srl inquiry hub – summer institute

developing self-regulating learners: 2015 srl summer institute
JULY 2, 3 & 4, 2015
8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Developed by the Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
The 2nd Annual SRL Inquiry Hub Summer Institute
is designed to inspire and support educators who are
interested in fostering “self-regulated” learning (SRL)
in schools. The institute is designed for any educator
interested in “self-regulation” and “SRL” — whether just
starting their learning in this area, or currently engaged
in inquiry or professional learning about self-regulation
and SRL. The Institute aims to provide educators with
opportunities to share their thinking and learning with a
budding network of colleagues committed to fostering
active, empowered forms of learning in classrooms and
A priority is to enable educators, facilitators, and/or
leaders to build from this summer event to take up “selfregulation” as a focus within on-going, inquiry-based
initiatives. In an inquiry-based approach, educators work
together in learning communities (e.g., learning teams)
to advance their learning and practice around particular
issues. As part of the Summer Institute, participants will
not only extend knowledge about SRL with potential to
inform their practice, but they will also consider how
individuals in varying roles or positions (e.g., teachers,
facilitators, leaders) might work in concert to take up SRL
as a focus of inquiry within their particular contexts.
DR. DEBORAH BUTLER is a Professor in the Department of Educational
& Counselling Psychology, and Special Education at UBC and a founding
member of the Canadian Consortium for Self-Regulated
Learning. Her research interests concern metacognition
and self-regulated learning; strategic performance in
reading, writing, and mathematics; collaboration and
co-regulation in teachers’ professional learning; and
collaborative professional development models.
DR. NANCY PERRY is a Professor in the Deptartment
of Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special
Education at UBC. Her research focuses on promoting
motivation and self-regulation in elementary age
children and youth who struggle in school; and
working with teachers to design activities and
structure interactions with students to promote
SRL. She works with practicing teachers, and with
preservice teachers in the Self-Regulated Learning
Cohort in the Teacher Education Program at UBC.
DR. LEYTON SCHNELLERT is an Assistant Professor in
the Faculty of Education at UBC’s Okanagan Campus.
Leyton researches teacher learning, practice, and
collaboration. In particular he attends to how
teacher professional development relates to student
diversity, inclusive education, self- and co-regulation,
and literacy learning and instruction. His research
grapples with the challenge of designing and facilitating
teacher professional development that bridges theory and
practice so as to achieve valued outcomes for students.
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Faculty of Education
Professional Development & Community Engagement