IITRFoTm-LTC-I (FOR ES/GROUP'A') crrufiqqtdFwltirerrqqm1 II{E}IAN INSTIT'UTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORI{EE ct-d?F-rri aiaT ftqrqa Ts sTFJq tg urne< va APPI,iCATION FOR L.T.C.AND ITS ADVANCE r. o.frrt 2. (m)'rs id uerti {) Name of the Empioyee (in blocr< lltters) 6T qrn Designation (rg) rqri e{erqr sfien{ (qR eTre{r$ d d qqTid qi€ rid.{ iF-t) Permanent or temporary (lf not pennanent, surety bond from a permanent employee be enclosed rvith application (r) adnn (u) offi dw t f++rs =n Wf q-ol Full Address n'here presently residing Employee (a) (v) tioolqFl No ftvqlsr1qrrr Bank Name (u) urot riwt Department/Section AccountNo 3. edurr i-tis, trs i gq {fl n-ilr (+ gtftu) Pay Band, Grade Pay. and Basic Pay (+ NPA) 4. iircrn q ftgfu d frflr Date of appointment in the Institute 5. 5. t]-{r gk-6.r q qd d Hometown as recorded in the service book Ti{q-r <Fr elrq fsr rFr Erw EE q ftq rlg 3{tF5IvI qrfll ftqr+s d ft-flul Particulars of LTC availed for previous block year : (o) (D 7. UE=r.n1ni uo-sa{ Hometown & Block (s) (iD oi-dn fq qrc E{ Anyrvhere in India & block qrqe ii trdqn su-s E{ gi riruu-s q{ ftiTfr sE frqr+d ti ot 3il-fqr ft-qt t GEreqqd : (zot+-tt) (zot+-tslzo16-17) qfw ii erqr/lra =rn Block year & Sub block year for which LTC now applied to avail Eg: (2014-17) (2014-1512016-17 Any where/Home Town) In case of first time recruits in govt. service, Yearly proposed LTC eg. home town 20141201512016/ home town/any where 2017) (Details of LTC availed in preview organization before joining IIT Roorkee), B. (D 3rr?hrnqrildetro uaorudu-qft, sFrorrl 3Trnfi dtnts Nature of Leave proposed to avail i.e.; CL or EL or other during LTC with leave application (ii) 10 fuild GffinTfl qo+rr,'r qRd With 10 days leave encashment d/"fi yesA'Io 9. @r ffi ftqr rnn 3lttrrTrr sl-{r ftql-{a eTfrq Ttrd' d ftl}l qR gtFHt Whether LTC advance taken earlier has alreadv been settled in ment of the previous advance. .rqr d t qr erff t ? ffi 3fiJq d T,rdrc full or pending settlement? Date of the settle ro. o,rqt*q fusfr tr*Frt ts-o' d q-SlcR qR sTtr{d t? qR d, trq €d qT fu-ift 3Trfud ctr{-{ rr*q d ftq oii LTc Et-Er lfr Au g1 sqTFrd ?Ftfu s€ti sTc-i ?Frqfarq t rg{i That whether husband/wife is employed in govt. service. If yes, self certifu that LTC has not been availed by him/her separately for himself/herself or for any of the family member from her/his employer. 11. qRcfrFfuolerciFftq-oilwq-oRdgft*t'qrifrcrt-iltc\wrtftq}swd'ritfuqasrie{Qrsl c{Ti cf{R d ftiln sTci ?FTqhq t crq-+rri qrx frqrqo 6r qtn rfi eirn/Etrt If the spouse have an eligibility for LTC from herihis employer then one time Decleration that she/he will not claim LTC for self / any family member frorn her/his employer. OK1ft-a em (qren rera) Place of proposed visit (Farthest point) Any where / Home town 12. qFit - 13. ?rrril tF,T rfKrfrd r6't-{ tTflAE/EEr{ qrx (vomft)] Type of