TRURO & AREA NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Thunder Bay P ROSTATE E XAMINER Summer Newsletter 2015 Looking for Support? Men Available to Talk to You Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Brian Scott....... 983-2033 Bill Everitt....... 767-5768 Duncan Jamieson....... 933-4856 Bill Horde....... 767-1490 Bill Vantour....... 767-8515 Grant Arnold....... 933-4214 Ed Long....... 628-6915 Phil Junnila....... 475-5706 Steve Dychko....... 577-1881 Denis Perron....... 344-7076 Mel Zobatar....... 767-6081 Jim Hyder....... 933-0124 Marcel Girouard....... 705-362-8154 (en francais) Women Available to Talk to You Ev Burki....... 768-8744 after 6pm Marilyn Junnila....... 475-5706 after 5pm Beth Long....... 629-4774 Dianne Slack....... 473-8297 Inga Vantour....... 767-8515 Northwestern Ontario Region Atikokan Ron Speck.........807 597-2219 Dryden Horst Lang.........807 223-5516 Fort Frances John Thompson.........807 274-4807 Hearst Marcel Girouard.........705 362-8154 Longlac Dick Mannisto.........807 876-4485 Terrace Bay/Schreiber John St. Amand....... 807 825-9054 How To Talk To Your Doctor by Beth Long Dr. Jaro Kotalik was the guest speaker for the General Meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2015. He gave an enlightening presentation on “How To Talk To Your Doctor”, offering sound, practical and helpful advice on how to get the most out of a visit to your doctor. Dr. Kotalik is a retired Radiation Oncologist and former CEO of the Northwestern Ontario Regional Cancer Centre; an active Physician-Bioethicist and founder of the Center for Health Care Ethics at Lakehead University; and a Professor in the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, the Department of Philosophy, Lakehead University and the Department of Medicine, McMaster University. He has been on both sides of the desk in the physician’s office: as the physician and as the patient. Dr. Kotalik began by giving us a view of the physician’s role in our health care system. In Canada, physicians are private practitioners even though they are publicly funded. In essence they are entrepreneurs, having to earn a living and to pay for their own benefits. The physician’s practice is controlled by many laws, regulations, financial arrangements and practice guidelines, and these parameters determine much of what happens between the patient and physician. Physicians in Canada have a kind of tension in their work. Traditionally physicians were altruistic in their practice, considering the well being of the patient first. The Code of Ethics of the Canadian Medical Association reiterates this as its primary ethic. However, the publicly funded health care system in Canada puts the physician in the role of gatekeeper of the health care system. In each encounter with the patient, then, the physician is challenged to find a balance between what is best for the patient and what is the best for the health care system in order to keep it economically sustainable. Thus, the demands for health care are constantly being frustrated by the scarcity of resources, such as is the limit on the number of hospital beds and on the funding of some medications. Continued on Page 2 NEXT MEETING Thursday, June 18, 2015 Annual Beef on a Bun Social Location: 55 Plus Centre, 700 River St. Time: 5:30PM How To Talk To Your Doctor (continued) Dr. Kotalik explained how doctors work during a patient visit. The physician takes a history of past illnesses; a history of the present health problem; does a functional inquiry of all other systems; and looks at signs of the current health problem and may do a physical exam. Test results will be reviewed and further investigations may be ordered. The physician will give the patient a list of possible diagnoses, in order of probability. The diagnosis on the top of the list becomes the working diagnosis and further tests, prognosis and treatment are based on this working diagnosis. It is helpful to both the patient and physician for the patient to prepare for his/her visit to the doctor. It is important to keep in mind the scarcity of time of the physician and to use this time efficiently and effectively. Bring a written health history and any records of your current health problem. Make a list of your objectives for this visit to your doctor and prioritize them. Ask someone to go with you and take notes for you. Consider how you will describe your symptoms. Bring all medications, including herbal and homeopathic medications, or a list of these. Make sure that your appearance (dress and hygiene) shows that you care about your body and yourself. At the visit to the doctor, the patient should state the purpose of the visit. Be honest and frank about what you think may have caused the problem. Besides the physical problem, mention any serious emotional problem (family, financial issues, etc.) you