C6DA Delhi Contt. on the subject mentioned agoinst forworded herewith for your informotion, guidance ond iecessory aciion. No. 1) DoPT O.M. No. & dote No. 31011/3/ 2015- Esft.(A-IV), z) dored 1/4/2015 No. 31011/3/ 2013Estt.(A-IV), doted 21/4/2015 HQrs Off ice No. & dote No. AN/ XM 19015/ Govt. Orderc/ 2015, dated 15/5/2015 No. AN/ XTV/ 19015/ Govt. Orders/ 2015, dated 15/5/2015 each ore Subject - Need for observing prescribed procedure LTC cloims LTC entitlemenfs of unmorried 6ovt. Servonts - Conversion of Home Town LTC focility into travel to different ports of the country permissible under the speciol dispensotion Scheme Clorif icotion - regar dinq The above communication is ovoiloble on wabsite of Hers Office fugg-SqdSfrcJd & this office ( also, which moy pleose be downlooded for information, guidonce ond necassory action. please. content of the ibid communication moy prease be brought to the notice of arl offlcials. Please acknowled ge receipt. Copv tot - Asstt. Confroller of (AN-Vrrr) y' *. \,/ of f i cer Tn-chorge, Web Development Cell (Locol)..... For uplooding in website of pCA(Fys), Kolkoto. Accoy'nts Off icer (AN-VIII) {$r Controller General of Defence Accounts s?TFT cren $s, vrfrE, ldd de r r oor o Ulan Batar Road, Palam, DelhiCantt- rrooro s. qer./xlv / LgoLs lqrfrrtt srre?vzo r s fdaio. 15.05.201s No. AN/XIV / Lg}Ls/Govt, Orders/2015 trdI 4 seft reil *sr strrfr hzi*+'nenr fqt fu{irrfi All PCsDA/CsDA (ro*or6rftrixo ffr Trfu *' qcrrrrnrough ccDA Mail server) frEq: LTC claims-Need for observing prescribed procedure. fuqq q{ sTt{d tr{6r, 6Tffie;, *fi Frfir+d tti terf, dTrfrq 1orffio aen qrelqTur R8TFD; qdim 01.04.20t5 * firqiilq aN;r ri. 3101 7/3/20L5-Estt.(A-rV) fir vF gar, arfuald ('d 3nEern 3r}frd fir ordr 3q*d fiffi E t r A copy of Government of India, Ministry of personnel, public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training), Office Memorandum No. 3101L/3/2OL5-Estt.(A-IV) dated 01.04.2015 on thl above subject is forwarded herewith for your information, guidance and necessary action pleaie. {iffttrfi': \ qeffi A- h^J (riilE -'at a"Saray re {qnr tsr rOrfui**- qfrfrft:1. qensf,-4 2. tsr qftqn - L,2 r,ti + 1rerrtr+y 3. +sr qftqrr 1ud+q %defl-4 (eerr,fiuy I 4. g.$.fr. s-cr leerr*r4 :- urT tsr aafui*o ndsrf,c q{ 3rq*s *ri € s, qfqTqrur ad ffit *q, q{r Ftr-dr{R, fffi 6r+fi 0. grcorr+ qmT leenfrq 7. frrc-{ *e g*, qer+rq-14 s. +ror€fuE, v.:n$.fr.('.a- ( gq tqgrr {fiT tsr qrrrT F-{iTfi ($frerrfr) gs}} g. aersfuq, v.:n$.fr.v.t.('. ({.) mtffitrdr {qarrr qsnf, FdTfi *ur 1@y fi)-mfirdr} | r u r I r I I I C-e: (ri$q a. eara) Td rqn *er FflfuiTfi 1p* 1 J :1 .\ l] ii t.\ \l A) fUI F:s ! Fr ,.) .- r 4 I 3101 l8f20t5,nstt [a-ru;. cf Personnel,.Pensions & fluhtic Grievances Departrneni of Fersoirnel ,_j .-n'l vnlFtu \u {.Np. rI ,.j Estabb'strrnent A-Iy +**+r I ('!4-'" \, " Aft'rainmg . ' " Dpsk i Nor-& Elock,NewDelhi Dated April 1" 2S15 GF'FTCE I!ffi,MOR.ANBUM Srelrject:. This or the other (hereinafter situationl adminisdrative .1. TC Ctaimi - Need fon obsenving prescribed $raeedures ipigl of ge number of recomrnendations forrelaxation of some sensices fleave Tmvql coneession) Rules, I9Bg, t!1!gual civil !o as {-TC Rulgs), in indivldual cases. It is seeu thaq in most cases tlle are due caieLhad notlbeen ni tn* ----and/or the l- -i---- exercised I : claiming LTC or inexamination Core***'r"**, I a) ision of claims; b) iair tickes tbrough an agency not authodsed by the Government for this ! c) p{rvate vehicles; and c yvrong