ARMS SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 2015 TRAVEL AWARDS APPLICATIONS DUE COB 5 PM AEST, 8 JUNE 2015 TO ARMS Administrative Officer, ARMS SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 2015 TRAVEL AWARDS The annual ARMS Conference will be held in Singapore from 29 September – 2 October 2015. As there may be higher than normal travel costs for some delegates, Chapters will receive under this award a one-off increase of $500, bringing the total allocation to AUD $2,500. Note that the title has also changed for this round to ARMS Singapore Conference 2015 Travel Awards to reflect the specific nature of this award. The funds are to be used to contribute towards the cost of the conference registration. Chapter committees are advised to allocate a minimum of two grants, capped at approximately $1250 each, but can offer more within the allocation if desired. Chapter Committees are responsible for assessing applications and for notifying the ARMS Executive Office of its final recommendations. The ARMS Executive Office will receive and acknowledge all applications as well as notifying successful and unsuccessful applicants. Chapter Convenors will be required to provide specific feedback should a request arise. No appeals or late applications will be accepted. All successful applicants will also be acknowledged at an award ceremony during the ARMS conference in Singapore. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: To be considered for an award, an applicant must: • Be a new research administrator with a minimum of 2 years in the profession; or • Be a mid-level research manager at Level 6/7; • Be a financial member of ARMS at the time of the application, and for the duration of the award; • Provide evidence of his/her organisation’s support for attendance at the conference and agreement to meet costs not covered by the ARMS Singapore Conference 2015 Travel Award where these are not being met by the member; and • Acknowledge that awardees will be required to provide the ARMS Executive Office with a brief post conference report 6 weeks after the conference. This information may be used for promotional purposes. HOW TO APPLY 1. Applicants should provide a written statement (up to 2 pages in total) addressing each of the following assessment criteria: a. Your professional experience in the research management field, over the last five years. Summarise roles held and key responsibilities. b. Previous attendance at a past ARMS conference or conferences. Briefly indicate which ARMS conferences you have attended (to help the committee consider applications on frequency of attendance). c. Barriers to attending an ARMS conference. If you have wanted to attend an ARMS conference this year or in the past, but have not been able to do so, please outline the barriers to you attending. 1 d. Which themes of the ARMS 2015 program are of particular interest to you? Please be specific in your response, explaining how these themes will contribute to your professional development. e. Benefit of attending the conference and how this fits your career aspirations in Research Management. 2. Provide evidence of the support through either a Letter of Support or Self-Employed Statement: a. If you are an employee, your application must be accompanied by a formal letter of support from your manager or supervisor in your organisation. At a minimum, the letter should: • Confirm that the organisation supports your attendance at the conference; • Describe how attending ARMS 2015 is relevant to your current role and responsibilities in the organisation and how it aligns with your career plan; and • Confirm the organisation will meet the costs not covered by the award (where not met by member). b. If you are self-employed, your application must be accompanied by a one-page statement describing your business and how it contributes to the Australasian research management sector. Proposed Key Dates: Date Description 5 May 2015 Call for Applications – To be featured in e-newsletter and via e-blast to members 8 June 2015 Closing date for Applications – COB 5PM AEST - Applications to be submitted to the ARMS Executive Officer – email All applications received will be acknowledged by email. By 9 June 2015 ARMS Executive Office to submit applications to Chapter Convenor. Between 10 June – 17 June 2015 Chapter Committees to meet (either face-to-face or via teleconference) to review applications and to finalise its recommendations. By 22 June 2015 Chapter Committee to advise ARMS Executive Officer of their final recommendations. ARMS Executive Office to then notify all awardees. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised once all awardees have accepted their offer. 30 June 2015 Early Bird Registration closes (note that if awardees are unable to register by this time, the Society will honour the early bird registration fee for awardees). Before 30 June 2015 Applicants to submit ARMS Reimbursement Request Forms to obtain funding for award. 2 or 3 October 2015 (to be confirmed) Awardees to receive certificates at an official ceremony at the ARMS Conference. 2 ARMS SINGAPORE CONFERENCE 2015 TRAVEL APPLICATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete this application form Complete a statement against the selection criteria Obtain a letter of support from your organisation OR complete a self-employed statement Combine all three documents into a single PDF document titled: ARMS Singapore Conference 2015 Travel Awards– Your name and Chapter 5. Email the application to by COB 5 PM AEST, 8 JUNE 2015. NOTE: LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED PERSONAL DETAILS: Your Name Chapter Your Position Organisation Mailing Address Email Phone DECLARATION: I am a financial member of ARMS (as an individual or part of a corporate membership) I have attached a letter of support from my employer OR I am self-employed and have attached a supporting statement My employer has agreed to meet costs not covered by the Award OR I will use personal funds to meet costs not covered by the AWARD I acknowledge that I must provide a written report to the Chapter Convenor within six weeks of returning from the Conference LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 3
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