may be experiencing and make it clear how important this problem is: how concerned you are; what you fear about it. The doctor has to deal with your illness, but also to deal with you as a person. It helps to give the physician a complete picture of you and your health needs. Ask for copies of any test results, consultation notes, etc. Ask the physician to write down any word or term with which you are not familiar. Upon leaving the doctor’s office, make sure that you understand your diagnosis. Do you have the information needed to answer these questions: Is my diagnosis probable or certain? Do I need tests to clarify the diagnosis? Does my condition need treatment? What are the treatment options? What is the next thing that should happen after this visit? Do you have some unvoiced concerns? Are they serious enough to voice them or to get another appointment? Dr. Kotalik summed up his presentation with some final comments. Build a good relationship with your physician. Strive for good communication. Be assertive short of being aggressive. Consider how much you wish to be involved in making decisions and gradually work towards this level of comfort. In our health care system, you need to be a manager, or at least a co-manager of your health. “You are your own expert.” Dr. Kotalik’s presentation was live streamed and is available for viewing on our website at In Memoriam Bill Mokomela passed away on Saturday, March 14, 2015. Bill was a Professional Engineer, working for the City of Fort William in the Engineers Department and then as Assistant City Administrator in charge of Homes for the Aged. He went on to work for Fednor until his retirement in 1997. Bill was a devoted family man and an active community minded leader and volunteer, including founder of the “Fame 500 Club” fundraiser for the Sports Hall of Fame. He was 76. Antti “Andy” Haapa-aho passed away on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Antti worked in construction as a supervisor in commercial, industrial and institutional settings. He was highly regarded by his co-workers. Antti was a genuine individual, devoted husband, father and adored Pappa, committed to his family, always putting them first and giving his best. He was 73. Mike Koppenhaver passed away peacefully in St. Joseph’s Hospice on May 4, 2015, after a five year battle with prostate cancer. Mike loved his job as Sales Manager at George Hill and Intercity Supply, and many of his customers became his life-long friends. His children were his pride and joy, especially his 5 year old granddaughter, Sydnee. Mike loved egg salad sandwiches, 60’s music, live theatre, golf, scrabble, bocce, and words with friends and family. He was 71. We at PCCN-Thunder Bay send our condolences to their families. 2 Nutrition For Prostate Cancer Survivors: What’s New? by Beth Long Sue Pienig was the guest speaker for the General Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Ms Pienig is a Registered Dietitian with the Cancer Centre at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. She gave an informative and well received presentation on what is new in nutrition for prostate cancer survivors, drawing numerous questions from members in attendance. Ms Pienig described diet as a way to live stronger and live better. She stated that there is always something new on diet coming out in the media. This makes it confusing as to what to believe and what to do about our diets. To know what is legitimate, it is important to look at evidence based research. “Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer”, released in November 2014 by the World Cancer Research Fund International, is the most rigorous, in-depth, systematic global review to date of the scientific research currently available on prostate cancer and lifestyle factors. In its 2014 update, its recommendations show: strong evidence that body fatness increases the risk of advanced prostate cancer only; limited evidence that diets high in calcium, dairy products, low blood vitamin E and selenium levels increase risk. The recommendations for all cancer survivors are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Be physically active every day. Limit foods and beverages with added sugar. Eat more plant foods. Eat less red meat. Avoid processed meat. Limit alcohol. Limit processed foods with added salt. Ms Pienig explained how body fat probably leads to prostate cancer. With excess weight, the pancreas produces more insulin and increased insulin levels in the blood (insulin resistance) may potentially lead to the production of cancer cells. As well, fat cells produce pro-inflammatory factors, which lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to changes in normal cells, which in turn can lead to the development or growth of cancer cells. Studies of a healthy weight use the Body Mass Index, waist hip ratio, and