Special Board Agenda-Study Session Sonoma County Junior College District WEDNESDAY March 25, 2015 LAWRENCE A. BERTOLINI STUDENT CENTER SANTA ROSA CAMPUS 1501 Mendocino Avenue ~ Santa Rosa, California OPEN SESSION 1:00 PM Student Activities Center 1:00 P.M. CONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION EXAMINING SONOMA COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT’S TRUSTEE AREAS 1. INTRODUCTION President Frank Chong will provide a brief introduction. 2. BACKGROUND Margaret Merchat, legal counsel for the Sonoma County Junior College District from School and College Legal Services, will present a background history and overview of the Sonoma County Junior College District’s Trustee areas. 3. DISTRICT MAPS John Karcher, Santa Rosa Junior College student, will present maps of the Sonoma County Junior College District’s Trustee areas as they exist currently and how they were historically drawn. 4. OVERVIEW OF RULES AND GUIDELINES Margaret Merchat, legal counsel for the Sonoma County Junior College District from School and College Legal Services, will review the rules and guidelines for redistricting. i 5. REDISTRICTING 101 Kimi Shigetani, from the Community College League of California, and Paul Mitchell, with Redistricting Partners, will present the basic premises of redistricting, including demographics of the District. 6. REDISTRICTING INDEPENDENT STUDY Jessica Jones, former Santa Rosa Junior College Associated Student President, will present the findings of her study on redistricting. A full copy of her report has been submitted to the Board and is available in the President’s Office or by request at emagee@santarosa.edu. 7. BOARD QUESTIONS An opportunity for members of the Board of Trustees to ask questions of the presenters and discuss their thoughts. 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS An opportunity for members of the public to address the Board. (Per Board Policy three minutes may be allotted to each speaker and a maximum of 20 minutes per subject. Persons attending the meeting shall be allowed to address the Board on agendized matters as those matters are discussed by the Board or during this Public Comments agenda item, but not both. Comments on an agenda item will be received after staff presentations and prior to Board deliberations.) 9. ADJOURNMENT ADA COMPLIANCE In compliance with Government Code section 54954.2.(a)(1) Santa Rosa Junior College will, on request, make this agenda available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals who need this agenda in an alternative format or who need a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact Erin Magee, Executive Assistant to the President, at (707) 527-4431 or emagee@santarosa.edu, Santa Rosa Junior College 1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, California. ii
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