CZECH GYMNASTICS FEDERATION 160 17 Prague 6, Zatopkova 100/2, tel: +420 242 429 260, e-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ INVITATION AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CZECH OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2015 and 2ND INTERNATIONAL CUP in TEAMGYM Prague, Czech Republic 8th – 9th May, 2015 Dear friends, the Czech Gymnastics Federation has the honor to invite you to the International Cup in TeamGym for clubs, which will be held during the Czech Open Championships Prospect Cup (8 – 9 May 2015) in Prague. A/ General info 1. Organizer: The Czech Gymnastics Federation (CGF) 2. Date: 8.- 9. 5. 2015 3. Competition venue: Arena Sparta Podvinny Mlyn, Podvinny mlyn 2131/1, Praha 9 4. Org. committee: Competition Director CGF Delegate Executive Secretary and Finance Acreditation Manager Speaker Competition hall director Scoring Committee Doctors Head of Judges 5. Registration: Preliminary registration till 18th March 2015 Nominative registration till 5th April 2015 Renáta Řehořová Josef Bučko Michal Šotola Zuzana Vojáčková Zuzana Vojáčková, Milan Kubín Miroslav Hrazdil Jaromír Labonek Michal Strnad KUMI Luboš Farkaš Natálie Navrátilová Address to send both registration forms: · (Czech Gymnastics Federation) copy to: · · (names of judges) · The other representative of CGF – Petr Gryga 6. Drawing of the lots: 28th April 2015 at the Commission of the Gymnastics for All, Prague 7. Accommodation: Covered by teams (sent to the account of the CGF together with the registration fee ) Bank Account: CZECH GYMNASTICS FEDERATION Bank Name: GE MONEY BANK a.s., Bank Address: Vitezne namesti 2, 160 00 Praha, Czech Republic Account Nr.: 1724809504/0600 IBAN: CZ 64 0600 0000 0017 2480 9504 BIC: AGBACZPP Please send your preliminary requests for the accommodation till 18th March 2015 as a part of the Preliminary registration form. The final request for the accommodation please, send together with the Nominative registration till 5th April 2015. Hotel: Hotel Krystal. Double room with bathroom, breakfast included. 25 EUR person/night. College dorm: Charles University. Double and more bedrooms rooms with shared bathroom, without breakfast. 15 EUR person/night. 2 Payment date till 14th April 2015 In case, that the accommodation will not be cancelled at least two weeks before the event, there is the cancellation fee of 100 %. There will be the free of charge shuttle arranged for people who will be accommodated in the official accommodation mentioned above from the hotel/college dorm to the sports hall and back. 8. Meal: Lunch and dinner are possible to order together with the Nominative registration (till 5.4.2015) It will be served in the competition Area. Cost or each meal is 5 EUR. 9. Transport & Travel costs: Travel costs are covered by teams. Shuttle from the official accommodation is free of charge. The organizer provides transport between Prague Airport or Prague Railway station to the hotel. Please send your requests till 5th April 2015 as a part of the Nominative registration form. 10. Competion office: Will be opened in competition area: Friday Saturday 7. 5. 2015 17.00–20.00 8. 5. 2015 07.00–10.00 B/ Technical statements 11. Regulations: According: - Code of Points for TeamGym UEG, edition September 2013, revision A March 2014 (for teams in category Senior and Junior IV equal to Junior category according to UEG) - Code of Points for TeamGym Junior Czech, edition January 2005 (for teams in category Junior Czech I-III) incl. attachments; these CoP are based on simplified UEG CoP 2004 - IC youth and Trio valid according to rules for the year 2015 - CGF competition rules - schedule of this competition. 12. Disciplines: Floor Performance Tumbling Trampette 13. Equipment According to UEG requirements. Teams are allowed to use their own trampettes with accordance of UEG requirements – controlled at accreditation. 14. Participants: Junior born 1998 – 2002 (equal to Junior category UEG) Senior born 1999 and older Junior I born 2004 and younger Junior II born 1999 and younger Junior III born 1999 and older IC youth born 2003 – 2007 IC TRIO – youth, junior, senior 15. Condition for attendance: Registration form sent in time, accreditation in the competition office, valid health insurance for the Czech Republic no older then 1 year, copy of payment of competition fees. 3 Each team must ensure at least 1 judge with knowledge of Code of points for TeamGym UEG who will be judging for the whole competiton day. In case of not respecting this condition there is additional fee 120 EUR per missing judge paid together with the Nominative registration or at place during the accreditation. Each judge must attend judges meeting on Thursday 7.5. 2015 (18.00) cat. Junior IV and Senior, IC TRIO, IC Youth and on Saturday 9.5. (7.00-8.00) cat Junior I - III. The drawing of the judges for each panel will be done at the judges meetings. 16. Competition fees: 140 EUR per team (please send to the account of the Czech Gymnastics Federation – see above) 60 EUR per IC TRIO (please send to the account of the Czech Gymnastics Federation – see above) Payment date till 14th April 2015 If the registered team does not participate - competition fees will not be sent back! 17. Protests: According UEG and Czech Gymnastics Federation rules. 18. Provisional schedule: Thursday 7.5.2015 Accreditation and delivery of Tariff Forms 17.00 - 20.00 Free training 17:00 - 20:00 Judges meeting 18.00 – 20.00 Coaches meeting 20.30 (Obligatory attendance of minimum 1 person of the team) Friday 8.5.2015 Accreditation and delivery of Tariff Forms 07.00 – 10.00 Competition of IC Youth Competition of IC TRIO Competition of IC, National Champ. Junior IV, Senior Accreditation and delivery of Tariff Forms 18.00 – 20.00 Victory ceremony of IC, National Champ. and the whole competition of the Prospect Cup cycle (Czech special competition taken place in the period of 2014/2015) Free training 18:00 – 21:00 Saturday 9.5.2015 Accreditation and delivery of Tariff Forms Judges meeting Coaches meeting Competition of category Junior I – III 07.00 – 14.00 07.00 – 08.00 08.15 The timetable will be adjusted according to the number of the registered teams. In case, that there will be less than three (3) teams in the category IC Youth , this category will not be announced. 19. Titles and prizes: Winning team in all categories IC receives cup, gold medals and diploma. Teams on 2nd and 3rd places will receive cup, medals and diploma. Teams on other places will receive diplomas. 4 For the categories Junior , Senior and TRIO, the categories will be divided for women, men and mix. The other categories will not be divided according to the gender. Maximum number of team members including reserve gymnasts 12 + 2 coaches (for Junior IV and Senior) Maximum number of members in Trio including reserve gymnasts is 5 + 2 coaches. All members of the team will get medals incl. the coaches. All teams must attend both opening and closing ceremony. C/ Final info: 20. Instructions Music for each discipline must be on separate CD or mp3; labeled with name and number of the team and discipline. It means that on each CD or mp3 there should be only one music of one discipline. You can also send the music by e-mail to 21. Coaches: Coaches who will give security on trampette or tumbling should be 18 years and older. 22. Results: Organiser will give the printed results to all participants (teams) after award ceremony. Then the results will be published electronically on the CGF webpage: at the latest 30.4.2015. 23. Doping: According to FIG regulations. 24. Judges Nomination: Head of Judges: Natalie Navratilova Discpline Lead Head Judges: Petr Gryga Zuzana Celedova Renata Rehorova 24. Other: Change of schedule is reserved based on the number of the registered teams. Roman Slavík Czech Gymnastics Federation Chairman Josef Bučko Gymnastics for All Chairman 24.2. 2015, Prague 5
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