Apifiny™ Test Requisition Form

401 W. Morgan Road
Ann Arbor MI 48108
844-4Armune (844-427-6863)
Apifiny™ Test Requisition Form
Page 1 of 2
Make a copy of completed form for your records
This Test C A N N O T be performed without the signature of the referring physician or other approved health care provider.
Signature confirms your certification of medical necessity and that you have obtained patient’s permission for Armune BioScience
to release test results to the patient’s third-party payer as necessary when submitting for reimbursement.
Physician/Approved Provider Signature _____________________________________________________ Date ______________
Physician/Approved Provider Name (Print) _____________________________________________________________________
Laboratory/Hospital _______________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________________ State _________ ZIP __________ Country __________
Phone __________________________________ Ext ________ Secure FAX _________________________________________
E-Mail _______________________________________________
Report Final Results by:  Mail
 Secure FAX
 E-Mail
Please state why test is needed (Diagnosis/Signs/Symptoms) ______________________________________________________
ICD-9:  222.2 Benign Neoplasm of Prostate  239.5 Neoplasm of Unspecified Nature of other Genetourinary Organs
 600.90 Hyperplasia of Prostate, Unspecified 790.93 Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)  Other _________
Patient Name _____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________
Patient ID # ______________________________________________________________ Race __________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State _____ ZIP ________ Country __________ Phone ___________________
Date(s)/Result(s) of Last PSA Test(s) ___________________
Date of Last DRE _________________________
Has Patient had a Prostate Biopsy?
 No
Result of Last DRE
 Yes
 Normal  Abnormal
If Yes, Pathology Result _______________________________________
Date and Time of Blood Draw ____________________ Sample Ship Date _____________
Number of Tubes ___________ Time Sample at 15-30°C ____________
Patient Payment Information (Check, Credit Card. Prompt payment discount will be processed when insurance coverage is
Name on Card ____________________________________ Card No _________________________ Exp Date ___________
Security Code _______ Billing Address _____________________________________________________________________
Primary Private Insurance Carrier __________________________________
Attach front/back copy of insurance card
Subscriber Name & Date of Birth _________________________________Subscriber’s relation to patient _______________
Secondary Private Insurance Carrier ________________________________
Attach front/back copy of insurance card
Subscriber Name & Date of Birth _________________________________Subscriber’s relation to patient _______________
MEDICARE Attach front/back copy of insurance card
 MEDICAID Attach front/back copy of insurance card
 Hospital Inpatient (more than 24-hr stay)
 Hospital Outpatient  Non-hospital patient
© 2015 - Armune BioScience, Inc.
FORM: CT-005
Rev. 02
Apifiny Blood Sample Collection and Handling Procedure s
Please read carefully
A free prepaid sample mailer is available from Armune BioScience. To order, please contact
CustomerService@Armune.com, or call 844-4Armune (844-427-6863).
Follow standard blood-borne pathogen safety precautions.
Collect at least 5 mL of blood in red top tube(s). (Samples collected in blue top, green top, red/gray top,
lavender top, or other tubes are not acceptable and will be rejected.)
Label tube(s) with patient’s name/ID, date and time of collection, and the Physician’s/Clinic’s name. NOTE:
Please use reagent resistant ink or pencil for any hand-written labeling.
Store tube(s) at room temperature for at least 30 minutes after collection to allow the blood to clot, and then
Ship promptly. Ship samples Monday through Thursday by FedEx overnight air delivery. Samples are
accepted Tuesday through Friday only.
Send samples at 2° to 8ºC in a Styrofoam container with at least one frozen gel pack along with a packing list
and the completed Apifiny Test Requisition Form for each sample. The packing list should include the total
number of samples sent. Use a FedEx Clinical Pak and follow FedEx requirements and any other controlling
regulations for packaging blood/serum for shipment.
On the Domestic Airbill, Special Handling section, please check “No” for the question, “Does this shipment
contain dangerous goods?” Samples for the Apifiny test are considered “non-infectious diagnostic specimens.”
If you are using an Armune prepaid mailer, follow the packaging instructions that accompany the mailer.
Send samples by FedEx overnight air delivery to:
Armune BioScience, Inc.
401 W. Morgan Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
844-4Armune (844-427-6863)
For additional sample collection and preparation information, or for more information about Armune’s
laboratory, please refer to the Apifiny User Guide. The guide is available on-line at www.armune.com, through
Armune Customer Support at CustomerService@Armune.com or by calling 844-4Armune (844-427-6863).
© 2015 - Armune BioScience, Inc.
FORM: CT-005
Rev. 01