waist circumference. These do have some limitations so that they are not a perfect measure of healthy weight. If a person needs to lose weight, Ms Peinig stated that some weight loss is better than none. She informed us that in older people, a little more weight is better than being underweight. The two hot topics currently in the field of nutrition are eating more plant based foods and the reduction of sugar intake. Plants have anti-inflammatory compounds. Three-quarters of your plate should be plant products (one-half vegetables and one-quarter grains), and one-quarter may be meat/meat substitute. Sugar is the bad guy now. It is not benign and may be pro-inflammatory. You should have no more than 10%, and preferably 5%, of added sugar in your daily caloric intake. Ms Pienig stated that changing one’s diet and eating patterns involves behavior change. To set the stage for success, the change has to be important to you. You need to ask yourself if you are ready to make the change and if it is a good time to focus on yourself. Building confidence in changing your behavior around diet and eating patterns is enhanced by taking small achievable steps and having a plan for roadblocks. She encouraged us with her words, “Do it long enough so that it becomes a routine”. Summer Newsletter 2015 3 Talking With The Funeral Director Before You Have To by Beth Long Michael Sargent, a Funeral Director with Sargent & Son Funeral Home, was the guest speaker at the General Meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2015. With over twenty years of experience in the funeral business, Michael gave us an informative, interesting, and sometimes humourous, presentation on funeral planning. Numerous questions were forthcoming from members attending the presentation. Michael describes himself as being passionate about his job. A Funeral Director is “an unexpected wedding planner”, having to arrange a major life event in a very short time period. He/she is also a technician, having to prepare the body and set things up. A Funeral Director is a caregiver and an educator as well. As a Funeral Director, Michael has an opportunity to make a difference at a critical time in a person’s life. He believes it is important to provide people with information about their options in funeral planning, including clarifying any misinformation or misgivings that they may have, in order for them to make the best decisions possible about their arrangements. Michael explained that the role of the funeral is an opportunity for family and the community to come together to celebrate a life lived. It provides support for the family. It provides an opportunity to start the grieving process. Private family funerals affect the people who are not there, as they have no closure and their grief is left in a void. Private family funerals also prolong the acute grief of the family; as they meet people in the community afterwards, they have to go over the story again and again. Funerals are becoming more personalized, with DVDs showing pictures at the service and favourite music being chosen. Michael shared some insights from his experience with people in dealing with burial/disposal of the ashes (cremains, which are really just bone fragments). Immediate burial of the ashes is best if possible because the family members are usually all there at the time of the service, and because it brings closure. Scattering the ashes lacks a place for family members to go to talk to a loved one. A gravesite gives a family member a definitive place to go. Michael explained the differences between a transfer service, a funeral home and a cemetery. A transfer service has the ability to do a basic transfer of the body and to take it for cremation. A funeral home is a full service provider; but it can do a basic transfer service if that is all that is desired. A cemetery is a separate entity that provides a place for the final disposition of the body/ashes. Michael encouraged some kind of pre-arrangement of a person’s funeral plans. At the very least, it is important for people to talk to their spouses and children about what they want at the time of their death and to ask the family what they need; this precludes differences between family members at the time of making the funeral plans. The more complete the pre-arrangements are (instructions regarding the service and burial, and pre-paying the costs), the less stress for the family at the time of death. Funeral services in Ontario are the most regulated in the world. Funeral costs are itemized, so people can choose what they want to pay for. Northwestern Ontario Mines and Minerals Symposium PCCN Thunder Bay showcased an educational display table at the 2015 Northwestern Ontario Mines and Minerals Symposium at the Valhalla Inn on April 14 & 15. Threehundred and fifty (350) registrants at the symposium had the