2015 1.3 - opua.school.nz

Ph - 09 40 27 840
Em - opua@xtra.co.nz
Cl - 027 201 4121
Wb - www.opua.school.nz
Thank you to our P.T.A. who are in the advanced stages of preparing for this year’s Opua Regatta.
My gratitude also to all those wonderful businesses and members of our community who either
already have or will soon contribute to this, our major, annual fundraising event. Your generosity is
very much valued by this school.
Saturday is technically a school day for this event and I look forward to seeing as many of our pupils
as possible enjoying the day’s festivities and fun. Our Board of Trustees has sanctioned a ‘Day-inLieu’ for this event. After some discussion we have decided to take the ‘Day-in-Lieu’ on May the 29th
which makes a four day Queen’s Birthday Weekend.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have come forward and offered their help throughout the day. If
you are able to help for a short period of time, please approach us on the day. It is a great fundraising
day for Opua School and many hands make light work.
Please bring your wonderful baking creations to the cake stall on the wharf after 8.30am. Thank you
and see you there!
Shoes for Fitness
We are asking that all pupils have a pair of shoes suitable for running in for our morning
physical exercise. The reason for this request is that we have just had our running track
re-barked and, at the moment, it is very spikey and sharp on the little one’s feet.
Thank you.
School Stationery Fee
Opua School provides its pupils with all their stationery needs
throughout the whole year.
To cover costs we ask for only $35 per child, payable to the school office before March 1st. Internet Banking - Opua School Board of Trustees
123102 0085328 00 (reference child’s name and stationery) - Thank you!
Kamlesh Prakash, Bay of Island’s College’s Year 12 Dean sent us this message to share with you :
“I am delighted to report that the following ex-pupils of Opua School did superbly in NCEA L1 last
year and they all are in Year 12 this year at Bay of Islands College. - Ceri Tamati, Jack Jury, Ben
Armstrong, Liam Goile & Hautai Ruwhiu.”
We are very proud of you all! Keep up the good work!
The Regatta is our one big fundraising event and we
desperately need parents’ support on the day. Many hands make
light work. Please come to the wharf on Saturday and lend a hand
for an hour or so at a stall.
Grocery Hamper Items needed - please
Over the years we have learnt that the two best fundraisers to run
are a Cake Stall and a Grocery Hamper Raffle. We would like to run
a raffle again this year and we are asking for donations of a grocery item from each child, if you can spare it. All donations can be
brought to the school office. The raffle tickets will be sold at the
Regatta on Saturday.
A huge thank you to every family that has already donated!
We are also asking each family to provide
us with an item of baking on the Regatta day. Pre-decorated cake boxes will
be coming home today for your items .
Please bring your wonderful baking creations to the cake stall down to the
stall on the wharf after 8.30am, alternatively you can bring them to school
on Friday if you cannot make it on Saturday. Thank you and see you there!
Can we please have volunteers either
for a couple of hours on Wednesday
or Friday to assist with school
lunches? It is fairly easy and quite
enjoyable! Thank you.
Below is a rough guideline of the timetable for Saturday.
The day starts at 9am. Registrations will be open for the races and the fishing
competition from 9am onwards.
The fishing competition starts at 10am,. Please make sure to register
before-hand and to meet outside BURNSCO before10am.
11am - Raft Race start - from the Opua Hall Beach across to the Opua Boat
House. (This may be subject to change please check with organisers on the day!)
11.30 onward - Swimming, dog, dinghy & Kayak races. These will be taking
place off the wharf on the Opua Store side.
We have lots of great stall holders coming from far and wide. There is going to
be live music, a wide range of food stalls and lots to see and do! There will be a
bouncy castle, carnival games, a cake stall, unicyclists, RAFFLES and more!
20th & 24th Feb
Lessons with Myra
9th March Russell
Swimming Sports
21st Feb 9am-2pm
23rd Feb
$2 each please.
EL Gregoe performance.
2pm - All Welcome!
26th Feb
Soccer with
Of course we will have A LOT MORE things happening
this term and we will update you as news comes to hand...
Friday the 20th February and Friday the 20th March from 3.30pm - 5pm
This wonderful opportunity is being organised by local hockey guru, Suzee Ross
at the Kaikohe Hockey Turf. If you are interested please contact Paula on
4026165 or 027 5525 583 - Paula will have spare seats in her car.
Headlice may be present amongst children in your child's class. These insects are a
nuisance and can be controlled or eradicated by families. Headlice crawl from head to
head and may be passed on through shared objects such as hairbrushes and hats.
It is recommended that you check all members of your household carefully. Anyone
can host headlice. Cleanliness is not a factor in whether headlice are present or not.
What to look for:
Small light or dark brown insects without wings.
Tiny whitish eggs (nits) like grains of salt attached to hair shafts.
There may be unusual itching on the head or neck.
Small red marks on the neck or behind the ears (headlice bites).
What to do:
Check all members of the household daily at the same time for at least three
Treat anyone who is hosting headlice. Effective treatment need not be chemical or
Please advise the school if you find headlice and confirm that treatment has
Be prepared to continue treatment for about three weeks depending on the
method chosen. Three weeks is the length of the headlouse breeding cycle;
you need to break the cycle or infestation will continue.
After each treatment, comb the hair with a fine toothed comb.
Extra precautions may include washing all bedlinen, pillowcases and towels in hot
water and tumble drying for 20 minutes on high. Other items that have come
in contact with heads should also be thoroughly cleaned.
Soak hairbrushes and combs in hot water for at least ten minutes.
Vacuuming carpets and rugs may be helpful.
Repeat treatment 7 to 10 days after initial treatment.
Treating the hair is no guarantee that the problem has been eradicated. Success is
more likely if treatment is thorough, checking is daily for at least three weeks and
children are reminded to avoid head to head contact with others.
What not to do:
Do not use shampoo, conditioner or a hair drier on hair within 24 hours of using a
chemical treatment. Each of these can make the treatment less effective or
cause it to fail.
Do not use ordinary insecticides, pet shampoo or flammable petroleum products.
Do not use chemical products if the person applying the treatment or the person
being treated is pregnant.
Thank you for your co-operation. Please contact the school for further information.