Alan T. Asbeck, Ph.D. EDUCATION Stanford University Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2010 Thesis: "Compliant directional suspensions for climbing with spines and adhesives." Professor Mark Cutkosky (Adviser) Phone: 858.442.1870 E-mail: Website: 60 Oxford St. Rm. 409, Cambridge, MA, 02138 Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, 2003 Thesis: "Analysis of Frequency-Smearing Models Simulating Hearing Loss." B.S. in Physics, 2003 B.S. in Electrical Engineering, 2002 APPOINTMENTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY / WYSS INSTITUTE Cambridge, MA (06/12 - Present) Research Scientist – Biodesign Lab with Professor Conor Walsh (08/14 – Present) Previous Appointment: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (06/12-07/14) Lead designer of several textile-based "exosuit" systems that assist the wearer during walking Performed biomechanical analysis to determine suit architectures and actuation strategy. Modeled power transfer from actuators to human and the suit-human interaction. Developed control algorithms to synchronize the exosuits with the wearer's motion. Collaborated on a proposal for DARPA “Task B Warrior Web” program. Proposal + progress on the initial “Task A” grant resulted in a $2.9 million award for continued development. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Palo Alto, CA (04/04 – 05/12) Postdoctoral Researcher – Artificial Intelligence Lab with Professor Andrew Ng (04/10-05/12) Lead mechanical designer of a low-cost, series elastic humanoid robotic arm. Doctoral Researcher – Biomimetics Lab, Stanford under Prof. Mark Cutkosky (04/04-04/10) Primary inventor and developer of microspine technology for adhesion to rough surfaces. Applied technology to climbing robots, human climbing, and airplane perching. Robot prototyping: Designed Spinybot I and II, foot and ankle prototypes for the RiSE robot, and investigated penetration-based and dry adhesion mechanisms. Research on adhesion initially funded by the RiSE DARPA program. Progress on microspine technology significantly contributed toward the creation of a new DARPA program – “ZMan.” MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cambridge, MA (06/02-05/03) Research Assistant – Sensory Communication Group under Prof. Louis Braida M.Eng. research on simulating hearing loss via digital signal processing of audio files. JOURNAL PAPERS A. Asbeck, S.M.M. DeRossi, K. Holt, and C. Walsh, "A Biologically-Inspired Soft Exosuit for Walking Assistance," Int. J. of Robotics Research, (accepted pending revisions). A. Asbeck, S.M.M. De Rossi, I. Galiana, Y. Ding, and C. Walsh, "Stronger, Smarter, Softer: Next Generation Wearable Robots," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, (in press). Page 1 of 4 Asbeck – CV A. Asbeck, K. Schmidt, and C. Walsh, "Soft Exosuit for Hip Assistance," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, (in press). A. Asbeck, P. Polygerinos, E. Roche and C. Walsh, "Biologically-inspired Soft Robots," IEEE Potentials Magazine, (accepted pending revisions). E. Hawkes, E. Eason, A. Asbeck, and M. Cutkosky, "The Gecko's Toe: Scaling Directional Adhesives for Climbing Applications," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2013. A. Asbeck and M. Cutkosky, "Designing Compliant Spine Mechanisms for Climbing," ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2012. A. Lussier Desbiens, A. Asbeck, and M. Cutkosky, "Landing, Perching, and Taking Off from Vertical Surfaces," Int. J. of Robotics Research, 2011. A. Asbeck, S. Kim, M. Cutkosky, W. Provancher, and M. Lanzetta, "Scaling Hard Vertical Surfaces with Compliant Microspine Arrays," Int. J. of Robotics Research, 2006. CONFERENCE PAPERS AND WORKSHOPS A. Asbeck, K. Schmidt, I. Galiana, C. Walsh, "Multi-joint Soft Exosuit for Gait Assistance," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2015 (submitted). Y. Ding, I. Galiana, A. Asbeck, B. Quinlivan, S.M.M. De Rossi, C. Walsh, "Multi-joint Actuation Platform for Lower Extremity Soft Exosuits," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2014. A. Asbeck, R. Dyer, A. Larusson, C. Walsh, "Biologically-inspired Soft Exosuit," Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013. M. Quigley, A. Asbeck, and A. Ng, "A Low-cost Compliant 7-DOF Robotic Manipulator," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2011. M. Quigley, A. Asbeck, and A. Ng, "Low-Cost Manipulation Powered by ROS," in the Assoc. for the Adv. of Artificial Intelligence workshop "Enabling Intelligence through Middleware," 2010. A. Lussier Desbiens, A. Asbeck, and M. Cutkosky, "Hybrid Aerial and Scansorial Robotics," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2010. A. Lussier Desbiens, A. Asbeck, and M. Cutkosky, "Scansorial Landing and Perching", Proc. 14th International Symposium on Robotics Research, 2009. A. Asbeck, S. Dastoor, A. Parness, L. Fullerton, N. Esparza, D. Soto, B. Heyneman, and M. Cutkosky, "Climbing rough vertical surfaces with hierarchical directional adhesion," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2009. S. Kim, A. Asbeck, M. Cutkosky, and