Inf. 373290 Jun. 372438 Penryn Primary Academy SUMMER NEWSLETTER NO. 5 Friday 15th May 2015 Dear Parent/Carer, Special Announcement from Mr Cowen I have been a headteacher in the wonderful town of Penryn since 1996 and have loved working with you, your children and the many staff and governors over the years who have done such a brilliant job supporting me. It has been the great privilege of my life to serve this community and so it is with great regret that I have to tell you that I have been offered – and have accepted – a new role in primary education across Cornwall. I have very mixed emotions about this change in my career because there is something very special about the children of Penryn that I shall miss enormously. They have great energy and character, they are funny and talented, they are caring and cheerful and they are justly proud – as I am – of the town where they live. I expect that when I leave on the last day of term it will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. In terms of the future, now that Penryn Primary is part of a multi-academy trust – ASPIRE – the responsibility for the school falls to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Fielder, and I know he is working hard to ensure that you have an experienced and talented headteacher to continue the task of creating the best school in Cornwall. As soon as I know more I will of course let you know. The one thing that I do know for certain is that I will work hard with whoever is appointed to ensure a really smooth transition. Infant Items Stars of the Week Class 1 Max Barron, Class 2 Evie Rollason, , Class 3 Riley Holen, Class 4 Chanelle Prime, Class 5 Soleimen Sellami, Class 6 Arthur Russell, Class 7 Josh Morgan, Class 8 Harry Jermyn. Reception: We are really looking forward to our Trip on Tuesday 19th May to the Maritime Museum. Please can the children wear school uniform and come to school for normal time. If you are able to help on the trip pleas let your class teacher know. Lunch and drinks are provided. Children will not need to bring book bags on Tuesday. Year 1 have started a new topic entitled Animal Allsorts. We are hoping to go to Newquay Zoo at the end of it but are currently focussing on our phonics. Our phonic screening check takes place the week beginning 15th June, so please keep practising the phonic homework sheets. Year 2 teachers would like to say a big well done to all of Year 2 for all their hard work during the SAT's fortnight. They have all done very well and we are very proud of them. On Wednesday we will be visiting Pendennis Castle. Children need to come to school at the usual time, in uniform, with a coat, comfortable shoes, packed lunch if they have not ordered one and plenty to drink (no glass bottles.) We are looking forward to a great day out. Come and Play Sessions The last session for Year 1 pupils will be on Wednesday 20th May. After half term there will be Come and Play sessions for the NURSERY children as part of their transition into school. It will be for 6 weeks starting from Wednesday 3rd June from 2.00pm – 3.00pm. Infant and Junior Items Old Penryn Junior/Infant Uniform If you still have any old uniform at home can you please bring it into school for the Rotary Club to put to a good cause. Thank you. Penryn Camera Club Photography Competition As part of the Penryn Arts Festival Week Penryn Camera Club are holding a photography competition for children aged 4 – 16. The theme is PENRYN. If you would like to enter bring a 6 x 4 print with your name, age and parent telephone number on the reverse to the Gentleman’s Rest between 10.00am and 4.00pm on Saturday 23 rd May or Sunday 24th May. There are prizes to be won and every picture will be used to create a photo-collage to be presented to the Penryn Museum. Summer Fair Volunteers If you would like to help with the Summer Fair please can you return your volunteer slip as soon as possible. Many thanks. Inter-Site football Match Last night at Penryn Football Club there was a keenly contested football match between the infant site and the junior site. The infant site team would like everyone to know that they let the junior site win (6-1) as an act of kindness to help boost their confidence but this won’t happen again! The match raised £107 which will be donated to the Cove which is a cancer charity that has helped a member of our staff. Also thanks to Ian Morcom for referring this amazing game. Junior Items Lost Property There is a vast amount of ‘lost property’ in the junior school hall. This will be sorted and displayed during next week and anything which is not claimed will be disposed of. Falmouth and Penryn Holiday Activities Learn lifesaving skills – Wednesday 27th May (8 – 12 yrs) 09.30 – 14.30 Falmouth School. Please visit for details. Your child will also have been given a half term holiday activities booklets with lots of activities to take part in during half term. Year 6 Sats Well done to all our Year 6 pupils for their fantastic effort and determination during Sats week - we are very proud of you! Thank you to all Year 6 parents for supporting your pupils during this busy week. CUP WINNERS – Cups to stay in school but the medals are for keeping Year 3 Savanna Manson ARB: Isabel Cook Year 4 Josh McNeall Governors Cup: Fatima Sellami Year 5 Morgan Blackwell Art Cup: Luke Whitford Year 6 All of Year 6 for SATs Fair Play Cup: Layla Jacques Children’s Cup: Chloe Trevaskis Disco - Princes, Princesses, Heroes and Villains The Junior Disco is this evening from 6.30 – 8.00pm. Refreshments will be available. Please ensure your children bring a completed disco slip and are collected promptly at 8pm – many thanks. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DISCO SLIP – PLEASE HAND IN AT DOOR - Junior School I give my child permission to attend the school disco tonight, Friday 15th May 2015 at a cost of £1.00. The disco starts at 6.30 p.m. and children must be collected at 8.00 p.m. Child’s Name ………………………………………………………Class…….. Parent/Guardian Signature ………………………………………… He/She will be collected by ……………………………………….. If your child is to be collected by a brother or sister, please complete the following:I declare that ……………………. is 15 or over and will be responsible for collecting …………………………….. on my behalf. Signed …………………………………….
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