blobk ofyears. d) ;ir; it may. pleas-e be noted that the prirnary responsibility for enzuring *i+}s iis ot, the Govemment servan-The of-renesred nlea o? n{ servani T"he of-repeated plea rr that, of beji a valid ground for relaxation of rules. At the same ruv e time LUV : it has It --lte the adininistrative authorities have also shown iaxiF and due diligence als0 ontheir freve prbvbpted zuch situationsTFom"e, I 4. ,i..'l dfi: Ctaim rl of Rules 14,and 15(vi) of LTC Rules, the time iimit for zubmission of LTC 4.1 clalm r ':i,','. i, l l i). ii) tiuee months,of cornpletion of refum jorimey, if no advsnce is drawn; one month o{bompletion of retum journey,'if.advance is drawn. i, liryits : have been'delegatg{, as under, to th9 Ministrie#Deparbnen* to relax these concrurence of the Financial Advisor; 4 ,b) u) Servanis', it also toi see t Disburiing statements to short term -4 I ^1, I I i' S. S=i ,l: .l OM No. 3101lfi/zdis-Esn t.' I I .l .l I .t.l I I j 'I .i (A'iV) dated 0i'04.2015 I Ir. Eookingiof air tieketui1rtfuroogh agenfc other thaar GovFrnlrren€ PpproYed &€9&t$ ,l i'i:l Goverrnte*t servaa*;jtral'el.1b:g by s;r tnCpr LTC ar€.requred i9 !o?k',h9ir d1<ep directly dom the,airlin* or ttrroigh the approyed ageacies viz: hd/s Ba{mer Lawrie & "irU"n Co. Ltdl Ws *Jnof Taurs & Travels LIdIIRCTC. Bookiry tbrough any other agsacy is not perrnissible' 6. 6.1 :l i li Trqvel tiv Frivete vehicles. i : I . , ,r r ,..-.,",s1,mav qal.c1 eiao.veryrienl.servnid; q"!ts, in*$rcrertment o, ilocal bodies or by any corporation :"ll-!i,T1i-l*-.:f::**^,b: in the pubiie secior by bentralls{ate Government. Journoy on LTC by. taxi, pto-ri9}shaw e!c, ur" n.r.iJsiblelo111vib"t*on'places not connected by rail. This is furlher'subject to the Joojiim" {t*t th"*" ir"O*s ipirate on a regular basis from point to point with ttre specific authorities concerned and are authorised to ply Goverr Stut"'Co""rnments/traotpott approval df the!Statei as i 'As public I : dpniets, ; ' block ofyears 7; ri 7.1 authority piopqly B"L Advance whether remsdial GovEgudent servant'applies for LTC advance; .the administrative to veri# from thp service book and certify the errtitlement of the Casesiot th" type:nnentiooed in paro 2(d) would not arise, if this is ,l t' l,', p'rgvlde that I goYellnml{.3eru*1 w}o^\as been granieti LTC suimUt]copies or,thi ticketsimfifu l0 a4v: of drawal of advyS' The joumey; can at tllig stage itsejf check the date of eommFncement of €tc' agency Any approved has Seen boolded direct fronn airline or tluougfu take that he ctrn so the notice of the governrnent servant "U"lU*oght't,s give caseb whereiadtan"e is dot d*rawn, th€ Government s6ryant is required to 9. to:avail LTC. fne adininistmtive authoritv cahcheck the w.r.t entit lement, A watch cfrn also be kcpt to ensnre tirneiy ;;ihill$hii"n - ' :i .especially !0. notlc€ beyond Director (Establishmen$ lo 1: ,(As per standard list) I; il i! Controlter Generat of Defence Accounts Fmr vers 1t5, Vrd{, flft+ de r rooro Ulan Batar Road, palam, DelhiCantt- rrooro qw./xrv/ 1 90 1 s/Fwrft 3{eqyzo rs , AN/XIV/1901S/Govt. Orders /2OLs Hrifr 15.05.201s tdl 4 saft reil dsr sqrdT fr{iTfi,freil Asr fr{iTfi All pCsDA/CsDA (1o*or6frrir6 frr s+r *' r,*rrnnrough ccDA Mair server) frEq: Leave Travel concession (LTc) entiilements of unmarried Government servants-conversion of Home Town LTC facility into travel to different parts of the country permissible under the special dispensaiion-b.r'ume-clarificaiion-regarding. ilg+d frq-q w eTl{d s{sK, Fi-fi rllfir+d tri itqrcr dTrrq (mrffim. aefi ft4i5 2t.O4.2oLS *' orqlaq ErFr *io 3101 1/1/20L3-Estt.