Boca Raton Synagogue 25th Annual Journal Dinner March 23, 2015 • 3 Nisan 5775 25th Annual Journal Dinner Honoring Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Tribute Committee 25th Annual Journal Dinner Sal & Leslie Abady Dr. Prosper & Pamela Abitbol Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler** Asia of Boca Raton Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas** Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern Howard & Bonnie Block** Michael & Mirta Brown BRS Board of Directors BRS Men’s Club BRS Sephardic Minyan BRS Shabbat Morning Haftorah Group BRS Sisterhood BRS West Dr. Issy & Riwella Bruk Century Village of Boca Raton Butters Construction CEK Caterers Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap** Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen** Drs. Eli & Orlie Cohen** Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen** Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen** Bob & Michelle Diener Dr. Bob & Elise Dolgow Leo & Heni Ehrlich*** Chaim & Rebecca Elkoby Robert & Ruth Epstein Nachman & Jamie Feig** Drs. Brian & Sharon Ferber Alan & Mona Fisher Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher** Martin & Ileana Flics*** Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman** Michael & Barbara Frenkel** Hensha Gansbourg** Tony & Judy Gelbart Dr. Russel & Lauren Glaun Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg** Murray & Basheva Goldberg** Lisa Goldman Glen & Rosa Golish** Dr. Eric & Sarah Gordon Richard & Marlene Gordon Drs. Charles & Simone Griff** Gutterman Warheit Memorial Chapel Stanley & Ana Haar** Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin** Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow** Drs. Samuel & Anita Heering Ben & Hanna Henschel** Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth** Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter** Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs** Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky*** Emerald Pillar Society Member**** Gold Pillar Society Member** Daniel & Caroline Katz**** Lisa Kaufman - Boca Home Care Dr. David & Sharona Kay** Dr. Steven & Marjorie Kellner King David Catering Gary & Judi Krasna** Yaakov Kronfeld** LAN Infotech Philip & Jennifer Landau Levitt-Weinstein Memorial Chapels Howard & Elayne Levkowitz Robert & Linda Levy Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove** Dr. David & Reena Makover Barry & Russel Mannis Kosher Marketplace Lothar & Carlyn Mayer*** MDVIP Stephen & Linda Melcer** Ronnie & Esther Morris David & Joyce Muller Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser**** Bob & Penny Pearlman** Joe Persky Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover** Dr. William & Debbie Rand*** RCI Controls Rome Aire Services, Inc. Michael & Jill Rose*** Daniel Rosenthal & Sara Goldberg Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky** George & Stephanie Saks* Dr. Barry & Dana Schechter Mike Senders** Larry & Deborah Silver*** Dr. Barry & Judy Silverman Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas** Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor** Eric & Loren Stein Teddy & Linda Struhl** Warren & Robin Struhl Elaine Trachtenberg* Dr. Benjamin & Donna Tripp Dr. Jackie & Rachel Tripp Vazquez & Sons Landscaping VIP Caterers Harry & Marilyn Wanderer*** Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb* Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd** Dr. Jeff & Fay Wolkowicz Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman** Michael & Risa Zimmerman** Anonymous** Anonymous** Anonymous Platinum Pillar Society Member*** Sapphire Pillar Society Member* Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Melanie and Bernie Kaminetsky have been members of our community since moving to Florida in 1993. They are proud to have witnessed, and been part of, the phenomenal growth of BRS in the ensuing years. They remember well davening in the original building, and the exciting inaugural use of the “new” shul on Rosh Hashanah 1994. Their children, Sarah, Jordana and Joshua, were raised on the Circle and attended Hillel Day School and Weinbaum Yeshiva High School. An enduring sense of “Community” is a core tenet of their worldview and their lives are enriched by their involvement in numerous organizations; Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, the OU, NCSY, and AIPAC, among others. Melanie was raised in a secular home in Riverdale, NY, the daughter of Mimi, New York born and bred, and Mietek, z”l, a Polishborn Holocaust survivor. The Holocaust legacy colored Melanie’s life. Already as a young adult, Melanie developed a worldview that encompassed a strong emphasis on academic excellence coupled with an unwavering commitment to Jewish continuity. After graduating from Dartmouth and receiving an MBA from NYU Stern, Melanie spent time learning in Israel at the Brovender’s program for Ba’alei Teshuva. This, plus the mantle of being a child of a survivor, inspired her to be a torch-bearer of Jewish life for her family. Her unstinting commitment to the growth of the greater Boca Raton Jewish community, coupled with her boundless energy, is manifest to all who know her. Being a successful financial advisor is what she DID professionally; that was her job. But running a traditional, warm and joyous Jewish home, and being a dynamic and devoted Jewish leader, is who she IS. Bernie grew up in Forest Hills, NY, and attended Yeshiva Dov Revel, Yeshiva High School of Queens, Yeshiva University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, excelling academically at every institution. He completed his training at NYU Medical Center and joined the faculty, where he taught for 9 years prior to moving to Florida. His father, Julius age 100, grew up in Brooklyn and his mother, Esther, z”l, was raised in Scranton, PA. Jackie joined the family in 2001 as the perfect bubbe. The Kaminetsky family has a long tradition of fostering Jewish education. Bernie’s uncle, (and Shimmie Kaminetsky’s grandfather) Rabbi Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky, z”l, was the founder and longtime leader of Torah U’Mesorah, the National Hebrew Day School Movement. This seminal force was responsible for the establishment of day schools all across North America in the 50s and 60s. Hence, Bernie and Melanie’s passionate commitment to WYHS and Hillel early on. As South Palm Beach County AIPAC chairs, the Kaminetskys have worked tirelessly to grow AIPAC’s presence at BRS and in the larger Boca Raton community. Under their aegis, and Rabbi Goldberg’s unstinting encouragement and leadership, BRS was one of only six orthodox synagogues in the country chosen to participate in the first year of AIPAC’s synagogue outreach. Since that time, BRS has held an annual AIPAC Shabbaton with notable featured speakers and programming. Bernie serves with distinction on AIPAC’s National Board, where he lobbies monthly on behalf of the US Israel strategic relationship. Bernie says he works for his company, but also full time for AIPAC. Melanie serves on the OU’s National Board and works alongside Rabbi Steven Weil and the NCSY leadership to inculcate Torah and Zionist values in unaffiliated youth. Melanie and Bernie are extremely proud and gratified to see that their children have instilled these values into their lives. Sarah and Isaac are active with AIPAC, and Sarah serves on the AIPAC NY Young Leadership Council, Jordana was the President of the Columbia/ Barnard Hillel and is a current Board member, and Josh served as co-director of Penn’s Soup Kitchen and was a trained Emergency Medical Services volunteer. Melanie and Bernie’s love of am Yisroel and Medinat Yisroel permeates their home and their lives, and defines them as role models for all of us. BRS is truly fortunate to have the Kaminetskys in our midst. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Jill and Noam Kaminetzky have been a part of the BRS community for almost 15 years after moving to Boca Raton from Teaneck, NJ. Noam is originally from Silver Spring, MD. He spent a year abroad in Israel at Yeshivat Ohr Yerushayalim and went on to graduate from YU with a degree in Economics. Noam began his career in the business consulting world with such companies as Deloitte & Touche, E-Funds, and SBA Communications. For the past 10 years, Noam has been involved in real estate finance and advisory services with Meridian Capital Group. Jill grew up in Great Neck, NY. She spent a year abroad in Israel at Bnot Chayil and went on to graduate from NYIT with a degree in Communications. Jill began her career in television, working in various management positions at such companies as Kingworld Productions, PAX TV, Public Access TV, The Letterman Show, and Regis & Kathie Lee. After moving to Florida, Jill decided to take her talents to the non-profit world by working with such vital Jewish organizations as Nefesh B’Nefesh and Friends of the IDF. She is currently employed in her favorite position, as Assistant to the Head of School at Hillel Day School of Boca Raton. Jill and Noam have both been actively involved in community institutions from the time they arrived in Florida. Noam has served as a Board Member and Finance Committee Member for Hillel Day School of Boca Raton, has co-chaired both BRS and Hillel Day School Journal Dinners, is a member of the BRS Chevra Kadisha, BRS Men’s Club, and BRS Ritual Committee, is Gabbai of the 7:45am Minyan, Baal Tefila for Yamim Noraim, Board Member and Director for Montoya Estates Home Owners Association, and in 2007 coarranged the first ever BRS Mission to Poland and Israel. Jill has served as a BRS Sisterhood Board Member, is member of the BRS Chevra Kadisha, was the brainchild behind the BRS Bi-Monthly Girls Seudat Shlishit program, has co-chaired both BRS and Hillel Day School Journal Dinners, is a BRS and Hillel Day School Board Nomination Committee Member, and is the Chair of the Hillel Day School Buddy Program. Noam and Jill have been married for 17 years and have three beautiful children, Daniella, Yonina, and Eitan, who make each and every day a wild and amazing ride/adventure/journey. Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Linda Gordon left the Michigan cold behind her in 1989, moving to South Florida with her husband Harvey and then-15-year-old-daughter Amy. Linda has been working exclusively with Boca Raton Jewish organizations ever since. Her first job in the area was for Donna Klein Jewish Academy, where she was first a teacher’s assistant, then later part of the school’s administrative staff. In 1995, Linda left Donna Klein due to medical reasons. After a triumphant battle with cancer, Linda decided to go back to work and was hoping to find another Jewish working environment. To her luck, Lorys Stiel called in September 1997 to let her know that Boca Raton Synagogue was in the market for a Shul secretary. Linda seized the opportunity, and the rest has been a special part of BRS history. As Linda recalls, the Shul back then was quite different than it is today, both in structure and personnel. The support staff offices were located in the Sephardic Beit Midrash. The entire BRS staff at the time, besides for Lindas herself, consisted of Rabbi Brander (senior rabbi), Maria Napoli (bookkeeper/office manager), and Sally Mitchell (Rabbi Brander’s secretary). The membership consisted of around 300 families. The “BRS Weekly” was called the “Weekly Activity Sheet” and was one page(!) folded into thirds. But some things were indeed the same. The universal love and warmth she remembers receiving upon starting her work at BRS, particularly from the BRS Kollel, is something she still vividly remembers and appreciates 18 years later. The sense of community with which she was welcomed has remained the same as well. As the shul continued to grow, Linda’s responsibilities grew in turn. When BRS hired its first assistant rabbi, Rabbi Josh Fass, Linda was assigned to be his secretary. When Rabbi Fass left to make Aliyah, Linda became the secretary to the new assistant rabbi, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg. When Sally Mitchell retired in 2003, Linda took over as Rabbi Brander’s administrative assistant. And when Rabbi Brander left in 2005, Linda was reunited with Rabbi Goldberg; she has been his trusted assistant ever since. Throughout her time at BRS, Linda has become an essential part of the BRS team. In her 18 years she has proudly seen the shul and community grow. The entire staff, particularly Rabbi Goldberg, rely on her commitment to the shul, her desire to serve the community, and her love of assisting its members. Her kindness and sensitivity are evident to anyone who comes through the shul’s doors. Given her love of serving BRS and its constituents, her close relationships with her BRS co-workers, it comes as no surprise that Linda calls BRS her home away from home. Linda lives with her husband Harvey in Delray Beach. She has two daughters, Shelli Anderson and Amy Lytle; Harvey has two children, Brad Gordon and Gail Ferguson. Linda and Harvey boast about their nine wonderful grandchildren: Michael, Jake, Drew, Hannah, Michael, Winter, Luke, Sam, and Charlie. Divrei Bracha ŸŹŹƀŽƊżƅ ƇƄŻŹżƊž żƆƀƇƊŸŹŹƀ We have just begun Vayikra, the third book of the Torah, that deals primarily with korbanos, the sacrifices offered in our Holy Temple. In describing the process of bringing a sacrifice the pasuk (verse) says, “Adom ki yakriv mi’kem korban, a person, when a sacrifice is offered from you…” Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch points out that the root of the word korban, sacrifice is “kareiv” which means draw close. The goal of the sacrifices is not some ancient, barbaric, or arbitrarily form of worship. Rather, the purpose of engaging in purchasing an animal and offering it is to draw close to the Almighty and to feel a sense of intimacy with Him. In order to make that happen, the verse emphasizes that korban must be offered “mi’kem,” from you: it must be personal, come from your heart, be a sincere gesture of devotion and commitment. Our three honorees this evening have in common selfless dedication and devotion to our community. They have each made sacrifices and been of service from their hearts with sincerity, and we are all so much better off for it. Bernie and Melanie have shared their wisdom, organizational skills, experience and strategic thinking to help shape Boca Raton Synagogue and the schools in our community. They have been generous with their resources and their time, but most of all with their love and concern for the growth and wellbeing of our community. Their leadership on the National Board of AIPAC has been a model to all of us of pro-Israel activism and support and they have been the catalyst of so much of the Israel activism in our community. While I don’t think Noam and Jill ever formally served on our Welcome Committee, they are a two person welcoming machine. Their warm personalities, generous smiles and positive spirits have endeared them to all and have allowed so many to feel welcome in our community. Noam has been a selfless Gabbai and Jill has been instrumental in our Sisterhood. Together they have been beacons of courage, faith, and strength and we are so grateful for their leadership. Words cannot adequately express my profound appreciation to Linda, who is nothing short of a member of our Shul family and of my personal family. Linda has been unwavering in her dedication and devotion to BRS for the last 18 years. For her, being my Executive Assistant is not a job, but a calling. She comes in early and stays late almost every day and continues to worry about our members and their families long after going home for the night or weekend. I, and our whole shul, would be lost without her knowledge, commitment, dependability, competency, and love. We are so fortunate to have benefited from Linda’s service all these years and we look forward to benefitting for many more. Yocheved and I feel so close to each of our honorees and we are so grateful to be the beneficiaries of their selfless dedication and service to our community. May they be blessed to enjoy good health, happiness, nachas from their families, and all of the Almighty’s blessings for many years to come. With love and appreciation, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Divrei Bracha ŸŹŹƀſƀƄƀƈƇƌƂƇƐƀƍƓ ƌƌƇźƀŸƍżŸŹŹƀ As we gather once again to celebrate the Shul dinner and to appreciate all that our community represents and stands for, we are again overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude to our honorees for all the hard work, love, resources, time, energy, dedication, and commitment they have given our Shul over the years. The Gemarah in Megillah instructs us that if a person says to you, Yagati V’Lo Matzati, ‘I worked hard but nonetheless I did not find success,’ Al Taamin, then we do not believe that person; similarly, if someone says Lo Yagati U’Matzati, ‘I put in no work or effort, but I still found success,’ then we also don’t believe that person. The only person whom we believe is the individual who says Yagati U’Matzti, ‘I worked hard and I found success.’ This passage reminds us that greatness and success don’t occur in a vacuum and isn’t achieved by a stroke of good luck. Rather, success and greatness are achieved only through much sweat, determination, effort, and hard work. What’s true for individuals is certainly also true for a community. In my five years at BRS, I have been amazed by the selfless and tireless effort and dedication that our members put in, day in and day out, to ensure that our Shul continues to thrive and that we continue to serve as a beacon of light not just to our membership, but to the entire South Florida Jewish community. Our honorees this evening are remarkable examples of that commitment, and each in his or her own right has profoundly contributed to shaping the mission and vision of our Shul and to making BRS such a special, extraordinary, and sacred place. Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky not only are beloved members of our Shul, but their community leadership and activism have earned them both local and national respect and recognition. When Arielle and I first came to Boca, Israel obviously meant a lot to us, but we were barely familiar with AIPAC and hardly aware that Orthodox shuls participated in it. Bernie and Melanie have almost singlehandedly put AIPAC and Israel activism front and center on our community’s agenda and have inspired countless other communities across the country to do the same. What is unique and outstanding about them is that while some people talk the talk, Bernie and Melanie walk the walk, relentlessly putting their time, resources, and energy into making sure that Israel activism is always at the forefront of our time, resources, and efforts, and that all of our members remain educated and involved. We are indebted to them for their leadership in our Shul and in the community at large, and we appreciate that they do it all with constant humility, warmth, and love. Mazal tov to Bernie and Melanie on this well-deserved honor. Noam and Jill Kaminetzky have contagious energy and infectious smiles that are the hallmark of the warmth of BRS. Noam and Jill treat everyone, regardless of background, age, or level of observance, with the same respect and love. Whether it’s their work at HDS, their participation in the various chessed and learning opportunities, their involvement in our chevra kaddisha and Sisterhood, or Noam’s service as gabbai at our 7:45 minyan, they are a paradigm of what it means for a younger couple to become active and engaged leaders at BRS. They are wonderful friends whose warm and welcoming personalities and love for BRS make them so beloved to us all. Linda Gordon is the cog in the wheel that keeps BRS running. I think it’s safe to say that without Linda, not only would our community be sorely lacking, but it simply wouldn’t be able to function. For the past 18 years, she has worked tirelessly on behalf of our shul, constantly showering us with her love, positive disposition, and dedication. What are so impressive to me are not the parts of Linda’s job that most of us know about or are aware of. What are even more remarkable are those things that most of us don’t know about. Linda is constantly taking on roles in our shul and in our community not because they’re part of her official job description or because she has to. Rather she does so much for us all because she wants to, because she truly loves our shul and its members and is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that BRS remains the special place that it is. On a personal note, Linda‘s loyalty, love, and dedication for the BRS office staff and for the BRS rabbis are what allow us to succeed and what earn her our continued love and admiration. We wish her a big mazal tov on this well-deserved award. May Hashem bless all of the honorees tonight with continued success, happiness, and health, and may you all continue to go from strength to strength. Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Divrei Bracha ŸŹŹƀŸƏƀŻſŸŹƍŸƀထ ŸŹŹƀထżƈſŸƊŻƀźƀƆƒŸƆ The time between Purim and Pesach has significant spiritual significance. It is a time between two stories of Redemption (Megilah 6b), from the evil plans of Haman to the many centuries earlier, enslavement in Egypt. Similar themes run through the holidays that bookend this period and infuse the intervening days with meaning and purpose. According to the Kabbalists, each holiday reflects particular Divine emanations, known as sefirot. R. Hayyim Vital (Peri Eitz Hayyim, Sha’ar ha-Purim, ch. 6) writes that Purim represents the emanation of Hod – splendor. This connection has deep mystical meanings, but on a simpler level, by comparing Purim with other reflections of Hod, perhaps we may glean an insight into its significance. In many siddurim, the name of God in the concluding blessing of each section of the Shemoneh Esrei is vowelized differently, reflecting one of the Divine emanations. The name of God reflecting Hod (vowelized with a kubutz) is the penultimate blessing, where we extend our sincere thanksgiving to Hashem. In fact, it is precisely in this blessing that we insert the additional prayer for Purim – ve-Al haNissim – to show our gratitude for the miracles of old. What is the connection? The story of Megilat Esther is fascinating on many fronts, but one of the most glaring is the complete absence of the name of God. It is not that the ‘hand of God’ is absent, just the explicit reference to Him. And maybe that is precisely the point. The story of Esther contains so many ‘coincidences’ and ‘convenient timings,’ that they rise to the point of irony. Mordechai ‘just happens’ to overhear a plot to assassinate Ahashverosh. Ahashverosh ‘just happens’ to request to hear a story from his journals and his servants ‘just happen’ to read about Mordechai, just as Haman ‘just so happens’ to be lurking outside his room, who ‘just so happens’ want to tell Ahashverosh to hang Mordechai. All of these and more are implicitly highlighting a fundamental truth of Judaism – that there are no such things as ‘coincidences’ and nothing ‘just so happens’ to occur in such a precise fashion. It is God himself who orchestrated the entire story. If so, why keep it all a secret by explicitly leaving Him out of the story? Perhaps that is the lesson of Purim. Sometimes the ‘Hand of God’ is not always so obvious – sometimes you have to look a little bit deeper to find Him. He is most certainly there, running the show, but it often requires thoughtful observation and careful consideration to recognize His masterful choreography of that which we call life. We need to sometimes stop and look a little deeper to see it. Pesach celebrates the more explicit experience and acknowledgement of God’s Hand in history. It is the journey from Purim to Pesach that reminds us that both experiences and acknowledgments are fundamental to our faith. Gratitude works the same way. Being grateful and showing true appreciation often demands that we look beneath the surface to recognize other people’s efforts and talents. It can be easy to overlook somebody else’s contribution, particularly when those who deserve our thanks work quietly and often behind the scenes. The same discerning eye that is necessary to see God’s ‘Hand’ in our lives is also needed to recognize and show true gratitude. Having only recently arrived to Boca Raton, I am only beginning to learn of all of the wonderful ways that this community comes together, meeting those who work tirelessly behind the scenes, and those who are leading our community to bright future as well as those who have so successfully done so until now. Rabbis Goldberg and Moskowitz have been quick to embrace me as part of the amazing BRS team and, together with the entire shul staff, have been completely supportive, helpful, and reliable on so many levels. Tremendous thanks to Bernie and Melanie and Noam and Jill, whom although I have not yet gotten to know very well, I have only heard the most noble and wonderful stories and anecdotes of your tireless support and commitment to BRS. A special thanks to Linda, whom I get to work with on an almost daily basis, who makes so many of our jobs seem so easy. I feel privileged to be part of this wonderful evening of expressing gratitude to those who have steadfastly supported our community, make it the wonderful place that it is, and with God’s help, continue to lead us into the future. Thank you. Rabbi David Shabtai Divrei Bracha ŸƏƀŻƇƄžƀƆſ ƊżƌƀŻżƆƍ What makes BRS one of the flagship modern Orthodox synagogues in the country? Certainly the breadth and quality of its services and programs play an important role. BRS offers multiple minyanim, a smorgasbord of classes, a variety of “Chevras,” youth programs, community outreach, social action, and partnerships with AIPAC and other pro-Israel organizations. But equally important are the people behind these activities, those whose dedication and passion motivate and inspire us. Each of our honorees this year has played an important role in making BRS not just a flagship shul, but also a flagship Jewish community. Our Journal Honorees, Dr. Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky, have established an outstanding record of service to the Jewish community. Members of BRS since 1993 and long-term members of the Pillar Society, Bernie and Melanie have been tireless advocates on behalf of Israel. They have served as co-chairs of AIPAC in South Palm Beach County since 2010 and Bernie has served on the National Board since 2012. The Kaminetskys initiated the first AIPAC Shabbaton at BRS, which has now become an annual event, and were instrumental in establishing the BRS-AIPAC partnership. Perhaps the greatest tribute to their efforts on behalf of advancing the cause of Israel is the impressive representation by BRS members at the AIPAC Policy Conference each year. The Kaminetskys have also played leadership roles at other Jewish institutions, including the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, where Melanie is a member of the Executive Board, the Orthodox Union, where Melanie serves on the National Board and is actively involved in NCSY projects, and the Jewish Federation. Along with their children Sarah, Jordana and Joshua, the Kaminetskys are wonderful role models, whose generosity and activism have enriched our community. Noam and Jill Kaminetzky, this year’s recipients of the Keter Shem Tov Award, have probably touched the lives of almost every member of BRS in one way or another. Noam serves as the Gabbai for one of the daily Shacharis minyanim and is an inspiring Ba’al Tefilah on the High Holidays and on Shabbos. He is a member of the Ritual Committee, the Chevra Kadisha, and the BRS Men’s Club. Jill has served as a member of the Sisterhood Board and the Chevra Kadisha and initiated the bi-monthly girls Seudat Shlishit program. At Hillel Day School, Noam has served on the Board and the Finance Committee and Jill chairs the Buddy Program. Beyond their formal service to BRS and Hillel, however, the Kaminetzkys are known and loved for their warmth and their Chesed, always ready to help others. In the 15 years they have been members of BRS, Noam, Jill, and their children, Daniella, Yonina and Eitan, have truly earned a Shem Tov for all that they have done for our community. Linda Gordon has served BRS for 18 years, first as the Shul secretary and later as the Rabbi’s Administrative Assistant. Neither of these job descriptions does her justice however. Linda is quite simply the glue that holds BRS together. Without her, there is only chaos! Linda is a professional in every sense of the word. She is organized, efficient, dedicated, trustworthy, loyal, and discreet. On a personal level, she is warm, friendly, personable, empathetic and funny (think back to Leora Goldberg’s Bat Mitzvah video). She is one of the reasons that BRS has attained flagship status. Thank you, Linda, for all that you do. May Hashem bless you and Harvey with good health and long life and may you continue to serve the BRS community for many years to come. David Wolgin PhD Divrei Bracha £¡ ¦¤¢ It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since our last Journal Dinner. Everyone I speak to agrees that the year flew by quicker than ever. But now is that time when we get to pause and take a few moments to stop and slow down and to not only reflect on the great work that BRS has done this past year, such as another record-setting year with the BRS Outreach and Engagement program, but to focus and recognize the accomplishments of a few very important people in our synagogue community. When I opened this year’s Journal Dinner invitation and saw the smiling faces of each of the awardees, I began thinking about all of the incredible times we shared together. Each of the awardees are truly deserving of this honor because of all their hard work and dedication to Boca Raton Synagogue. If I could think of a common theme that unites all of tonight’s honorees, something that this group shares in common, it’s that they all play such important communal roles, but they all do it behind the scenes. None of them has ever done anything with the goal of receiving an award or being honored and that makes tonight’s honorees so deserving of their awards and being recognized at this year’s dinner. Bernie & Melanie: You are both incredible leaders, whose leadership extends well beyond the borders of our local community. Both of your names are synonymous with unbelievable and relentless support for the State of Israel and Israel advocacy for teenagers, college