W. Provancher, "SpinybotII: Climbing Hard Walls with Compliant Microspines," Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, 2005. A. Asbeck, S. Kim, M. Cutkosky, W. Provancher, and M. Lanzetta, "Scaling hard vertical surfaces with compliant microspine arrays," Robotics: Science and Systems, 2005. BOOK CHAPTERS A. Asbeck, Y. Ding, S.M.M. De Rossi, I. Galiana, C.Walsh, "Case Study: Soft Exosuits for Walking Assistance," to appear in the next edition of Wearable Robotics: Biomechatronic Exoskeletons edited by Jose Pons. Page 2 of 4 Asbeck – CV A. Lussier Desbiens, A. Asbeck, and M. Cutkosky, "Scansorial Landing and Perching," Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 2011, Volume 70/2011, p. 169-184. POSTERS S. M. M. De Rossi, A. Asbeck, H. Pei, R. Dyer, A. Larusson, I. Galiana, K. Holt, J. Bae, C. J. Walsh, "Kinematic and Energetic Effects of a Soft Active Exosuit for Gait Assistance," World Congress of Biomechanics, 2014. Y. Ding, I. Galiana, A. Asbeck, B. Quinlivan, S. M. M. De Rossi, C. Walsh, "Multi-joint Actuation Platform for Gait Biomechanics Studies of Lower Extremity Soft Exosuits," World Congress of Biomechanics, 2014. S.M.M. De Rossi, K. O’Donnell, A. Asbeck, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, J. Bae, K. Holt, and C. Walsh, "A soft exosuit for gait assistance," IDEAS (Innovation, Design, and Emerging Alliances in Surgery) Symposium, "Surgical Robotics: From Principles to Practice," 2014. A. Asbeck, R. Dyer, A. Larusson, S.M.M. De Rossi, H. Pei, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, D. Wagner, J. Bae, K. Holt, and C. Walsh, "Biologically Inspired Soft Exosuit," Smart Clothes Symposium at the Radcliffe Inst. for Advanced Studies at Harvard University, 2013. A. Asbeck, R. Dyer, A. Larusson, S.M.M. De Rossi, H. Pei, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, D. Wagner, J. Bae, K. Holt, and C. Walsh, "Biologically Inspired Soft Exosuit," Wyss Institute Retreat, 2013. A. Asbeck, B. Dyer, A. Larusson, S.M.M. DeRossi, H. Pei, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, K. Holt, and C. Walsh "Biologically Inspired Soft Exosuit," Harvard SEAS Postdoc Recognition Event, 2013. A. Asbeck, S. Kim, A. McClung, A. Parness, and M. Cutkosky, "Climbing walls with microspines," Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2006. INVITED TALKS AND GUEST LECTURES “Soft Exosuits for Walking Assistance,” speaker at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Seminar at University of California, Irvine, to occur in Nov. 2014. “Designing and Evaluating Soft Exosuits,” speaker at the Topics in Bioengineering Seminar at Harvard University, Sept. 2014. "Robotics and Manufacturing," guest lecture in 15.769 Operations Strategy class at the Sloan School of Business, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dec. 2014. "Designing Wearable Robotic Systems," guest lecture in ES227 Medical Device Design class at Harvard University, Mar. 2014. "Robotics and Manufacturing," guest lecture in Operations Management class at the University of Lausanne, May 2013. "The Future of Robotics," guest lecture in Operation Strategy class at the University of Lausanne, Dec. 2011. "Springs and Robot Applications," guest lecture in ME112 Mechanical Systems Design class at Stanford University, Feb. 2011 "Climbing Robot Principles and Design," speaker at the ME396 Design and Manufacturing Forum, at Stanford University, Mar. 2005. Page 3 of 4 Asbeck – CV MISCELLANEOUS Fellowships/Awards: Best Poster: IDEAS Symposium Harvard University 3rd place: Biodesign Bike Safety Invention Challenge Stanford University Best Video: International Conference on Robotics and Automation National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 04/14 02/09 06/06 06/02 Service to the field: Reviewer (Journals): IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine Reviewer (Conferences): IEEE ICRA, IEEE IROS, IEEE BioRob, IEEE ICORR Judge, National 2014 ASME Student Robotics Design Competition Mentoring: Kai Schmidt: Harvard Univ. Visiting Master's student 2013 – beginning a PhD at ETH in February Matthew Yarri: Harvard Univ. Senior Thesis 2013 – winner of Hoopes prize for outstanding thesis Sloan Zimmerman: Harvard Univ. Senior Thesis 2012 – currently MS student at Ohio State Univ. Charley Ho: Stanford Univ. Artificial Intelligence Lab Summer Intern 2011 Ariel Jiahui Shi: Stanford Univ. Artificial Intelligence Lab Master’s Fall Research Project 2010 Ivan Herrera: Stanford University Biomimetics Lab Summer Intern 2008 Jacobi Grillo: Stanford University Biomimetics Lab Summer Intern 2007 Amanda Valverde: Stanford University Biomimetics Lab Summer Intern 2006 Ji Lee: Stanford University Biomimetics Lab Summer Intern 2004 Dana Ung: Stanford University Biomimetics Lab Summer Intern 2004 PATENTS Biologically-Inspired Soft Exosuit – A. Asbeck, C. Walsh, et al. (several pending) Biologically Inspired Climbing Device – A. Asbeck, S. Kim, M. Cutkosky (2011) Accurate and efficient calibrating device and method – G. Hamilton, Y. Cetin, A. Asbeck (2003) Page 4 of 4
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