Mengham Junior School Palmerston Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire. PO11 9ET Headteacher: Mrs Wendy Bolton BSc(Hons) PGCE, MA (Ed) NPQH Tel: 023 92462162 Fax: 023 92466012 Website: E-mail: Thursday, 02 April 2015 Dear Parents Multi Skills Club run by AAA Coaching will commence on Thursday 23rd April and run from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm until Thursday 21st May. The total cost for the half term (5 weeks) is £15.00 payable in advance. Please make cheques payable to ‘AAA Coaching’. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school. It is essential that your child is clear about arrangements for getting home from Mengham Junior and we would stress that we would prefer parents to collect their children rather than the child making their own way home. If your child would like to take part, please return the permission slip below, to the School Office before Tuesday 21st April. Yours sincerely Mrs Latham Admin Officer Multi Skills Club Reply Slip please return before Tuesday 21st April. Name of Child: ……………………………………………………………… Class: …………………… I give permission for my child to take part in the Multi Skills Club starting on Thursday 23rd April. I confirm that my child is clear about arrangements for getting home from Mengham Junior School. Please tick one box I will be collecting my child from Mengham Junior School. My child will be walking/cycling home from Mengham Junior School. Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………. (Parent/Guardian) Date: ……………… Emergency Contact No: …………………………………………………(Essential please complete) At Mengham Junior School we ASPIRE to be Successful learners, Confident individuals, Responsible members of our community Anything is possible when you believe in yourself… Aspire. Believe. Achieve.
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