students, and adults. Your dedication in ensuring that Jewish education in our community will be at the highest levels, and be a model for others to emulate, demonstrates your loyalty and passion for our Jewish tradition. You commitment to Jewish outreach has been phenomenal because you both appreciate the potential for incredible growth in so many areas of our local Jewish community. You are truly the epitome of Jewish role models not only for your own incredible children, Sarah, Isaac, Jordana & Josh, but to our children as well. It is for this reason as well as so many others that we honor you this evening. Noam & Jill: Simone and I met you almost 15 years ago. It did not take us long to become great friends. We can honestly say that having had the chance to get to know you so well, you are both incredibly deserving of the Keter Shem Tov Award. The honor takes its name from Pirkei Avot: “Rabbi Shimon says there are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of kingship, but the crown of a good name (Keter Shem Tov) rises above them all.” For years you have both been so active and involved in so many areas of the shul and the community; you have earned the admiration of colleagues, congregants and friends. Your entire family means so much to us and we look forward to many years of sharing in each other’s happy occasions. Linda: It’s not often I get to talk about someone I have not only worked alongside since the first day I began working at BRS, but also who has helped me personally in so many areas of my job. You have always been there in so many different ways to make sure that the finished product I produced was perfect. Linda, I can’t even think of a time when you weren’t there to help me, you have never said no to anything, even when I knew how busy you were with other projects. You genuinely care so much for the shul and you are involved in so many ways. We used to joke that whatever I needed I got, but I know it’s only because you believed in me and wanted me to shine. Linda, you are gracious and humble and you never look for any recognition in return for all your hard work and dedication. Over the many years that you have worked here, you have developed truly meaningful relationships with so many people and it’s so nice to hear you talking to everyone as though you are part of the family. You are so respected by all of the other employees and tonight is your night to celebrate an amazing career and our chance as a community to say thank you for all that you do and will hopefully continue to do for many more years. I am so excited to celebrate with each of you this evening. It’s been such a great year and with your continued support and dedication I know that we will continue to grow and inspire the community around us. Thank you and may Hashem bless each of you with health and happiness and continued success. Mazal Tov!! Rabbi Josh Broide Divrei Bracha ¤¡¡ ŸŹŹƀƅżƊƀƍƎƌ Each of the foods we eat at the seder represents a dual message. They symbolically represent both enslavement and freedom in Talmudic and Biblical literature. Matza is referred to as the bread of affliction and, as Rashi states, “bread that brings to mind the affliction they suffered in Egypt” (Devraim 16:3). Yet, in the Haggada we are also told: “This Matza that we eat for what reason? Because the dough of our fathers did not have time to become leavened before the King of Kings… revealed Himself to them and redeemed the Jewish People.” We drink four cups of wine symbolic of “the four expressions of redemption” (Rashi, Pesachim 99b) mentioned in the Torah. However, we drink the red wine to remind us of the Jewish blood that was spilled in Egypt (Shulchan Arukh 472:11). Charoset is a reminder of the mortar used in our servitude (Pesachim 116b), yet it must contain apples “commemorating the apple trees under which the Jewish women in Egypt miraculously gave birth without any pain, away from the watchful eyes of the Egyptian authorities.” (Rashi, ibid. s.v. zecher) The Haggada emphasizes that marror reminds us of our embittered existence in Egypt. Yet, the mystical commentary Ohr haChaim relates that maror was also established to make the Korban Pesach more tasty: “God commanded the bitter herbs also for the reason that the manner in which roasted food is eaten is to consume it with something sharp as this will make the food more tasty and they will eat the food with more desire” (Shemot, 12:8). In each of our lives, we are faced with this duality of experience. Often, it is the ability to take moments of darkness and see within them moments of redemption that defines us as individuals, as a community, and as a people. Our Journal Honorees, Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, have understood, in their service to the Boca Raton community and to the State of Israel, the need to bring light where others insist on darkness. Their efforts, both locally and globally, make our people safer. We are in their debt. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky have worked to make Boca Raton a wonderful spiritual place. They have served as role models on how to dispel personal and communal darkness with grace and selflessness. Noam and Jill see the duality of experiences and bring light and joy where others see darkness. Linda Gordon does so much for the Rabbinic team as well as performing so many quiet acts of kindness and support for members of the congregation. Linda has coached so many of us to understand that moments of personal challenge can be transformed into times of triumph. She is an indispensable part of our community. We are blessed to have such honorees and may we always share s’machot together. Rabbi Kenneth Brander Divrei Bracha ŸƍƍſżƐနƇźſżƊƅŸƆ ƑżźƎƍƀƏżƀƊżźƍƇƊ It is with extreme gratitude to Hashem that I welcome everyone to our 25th Annual Journal Dinner. It is always such an honor putting these events together for our community. I am as excited as you are to honor these amazing individuals tonight for all that they mean to the community and me personally. Our Journal Honorees, Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, are such dedicated, passionate, caring, and loving individuals. I have always admired and looked up to the Kaminetskys for being able to be involved in so many important projects and organizations. Whether it is BRS, AIPAC, the OU, or Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, the Kaminetskys don’t just sit on the sideline, but they get involved. Bernie & Melanie have been such an amazing example for me on what it means to be a great parent. Seeing their garage filled with the boxes and boxes of their children’s childhood artwork really showed me how much they truly love Sarah (and now Isaac), Jordana, and Josh! Noam & Jill Kaminetzky are the epitome of the term Keter Shem Tov. It is hard to find Noam or Jill at any day or time without a smile on their face. They are so loving to every individual that they interact with. As the Gabbai of the 7:45 am Minyan, Noam is able to be warm and welcoming to our members on a daily basis, and make sure any individual needs are handled appropriately. Jill can be found at Hillel Day School literally doing the same exact thing for the students and parents that are on campus each and every day. Our very own Linda Gordon: nobody is as deserving of this honor as you. I am blessed to have the pleasure of working with you for the last five years. Your passion and dedication to our team, Shul, and community is something that is unparalleled. I have learned so much from you and you continue to be an inspiration to me in every interaction that we have. May you continue to be blessed with good health for you and your entire family! Tonight’s dinner does not just happen, there is a team of individuals that really work hard to make sure it is a success from both a logistic and fundraising aspect. Michael & Jill Rose, Mark & Tilda Fisher, Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern, and Chayim & Michele Dimont, I could not have done any of this without you! Amy, Jamie, Kerry, and Linda: knowing that I have the opportunity to work with each of you on a daily basis is what drives me to be the best that I can be. Amy, Jamie, and Kerry, I cannot thank you enough for the amount of time you put into every aspect of this Journal Dinner in order to make sure it went off flawlessly. Theo and Junior, no one spends as much time in the shul as you do. The genuine care and concern that you both show to ensure that the campus always looks beautiful and your willingness to help our congregants with anything that they might need is very special. Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz, Rabbi Broide, Rabbi David Shabtai, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai, Rabbi Eisenberger, and Rabbi Zians, you each push me to be the best person, mentor, leader, Executive Director, and father I can be. I am forever appreciative to be able to call you my colleagues but more importantly to be able to call you my friends. David Wolgin, working with you as President is a wonderful experience; not a week goes by that I do not learn something new from you. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to BRS. Lastly, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my amazing wife, Tova. I know how much time I spend talking to you about work, and I am sorry that my schedule is always crazy, but I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to put all of my heart and soul into BRS. You are an amazing wife and an exceptional mother. Our family is very lucky to have you in our lives! Matthew J. Hocherman 25th Annual Journal Dinner Chairs It is a great honor and privilege to co-chair Boca Raton Synagogue’s 25th Annual Journal Dinner. Under the unparalleled guidance of our Morah D'Atra, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, as well as Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Rabbi David Shabtai, and Rabbi Josh Broide, our shul continues to flourish as a gem in the heart of Boca Raton. Within the walls of our synagogue and reaching out to the entire Jewish community, members from all walks of life are enriched with spirituality, inspiration, continued education, chessed, and a vibrant Jewish and Torah lifestyle. This year’s honorees, Dr. Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky, Noam and Jill Kaminetzky, and Linda Gordon, are shining examples of leaders who embody these values and have been instrumental in making BRS the beacon of light that it is. It is with a full heart that we pay tribute to these dynamic individuals. Bernie and Melanie lead a life of love and commitment. Love and commitment to one another, love and commitment to their family, love and commitment to their friends and the Jewish community, and love and commitment to Israel. When they decided to move to Boca Raton 22 years ago, we were blessed to have in our midst a couple who talk the talk and walk the walk. With their G-d-given talents of intelligence (they definitely got an extra sprinkling of that), amazing work ethics, moral clarity, and Torah values, they immediately took it upon themselves to not only get involved but to be leaders. As board members of BRS, Weinbaum Yeshiva High School, and the OU National Board to name just a few, we as a shul and the Jewish community at large have benefited greatly. Perhaps their strongest and deepest love and commitment is for the State of Israel. As co-chairs of South Palm Beach County AIPAC and Bernie’s seat on the National Board of AIPAC, they have brought this passion to BRS and the south Florida Jewish community. Under their directorship, BRS became one of the first shuls to become involved in the OU-AIPAC initiatives and encourage members to become leading activists and advocates. Above all, Melanie and Bernie have always made their home a priority in their lives. They are blessed with amazing children. Sarah and Isaac, Jordana, and Josh encompass the values they were brought up with and will most certainly go on to become future Jewish leaders. With their open hearts, open home, and generous support of countless Jewish institutions, they are true role models and pillars of our community. Keter Shem Tov Award recipients Noam and Jill Kaminetzky are two of the warmest people you will ever meet. They treat newcomers just like they would old friends—with enormous smiles, colossal kindness, and great sensitivity. The Kaminetzkys know how to welcome guests not only by inviting them into their home, but by ensuring that they are welcomed with open arms into the extended BRS community. Having been involved in the shul practically from day one, both Jill and Noam have a list of BRS accomplishments a mile long, ranging from co-chairing the BRS Journal Dinner to serving on the BRS Chevra Kadisha to leading countless BRS Minyanim (Noam) to serving for many years on the BRS Sisterhood Board (Jill). The list goes on and on. But what Jill and Noam are most proud of are an exuberant devotion they have for Torah principles as well as a rock solid foundation in Yiddishkeit, essential values they share passionately with their children, Daniella, Yonina, and Eitan. Just like a keter (crown) signifies royalty, so, too, Noam and Jill, our Keter Shem Tov Award recipients, are like our own dedicated king and queen, who have made, and continue to make, a huge impact on our BRS community and on our lives. The saying goes, "If one finds a job they love then they won't work a day in their life." Linda has certainly found her labor of love. As a dedicated and integral part of the BRS family for the past 18 years, Linda has proven to be an invaluable asset. Under her excellent management, the shul is able to run like a well-oiled machine. As Rabbi Goldberg’s right-hand woman, she makes his job as stress-free as possible. Always with a smile, always willing to assist our members in any way she can, Linda is the epitome of efficiency, dedication, and devotion. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who have joined us this evening to celebrate and pay tribute to our distinguished honorees. We also extend an enormous thank you to our generous Tribute Committee and to all those who have generously and selflessly contributed ads to this evening’s Journal. You have helped make Boca Raton Synagogue’s 25th Annual Journal Dinner a huge success for our shul. An evening and Journal like this does not happen without the tireless efforts of so many volunteers. Our sincere gratitude goes to Mike and Jill Rose and Steven Berkeley and Dr. Rebecca Stern for being our Tribute Committee Chairs, Loren Stein for the stunning artwork and illustration and Kerry Purcell for the beautiful design of our invitations and Journal, Neil Wasserman and VIP caterers for being such a pleasure and delight to work with, and all the countless volunteers behind the scenes who have helped make this dinner a labor of love. Above all, we would like to thank Matthew Hocherman, our Executive Director, who was there for us each and every step of the way. Even with the birth of twin babies in the middle of all the planning, he didn't miss a beat. You are amazing! May Hashem continue to bless our honorees and their families with Mazel, nachas, and success. May you always be a source of inspiration to the BRS family and the Jewish people. Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Chayim & Michele Dimont )ORULGD+RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH,UYLQJ6ORVEHUJ District 91 A Tribute to Boca Raton Synagogue A Tribute commemorating the Boca Raton Synagogue for its immeasurable religious and social contributions to both Palm Beach County and the state of Florida; WHEREAS, the Boca Raton Synagogue has provided educational, religious, and social programs to its 750 members and the South Florida community; WHEREAS, the Boca Raton Synagogue has facilitated lifelong learning opportunities through which the community can develop and strengthen their relationship with God; WHEREAS, Boca Raton Synagogue will celebrate its 25th Annual Journal Dinner as well as a publication of a commemorative Journal; WHEREAS, Dr. Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky are this year’s Journal Honorees as they have dedicated countless hours and have been on the Circle and a part of the Boca Raton Synagogue’s exponential growth for 22 years; WHEREAS, Noam and Jill Kaminetzky are this year’s recipients of the Keter Shem Tov Award for which they embody Rabbi Shimon’s sentiment of the crown of a good name through a strong moral compass and active participation in the community; WHEREAS, Ms. Linda Gordon will be honored for her 18 years of service to the Congregation B’nai Israel. I, Representative Irving Slosberg, of Florida House District 91, do hereby recognize the Boca Raton Synagogue for its 25 years of remarkable religious and socials contributions to the Palm Beach County community. ___________________________ Representative Irving Slosberg House District 91 March 3, 2015 Mr. Matthew Hocherman Executive Director Boca Raton Synagogue 7900 Montoya Circle North Boca Raton, FL 33433-4912 Dear Mr. Hocherman: It is always a pleasure to be able to greet the members, friends and supporters of Boca Raton Synagogue, especially on joyous occasions. I can think of few occasions more noteworthy than the 25th annual journal dinner, commemorating the kehillah’s many accomplishments since its inception in 1983, and celebrating the contributions of just a few of the shul’s talented and dedicated members. This year, Noam and Jill Kaminetzky are being honored with the Keter Shem Tov Award. This award is particularly appropriate, as Noam and Jill have earned a reputation for their dedication and selflessness. Their integrity is the stuff of legend and they are renowned for going the extra mile to foster a sense of community not only in BRS but throughout the greater Jewish Boca Raton. Bernie and Melanie Kaminestky are being honored as Journal Honorees. Aside from their great work at BRS, they have been dear friends to the OU in many capacities. Their work with NCSY and campus programs, as well as their rolemodeling in Israel activism, have hugely impacted youth in South Florida and throughout the United States. When the OU started the OU-AIPAC Initiative, Bernie and Melanie, along with Rabbi Goldberg, developed BRS as a model for congregations across the nation. Melanie and Bernie are exemplars to Jews of all backgrounds, uniting those from the extremes of the spectrum to support Israel in a meaningful and substantive way. Finally, Linda Gordon is being recognized for her 18 years of dedicated service to BRS. Not only is Linda the consummate example of a quality professional and human being, she is the standard that we at the OU highlight as a model for all shuls. She has always been a good friend to the OU, as well as a gracious host to the OU Legacy group that she, Rabbi Goldberg, and BRS have hosted annually for the past six years. Linda is one of the finest, most sensitive and caring human beings that one will ever encounter. Boca Raton Synagogue has been blessed to have such gifted, caring and committed individuals. On behalf of the entire OU, I congratulate the honorees for this well-deserved recognition. I also congratulate mara d’asrah Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, president David L. Wolgin, PhD, and all of you for the exceptional congregation you have built, which continues to set the standard for synagogues far and wide. Sincerely yours, Rabbi Steven Weil Senior Managing Director On behalf of Yeshiva University, I delight in wishing mazel tov to the Boca Raton Synagogue on the occasion of its 25th Annual Journal Dinner. Though separated by hundreds of miles, Yeshiva University takes great pride in its partnership with your community, which guides itself by the timeless values of Torah and tradition while committing to a sincere engagement with the world. Together we maintain steadfast commitments to Torah and Madda. Together we embrace the message of Am Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael and Torat Yisrael. Together we build sacred communities with a promising future. I am proud to join in your tribute to tonight’s honorees Dr. Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky, Noam and Jill Kaminetzky, and Linda Gordon. They model Yeshiva’s commitment to inspiring our community’s lay leaders and epitomize the values we cherish and seek to inspire in our students and children. Their work strengthens the Jewish people and Jewish life by ensuring that our community lives vibrant lives of meaning and learning. Under Rabbi Goldberg’s inspired leadership, together with his team of gifted professionals, the Boca Raton Synagogue continue to be a truly special incubator for the Jewish future. I look forward to a continued partnership between the Yeshiva University and the Boca Raton Synagogue. We salute you for being a beacon of light to our entire community and for being a place where so many have found meaning in prayer, wisdom in learning, and fulfillment in communal involvement. Sincerely, Richard M. Joel Past Honorees • Award Recipients ၹƌƍ ¡ၻထၹႁႀႁဳၽ£¨ၽၿၽၸ Honoring ¡န£¡Ŷª¡§ ¤¡Ŷ Ŵ¡ ¨¡ ¡Ŷ¦ 2ƆŻ ¦¡®ၹၺထၹႁႁၺဳၿ¨¤ၽၿၽၺ Honoring ¡နŶ¡ ၻƊŻ ¡ၺၸထၹႁႁၺဳၺၽ£¨ၽၿၽၻ ¡ ¡န¡Ŷ¨Ŵª¦ ¤Ŷ¡¤¦£ ၼƍſ ¦¡®ၺၻထၹႁႁၼဳၹႀ¨¤ၽၿၽၼ Honoring Ŷ¯ ¤Ŷ¡®£¤ Ŷ ၽƍſ ¦¡®ၺၺထၹႁႁၽဳၺၹ¨¤ၽၿၽၽ Honoring ŶŴ®¡ª¤¯ ¡¥Ŷ¦¨¤£ ¡န¤Ŷ¡¡¡ 6ƍſ ¡ၹၿထၹႁႁၾဳၺၾ¡ၽၿၽၾ Honoring Ŷ¦¡ ¡နŶ£ ¡Ŷ¦¤¤¢££ ၿƍſ ¡ႁထၹႁႁၿဳၻၸ¡ၽၿၽၿ ¡ ŢŶ¡ ¤Ŷª£¤¡ ႀƍſ ¡§¡®ၺၺထၹႁႁႀဳၺၾ¨¤ၽၿၽႀ Honoring ¡န¡©Ŷ£ ¡Ŷ£¤¡ ¡¢®Ŷ¡¤¡£ ¨ထ¡ ႁƍſ ¡§¡®ၺၹထၹႁႁႁဳၽ¡ၽၿၽႁ Honoring ¡Ŷ Ŷ ¦¡¦ ၹၸƍſ ¡§¡®ၺၸထၺၸၸၸဳၹၼ¡ၽၿၾၸ Honoring ¦Ŷ ¡န¨Ŷ¬ ¡န¡¥Ŷ¨£ 11ƍſ ¡§¡®ၺၽထၺၸၸၹဳၺ¡ၽၿၾၹ Honoring ŶŴ Ŷ¦ ¡¥ ¡န¦Ŷ¡ 12ƍſ ¡§¡®ၹၸထၺၸၸၺဳၺႀ¨¤ၽၿၾၺ Honoring £¦Ŷ¤£¨££ ၹၻƍſ ¡§¡®ႁထၺၸၸၻဳၿ¡ၽၿၾၻ ¡ ¤Ŷ¦¡¡ 14ƍſ ¡§¡®ၺၺထၺၸၸၼဳ££¡ၽၿၾၼ Honoring £Ŷ¡ ¡¢®Ŷ ¤¯ ၹၽƍſ ¡ၹၻထၺၸၸၽဳၺ¡ၽၿၾၽ Honoring £Ŷ¡¦¤ ¡န¤န ¡ ¡¦¤¡® ¡နထ¯ဠ 16ƍſ ¡ၽထၺၸၸၾဳၽ¡ၽၿၾၾ ¡ Ŷ¦ ¡¤¤£¤¤ Š ¡ ၹၿƍſ ¦¡®ၿထၺၸၸၿဳၹၿ¨¤ၽၿၾၿ Honoring £ဣဤŶ££ ¡န¦Ŷ¡ ¡Ŷ£¨¨Ŵ ၹႀƍſ ¦¡®ၹၻထၺၸၸႀဳၾ¨¤ၽၿၾႀ Honoring Ŷ£¡ ¨Ŷ££¦ ¤Ŷ¡®£¤ ၹႁƍſ ၺၽƍſ ¡§¡®ႀထၺၸၸႁဳၹၽ¨¤ၽၿၾႁ Honoring Ŷ¡ ¡န¡Ŷ¦¡ ¡¡¦¤¤ ¡¦¯ဠ ၺၸƍſ ¡§¡®ၹၸထၺၸၹၸဳၺၾ¨¤ၽၿၿၸ Honoring Ŷ¦£ Ŷ¡ £ £¦¡ 21ƌƍ ¡§¡®ၺႀထၺၸၹၹဳၺၽ¡ၹၽၿၿၹ Honoring Ŷ¦£¡¡ ¡နŶ ¤Ŷ¤ 22ƆŻ ¦¡®ၼထၺၸၹၺဳႁ¨¤ၽၿၿၺ Honoring Ŷ ¤¡ ¤¡¯¡Ŷ¬ ¡¢Ŷ¤¢§ ၺၻƊŻ ¡ၹၼထၺၸၹၻဳၻ£ၽၿၿၻ Honoring ¤Ŷ¡ ¡£နŶ¡ ¡¥¦¨¤£ ¡¡¦¤¤ ¯ဠ 24ƍſ ၻၸ¤ ¡ၺၿထၺၸၹၼဳၺၽၽၿၿၼ Honoring ¡£ ¯¯£Ŷ ¨ £¤¡£¤£ 0 -~# " 2014 - 2015 /5775 RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ RABBI JOSH BROIDE Rabbi Associate Rabbi Outreach Rabbi RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK RABBI DAVID SHABTAI, MD RABBI SIMMY SHABTAI Rabbi, BRS West Rabbi. Sephardic Minyan Rosh Beis Medrash RABBI GERSHON EISENBERGER RABBI ELI ZIANS ESTHER LUPIN, MSW Youth Director Teen Director RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG BRS/JFS Social Worker RABBI KENNETH BRANDER MATTHEW J. HOCHERMAN Executive Director Rabbi Emeritus Board of Directors ަ ¨¡¯ထ ¡¡ ¡®¡Ŵ ¦¨£ ¡¡ ¡ £ Executive Board ¨ထ ¡£¤ ¤¡ ¡£¤ ¡£¤ ¦£ ¡£¤ ¦ ¡£¤ ¤¢§ ¡¤¡® ¤£ ¡¡¤¡® ¤¡ ¡¢£¡¤¡® Advisory Board ¡ª¦ထ ထ Ţ££ န¡£¡ န ¡ªဴ£¤¡ ¤¡ ¡¢®¤¯ ¨ထ ¡®¡£ ¡¦¡ဴ£¤ ¦¡ ¡£ဴဠ£¦ ¡ ¤§¡¥¨¡ ££¡£ထဴ£¤ ¤¡ ¤ Ŵª£¦ ¡ Past Presidents န¤¯ ¦ ¤¡¢Ŵ ¤¤ ££ထ ¦ ¡¢®¤¯ ¤¤ ¡ ¡¥¦¨¤£ ¡ª¤¯ဤ ¯ ¡ª¦ထ ထ ¤¨¡¦£ဤ £¡¡§ထ Auxiliaries ¡¥¦¨¤£ထဖ¡£¤ထနနနနနန ¡¡ထဖ¡£¤ထနနနနနန ¡ªထဖ¡£¤ထ£¤¡ £¤ထဖ¡£¤ထ£¤¡ £¦¤ထဖ¡£¤ထဠ£¦ ¡£ထဖ¡£¤ထဠ£¦ ¨Ŵª¦ထ¡ထ¨¡£ ¡ထ¡£¤ထ¤¦¤®¨ The Pillar Society 2014 - 2015 /5775 Emerald Ŷ¡¤¯ ¦နŶန¡£¡ Platinum Ŷ¡ ¡¥Ŷ£ ¡Ŷ¤£ ¤¡Ŷ¡¡ ¡နŶ Ŷ£ ¡¢®Ŷ¡¨¡ ¡¢®Ŷ¡¡¡ Gold Ŷ¡န¡¡ ¡န¡¥Ŷ¨£ ª¡Ŷ ¡န¤¨Ŷ¡ Ŷ¡န¡ ¡£န¡ ¡နŶ ¡န¡Ŷ¦¡ Ŷ ¡န¡Ŷ£¡ ¡နŶ¡¡ Ŷ¡¡¡ £ £¦¡ ŠŶ¨ ¡ ¦¡¢Ŷ£¨ ¡ Ŷ£ £ ¡£န¡£Ŷ ¡Ń ¤Ŷ¡ ¡န¡¢®Ŷ¡¡ ¡နŶ¡ª Ŷ£ ¡န£Ŷ¡¡¥ Ŷ¦¡£¤Ŵ¡ ¡န¡©Ŷ£ ¡န¨Ŷ¡ ¡®Ŷ¦¡£ ¨¡ ¡£န£Ŷ£¨ ¤Ŷ¡ Ŷ¡ ¡နŶ¤¢¨¡ ¡နŶ¦£ ¡£ ¡န¡Ŷ ¡¯£ ¡န¡Ŷ¤¡ Ŷ¤¢§ ¡န¤Ŷ¦¡¢ ¡£နŶ¡ Ŷ£¡ ¦£ ¦£ Silver Sapphire ¡န¨¡Ŷ¯ ¨Ŷ¡¡ ¡န£Ŷ¤¤¡ ¡န£Ŷ¨££¤§ ¦£ ¡န¡Ŷ Ŷ¡ ¡¤¡ ¡နŶ¡ ¦£ Emerald Mazal Tov to our most deserving honorees. We are the beneficiaries of all of your hard work and sincere acts of chesed. Linda Many thanks for all that you do as the face of BRS. Your professionalism is matched only by your kindness and enthusiasm to please. Jill & Noam You are both among Boca Raton Synagogue community's most solid citizens. You are constantly doing acts of chesed quietly, without the need for acknowledgement, and always with the warmest of smiles. Melanie & Bernie You are role models who truly make a difference in our community, and for Klal Yisroel. With your passionate support so much more has been made possible. Caroline & Daniel Katz & Family Emerald MAZAL TOV AND YASHER KOACH To Our Distinguished Honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky May your leadership continue to be an inspiration to all!Your commitment to AIPAC is outstanding and a very impressive achievement. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Your boundless commitments thru leadership, chesed, family values and countless committees inspired others to be involved in the success of our synagogue. Special Tribute to Linda "Her beauty was surpassed only by her goodness" Such kindness, compassion and dedication has touched the entire BRS family. Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser Platinum To the Wonderful Honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Congratulations on being chosen as this year’s honorees! Thank you for all you do for BRS! May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, and the ability to share your success with the community! MAZAL TOV! Heni & Leo Ehrlich Platinum MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Martin & Ileana Flics Platinum We are thrilled to share this evening with people we love! Jill & Noam We are deeply appreciative of your dedication to our community it demonstrates your profound love of Klal Yisroel. You are the finest people, and it is reflected in the home you have built, and your three beautiful children.We have always admired you, and we are proud to call you our ‘cousins.’ “KaminetSZkys” reign supreme! Linda Gordon You are the cornerstone of our shul, which is the foundation of our lives.Your deft, expert, and discreet stewardship has allowed our shul to soar. We love you, Harvey, and your children and grandchildren in absentia.Thank you for your unstinting and loyal dedication to us all. Our Top Brass Thank you Rabbi Goldberg, our inspiring leader of national repute; our beloved and treasured Rabbi Moskowitz; our indefatigable Rabbi Broide, who never fails to astonish; and our exemplary President David Wolgin who sets the refined tone of our shul. May you all go from strength to strength. With profound admiration and awe, Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Platinum WE WANT TO THANK Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky for doing such great work for the Pro-Israel community, for AIPAC and the numerous other organizations they are involved in. Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Platinum Mazel Tov to the Honorees May you continue the invaluable contributions you have made to our community. Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Linda Gordon Keter Shem Tov Award Honorees, Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Thank you See clearer, sharper and more vivid than ever before. Rand Eye Institute offers the latest in vision enhancement, refractive lens exchanges and cosmetic eye surgery. But, more important than the state-of-the-art technology utilized, is the personalized approach in delivering quality and compassionate care. Laser Cataract Surgery Custom No-Flap LASIK Comprehensive Eye Exams Vitreo-Retinal Procedures Corneal and External Diseases Cosmetic Eye Surgery RAND EYE INSTITUTE 954-782-1700 5 West Sample Road. Deerfield Beach, Florida Courtesy Transportation I -95 & Sample Rd Deer field Beach Platinum MAZAL TOV AND YASHER KOACH To our dear friends Melanie & Bernie on this well deserved honor. Your friendship and leadership inspire us. And to Jill & Noam and Linda Thank you for all that you do for BRS and our community. Jill & Michael Rose Platinum MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. BRS would not be the same without your contribution. Sincerely, Larry & Deborah Silver & Family Platinum Gold Those who work to strengthen the community will be a source for good and the merits of the community will be in their favor” To the worthy honorees: Each of you has taught us so much about what it means to be committed to Torah, Yiddishkeit & our Community. Mazel Tov Loren & Eric Stein CUSTOMIZED JUDAICA BY LOREN STEIN DESIGN WWW.LORENSTEINDESIGN.COM 561-305-2305 Gold MAZAL TOV Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to better our Jewish community. Much Love, Lisa, Melissa and Audrey Goldman Gold MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Robert & Linda Levy Gold Gold MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Chaim & Rebecca Elkoby Gold Silver Silver There is no treasure like friends CONGRATULATIONS TO Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky We are honored to have you as our close friends, you inspire us through your commitment to BRS, to family and the goals of the American Jewish community. MAZAL TOV TO Noam & Jill Kaminetzky MAZAL TOV TO Linda Gordon, and thank you for everything you have done over the past 18 years. Yasher Koach The Wolkowicz Family Silver To our wonderful friends, Melanie & Bernie Your good deeds,warmth, and caring encompass the globe.Your devotion to Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael is inspirational. May you be blessed with many decades of good health and strength to continue your wonderful achievements. MAZAL TOV AND KOL HAKAVOD Ruth & Robert Epstein and Family, Melbourne, Australia Silver IN HONOR OF OUR FRIENDS Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Kol Hakavod on Your Well-Deserved Honor! We admire your leadership in all its forms, from local shul to global security. May our families share important work and deep friendship for many years. Russ & Barry Mannis Samuel Capital Management LLC Silver MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon On your well deserved recognition for all the great work you do. