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Merseyside Peace Network
Join our network of peace groups to counter the
glorification of war at any of the following events:
Monday April 13th Global Day Against Military Spending
Stall outside Friends Meeting House, School Lane, Liverpool 11am – 3pm: ‘No Trident Renewal’
Divert £100 billion to create jobs for peace not war; support NHS, education, homes and wellbeing
‘Turn Arms to Renewables’ with Campaign Against Arms Trade
Meeting House Café: 12-2pm repeat showing of 10 minute Pax Christi film ‘Give Peace a Budget’
Seven Ways to spend $1.7 trillion currently spent on arms.
‘Challenge Military Recruitment’: 12-2pm Armed Forces Recruitment Office, N. John St.
Friday May 15th Day to Remember Conscientious Objectors 1916 – Now
Stall near FMH, School Lane 11am – 3pm: Find out about local COs and support COs worldwide.
Light Night in Liverpool: May 15th
Exhibition 7pm FMH hosts: “the World is My Country” Emily Johns of Peace News displays and
discusses her posters, poems and songs for people and movements who opposed WW1.
News from Nowhere, 96 Bold St. L1 : Celebrate America’s Indigenous People
Liverpool Socialist Singers will perform at either or both the above
Further information: 709 6957 708 7270 229 5282 and see below.
PHONE: 0151 229 5282
Graphics: Josh Lloyd