Proposed journey by IBus/Train/Air (Economy)] 14. ?rFil 35qq 6-ri ?ff Ir{Trfuf, frfu Proposed date of onward journey rs. Erqtff qrfl d rroflftd frft Probable date of return journey 16. Es EfrEr o,t srqttT ori sT-e cfrfl{ d rr<rsi ot ft-asul to be availed (including / excluding Se f) Perso ns in respect of whonr LTC in /s\----A--,-----Afi\ -----J; cnt (ctqilFQ sl-dllcll<l 6lLrlt -A ArJI mo *io *ltrlaV +-qr snf*aH Relationship Name S.No. Date of Birth Whether Dependents? trrrF)tffior sffinl (Married/Unmarried) (. cnfleror ftqfrut ts{rt$ # i\ oirq cR qre 3so0l- rrqn i{ sTf}r6 Tfr (* Income from all sources should not exceed 3500i- per month to iiecide the dependency) sqrttrHrfuoldsft Kr+frq1wqro'qt tq q-a zrRcl All the columns of the above table should be explicitly filled up gq qtBq) qtsqT DECLARATION t sd{sTv w qcft frqwT qiq gq vS t ovor g/E-{ft ifu tt Hnr ft}'d sTd d sem stir 9€ r I hereby cerlify that all particulars furnished on first two pages of this LTC form are true and correct. t eqTFT-d qa qqq +drsi-ft tfu s-€Irfrii qra ftqrq-o or sqdrq c qr{ cri d RqR t t gr< earyf er-oor r qrx ftqrqf,eTFJq G ;ro-A-+iurfr erc-{r ft \-{U ri slfrfl qqr o-{ W/Tfi I also undertake to refund the LTC advance and leave encashment amount in full immediately in case of failure to perform the proposedjourney for which advance has been taken. t qe rt diqqr o-corlo-rfr fucr qerq erfM fr xobqfr 6 t en+qq q ftfi€ {eTH zji erFdRtr erq fu$ FQnq d qr*r T€t 6-Fqr/o-{ift | I also declare that I will not visit other than the place mentioned in the application without obtaining prior approval of the Competent Authoriry. tfr ti qa 't Son o-s-dr/o-{ft uw or q,n7qft tfu .tgq ffi d so ft-d d er.q* qR tfr qq$ qrx qS dr R-dt dr t sTFrq or 3rTrn u,sq I also agree to refund half of the advance if the return journey could not be performed within 90 days from the date ofthe advance. S zra ,ft srqr o-{dT/o-{fr tfu ffi E'|{UtrM s{|Eo- srD?T {IFr frE..i d R?]ft q t srffi-s sfuo riftr re-{-{ trE wT/qt er_{rRT dt_dr I also agree to refund balance amount to the office any case excess amount of advance left with me for any reason whatsoever. riqrufit*ono.ror/a-{frtfuorFrqdiqfffrfU*GqrfldroR:iiderqrsrerflsffl311-9€{o-"qtT,-du-sfd,fi q{ddl, slsicfuqndv{gidfuo-cailRd rrfi-+tds-qruru-*goovq'n/Ttt d sqfr +ft srrrd A-d-{ ffi * \ro-grd dI cFdcrd 6 er * Eusrrrr W **r* TdTdrrf,rtfrt{TrcE}iT{WsTFJq qr wpo d w rrrofr t r I also agree to produce evidence of purchase of tickets, etc. for myself/members of my family as the case may be for the forward journey within 10 days or before the commencement of the joumey whichever is earlier from the date of drawing the advance. I am aware that failure to comply with the ablve reiuirement will entail recovery of the advance in one lump-sum from the next drawal of my salary together with thepanel interest @2 percentover GpF interest on the entire