(A-IV) fir qe-ar aT?tEff, rni:nq?qfi,firffi E ,.lfd fir ardr t EhTffifr, qf,*qT"r Ga+rrn; rR r A copy of Government of India, Ministry of personnel, public Grievances and Pensions (Department of personner and trainlng;, office Memorandum No. 3101L/t/z}L3-Estt.(A-IV) dated 2t.o4.2oLs on irre above subject is forwarded herewith for your informaiion, guidance and n"*r*rv action prease. TiilGrfi: qEilTft hNlj^ t. (€_fid Ti qGftft:- Eturrcr) Gn frsr lrdrfrrirfi 1. qeTrgq-4 2. *ur qftqn - L,2 rni + leerr++y '\ 3. *qr qfrqn (ud+g qsfl"T (ee+rdl+y 4. $ t-c* tearr*ql :_ taTT fsr aorfrda-o n*sr$a Tr $q*s *ri E 5. qRlqrq (,ti ffiI *a, wrt tfttr{t{, ffi csrdfr o. g+r+rw :r"deTr+ (rerrdr+; 7. a+rgsq a}c go s?rnrr_14 I B' qorsfuq v'sn$'*('I Gn*l gm rcdr*' {qTr +sr eq' fr{irn (3TRsrft) g+r 9. rOrsfuE, ('.3Tr$.S.('.f.('. (€") sfd-firdr {{dr$ qqrfr fr{iTfi +sr $f,fl +ta+rarl I 1 I r r I r sry(ffiq r. Tfr rer tqr I ryorGzir* F. No. 310111112013-Est (A.lV) Government of lndia F5-4=## Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions rtment of Personneland Training Establishmerrt A-lV Desk ; ra61-qqr${inisfv TT'.JD. ffiSED t{ew Delhi-n 10 00tr Dated APril 21 ,2A15 Flonth Bloek, FoR cr:1cui-A-l-i9)d lN FII"JA.NCE DIVISION OFFICE MEivtrORANDPtul of unnlarried Governrnent $ubjecl- Leave Travel eoneession {r-Tc}_entiflemenb to differant servants - sonverslon of H'onre'Town LTc facility into trave8 partsofthecourrtryperrnisslbleundertl.lespecialdlspenaationschenre - Clarification - regardlng' concession) Rules' ln relaxation to the central civil services (Leave Travel Goveinment servants frorn time to time' 1gBB, special dispensation is allowed to the presently, on. ,rJf, O'.pun""tion in the relaxation to the Government Kashmir or to the oi"it ttortn-East Region or to Jammu & servants to travet 6t onJUtock of Home Town LTG available to Andaman & Nicobar lslands by converting them. dated vide this Department's. office Memorandum No' 31911t17185-Estt'(A) employees, who have left their wholly 0g.04.1980, un*"rriuJ Central Government at their home town are allowed the benefit of dependent parentul"iriers/minor brothers This concession is in lieu of all other LTG LTC to visit their home town every v*"r, hisfter and ;;E 2. facilities admissiole -to the 60vernment servant hirnself to parents/sisters/rninor brothers' 3'ThisDepartmentisinreceiptofry|elenggsseekingclarificationonthe LTC facility into travel to different parts of admissibility of conversion of Home io*n unmanied which is permissibl*'unJ"r special diipensation, to such the country, Govemment servants. 4.ThematterhasbeenexaminedincnnsultationwithMinistryofFinance.lthas beendecidedthatthefacilityotconue'=ionotHomeTownLTCtoallowtravelto to inu rp".i"r dispensation scheme, will also apply different parts of tr,**-country, Ino*t avair the benefit of LTC *rto is erigibre -be to an unrnarrieo centiai oou6in'nunt.e*ui,i, avaired by converting one facirity may to visit Home Town every y""r, ini* ine tour Home Town LTC occasions avairabre in a occasion of nomJ io*n Lrc but of block of four Years- 6r"J*"r"v"n{r'i}' o*?'JlI*rT under secretary to the I X1t;? To The Secretaries of lndia' nfi fvfiniitries I Departments of Govemment (As per the standard list) J ( \ '^"$ Copy to: .\ /ft.y r/ ,/ , New Dethi. ,.Comptrolter & Auditor General of lndia, Contd... i
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