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to BRS and the community. Prosper & Pamela Abitbol Silver MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES, Melanie & Bernie, Jill & Noam, Linda Your commitment, dedication and devotion on behalf of our Boca Raton Synagogue community is an inspiration to us all. Melanie and Bernie, We are so fortunate to have you as our dear friends and to be beneficiaries of your outstanding communal leadership and unwavering support of Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael. With great respect, Benjamin, Donna, Kelley, Elyse, Jonah & Aerin Tripp Bronze MAZAL TOV TO Linda Gordon on her most deserved honor. We admire you for all of your hard work and dedication to BRS and for always making us feel at home! We thank you and applaud you! Eric & Sarah Gordon Bronze Bronze MAZAL TOV TO all the deserving honorees. We appreciate all the work you do together with Sharona and apologize for all the times you have had to deal with David. David & Sharona Kay Bronze In honor of Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Rabbi Simmy Shabtai along with Yeshiva Tiferes Torah for bringing such great learning and inspiration to our community. ------------------Dedicated in the zechut of a complete and speedy recovery to Boca’s Best Man: Harav Gavriel Pinchas Ben Devorah Zlata Joe Persky Bronze YESHAR KOACH TO Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky for all your great work to strengthen the State of Israel and the Jewish Community. Bob & Michelle Diener Bronze To Bernie & Melanie: Your leadership in our community has pushed others to emulate your generosity and advocacy To Jill & Noam: We are so glad to have you as true friends! You are examples of how to perform Chesed, quietly & unassuming To Linda: Where would R’ Goldberg be without you?! Where would BRS be without you?! Thank you from all of us, Daniel & Liora Adler, Lizzy, Rebecca, & Abby Bronze MAZAL TOV To Our Honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon (Our Favorite Go-To Person at BRS) On the occasion of their richly deserved honors. Barbara & Michael Frenkel Bronze Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon May you continue to serve BRS with your talents and love May you go from strength to strength. The Jacobs Family Merv, Elaine, Rhonda, Larry, Marlene, Gary, Marla, Bryan, Margot, Jess, Jon, Lindsey, Spencer, Robert, Sam, David Bronze MAZAL TOV TO all of the Honorees. They exemplify the values of Torah, Ahava and dedication to BRS. Myer Senders Bronze Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Thank you for all your dedication to BRS. May you carry on your commitment for many more years. Issy & Riwella Bruk and Family Bronze MAZAL TOV to all our honorees, may you go continue to grow into strong and wise leaders. To Linda may you go from strength to strength. S Richard & Marlene Gordon Bronze MAZAL TOV AND BEST WISHES To all of our honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon for their dedicated service. Stephen & Linda Melcer Bronze Congratulations to all of the 25th Annual Journal Dinner Honorees and to Linda Gordon for her many years of dedicated service to Boca Raton Synagogue. Howard, Bonnie, Andrew and Jordan Block Bronze B”H ¦¦¬´¬©´££²®²³§£¨£¦®¦¬¦´³¯¬¥£ ¡£¦°£³¬£²³¦¥¦£ And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Tehillim (Psalms) 1:3 Mazel Tov to our dear friends Bernie and Melanie Kaminetsky Such a well-deserved honor. To Noam and Jill Kaminetzky and Linda Gordon For all you do. Alan and Mona Fisher Remember… For All Your Real Estate Needs We hold the key to your success Eleanor Ager Realty, Inc. 561-392-0822 Mona Fisher and Mitchell Stiel ALAN J. FISHER, PA Bankruptcy, Foreclosures and Debtor/Creditor Law (561) 300-3375 Bronze To all our Honorees, Mazal Tov! Bernie & Melanie Your passion and dedication to our community and Klal Yisroel is inspiring and unparalleled. Noam & Jill It's an honor to know people like you who embody incredible kindness and sincerity. Linda Your everpresent smile, enthusiasm, and hard work is truly the backbone of our community. Each of you embody special and unique qualities that become role models for us all. It's a privilege to call all of you our friends. Thank you so much for all that you do. Joey & Seema Loskove and Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO our Dear Friends Bernie & Melanie on a Well Deserved Honor Howard & Elayne Levkowitz and the Gang of Four Bronze MAZAL TOV to our Honorees, Melanie, Bernie, Jill, Noam and Linda Congratulations for this well-deserved recognition and thank you for all that you do for BRS and our community! The Haar Family Bronze To our dear friends Melanie & Bernie We are so proud of all that you do and all that you are. May you continue to have so much Nachas from Sarah, Isaac, Jordana and Josh. With much love and admiration, Steven, Marjorie, Sarah, Jacob, Rebecca & Rachel Kellner Bronze In honor of our close friends Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky We are blessed to have you as dear friends. Your commitment and dedication to Israel and the Jewish community at large is an inspiration to us all. We are very proud of you for all you have accomplished. May Hashem continue to give you the strength to carry on your important work. In honor of Noam & Jill Kaminetzky In recognition of your tireless devotion to the Boca Raton community. In honor of Linda Gordon You keep this community ticking like a priceless timepiece… and you always do it with a smile. MAZAL TOV TO ALL THE HONOREES Teddy & Linda Struhl & Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO OUR DEAR FRIENDS Melanie & Bernie on this well deserved honor. Your tireless devotion to important Jewish causes is an inspiration to us all. Congratulations to Noam & Jill, and Linda on being honored. Love, Yael & Steve Charlap Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES On this well deserved honor Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Linda Gordon We admire and respect your dedication to Boca Raton Synagogue. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire Jewish community. Robin & Warren Struhl Bronze MAZAL TOV TO our outstanding group of honorees. So well deserved! With respect, love and admiration, Amy & Allen Wolnerman Bronze MAZAL TOV TO our honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon May you continue to do great work for the community. Michael & Risa Zimmerman Bronze TO ALL THE HONOREES Mazal Tov for being wonderful role models to our community. And in memory of HELEN MELTZER Beloved mother of my very dear friend Penny Pearlman Hensha Gansbourg Bronze MAZAL TOV TO Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Kaminetsky Gordon We honor and cherish your incredible dedication, leadership, and love for BRS and for our entire Jewish Community. Debra, Larry, Douglas, Esther, Katie, and Scott Halperin Bronze To the Kaminetsky's (x2): thank you for all that you do for our community, our schools and shul. You are true examples of what it means to do chesed and random acts of kindness. To Linda: you are, simply put.....great! Thank you for all that you do in so many ways and thank you for keeping our rabbis safe. With Much Admiration, The Abadys Bronze To our dear friends, Melanie & Bernie, Congratulations on this well-deserved honor.You are an inspiration to your friends, family, and community. To Jill & Noam, Mazal Tov on receiving the Keter Shem Tov award. You are one of the finest people that we have come across and couldn't think of anyone more deserving. To Linda, Thank you for the many years of service at BRS. The ever-growing community wouldn't function so smoothly without you. Sincerely, Tony & Judy Gelbart & Family Bronze Wishing Bernie & Melanie Mazal tov on their well-deserved honor, Love from, The Krasna Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Bob & Penny Pearlman Bronze Bronze In Honor of Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Mazal Tov on this honor so well deserved. If ever there was a powerhouse couple you are it! Your leadership roles in the shul, our schools, and the Jewish community here and nationwide are truly exemplary. Your love and advocacy for Israel through your work for AIPAC and beyond is inspiring to us all. As for the jewels in your crown - Sarah and Isaac, Jordana, and Josh - we have literally watched them grow up to become amazing and accomplished adults in their own right. We couldn't be more proud. May Hashem continue to bless you with good health, nachas, and success. You are so much more than incredible friends to us - you are family. We feel blessed to have you in our lives. We love you!! May you go from strength to strength. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky and Linda Gordon Mazal Tov! Thank you so much for your tireless devotion, dedication, and commitment to BRS and our community. You are true role models. The Fisher Family Mark, Tilda, Jennifer & Yoel, Kevin, and Seth Bronze MAZAL TOV TO all the honorees this year! Bernie & Melanie, Your contributions to the BRS community and your commitment to AIPAC and Israel advocacy are a true inspiration to us. Noam & Jill, Your spirit and smiles always create a positive vibe wherever you go. Thank you for all that you do for our community. Linda, As we have gotten more and more involved with BRS, we quickly learned that everything at BRS goes through Linda! You are such a warm and special person and we are so grateful for all you do for BRS. Wishing all of you and your families good health, mazal, and bracha. With awe and much gratitude, Freyda & Donny Cohen Bronze How blessed we are to have such wonderful honorees in our midst . . . Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky, Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Linda Gordon They lead, they encourage, they support and they inspire us all. Helen & Mark Cohan Bronze Our Most Sincere MAZAL TOV TO ALL THE HONOREES Your dedication and unwavering commitment to our community is an inspiration for us all With Best Wishes Zorik, Ellen and Michelle Spektor, and David and Malky Spektor Bronze Bernie & Melanie Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor. Thank you for all that you do for BRS and the entire community! May you both be zoche to continue to do mitzvot for many years to come. Noam & Jill We are so lucky to have such wonderful role models and friends. You both exemplify what it means to be Ba'alei Chesed and are so deserving of this honor. We pray that you continue to be able to inspire us in good health for many years to come! Mazal Tov Linda Thank you for being the backbone of our shul. I personally want to thank you for all of your help, for being able to deal with the unexpected things that arise, and for being able to laugh with me! I cherish our friendship and can't thank you enough for all that you do for me and for the entire community! Meyer & Laura Cohen and Family PMA Bronze MAZAL TOV TO BRS ON THE OCCASION OF THE SHUL’S 25TH JOURNAL DINNER. Bernie & Melanie You are both pillars of commitment to our community and to Israel. Thank you for serving as wonderful role models. Noam & Jill Could there be a better choice for Keter Shem Tov awardees? You both truly exemplify middot of humility, kindness, generosity and good will for all. We are proud to be your friends. Dearest Linda We know that you are the force that enables our shul to be the best.You always have a polite smile and are ready to do anything and everything for everyone. We wish you and your family only good health always. We love you! Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberg and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moskowitz for your guidance and leadership. Drs. Eli & Orlie Cohen Jojo, Alexandra, Sarah and Gabriel Bronze !מזל טוב MAZAL TOV TO OUR HONOREES! Thank you for all your commitment and dedication! Much Appreciated Love, Lauren, Russel, Gabriel, Amy, Sam and Ruthie Glaun Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Ben & Hanna Henschel Bronze CONGRATULATIONS TO Bernie & Melanie and thank you for all you do for the State of Israel. Barry & Judy Silverman Bronze MAZAL TOV To all of the honorees. Thank you for your dedication to BRS. The Winograd Family Bronze To our well deserved honorees Melanie & Bernie, Your leadership and dedication to our community has left an immeasurable impact on us all.Your love and devotion to Israel and the Jewish people is inspiring and has brought so many to follow in your footsteps to get involved in Israel advocacy and support. On a personal note, we want to thank you for always being there for our family. We are so grateful for our relationship with you and your wonderful children. To our Keter Shem Tov honorees Jill & Noam, Your cheerful dispositions, positive outlooks and friendly natures have endeared you to so many.Your smiles brighten up a room and have brought such simcha to others.You are welcoming, thoughtful and such devoted friends.You are role models of how to remain strong and have deep emunah even during the most difficult of times. We are so fortunate to have you in our community and to share a close friendship with you. With much love, Rabbi Efrem and Yocheved Rachelli, Atara, Leora, Tamar, Estee, Temima and Shai Bronze To our dear Linda, There are not enough words to adequately describe what you mean to us. You are a staunch and steadfast supporter, our "right hand." You are a mentor and a trusted and loyal friend. You are our adopted mother/grandmother and we love you like family. You are there for us always and we hope you know that we are always here for you too. We don't know what we would do without your constant presence in our lives. You are kind, thoughtful, dedicated, protective, hard working, caring and loving. You make coming to work that much easier and better. Thank you for all that you do for us personally and for our community. BRS is so fortunate to have you on its team and the Goldberg family is too. With much love, Rabbi Efrem and Yocheved Rachelli, Atara, Leora, Tamar, Estee, Temima and Shai Bronze MAZAL TOV TO the Journal Honorees, Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, and the Keter Shem Tov Award Honorees, Noam & Jill Kaminetzky, and to Linda Gordon in honor of her 18 years of dedicated service to BRS. Drs. Charles & Simone Griff and Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Bernie & Melanie Your passion, devotion, and generosity in enhancing our community are apparent to all. You are truly an inspiration. Noam & Jill You personify “Emor Miat V’asei Harbei.” You live your life under the radar, and yet your commitment, dedication and hard work make you true role models. It is this humility that endears you to all. Linda Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.Your selflessness on behalf of BRS doesn’t go unnoticed. Hillel & Chayi Cohen Bronze MAZAL TOV TO our friends & neighbors, Bernie & Melanie and to Noam & Jill Kaminetzky & Linda Gordon on your well deserved honor David & Reena Makover Bronze MAZAL TOV TO Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Linda Gordon For this well deserved honor. Thank you for your involvement and commitment to the BRS community. With much appreciation Evy & Al Begas Bronze To Our Treasured Friends.... Melanie & Bernie, you truly deserve this honor. Giving to others is a natural part of both of you - in your friendships, shul and community, professional lives and, of course, in the volunteer work you are so dedicated to in supporting the State of Israel. We respect the values that you represent, and are proud and grateful to have you in our lives as our close friends. Together as a couple, and each individually, you are awesome role models to us. All Our Love, Esther, Ronnie, Michal, Ariella, Nava, Atara, Akiva and Orit Bronze Bronze MAZAL TOV AND BEST WISHES TO OUR HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky The BRS Men's Club Eric Pinkis and Joe Blumenthal Bronze MAZAL TOV!!! MAZAL TOV!!!! To this years honorees: Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Thank you all for all your hard work and dedication to the shul