NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 13/2015 PORT OF LIVERPOOL Summer repositioning of L2 Sea Jack Notice is hereby given that BAM Nuttall plan 5 southerly, 45 metre repositions of the Sea Jack carne barge at the Liverpool 2 project site, in intervals of approximately 2-3 weeks during the months of May, June and July 2015. Each move will be planned to be completed within the two hours to high water and the first is planned for high water 0304 BST on Saturday 23rd May 2015. The sea jack is moved using the vessels own 4 point anchor system. Two of the anchors will be positions on the western and southern side of the Seajack site and each have a 2m x 1.5m unlit yellow “can” marker buoy attached by a 25m pennant wire. The anchors will only be deployed immediately prior to the movement commencing. Once Sea Jack is in position and in jacking mode, these anchors will be immediately recovered by the site tugs and relocated in to the worksite area. The southern anchor and marker buoy will extend beyond the L2 delimitation site into the channel by approximately 150 metres during the first move. Each subsequent move will mean the anchor will encroach further into the channel to a maximum of approximately 250 metres. MTS Valour will standby at the buoy position for the duration of each move. The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited Maritime Centre Port of Liverpool L21 1LA T : +44 (0)151 949 6000 F : +44 (0)151 949 6001 E : W: The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited (Registered No. 7438262 England). Registered Office: Maritime Centre, Port of Liverpool L21 1LA The western marker buoy will have the possibility of drifting beyond the worksite into the channel. It should only be by a maximum of 10m during the high water period. VTS will advise via normal means in advance of every move and a request to VTS may be placed for slow speed and wide berth whilst each move is being undertaken. Under normal circumstances no vessel should transit between the L2 site and the anchor position. GSMS will also highlight this operation. Jon Cowdry 21st May 2015 Senior Manager - Marine Operations The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited Maritime Centre Port of Liverpool L21 1LA T : +44 (0)151 949 6000 F : +44 (0)151 949 6001 E : W: The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Limited (Registered No. 7438262 England). Registered Office: Maritime Centre, Port of Liverpool L21 1LA
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