advance. Udwer<Tdu|qorfttfusTq$qi-xfofrfldqoq$id ffd{qR sffiDrcrqnrRqiqoRoqqrrgfr-qrTqTdrgd {rfu fr q-qfr d cFdcn d qq t qo-sr-iro ql wRn \-{ged tt or.rd +fl{ t eqn d qr sffi t e-oFn r I am aware that if I do not submit LTC bills within one month from the date of return journey, the outstanding LTC advance is recoverable in one lump-sum from my next salary together with the panelinterest g* a-6 rt qcr t fu qR qraT Y$ dri d dH q&ii d ,tdi R-o uqi r€i frt$ Tq dr n-ir qrqr ftrw dr e-o-dr t I am also aware that my re-imbursement claim, if no-advance drawn will be forfeited if I fail to submit the bills within 3 month from the date of completion ofjoumey. cW I ts-6Sqrf,arAilf{StfuqRd-q-dEridffiSerq-orqqaorsqdrqftqTqr16rtdreudvffig-sfrerdtCrfi qqfu qrer fiffi d qK, cr fu d-{iT sqTnr<r gQdi/*frei eilq-orfl ii I also understand that if the LTC is availed for self the cost is reimbursable only when the journey is performed by availing any kind of leave and not during week-end holidays/ R.H. alone frci{ q-6l-{ o.r ffirFIqI Am-{ r EKI&|{(Signature) T{ (Designation) q-qfr rgfrd q-*?rTq-{ ffii eqrm of sIEq slfq{qo'6Tffi tg 3r,IsTRf, i t{no vo/S/Sn-ft/go R-d.qf, Hi d effnl3rrofu.dFl / \,;-A ,,n , , f,\,, , \- *f"\-' \E + ql lgfqd -s- #ffrTT rrcn 6/*ltglcl tllEcl t-ql?( Eg vllt{?(l \tlrqal df CilfSTRd fuql - t d ftrS efitqq Rql ci-q-flqr TqT g ftql qro t fr' I Recommended and forwarded to Establishment Services Section for further necessary action that Dr./Shri/Smt./Km. to w.e.f. has applied days EL/CL I which has been sanctioned/forwarded to the competent Authority for sanction. frq-rrE{amqrq'el Head of the DeptVOffice rirenqr rffi si-gqrq d sdFr ig For the use ofEstablishment Services Section TF t frqo e-6f{ drq-f, total to from Leave sanctioned Type 2" dtdq=i.1t B\rs 16 t TfrrrfrqfrRriiqt\'f-qqi.{dlqditdsaqfrqfr t. srq-oRT Entries from 3. 4. gcTRi Days cl I to 8 and 16 have been checked and found correct. To€fosur Encashment of Rc €rqd/qd-qdl3lidfi T€tftqr days approved,Alot approved Not applied sFr-.FRI qrsfrq/Ts'r'r<d qqd vf,.&.fi. +q t T6TT{/3Ifu-d (home town/Anywhere/conversion of Home Town) LTC is due to i so-ss{d'ftc In the Block Year sce,wqd+iari for the sub block year 5. qrfl6IT6|{ Mode of JourneY 6. e.Radl tg d d 3ID'q Advance to the extent of admissibilify in respect 7. of Persons is approved Book Necessary entries have been made by me (the Dealing Assistant) in the Service o.6*o Deating Asstt. orsftero' Supdt. (s{fi) (Adm.) q6prrh e-dqRs / s'q goqfu-s Asstt. Registrar/ Dy. Registrar Edsnsm'sorq / g'aTalrsn (wr DOFA / Dean (Adm ) qrreq qlq\ffii {reTH s-.€-fr s-sdl slrrinm qrx Rqrqo yq q€-d ftq sTFJq tg afaqq * +sIt gdsrq-fi (ft-trl-qdrtniT) dq ergwq srtlFo t sTFJq {rRr or ft-*q (orfUo-dq q-gqtFd ffi o.t soz,) 6d-qttr{st:- odqt d awtert o-{qtt ot iIrI :qq;iH,_ frqrq ,- Rqio:- gata-t:- 3r[sTRd
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