Newsletter 7 - Mengham Junior School

Mengham Junior School
Palmerston Road, Hayling Island,
Hampshire. PO11 9ET
Headteacher: Mrs Wendy Bolton
BSc(Hons) PGCE, MA (Ed) NPQH
Tel: 023 92462162
Fax: 023 92466012
PARENTS NEWSLETTER No. 7 (23rd January 2015)
Dear parents and carers,
I would like to start by wishing you all a Happy New
Year and I hope you all had a restful break!
As you know we had a
visit from OFSTED our
first week back. The
inspection went
extremely well and I
am pleased to be
able to share the full
report with you today.
All of the staff at Mengham Junior School work
incredibly hard and with a great deal of passion;
striving to be the best they can be. As you will see
from the report we are now judged to be a GOOD
school and well on our way to being OUTSTANDING!
May I take this opportunity to thank the parents who
took the time to complete the OFSTED on-line survey, it
was much appreciated.
We have a lot to look forward to this term and I hope
you will be able to share in some of the events. Year 4
have started swimming and years 3 and 5 are
currently receiving football coaching by Taylor Monk.
Taylor is an FA Tesco Skills Coach in the Hampshire
team. He began coaching at the age of sixteen with
Hayling United where he still oversees the
development of their U5’s – U10’s. He joined Chelsea
FC’s Foundation in 2009 until 2013 so we feel really
lucky to have him working with the children. Years 4
and 6 will be working with him later this year.
Last term, Year 4 were
treated to a nice surprise
as we invited the
Portsmouth Reptile and
Amphibian Society into
school to show the
children various creatures!
This was a conclusion of
their topic ‘What Makes The Amazon Mighty’. We all
went along at different times to have a look as well.
Everybody enjoyed being able to see the animals up
close and personal!
Thank you for your book donations to help build up
our bank of book prizes for
children who complete the half
termly bookmark challenge. There
is a box in reception for donations
of any good quality children’s
books that you no longer read that would make
suitable prizes.
Another big thank you to Maisy Sharp’s dad who
kindly donated a box full of brand new T Shirts which
we can use for when the children do art to protect
uniforms (I’m sure many parents will echo our thanks
on that front!)
If you missed the year 6 SATs parents evening and
would like more information on how to support your
child at home, please do not hesitate to ask Mrs
Mason or Mr Harrison.
Warmest regards
Wendy Bolton
Special mention box for: Children who have shown
they can explain their learning really clearly. (Each
will receive a Headteacher pencil).
Lana Cruickshank, Albert Bancroft, Grace Crocker,
Noah Jeacock, Emily Hatter, Ronnie Mardell, Taylor
Evans, Cameron White
We are collecting Sainsbury’s
Active Kids vouchers if you have
any please. Also Nestle box tops.
Many thanks!
Monday 23rd Feb 2015 – School closed to pupils
Friday 1st May 2015 – School closed to pupils
At Mengham Junior School we ASPIRE to be
Successful learners, Confident individuals, Responsible members of our community
Anything is possible when you believe in yourself…
Road Safety Training
We were privileged to host the district Road Safety
Training this week. Julia Shopland (Hants CC Senior
Road Safety Officer) and our local PCSO Neil Roberts
ran the session for selected children from Mengham
and other local schools. They discussed how we can
all contribute to make our roads safer. Shockingly
they learnt that more children die in accidents when
they are a passenger in a car than where they are
pedestrians or cyclists. The simple message therefore
is to buckle up!!
Sorry to have to bring this up
again but we are still getting
reports of headlice. Please could
you all check your children’s hair
once a week to see if they have
any unwanted guests! Headlice
do not cause everyone to have
an itchy head, the only way to
be sure is to look and check your child’s head yourself
with a nit comb. We know they are a nuisance for
everyone so let’s try and sort them out once and for
Fun and Games!
Another reminder that
Breakfast Club would like any
board games or card games
that you no longer use. Thank
Dates for your diary:
Friday 23rd January
Monday 26th January
Hi Rock Climbing Club
Hi Rock Climbing Club is held after school on a Friday
and currently costs £4 a week. Hayling College send
a minibus to school to collect our children and they
are then able to learn climbing skills for 45 minutes.
We are really lucky on Hayling to have this facility to
use so why not give it a try some time? Milly Rivers
and Faye Brettell had the following to say about it:
Friday 30th January
Monday 2nd February
Friday 6th February
Weds 11th February
Friday 13th February
“The instructors are very friendly. They make it fun and
really challenge us if it looks like we are finding
something too easy. There is lots of fun stuff to do and
different walls to climb. The overhangs are really
good. We would recommend it!”
Monday 23rd February
Tuesday 24th February
Weds 25th February
Friday 26th February
Friday 6th March
Tuesday 10th March
Friday 13th March
Friday 20th March
At Mengham Junior School we ASPIRE to be
Successful learners, Confident individuals, Responsible members of our community
Anything is possible when you believe in yourself…
Year 6 Assembly
Year 5/6 Road Safety
Year 3 Assembly
Extended Learning
Projects due in
Oak Class Assembly
Individual School Photos
Last day of half term,
school ends at 3.20pm
INSET Day, school closed
to pupils
First day back after
holidays, school starts at
Year 3 Trip to Gosport
Search Museum (details
to follow)
Beech Class Assembly
Birch Class Assembly
Mother’s Day Lunch
(details to follow)
Alder Class Assembly
Oral StoryTelling Day &
Picnic (parents invited,
details to follow)