opportunity to become aware of current information about prostate cancer and its treatment. Thank you to Bob Danylko, Jim Holmes, Bill Horde, and Ed Long for attending our display table. Picture from left to right: Garry Clark, Executive Director of the Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association; PCCN Board Members – Bill Horde, Bob Danylko, Ed Long. 4 News From The Region Marcel’s Morsels by Marcel Girouard, Hearst, ON How long will you live if you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer? One survivor told me recently that when he was diagnosed, the oncologist told him he had five years to live. Today, five years later, he is in his mid-70s, and during a recent visit to his oncologist, he jokingly asked him for another five years! Many prostate cancer survivors die from non cancer-related diseases. As baby boomers are advancing in age, longevity seems to be in the news more and more these days. In her February12 Time magazine article, Laura Carstensen explored the many factors that influence how long we live. In Newsweek’s March 5 issue, Betty Isaacson’s article focused on ambitious research programs for new drugs to slow the ageing process. The June issue of Zoomer, the magazine for CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) members, contains many articles about today’s science of longevity. In his May 12 video talk, urologist Dr. Charles Myers, a prostate cancer survivor and editor of the Prostate Forum Newsletter, talks about aging with prostate cancer. Men who have non-lethal prostate cancer should be more concerned about other old age diseases that can kill you - such as hypertension, arterial stiffness, diabetes and cardiovascular complications - and get proper treatment. He favours vaccines for preventable diseases and conditions such as shingles, flu, pneumonia, etc. Life of course is finite, yet there is very little research being conducted to extend life beyond the maximum death due to old age, which he claims is 114. Furthermore, Dr. Myers mentions that biological age and chronological age can vary between humans. Zoomer Magazine’s May 14 Newsletter ( features award winning writer Lisa Bendall, who researched the literature and identified the top nine super foods that you should include in your diet. These foods are proven to fight diseases and promote cardiovascular health and potentially add years to your life: olive oil, berries, salmon, whole grain fibre, dark chocolate, nuts, greens, legumes, and yogurt. She writes that an active lifestyle, as well as a balanced and varied diet, are important to have quality of life in old age. If all of that doesn’t work and you wish to survive prostate cancer longer, ask your doctor for more life years. 55 Plus Health & Wellness Expo PCCN-Thunder Bay participated in the 55 Plus Health & Wellness Expo on Thursday, April 23. The Expo saw a huge turn out of visitors, and the volunteers attending our awareness and educational display table experienced many people stopping to chat, ask questions, and pick up literature. Thank you to the volunteers who set up and attended to our table: Ray Dafoe, Marg & Steve Dychko, Jim Holmes, Rose & Bill Horde, Bob Lavoie, Beth & Ed Long, Denis Perron, and Lorne Sampson. Summer Newsletter 2015 5 Visit us at, or look us up on Facebook. Our newsletters are now available on our website If you would like to receive your copy by email, please email Upcoming Events Thursday, June 18: Annual Beef On A Bun Social (PCCN Members & Families) 5:30 pm, 55 Plus Centre, 700 River St. Friday, June 19: Relay For Life: Car pool 5:30 pm at 55 Plus Centre. 6:00 pm to 12:00 am at Fort William Historical Park. Thursday, July 16: Speakers: Jim Hyder & Ed Long on “The Importance of Telling Our Stories”. 7:00 pm, 55 Plus Centre, 700 River St. Saturday, July 25: Used Car Superstore Truck Wash. 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Thursday, August 20: Members Helping Members Session. 7:00 pm, 55 Plus Centre, 700 River St. Newsletter Committee Email: Beth Long 629-4774 Brian Scott Grant & Marilyn Arnold Marcel Girouard Ed Long 983-2033 933-4214 (705) 362-8154 628-6915 TRURO & AREA Board Members Ed Long Grant Arnold Bill Bartley Ray Dafoe Jim Holmes Bill Horde Denis Perron Lorne Sampson President Secretary/Treasurer Director Director Contact Us Bill Vantour Vice President Past President Bob Danylko Director Director Director Director Bob Lavoie Director Thunder Bay 1100 Memorial Avenue - Suite 374 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4A3 807.627.0333 Thunder Bay This newsletter is produced with funds from an unrestricted grant provided by Janssen Inc. Printed & Thunder Designed by Bay 1100 Memorial Ave. | Thunder Bay | ON | P7B 4A3 P: 807.623.5520 | F: 807.623.5122 | E: 1100 Memorial Ave. | Thunder Bay | ON | P7B 4A3
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