and our community. We very much appreciate everything you do! A very, very special thank you to Linda Gordon who is the most dedicated, loving, caring, hard working, and pleasent person anyone can ever want to be in their lives. We are thankful to Hashem that you are in ours. All our love and blessings Your Secret Admirers Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover Bronze Dear Bernie & Melanie You are tremendous leaders and personal role models to us. We are always overwhelmed by all you do for our Jewish community, both near and far. May you always continue to inspire us and so many others and may you go from strength to strength in all that you do on behalf of K'lal Yisrael. Dear Jill & Noam You have been dear friends since the first days we moved to the Circle. May you always continue to share your wonderful warmth and friendship with all who know you. It is truly people like you who make our community so special. We consider ourselves blessed to call you our friends. Dear Linda Thank you for all that you do to keep our Shul running so smoothly with such talent, love and care. We are all so lucky to have you! Love, Cara & Ben Freedman Sydney, Jacob & Rebecca Bronze TO THE HONOREES Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Linda Gordon We are privileged to have you in our community.Your leadership exemplifies the quote from Pirkei Avot 1:2, “ The world rests upon three things, Torah, avodah, and gemilut hasadim.” Mazal Tov on your well deserved honors. Shari & Moshe Hirth Bronze 'U%HUQLH0HODQLH.DPLQHWVN\ ,WLVVXFKDQKRQRUWRKDYH\RXVHUYHDVZRQGHUIXO UROHPRGHOVWRRXU6\QDJRJXHDQGWKHFRPPXQLW\ 1RDP-LOO.DPLQHW]N\ 0D]RO7RYIRUDOOWKDW\RXGRIRU%56 /LQGD*RUGRQ 2XUKHDUWIHOW*UDWLWXGHIRUDOORI\RXUKDUGZRUNDQGGHGLFDWLRQ 5RVD*OHQ*ROLVK dŚĞKŶůLJ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJŝŶ>ŝĨĞŝƐƚŚĞ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJ zŽƵƌĞĂƚĞĨŽƌzŽƵƌƐĞůĨ͕ 'ŽŽŶĨŝĚĞŶƚůLJŝŶƚŚĞŝƌĞĐƚŝŽŶ ŽĨzŽƵƌƌĞĂŵƐ͘ >ŝǀĞƚŚĞ>ŝĨĞzŽƵ͛ǀĞ/ŵĂŐŝŶĞĚ ǁŝƚŚƚŚĞ,ĞůƉŽĨ͗ ŽŶ͛ƚůĞƚƚŚĞŵǁĂůŬĂůŽŶĞ ^ƚĞƉƵƉĂŶĚ,>WŵĞĞƚƚŚĞ^K>/Z^ ŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞŶĞĞĚƐEKt ĂƌDŝƚnjǀĂŚΘĂƚDŝƚnjǀĂŚWƌŽũĞĐƚƐ Glen R. Golish, LUTCF, MDRT 561-869-4600 Soldier Care Packages Winter Wear & Water Backpacks Widows & Orphans Fund Academic Scholarships 561-869-4606 z Charitable Strategies z Investments z Estate Planning z Economic Strategies z Insurance dŚĞ,ĞůƉŝŶŐ/ƐƌĂĞů&ƵŶĚŝƐĂϱϬϭ;ͿϯƉƵďůŝĐĐŚĂƌŝƚLJǁŝƚŚƚŚĞ ƐŽůĞƉƵƌƉŽƐĞŽĨƌĂŝƐŝŶŐĨƵŶĚƐĨŽƌ/ƐƌĂĞůΘƚŚĞ/ƐƌĂĞůĞĨĞŶƐĞ &ŽƌĐĞƐ͘ Bronze Bronze MAZAL TOV TO OUR HONOREES Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon With special blessings to all from Hashem for compounding your myriad of mitzvos to our beloved BRS. Elaine Trachtenberg Howard Trachtenberg z’l Andrea & Alan Lieberman Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES! A special Mazal Tov to Noam & Jill Kaminetzky, and Linda Gordon Your devotion and the dedication to chessed, tzedakah, love and support for your community and for Israel is an inspiration to all. May you continue to be role models for us and our children and may hashem continue to bless you with good health for many years to come. Thank you for your hard work! Sincerely, Leor, Gabriela, David, Doronit, Merav, Efraim & Rafael Skoczylas Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Nachman & Jamie Feig Bronze Congratulations to Boca Raton Synagogue on your 25th Annual Journal Dinner. May you continue to celebrate great successes as a community. Rich King and RCI Controls Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Anonymous Bronze MDVIP proudly recognizes Journal Honorees Dr. Bernie Kaminetsky & Mrs. Melanie Kaminetsky as role models for their ongoing dedication and contributions to the Boca Raton Synagogue community. MDVIP is a personalized, preventive healthcare program that empowers people to lead the healthiest lives possible. Visit or call 866.696.3847. Bronze MAZAL TOV A special Yasher Koach To Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thank You For your weekly inspirational Torah classes your talmidim From Congregation Torah Ohr Century Village Boca Raton Benny & Bella Benjamin Meyer Berkowitz Marvin & Pearl Blush Robert & Paula Bromberg David & Harriet Bryk Irving & Bunny Cherson Gedalia & Linda Cohen Pinny & Ann Davidman Rabbi Henry & Rochelle Dicker David & Deborah Farber Fred & Tzivie Fisch Joel & Sally Flamholz Rita Geller Avi & Ruth Gilad Shmuel & Tzippy Goldstein Arthur & Edith Hirshon Mendy & Sally Klein Maurice & Eve Kofman Terry & Helene Korn Robert & Nina Levine Jesse & Sara Maryles Honey Myers Herman & Linda Neuman Marilyn Roth Michael & Madelyn Schiffer Harriet Schneier Gary & Marcia Schrager Chaim & Sheryl Slomnicki Larry & Arleen Soberman Bernie & Cecille Strauch Joseph & Arlene Strauss Rabbi Sheldon & July Thall Maurice & Susan Wieder Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Bronze Congratulations to the honorees, Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, Jill & Noam Kamintezky, and Linda Gordon and thank you for all that you have done for our community. Thank you to RABBI MORDECHAI and HADASSAH SMOLARCIK for your leadership and friendship. Our shul and our family have flourished in your loving and capable hands. We are so grateful for all that you have done to inspire, to guide, and to care for us. With deep appreciation, Sara Goldberg and Daniel Rosenthal & Family Bronze Congratulations to the honorees, Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, Jill & Noam Kamintezky, and Linda Gordon Family Owned & Operated Residential – Commercial Service – Installation - Repair x x x x x Air Conditioning Electric & Pool Heat Pumps New! Gas Pool Heaters UV Air Systems Air Filters - 24-Hour Emergency Service - Free Service Call w/Repair - Yearly Maintenance - Extended Warranties - Preferred Customer Program tĞ<ĞĞƉzŽƵŽŽůΘ,ĞĂƚzŽƵƌWŽŽů 561-482-7495 State Licensed & Insured #CAC 029354 Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Rachel & Chanoch Harow Bronze Now there’s a complete solution to delivering high-value IT support in a timely and professional way Recommend & Report Quotation Implementation Audit & Assessment Initial Consultation Start Saving Money • Business Continuity • Network Security Assessment • Managed Services • Online Managed Back Up • Managed Print Services • HelpDesk Post Implementation Support A process that WORKS FOR YOU • Document Management • Document Imaging • Migrations and Upgrades • Email Archiving • Virtualization • Cloud Services • Phone: 954.717.1990 • E-mail: Bronze PHOTOREALISM.COM Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Harold & Donna Richter Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern Bronze To the Kaminets(z)ky families, who do so much for our synagogue and our Jewish community here and internationally- both behind the scenes and by their obvious front line leadership you are most deserving of our praise and adulation. A big Mazal Tov! Fondly, Dana & Barry Schechter and Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS BRS Sisterhood Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Bronze A (fully paid) Tribute to our Dinner Honorees Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon The Officers & Board of Directors Jeffrey Baum Avraham Belizon, MD Alan Berger Jonathan Charm Donny Cohen Arye Corbett Reuven Elmakies Cara Freedman Michael Frenkel Glen Golish Rachel Harow | Sisterhood Jonathan Hollander Shimmie Kaminetsky Jerry Kaminetzky Aaron Kaweblum, MD David Kay, MD Gary Krasna Roger Kurland | BRS West Deena Lurie Lynn H. Pariser Eric Pinkis | Men’s Club Rachel Rudensky Annette Shachter Joe Sharp Stuart Silverman Ross Sommers, MD | BRS West Ellen Spektor Gil Stein Gila Stern Mitchell Stiel Teddy Struhl Hommy Tannenbaum Matthew Weisbaum David Wolgin PhD. Michael Zimmerman Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Brian, Sharon, Aaron, Ben, Evan, and Alex Ferber Bronze Bernie & Melanie, neighbors, friends, and AIPAC partners.You two are a powerhouse couple, pillars of not only our BRS community, but in your family and the Jewish world at large. Only the best to you both for continued health, wealth, prosperity and happiness. Jill & Noam, you both do so much for our shul and community. But my shout out to you Jill is how your my secret (and I imagine, everyone elses!) at Hillel. If I can’t find my kids ss #, or my texts to you, “is there school today”? , I know Jill you are always ready, willing and able to be a help to me.You’re terrific! Linda, as they say, “ look behind the leader to see his greatness”. From your power desk, you manage Rabbi Goldberg with grace, professionalism and courtesy. We would all not be the same at BRS without you. Lisa Kaufman-Bensmihen WŚŽŶĞ͗;ϱϲϭͿϵϴϵͲϬϰϰϭ x Home Health Aides x Registered Nurses x Physical Therapy x Occupational Therapy x Speech Therapy x Medical Social Worker Your Home Care Expert since 1998 Bronze Esteemed Honorees Whether you spell it with an "s" or with a "z," your contributions to the shul mean much to me (anyway, I'm Hungarian so we like to use an "sz"). Actually I prefer spelling "Gordon" since I have half a chance of success. As usual the women outnumber the men as do their actions on all of our behalf. May you continue to go from strength to strength! Yaakov Kronfeld Bronze 7158 N. Beracasa Way • Boca Raton FL 33433 561-750-0088 Boca Pita Express, or widely known as "BPX", has been recognized as one of the area's top kosher establishments, well known for the quality and variety of favorites such as Sushi, Chinese, Israeli and more. Our services include: dinning in our convenient central Boca Raton location or take out - with individual meals or party size trays. We are also very experienced with catering for any occasion of any size - from a kiddush, Bris or house party to a fancy wedding or Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. One of our most celebrated specialties is holiday take-out orders. Please take the time to check our different menus. Glatt Kosher Under ORB Supervision MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon May you go from strength to strength. Eli & Shula Amsalem KING DAVID CATERING K AT Brisim • Bar Mitzvahs • Weddings • Dinners Any Simcha • Any Occasion We will cater at your location of choice 561-282-7985 Glatt Kosher Under ORB Supervision Call for an appointment Bronze MAZAL TOV TO Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Your dedication to BRS and tireless efforts are an inspiration to us all. The Shabbat Morning Haftorah Group Bronze We honor and pay tribute to Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon For their significant contribution and meaningful devotion to BRS and the community -Mazal Tov and Best wishes, Basheva & Murray Goldberg Bronze MAZAL TOV TO OUR DEAR FRIENDS Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky Your loyalty, dedication and devotion to Klal Yisrael has inspired us all. M ay Hashem grant you continued health, happiness and strength to do all the wonderful work you do. MAZAL TOV TO Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Thank you for your selfless devotion to our community. With love and admiration, Elise & Bob Dolgow and Family Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky Bronze 17950 Military Trail. Boca Raton, Fl 33496 Ph: (954) 551-0075 Fax: (561) 353-0902 %RFD5DWRQ.RVKHU&DWHUHUVIRU6RXWK)ORULGD¶V0RVW([TXLVLWH3DUWLHV x x x x x x x x (OHJDQW(YHQWV :HGGLQJV &RFNWDLO3DUWLHV %DWDQG%DU0LW]YDK &RUSRUDWH(QWHUWDLQPHQW )XQGUDLVLQJ*DODV &RPSOHWH3DUW\3ODQQLQJ6HUYLFH )XOO6HUYLFH.RVKHUIRUGLVFULPLQDWLQJWDVWHV &(.&DWHUHUVEULQJVWKHSDUW\WRYHQXHVWKURXJKRXW6RXWK)ORULGD XQGHU25%VXSHUYLVLRQ :KHWKHULW VD:HGGLQJRU*DOD)XQGUDLVHUIRURUDQLQWLPDWHGLQQHUSDUW\IRUIDPLO\DQG IULHQGVRXUFKHIDQGSDUW\SODQQHUVZRUNWRHQVXUHWKDWQRGHWDLOLVRYHUORRNHG &DOOXVWRGD\WRGLVFXVV\RXUXSFRPLQJHYHQW:HFDWHUWR\RX Bronze On behalf of the Sephardic Minyan of Boca Raton Synagogue we would like to offer our heartfelt expression of Mazal Tov to this year’s honorees Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky And to the recipients of the Keter Shem Tov Award Noam & Jill Kaminetzky As well as a particular hazakah u-berukhah tehiyi to Linda Gordon, who works so tirelessly on behalf of our minyan and the entire shul. May Hashem shower you all with berakhah and hatzlahah in all that you do. ¥¢ ¥¥¢ §¤¥³ Bronze MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon LANDSCAPER AVAILABLE • Lawn Maintenance • Landscaping • Clean-Up • Tree Service • Hurricane Prep • Sprinkler Repair • Sod Installation • Mulch • Walks & Patios • Flower Beds • Shrub Designs • And so much more! Many recommendations available from people living on the Circle CALL VAZQUEZ & SONS (561) 255-0091 Bronze In honor of our cherished family Sarah and Isaac, Jordana and Josh We could not be prouder of our children if we tried. You are fine, caring, thoughtful young people, who have already taken positions of leadership within the Jewish world. Remember…you are the product of this special community ~ it takes a village. Mom, Mira and Mich You are my foundation and very beloved. Thank you so much for being here tonight, and celebrating with us ~ it wouldn’t be a party with you! Saba & Jackie You met each other at BRS 15 years ago ~ so this is a special celebration for you. We’re so glad that we spend so many of life’s festivities together. In Memory of Melanie’s father, Mietek Renchner, who was liberated from Bergen Belsen. We can’t help but feel that he is so proud of the communal work we are able to do on behalf of the Jewish People. Bernie & Melanie (Dad/Tots & Mom/Ma) To my fellow honorees, Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky What a privilege for me to be honored with you! To the BRS Community, thank you for your kindness and caring throughout the years! To Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz, Rabbi Broide, Matthew, Kerry, Jamie, and Amy, thank you for filling each day with joy! To my beloved husband, Harvey, thank you for your love and support!! Love to all, Linda MAZAL TOV AND BEST WISHES TO Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky On your well-deserved honors. AND To my amazing wife, Linda. I am so proud of you. You fill our home and my life with so much joy. Your love and devotion is limitless. With lots of love, Harvey The most amazing family; we’re happy to call you friends. Rona & Steve Geller Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Your devotion to the state of Israel is magnificent! Jeannette & Fred Bogart MAZAL TOV on this well-deserved honor. May you continue to inspire us with your dedication and devotion to Klal Yisrael Sheryl & Aaron Liberman Deena & Harvey Wrubel MAZAL TOV Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Love, Judy & Sidney Swartz DĂnjĂůdŽǀ:ŝůůĂŶĚEŽĂŵ͊ /ĨƚŚĞĐƌŽǁŶĨŝƚƐ͕ǁĞĂƌŝƚ͘ >ŽǀĞ͕ ĂĚĂŶĚ:ŽůĂŶƚĂ "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader"- John Quincy Adams 0D]DO7RYWRRXU3DUHQWV 0HODQLH%HUQLH 2QWKLVZHOOGHVHUYHGKRQRU 7KDQN\RXIRUHYHU\WKLQJ\RXKDYHGRQHWRFUHDWHWKLV EHDXWLIXO%56FRPPXQLW\WKDWZLOODOZD\VIHHOOLNHKRPH WRXV <RXKDYHOHGE\H[DPSOHDQG\RXKDYHLQVWLOOHGLQXVWKH LPSRUWDQFHRIOHDGHUVKLSSDVVLRQDQGRXUFRPPLWPHQWWR Klal Yisrael :HDUHVROXFN\WRKDYH\RXDVRXUUROHPRGHOV :HDUHVRSURXGRI\RX :HORYH\RX <RXUFKLOGUHQ 6DUDK,VDDF-RUGDQD-RVK To our wonderful honorees: Thank you for all you do for our Shul and community With heartfelt thanks, David & Maxine Wolgin Dear Linda, Mazal Tov on this most deserving recognition for the incredible efforts, dedication and tzeduka and chesed that you do for our shul and community with grace and style and always a smile. May you be granted many long years to continue the work you do and for being the friend you are. Yehuda & Michal Marcus *************************************** We would also like to wish a Mazal Tov to Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky and Noam & Jill Kaminetzky for your most deserving awards. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your involvement in worthwhile causes and may you be blessed with all the Brachos you have so richly earned. Yehuda & Michal Marcus Yasher Koach to our good friends and neighbors Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky At 14 Rechov Disraeli, Jerusalem, Israel On this well deserved honor. Shnear Z. (Zalli) Jaffee Karen & Joseph Rafalowicz Marilyn & Stephen White We congratulate Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky On their well-deserved honor and we are proud to support Boca Raton Synagogue Mazal Tov, Debra & Seth Finkel MAZAL TOV ON this well deserved honor. We are so proud of you, for your accomplishments and dedication to your community, for your generosity and devotion to family and friends, for all your successful endeavors. You are an inspiration to us all. We are blessed to be your family. Love always, Mom, Mort, Mich BA, Rachel, Adam, Mira, Mark, Julia MAZAL TOV Bernie & Melanie On this well-deserved honor. Your efforts on behalf of BRS and so many worthy institutions are extraordinary. May Hashem grant you many years of good health and success to continue serving Am Yisrael. We are proud to be your cousins and family. With much love and pride, Roberta & Fred Braff Faygie & Howard Goldstein Aunt Anita Kaminetsky Beth & Shimmie Kaminetsky Elisheva & Yisroel Kaminetsky Jackie & Julius Kaminetsky Simon Kaminetsky Sury & Rabbi Dovid Kaminetsky Linda & Teddy Lauer Bracha & Yisroel Leifer Simie & Shulkey Lichtenstein Chani & Dovid Moss Phyllis & Gedaliah Reiss Judy & Mike Sigal and Family Leonard Sigal and Family Nechama & Rabbi Mayer Steinhardt Sandy & Moish Trencher and family Faige & Eliezer Tribuch Sandy & Dr. Joseph Waldman IN HONOR OF Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky For your tireless devotion to Boca Raton Synagogue and Klal Yisroel. Your leadership inspires us all -May you both continue to go from strength to strength!! Barbara Kohn Bernie & Melanie Your deep devotion to the Jewish community in Boca and Israel is something we can all aspire to. Noam & Jill Thank you to your commitment and leadership to everything in our community. On a daily basis you show us all how to be better parents, leaders, and friends. Linda Your attention to detail, commitment to the community and respect for everyone who walks through the shul doors is truly admirable. Thank you for everything you do. Gil & Lysee Stein ʣ§ʡ + = “There are three crowns: the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the crown of royalty, but the crown of a good name is above them all.” (Pirkei Avot 4:13) Mazal tov to our Keter Shem Tov Award Honorees—NŽĂŵΘ:ŝůů<ĂŵŝŶĞƚnjŬLJ! The Boca Raton Synagogue is lucky to have a couple who wears so many different hats (crowns) as they give back to their community in countless ways. May you continue to enjoy health and happiness for years to come! Mazal tov also to Melanie and Bernie Kaminetsky and Linda Gordon on their well-deserved honors! Love, Anonymous Naomi & Jeff Gross Ranana & David Berger Denise & Josh Herschberg Ira & Gur Berman Aliza & Jonathan Hollander Andrea & Ari Bernstein Amy & Benjy Horowitz Chari & Jay Bernten Risa & Levi Kahane Jordana & Rotem Carmel Melissa & Jay Keehn Elise & Eyal Cohen Deena & Jeremy Lurie Naomi & Todd Cohn Racheli & Shmulie Pineles Michele & Chayim Dimont Suzanne Rice Shira & Adam Englander Shira & Joe Sharp Meira & Raphael Gross Andrea & Nathan Zucker We salute Matthew Hocherman! Who managed to pull off this magnificent evening and successful fundraiser, while simultaneously increasing his family by 70%! Matthew, thank you for your endless patience, optimism, and effectiveness. Working with you has been the highlight of this endeavor! Bernie & Melanie To Bernie & Melanie, in addition to being such strong pillars of our community and in addition to all of your tireless efforts of behalf of our Shul over the years, you have opened our eyes to the importance and significance of Israel activism and support for AIPAC and have ensured that our community remains engaged and educated. Thank you for all that you have done and do for all of us. To Noam & Jill, you are both such wonderful friends, whose warmth, authenticity and contagious cheerfulness make you so lovable. You are always looking to help others, make us smile or laugh, or get involved to make our shul and community better. Mazal Tov on this exciting and well deserved honor. To Linda, the Shul simply would not function without the love, commitment and devotion that you bring to it. We learn from you every day about the importance of conducting oneself with kindness, sensitivity, strength and optimism. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all that you do for us personally, for the shul, and for our community. We wish all of the honorees continued good health and bracha. Rabbi Philip & Arielle Moskowitz We are only starting to meet everybody, but already realize and recognize the efforts of so many who make this community so wonderful. We are sincerely grateful to everybody who has made our new home feel so warm and welcoming. From the shul staff, to our neighbors, to those whom we continue to meet for the very first time on Shabbatot, we thank you all for making this significant transition for our family so smooth and amazing. We look forward to getting to know Bernie and Melanie and Noam and Jill and seeing firsthand all of the amazing things we’ve heard about them. Mazal tov on a much deserved honor and thank you for all that you have done to make our community such an amazing place to live, work, and just be. A particular thank you to Linda, whom both David and Yosef Chaim get to work with daily, who makes her office open to everybody and makes so much of what happens seem so easy. We look forward to many more years of working together. To everyone who makes Boca Raton Synagogue so much more than just a shul, a place to daven, or just a nice place to learn Torah, but a real vibrant community that we are proud to be part of - thank you. Monica & David Gavriel, Elyada, Eliyahu, Rivkah, Yosef Chaim, and Aharon Shabtai Congratulations to all of tonight's honorees on this well-deserved honor. Mazal Tov and best wishes to Linda Gordon whose dedication, devotion, and commitment is an inspiration to us all. May you be blessed with good health & much happiness. With much admiration, Michael & Esty Lupin MELANIE & BERNIE KAMINETSKY YO U R C O M M I TM E N T TO T H E B O C A R ATO N SYNAGOGUE AND YOUR DEVOTION TO T H E U. S . - I S R A E L R E L AT I O N S H I P H A S B E E N I N VA L U A B L E A N D E X E M P L A RY. WE ARE E X T R E M E LY G R AT E F U L F O R YO U R Y E A R S O F D E D I C AT E D L E A D E R S H I P A N D U N WAV E R I N G SUPPORT OF AIPAC. A I P A C JILL & NOAM KAMINETZKY A P P L A U D S & LINDA GORDON O N TH EI R CO NTI N U ED SU P P O RT FO R TH E P R O - I S R A E L C O M M U N I T Y. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee t Friends of the Israel Defense Forces honors The Boca Raton Synagogue Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Linda Gordon Noam & Jill Kaminetsky For their steadfast support of our brave soldiers of the IDF under the leadership of Rabbi Efrem Goldberg May you go from strength to strength. Sam Moshe, President Palm Beach/Broward Region Sherri Siskin, Exec. Director Palm Beach/Broward Region Mazel Tov to our friends and partners Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Rabbi Philip Moskowitz as Boca Raton Synagogue celebrates their 25th Anniversary Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Journal Honorees Noam and Jill Kaminetzky Keter Shem Tov Award Recipients Linda Gordon In honor of her 18 years of dedicated service to BRS Albert W. Gortz Chair of the Board Matthew C. Levin President & CEO IMPACT TODAY. IMAGINE TOMORROW. Dear Linda, Words cannot truly express the gratitude all of us have, as part of the Tehillim Circle, for your selfless comittment to helping us publish the Tehillim Newsletter these last 18 years. You do it with love and dedication. Thank you from not only all of us, but from all the Cholim who we were inspired to recite Tehillim for. May Hashem bless you to continue for many years to come. Love, Yocheved Hande Founder of the Tehillim Circle 1997 and all our wonderful members!! Avigail Alpern Carol Kahn Irene Berger Michal Marcus Sara Brudnoy Penny Pearlman Rhona Cohen Beth Plotkin Jean Cohen Georgina Rice Rochelle Ettedgui Rita Rubin Mimi Furst Chani Salamon Gila Griner Pamela Silverman Yocheved Hande Rosalie Somsky Carol Hordish Dr. Amy Wolnerman Carolynn Jarashow Dori Zaghi Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla Joins in wishing a hearty Mazel Tov To This evening’s Honorees On their well-deserved honor Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Keter Shem Tov Award Honorees And Linda Gordon in honor of 18 years of Dedicated Service to BRS. Rabbi Yaakov Gibber Dr. Jacob Elefant, President « The Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty and Staff of Hillel Day School of Boca Raton Congratulate Boca Raton Synagogue on their 25th Annual Journal Dinner MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, Journal Honorees (...and past Hillel parents) Thank you for your continued support of Torah learning and Jewish Education. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky, Keter Shem Tov Award (...and current Hillel parents) You both set a genuine example for our children, and the entire community and are ultimate examples of Torah role models. Linda Gordon Thank you for 18 years of dedicated service. to BRS and the community. Rabbi Adam Englander, M.S. Ed. Head of School Daniel J. Katz President Sharona Kay, M.A. Ed. PTA President 21011 95th Avenue South, Boca Raton, FL 33428 3KRQH)D[ ZZZKLOOHOGD\VFKRRORUJKGVFRQWDFW#KLOOHOGD\VFKRRORUJ Torah Academy of Boca Raton is honored to recognize the outstanding efforts and accomplishments of Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and the Boca Raton Synagogue on the celebration of their 25th Annual Journal Dinner. Mazel Tov to Boca Raton Synagogue’s Journal Honorees: Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Rabbi Shaya Baumann Dean Rabbi Reuven Feinberg Dean Dr. Allan Jacob President IN HONOR OF Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon Your service oor our community through Boca Raton Synagogue makes us all stronger. SPECIAL THANKS & BEST WISHES TO Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg & Rabbi Philip & Arielle Moskowitz For all you do for Torah’s cause. The Young Israel Of Boca Raton Community Rabbi Eliyahu & Ruth Rabovsky Ira Plitt President Mazal Tov to the honorees! Shuls just can’t run without wonderful couples as yourselves! Linda Gordon, 18 years of dedicated service, what an accomplishment! BRS is lucky to have you all. Rabbi Edward Davis Morah D’Atra Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Associate Rabbi Stephen Kurtz President MAZAL TOV TO Linda Gordon We celebrate your 18 years of service to BRS. Your dedication to the Shul is incredible. We appreciate your compassion, patience, and great sense of humor. You are an amazing role model! Love from your office “kiddies,” Kerry, Amy and Jamie The world depends on three things: The study of Torah, the service of God, and acts of kind deeds. MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD £¤¦¤ Matthew J. Hocherman Executive Director, for your tireless efforts in making this night so successful.Your limitless perseverance, dedication, and commitment to Boca Raton Synagogue inspires us all and we truly appreciate everything you do for us and the BRS community. Linda Gordon, Kerry Purcell, Amy Downs & Jamie Lebersfeld ¦¡¥¤Ń To the dedicated office staff of Boca Raton Synagogue Linda Gordon, Kerry Purcell, Amy Downs & Jamie Lebersfeld And to the hard working custodial staff Theo Henry, Junior Desouza, & Clifford Samuels It is you who truly keep our Synagogue and community functional and strong. Your contributions and devotion touch us all and we truly appreciate you for it. Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Rabbi Josh Broide, Dr. David Wolgin, Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Matthew Hocherman, Executive Board & Board of Directors IN HONOR OF THE BRS Adult Education Teaching Faculty Thank you all for your time and dedication in making our Adult Ed Program excellent and dynamic. • Daf Yomi instructors: Rabbi Ben Sugerman, Stuart Silverman, Asher Essebag and the teachers of the nighttime Daf • Mrs. Malka Morris for her Tanach class • Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovici for his Advanced Chaburot • Rabanit Avigail Rock for her Women’s Tanach class • Mrs. Rina Lanner & Mrs. Michal Schochet for the Bat Mitzvah Program • Rabbi Matan Wexler for leading JuCo Shabbat mornings and for teaching Wednesday nights. • Rabbi Yosef Kassorla for his People of the Book classes • The Women’s Rosh Chodesh Lecture speakers • The Shabbat Afternoon Women’s Class presenters • Mrs. Fay Greene for her monthly women’s learning group • Mrs. Shoshana Deakter for her Kabbalah Class • The Weekly Mussar Schmooze presenters • Rabbi Shaul Opoczynski for his Wednesday night Chaburot • Rabbi Yigal Abramchik for his Monday Men’s Kollel Shiur • Mrs. Hassia Yehuda for her weekly Hebrew Poetry Class With Grateful Thanks, BRS Rabbinate & BRS Members In loving memory of the esteemed members of our Community that we lost during this past year… Sima Rubin Rabbi Meyer Strassfeld Hanna Wagner Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Wally Pruzansky Rabbi Shmuel Jarashow Jack Heifetz Bob Silver Joe Weiss Their absence has created a void that is felt regularly by all. May their souls be bound in the bonds of life. In honor of Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, Linda Gordon Noam & Jill Kaminetzky For your dedication and tireless efforts On behalf of BRS and the greater Boca Community Bennett & Chani Salamon and Family MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS ROBERT J. MCCLERNON C.P.A. TEL 954-563-9004 3215 NW 10th Terrace #205 FAX 954-563-9006 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 EMAIL To Our Friends Bernie & Melanie Linda Noam & Jill We are so proud of you. May you go from strength to strength. MAZAL TOV Lisa & Roger Gladstone CONGRATULATIONS TO Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky For this well-deserved honor. Dr. Jack & Jolene Sutton MAZAL TOV TO HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Thank you for your dedication to our shul, our community and the State of Israel. Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Thank you for your tireless commitment to BRS and for the smiles you always have on your faces. With much appreciation to Linda Gordon You do it all and we can always count on you!! David & Marissa Levenson & Family MAZAL TOV and especially thanks to all the honorees Bonnie & Neal Weinreb Three of our greatest passions are: 1. Support of the State of Israel and world Jewry, 2. Preservation of our glorious tradition through Jewish education, 3. Devotion to Hashem, His Torah and His people through Synagogue involvement. So it is that we are contributors to AIPAC and Federation, delight in our delicious grandchildren’s being students at Hillel Day School, and affiliate with a dynamic synagogue, BRS. Our honorees fervently represent each one of these ideals. Would that each one of us learn from their sacrifice, selflessness and dedication. Mazal Tov and L’Chaim!!! Rabbi Simcha and Anna Freedman To our dear friends and machatunim Melanie & Bernie, Such a well-deserving couple, We wish you a hearfelt Mazal Tov! And our best wishes to all the honorees Murray & Lorie Jonas IN TRIBUTE TO ALL THE HONOREES CONGRATULATIONS From Baruch Handler Dear Melanie & Bernie, You are an inspiration to your family, community and Israel! We are proud of your great accomplishments and and admire all you do! MAZAL TOV! Love y'all, Debbie & Sheldon Bootin MAZAL TOV TO all of this year’s deserving honorees Thank you for your time and effort that help make BRS what it is Chava & Ashi Weisstuch In Honor of This Year’s Honorees Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky | Noam & Jill Kaminetzky | Linda Gordon & In Appreciation of Our Outreach Partnership with Boca Raton Synagogue The Board & Staff of Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services For Over 35 Years JFS Has Been Here For You 561.852.3333 | | Food & Financial Assistance | Counseling & Mental Health | Senior Services Career & Employment Services | Volunteer Opportunities Jill & Noam Congratulations on this most deserved honor. You should be proud of all that you do for your community and for the example that you are setting for your children. Love Leslie & Joshua Wanderer Rochelle & Richard Senior Top 10 Reasons Jill & Noam Kaminetzky Are Being Honored at the BRS Dinner: 10. Their last name. (Duh!) 9. Noam’s entertaining us with his newfound talent—walking. (Maybe back surgery was a good idea.) 8. Their love for mini hot dogs. (Note of Caution: Stay far, far away during the smorg.) 7. Jill’s sweet-natured personality. (Usually you have to be super nice to be honored. One out of two ain’t bad.) 6. Noam needed another reason to don his inflatable ballerina costume. (So that’s what “cocktail attire” meant.) 5. They have amazing friends who understand the importance of a funny ad-especially crucial during speech time. (Just a little shout-out to their peeps!) 4. Rabbi Englander finally gave Jill the night off. (Hey, Rabbi, how about easing up a little?! Hillel CAN survive without Jill for 1 night!) 3. Noam will be forced to keep his phone in his pocket for a full hour and a half during speeches. (Now you know what that twitching is.) 2. All other nominees stayed home to watch NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship (aka catch up on last week’s episodes of “Dancing with the Stars”). 1. Noam and Jill are an exceptional couple who drop everything to devote themselves to the community, making BRS the amazingly warm place it is today! MAZAL TOV ON THIS HONOR, JILL & NOAM! And to ALL the honorees, Melanie and Bernie Kaminetsky (the “other” Kaminetsky), and Linda Gordon: this shul would definitely NOT be the same without your contributions and love for our community! Love, Michele & Chayim Dimont Rochelle Dimont Errol Berman In Honor of Melanie & Bernie What do you get when a Yeshiva Dov Revel graduate marries the maker of the delectable “Molasses Glazed Pecan Scone”? Best Couple Ever! With love from your Hollywood Friends, Monica & David Genet & Lisa and Phil Baratz Mazal Tov to Melanie & Bernie on this well deserved honor AT The Aubrey Family MAZAL TOV TO ALL OF THE HONOREES Aviva Klein and Erik Cooper MAZAL TOV Melanie & Bernie on this well deserved honor. Your commitment & dedication to our community is admirable. Yasher Koach to Noam & Jill for your Keter Shem Tov award! Thank you Linda for your many years of loyalty & devotion to our Shul. -å%å`å4 Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Keter Shem Tov Award What a perfect award to a couple who personify the crown of a good name!! Gabbi and Ba’al Tefila Administrative Assistant to the Head of Hillel Day School Chevra Kadisha members Welcome everyone with a smile as a personal outreach project Teach your children by example to be respectful and considerate of others Provide Shabbat/Yom Tom home hospitality for young and old alike Visit the sick and provide for their meals Prepare meals and bake challah for various life cycle events Deal with major health issues in a remarkably positive way Establish a set time for chavruta learning. You are devoted to family and are role models for all of us to emulate. We are thankful to Hashem for the opportunity to participate in this wonderful tribute, and to tell you how proud we are of your achievements. Mom (Gigi), Dad (Jerry), Rivka, Shimon, Anna, Rachel, Jessica, Ariel, Noa, Sam, Daniella, Yonina, Eitan MAZAL TOV TO BERNIE & MELANIE KAMINETSKY, JOURNAL HONOREES AND LINDA GORDON ON SERVING BRS FOR 18 YEARS MAZAL TOV Bernie & Melanie on this wonderful occasion. Much Love, John Wagner & Julie Budd MAZAL TOV TO ALL OF THE HONOREES for their devoted efforts to our synagogue, the Boca Raton Synagogue Sheryl & Bob Strauss Faye & Murray Eisenberg Fay & Joel Greene Harriet & Barney Yukolis Lowell Rabinowitz Ceil & David Neuman Rabbi Shmuel & Miriam Fox Peggy & Phil Zimmerman Shaynee & Danny Hiller Beverly & Syd Olesky Fran & Chick Band Dr. Saul & Carol Kahn Joyce & David Lederstein Rabbi Dr. Ed & Doris Kurtzer Shaynee & Lou Miller Syd & Hommy Tannenbaum To Melanie & Bernie, We are so Grateful to HaShem that you are in our lives. You are Terrific Supporters of Everything that is Important and Good, Great Community Builders, Wonderful Americans and Zionists, And Most Importantly to Us-- Fantastic Friends May You Continue to Go From Strength to Strength, Buddy & Sarah Best Wishes to Melanie & Bernie On this well deserved recognition. May you be blessed with continued success in all you endeavors on behalf of BRS, Israel & the Greater Jewish Community Sandy & Bruce Lilker IN HONOR OF Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thank you for your dedication to the Tuesday Morning Parsha Class. You inspire us every week with your incredible teaching. Bill & Toby Albert Zev & Essie Bari Jan & Richard Berg Rabbi Samuel & Miriam Fox Harvey Gordon Rabbi Edward & Doris Kurtzer Lou & Shaynee Miller Jack & Renee Nussbaum Sholom & Ila Shafner Gerald & Frances Sigal Joseph & Sandra Waldman Phil & Peggy Zimmerman The Boca Raton Community Mikvah wishes to extend a MAZAL TOV TO THIS YEARS HONOREES The Mikvah Board MAZAL TOV TO all the honorees on this well deserved honor and our friend Jill! Thanks for all you do for us! From, The Carmels, Dailys, Grajowers, Kaners, Kassorlas, Lanners, Ohayons, Tinios, Vines and Wexlers. MAZAL TOV TO our dear friends Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky and to the other nominees as well on this wonderful tribute. Robin & David Samot In recognition of your dedicated service to BRS and the Jewish community MAZAL TOV Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon May you go from strength to strength Fondly, Diane & Jeff Aiken and Family MAZAL TOV AND BEST WISHES To Noam & Jill Bernie & Melanie Linda Gordon For their dedicated service To BRS and to the Montoya community And For their always welcoming greetings. Lou & Lee Benjamin MAZAL TOV TO Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon for your outstanding dedication and passion for Israel and to our Jewish community. Lee Lebovich Director, South Palm Beach Jewish National Fund (561) 447-9733 • To My Favorite Morning Gabbi Noam Kaminetzky Yasher Koach! Howard Barbanel MAZAL TOV TO our outstanding honorees. Your service to our synagogue and community has been an example to us all. MAZAL TOV TO Bernie & Melanie On your devotion, spirit and dedication to Preserving our Jewish legacy. Linda, thank you for 24 years of continued friendship and love, Lorys Love, Sara & Martin Schandelson Bonnie & Matthew Siegel Centrix Mortgage Lorys & Mitchell Stiel Eleanor Ager Realty :HFRQJUDWXODWHWKLV\HDU VKRQRUHHV 'U%HUQLH0HODQLH.DPLQHWVN\ 1RDP-LOO.DPLQHW]N\ /LQGD*RUGRQ MAZAL TOV TO Jill & Noam on a well-deserved honor Genia & Lee Rachel, Alan, Chani and Reuben Sharon, Avi, Sara, Ilana, Josh and Jonah Miriam, David, Hannah, Mikey, Joe, Jakey and Emmy Esti & Mark © Copyright . CBIZ, Inc. and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. All rights reserved. Love From $FFRXQWLQJɿ7D[ɿ$GYLVRU\ɿ$XGLW$WWHVW )DPLO\2IILFHɿ7HFKQRORJ\&RQVXOWLQJ &%,=0+0//& 0DUF+/LVW-'&3$3)6 -HUU\/HZLQ&3$ ZZZFEL]FRPɿZZZPKPFSDFRP 0D\HU+RIIPDQ0F&DQQ3&LVDQLQGHSHQGHQW&3$ILUPSURYLGLQJDXGLWUHYLHZDQG DWWHVWVHUYLFHV DQGZRUNVFORVHO\ZLWK&%,=DEXVLQHVVFRQVXOWLQJWD[DQGILQDQFLDO VHUYLFHVSURYLGHU MAZAL TOV TO Linda Gordon on her 18 years of service to Boca Raton Synagogue. From her Congregation B’nai Israel Family Todah Rabah to Linda Gordon for your 18 years of service to BRS and our rabbis. May you go from strength to strength. Simcha & Debbie Firestone To our dear friends Melanie & Bernie, Your tireless dedication and efforts on behalf of all Klal Yisrael is an inspiration to us all. MAZAL TOV on this well-deserved Honor Lynda & Harry Fox Barbara & Josh Klapper MAZAL TOV TO our neighbors and friends MAZAL TOV TO Noam & Jill Melanie & Bernie. and to all the honorees! Love, Chani, Jordan, Jonah, Raz, Gabriella and Swagger *(;(36.: -3@,9: *(3,5+(9: 76:;*(9+: )6623,;: 76:;,9: 5,>:3,;;,9: :,33:/,,;: )96*/<9,: 79,:,5;(;065-63+,9: )662: :;(;065,9@ WE DELIVER WHAT OTHER PRINTERS PROMISE our dear friends, Your devotion to your family, friends, community and klal yisroel is extraordinary. With love, Pam & Jeff MAZAL TOV and Best Wishes to all the Honorees! Nathan & Yolanda Rozenberg 620 SW 12th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Ph 954.946.2280 Fax 954.946.2552 Dear Linda, It has been a pleasure working with you; your clear instructions and attention to details has made our assignments very easy to follow. May you continue to serve the BRS Community for many more years. You are a most deserving honoree. Peggy & Philip Zimmerman MAZAL TOV TO THE HONOREES May you go from strength to strength. Ralph & Kitty Goldberg MAZAL TOV and Best Wishes To Noam & Jill Jack & Renee Nussbaum CONGRATULATIONS to all the honorees Marcia Feldman Dear Bernie and Melanie, Mazal Tov and thank you for all your work on behalf of BRS and the Jewish people. Looking forward to sharing many more happy occasions (and recipes!!!) with you in the future. Love, Dov & Gayle Katz In recognition of our honorees, With special thanks to a special person, Linda Gordon In Honor of Linda Gordon Our Good Friend THANK YOU For your devoted service to all of us at BRS. Larry & Dorothy Perkins Mazal Tov to our dear friend Linda Gordon You bring light, love, and laughter To those around you…Your Chavurah is so proud of you!! Nancy & Bob, Marilyn & Steve, Leslie & Joe, Linda & Jay, Anita & Bob Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Congratulations on this well-deserved honor. Kesher Management Associates Jeffrey & Carla Klein Elana Ze’evi MAZAL TOV TO Linda Gordon in appreciation of your many kindnesses MAZAL TOV TO all of the honorees. We appreciate your service to the community! George & Rochel Berman Dr. Sam & Lisa Freedman and Family Lynda Fox Linda Gordon Linda is the most loving person in my world. I cherish her very being. Congratulations to Noam & Jill Kaminetzky and all the honorees Honoring You Always, Love Ginny Francine & Arthur Solomon MAZAL TOV TO In honor of both Kaminet(sz)ky couples. Both of you are most deserving. Melanie & Bernie, Linda Gordon, I love you. whose love of Israel, zest for Jewish living, and faithfulness to communal leadership inspire all who know them, especially for 50 years... Irving Falik Blu & Yitz Greenberg MAZAL TOV TO ALL THE HONOREES! Renee & Al Rosenberg Evelyn & Ray Sauer Jaon & Hal Kadish MAZAL TOV TO Melanie & Bernie Love, Lila & Stewart Newman MAZAL TOV TO all the guests of honor §¥²± to Rabbi Moskowitz Sara & Jesse Maryles MAZAL TOV TO THIS Y EAR’S HONOREES Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS Sam & Naomi Abramovitz & Family Marcia Davis Alan Eleff Shaya & Gila Griner Drs. Ruth & Neil Hoffman Irene Kronen Aryeh & Gabi Moskowitz Junior Rehaut & Family Dr. Jeffrey & Judith Siegel ¤§ª¦¤¤¦¡¡£¡¤¡¡¦££¦¡¥န£¡¦£¦£Šª¨¡®¤¢¦¤ ¡ထªª¦¤¨£¤¤¤ª¨¦£¡¤¡¤£နŤ¤£¤¦¤§ª¤¡Š¡ဖ ¡န¦¡¤¢¦¤£¦£¤¤¦¤¡¨ª£¤¡£¡©¤¤®န¤¨¡¥§¤£¡£¤ª¡¨န ၐ ¡Ŷ ¡£န¡Ŷ¦¡ ¡©Ŷ£ £Ŷ£ ¡နŶ ¡Ŷ¦ ª¡Ŷ¡¤¡ ၐ¡¤¤¢¦¤£¨ ၩၹၸၸထၸၸၸ¤¡¤¦£ ¦¦£ ¤¡Ŷ ¤¡နŶ ¡¦¡¡£Ŷ¨ ¨ၩၺၸၸထၸၸၸ Ŷ ¤¡©Ŷ£ ¡Ŷ¦ ဳ ¤¡©Ŷ£ ¡¦¡¡Ŷ¢¡ ဳ ¨ၩၿၽထၸၸၸ ¤ª¡Ŷ¡¤¡ ¤Ŷ ¦¡¦ ¡®£¨££¤¡¡¦ဖ¨ ¤¨¤ ¨¡®£ªထ¤¢§££ ¤¡¥Ŷ¦ ¨¡® ¡ Ŷ¤ႀ¦£¤¤ ¡ထŶ¦£¡¡ထŶ£¡ထ Ŷ ¡ထ¨Ŷ¡ ¡§¦£ထ ¬Ŷ¨¤¨¡ထŶ£ထ ¡£Ŷ¦¡¤¡ ၺ¨ၟၩၻထၿၽၸ ¤¡ª¤¯ ¡¦Ŷ¡ª¤¯ ¤¡နŶ¡£န¨¤ ¡¤¤ ¤Ŷ ¡®ထ ¨¦¡ ¤£Ŷ£ ¡®£££ ¤¡¥¡ ¡®¡¡ ¤¡§¡ Ŷ¡ ¤Ŷ¡§¡ ¡®¦¡¡¤£¦£Ŷ¡¨¯ ¨Ŷ¡ ၽ¨ၟၩၽထၸၸၸ ¨ၩၻၾထၸၸၸ ¨ၩၻၾထၸၸၸ ¨ၩၺၽထၸၸၸ ¤¡Ŷ ¤¤¡£Ŷ¡¡ ¡®¡¡ ¤¡Ŷ¦ ¡®¤£Ŷ£ ¡Ŷ¡Ŵ¦ ¤Ŷ¡£¤¡ ¡®Ŷ¡£¤ ¤¡©Ŷ£ ¡®¦Ŷ£ ¡£Ŷ¨£ ¤¤¡ထ¡ထ ¦ထ¦£ထထထ¦£¤ထ¡Ŷ¨ ¤Ŷ¡£££¡ ¡®¡¢£Ŷ££ ¦¦£Ŷ¦ ¤¡န¨Ŷ¡££¨£ ¡®£¨ ဠ ¤¡£န¡Ŷ¦¡ ¤ ¡¤¡ ¨¡®£ªထ ¤¡န¡¥Ŷ¨£ ¡¤¡¡ ထထ Ŷ ¤Ŷ¡ ¡®¨Ŷ ¡©Ŷ ¤¡£န¤§¡¥Ŷ¦ ¡®¨£¯ဤ ¤Ŷ ¡¥ ¡®¨¡¤£ ¨¨ª¦¡ ¤¡န¡¢®Ŷ ¡£¤ ¡¤¤§ ¤¡နŴªŶŴ¤¯ ¤¡®¤ª££¦£ ¤¤ª¡¤¡¨¤¨£¡¤ ¤¡ ¤Ŷ¡¦¤ ¡® ¡န¦¤ ¤¡န¨Ŷ¨¡ ¡¦¡¡ ¤¡န¤§¡¥Ŷ ¡£Ŷ¡£ ဠ ¤¨Ŷ¦£ ¡®¤£ª¡£ ¦££ ¤£Ŷ £ ¡¤¡¡ထ ¡ထ¡ထ££ ဠ ¤¡နŶ£ ¡®£ ¤¤Ŷ¡¡¡ ¡¬Ŷ¡¡¡¡ Ŷ¡§£ ဠ ¨ၩၹၽထၸၸၸ ဠ ¨ၩၹၽထၸၸၸ ¤§ª¦¤¤¦¡¡£¡¤¡¡¦££¦¡¥န£¡¦£¦£Šª¨¡®¤¢¦¤ ¡ထªª¦¤¨£¤¤¤ª¨¦£¡¤¡¤£နŤ¤£¤¦¤§ª¤¡Š¡ဖ ¡န¦¡¤¢¦¤£¦£¤¤¦¤¡¨ª£¤¡£¡©¤¤®န¤¨¡¥§¤£¡£¤ª¡¨န ဠ ¨ၩၹၽထၸၸၸ ဠ ¤¡နŶ¤¢¨¡ ¡¤¡¡ထ¨ထ¡®ထ Ŷ ¤Ŷ¡£ ¤Ŷ¡¤¯ ¨¡®¦¡ ¤¤ထ¡Ŷ¡¤ ¨¡®¡န¤ ¤£ªထ¡¢¡ ¨¡®¡¥¡¯ဠ ၹၸၹ ¤¡¢®Ŷ¡¡¡¡ ¡¤¡¡ထ¥ထ¦¨ ¤£ªထ¡¢¡ ¨¡®¡¥¡¯ဠ ၹၸၹ ¤¡¢®Ŷ¡¡¡¡ ¡¤¡¡ထ¥ထ¦¨ ၹၸၺ ¤¡©Ŷ£ ¡¦¡¡ထထ¡¢®ထ¡ထ ¨ထ¡Ŷ ¡®¦¡¢¡¡®ထ ££ထ¤ထ¡ထ¡¥ထ¦Ŷ¨ ¨ၩၺၽထၸၸၸ ¤£¡¯ ¡®¡န¡¡¥£¡¯ ၹၸၻ ¨ၩၺၽထၸၸၸ ၹၸၾ ¨ၩၺၽထၸၸၸ ၺၸၻ ¤ ¨¡®¡¡¦£ ¡န ၺၸၼ ¤¡¢®Ŷ¡¡¡¡¡ ¤Ŷ¦¡¡Ŷ ¤£¡Ŷ¡¡£ ¨¡®¤¡¡¤£ £Ŷ¡£ ¡Ŷ¡ ¤¤Ŷ¦¡¡ ¡¢®Ŷ¦¡ ¨¡®¤¡¡¤£ ¯Ŷ¡¦¡ ¤¢¦¤¡န¡Ŷ¤£ ¤¡န¡¢®Ŷ£¡ ¡®¡¡ထ¡ Ŷ¦¡ ¤¡©Ŷ£ ¡¦¡¡Ŷ¢¡ ¤ ¡Ŷ¡ှ¡ဿ ¡ ¡®¨¡¤££¦¡©¨¡£ Ŷ£¤¡ှ££ဿ¡ ¤¢¦¤¤¦¡¡£ ª£¦¡©¨¡£¤ ¨¯ဤ ¡®£¨¡¤£ ¯£Ŷ¯ဤထ £¨ª¯ဤ ¡¥Ŷ¦¨¤£ထ Ŷ£¡ထ ¡¥ŶŠ¦¨¤£ထ ª¡Ŷ¦¨¤£ ¡®¤¡¡¤£¡¤¨£ ¡Ŷ£¡ ¡®ဠ£¤¡ £¦£¯ဤ ¨¤¡ထ¦£ထ ¢¤¡¤¡ထ¨Ŷ¤ ¡¢®Ŷ¤¡Ŷ ¡®¡£ှ¦£ဿ¤¡¯ဤ ¨¤¡ထ¦£ထ¢¤¡ ¡နŶ¡န¡ထ ¡ထŶ¡ထ £¦¡ ¡¤¡¡¤£¢¡¤£ ¨Ŷှ¡ဿ¡ ¡နŶ¡ ¡®¤¦ထ ¡£¯ထ ¨¡Ŷ¡£¡ ¤¤¡ထ¦ထ¤ဠ ¤¡ ¡®¤¡¡¤£¢¡¤£ £¤Ŷ¤¡ ¨Ŷ£ထ ထ ထထ£ ¡®¤¡¡¤£¢¡¤£ Ŷ¯ ဠ ¤¯¤¡ ¡®¡¨¦£¡¢£¡ ¤££Ŷ ¦¦£Ŷ¦¡¡ ¡®¡¢£Ŷ¯¤¡ Ŷ ¤¤ ¡®¦ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ¨ၩၹၽထၸၸၸ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ¤¡Ŷ¦¤¤¢££ ¡¦¡¡Ŷ¢¡ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ဠ ¨ၩၹၸထၸၸၸ ¤¡န¨Ŷ¤¦ ¡¤¡¡ထထŶ ¡ ¤¤ŝ¡ ¨¡®¡ ¤¡နထ¡¡ထ £¦¦¡ª¤¯ ¡®£££¡Ŷ££¨¤£ ¤ŃŶ¡ ¤ŃŶ¡ ¤¡Ŷ¡ ¡££ ¡¤¡¦¤¡£ Ŷ ¤¦£ ¤ ¤¡န¡©Ŷ¦¡«¤¯ ¤¡¥Ŷ¦¨¤£ှၺဿ ¤ Ŷ ¤¡¥Ŷ¤¡ ¤¡¢®Ŷ¡¤¡£ ¤¤Ŷ¡®£¤ ၚၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၛၜ £¤®¤ŏ¡¢¡£¡£££ MAZAL TOV TO all the worthy honorees: Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Noam & Jill Kaminetzky Linda Gordon With respect and admiration, Jackie & Rachel Tripp Jackie Tripp, MD PLC 7ULEXWH&RPPLWWHH&KDLUV Michael & Jill Rose Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern 'LQQHU&KDLUV Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Chayim & Michele Dimont Cover Illustration by Loren Stein Designed by Kerry Purcell Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle • Boca Raton, FL 33433-4912 Tel 561.394.0394 • Fax 561.394.0180 •
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