Arlington-Fairfax 2188 H Fairfax 2188 Holds Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest Sweater Contest

December 24, 2013
Fairfax 2188 H
Holds Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
A lot of “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” were roaming the A
Arlington--Fairfax 2188 Lounge
Sunday. The contestants had to dodge rolls of wrapping paper and flying ribbons to strut
their stuff on stage, and it was difficult for the judges to decide who should get the honors
of winning our first contest. After much thought and deliberation, the winners were:
Vernon Gardener, Ugliest Male Sw
eater (with an abundance of snowballs, reindeer and
up Christmas bulbs); Linda Gardner, Ugliest Female Sweater (with a very clever motif
of Ladies of the Loo and some offcolor bathroom tissue); Rich Muentener,
Muentener Worst 80’s Ugly
Sweater; and Mark Kaplon, Least Creative. A big thank you to our judges. Although this
was a spur of the moment event, we were very pleased with the participation and hope
that next year, we’ll have many more entries. After all, you have a year to plan for it so
have some fun!
The Christmas Wrapping project at Arlington-Fairfax
2188 was a
planned chaotic wonder! Members and friends brought their
Christmas presents to be individually wrapped by Elks Diane
Kaplon, Patti Graves and Linda Gard
Gardner. Along with helper Elves,
Diane Kaplon and Patti Graves began the planned chaos with the
wrapping frenzy of the packages. Wonderful wrapping paper was
strewn across the 2188 Lounge as the packages were wrapped
with Christmas love and cheer. Once the package was beautifully wrapped, Lead Elf Linda
Gardner created a fabulous, original bow with ribbon chosen to bring out the colors of the
wonderful paper and to make the package POP with elegance. Donations were given for
the gift wrapping services and $305 was raised for the Lodge Building Improvements
Fund. Thanks to our Lady Elves and those who brought their packages for their beautiful
Christmas embellishments!
Submitted by Brenda Slingerland
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