Dry Cleaning News David Whitehurst’s Our Services to You

David Whitehurst’s
Dry Cleaning News
Champion Cleaners
The Best Dry Cleaning Ever...Or It’s Free
November 2013
The Single Biggest Mistake in Clothing Care
Well, I did it. I own a dry cleaner and I made the single biggest mistake possible
in clothing care.
I have a light weight white jacket for my morning walks with Champ. When the
temperatures dropped a couple of weeks ago, I pulled it out of the closet only to
find a big yellow spot right on the front that looked a lot like mustard. On my
white jacket!
I’m sure you know to always put your clothes away
clean when the seasons change. I didn’t do that so I
was at the mercy of the fabric, the stain and the
knowledge of my dry cleaner...who happens to be
Ric Pevey (luckily Ric and our Plant Managers,
Craig Ledwon and Greystone and Terry Hal at Calera, are “Certified Garment Care Professionals”
and know all about spot removal, fabrics and cleanRic Pevey
ing techniques). They can’t guarantee that they can
get out every stain, but if anyone can, Ric, Craig and Terry can do it.
Fortunately for me, Ric removed the spot from my jacket without fading the color
of the jacket in the area of the stain.
So the biggest mistake you can make in caring for your clothes is to not keep them
clean. And while this may sound a bit self-serving since I’m in the dry cleaning
business...it’s just the truth about clothing care.
Here are my suggestions for protecting the investment in your clothes:
1. Clean your clothes soon after wearing them. Don’t wait several weeks between visits to your laundry room or to Champion Cleaners. And when the
season changes, don’t put your clothes away dirty. Stains have a better chance
to set in and they won’t be ready to wear when the season changes again.
2. Clean your clothes often enough. Trying to get an extra time wearing a
dress shirt, your favorite blouse, or even those dress pants might seem like a
frugal thing to do. But food spills, perspiration and even deodorant can cause
stains. The sooner you tend to the problem, the better chance you have of not
having to replace the garment early.
3. Don’t try to treat those spots yourself unless you really know what you’re
doing. Magic formulas of hairspray or Windex to remove ink on a dress shirt
rarely work and most often compound the problem. If you find a spot, blot it
off and let us help with it...right away.
We have a regular customer in Boston who ships any garment with a stain to Ric
to handle. Ric does his magic and ships it back...because Ric really knows what
he’s doing!
Champion Cleaners
The Best Dry Cleaning Ever
...Or It’s Free
Our Services to You
Professional Dry Cleaning and
Expert Alterations
Comforter & Bedspread
Area Rug Cleaning
Textile Restoration Cleaning
from Fire, Smoke, Water, Mold
Ugg Boot Cleaning
Wedding Gown Cleaning,
Preservation, Restoration and
Leather & Suede Cleaning
Inside this issue:
Tips About Fatty Liver 2
Customers of the
Life Lessons from
Champ: About Not
Having To Ask
“Quotes” of the Month 3
6 Little Known Facts A 4
Contact Information
David Whitehurst
Rocky Ridge Cleaning Center
Greystone Cleaning Center
Calera Cleaning Center
Dry Cleaning Valet Service
Pickup & Delivery
Champion Wedding
Gown Specialist
Cleans, Preserves, Restores
CRDN of Birmingham
Textile Restoration
Area Rug Cleaning
We’re on the Web at
David Whitehurst’s
Dry Cleaning News
Page 2
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
While I’m not a doctor or a scientific researcher, I’ve studied a bit
about this subject. Fatty Liver Disease has been increasing at a torrid
pace over the last few decades. Today it affects 30% of the U.S.
population and this number is expected to go over 50% within 20
So what is the cause of this disease? According to published reports,
elevated blood sugar levels caused by consuming too much sugar is
the answer. Fructose is processed in the liver and when too much is
consumed, the excess fructose turns into fat around the liver.
This is why it is critical to avoid sugar. Sodas, fruit juice, and processed foods loaded
with sugar are the main culprits. High sugar diets also have a lot to do with the increase
in Type 2 Diabetes, heart attacks, cancer and other diseases because your body cannot
process that much sugar like it can with other nutrients.
Many people think that high fat diets are the cause of weight gain and other health
problems in this country. But fat is essential to the body and is healthy for you as long
as your carbs are kept low. When your diet consists of high fats and high carbs, you are
setting yourself up to gain weight quickly.
Think about a time when you have gained weight. Was it because both your sugar and
fat intake were very high? Every time I increase the amounts of carbs I eat, I tend to
stay hungry and gain weight quickly. This is why I now choose to eat a high fat and
high protein diet but keep my carbs extremely low. By eating this way, I stay full
longer and have more energy.
Studies have also shown that you can lose weight eating either high carb or low carb if
you count calories. But it’s amazing to me that the studies don’t tell us that we will be
healthier if we keep your carb intake low because it works for me and many others.
Wedding Gown
Care from Certified
We also clean and
Military Uniforms
Check Out Our Web Site At www.ChampionCleaners.com
Register To Access Your Account Through The “Customer Login” Link
Happy Thanksgiving
From Our Family at Champion Cleaners
to Yours. Make it a Great Day!
“The Constitution Only Gives People The Right to
Pursue Happiness. You have to Catch It Yourself.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
Page 3
Champion Cleaners
Customers of the Month
The Best Dry Cleaning Ever
...Or It’s Free
Our Customers of the Month are recognized by our Customer Service Specialists because
they are a pleasure to serve.. Each receives a $25 Champion Cleaners gift certificate
Charles Daniel - 33/40 Meteorologist and Father of new twin
sons! Congrats! (Rocky Ridge)
Melody Lewis (Greystone)
Gail Davis (Calera)
Life Lessons From Champ - About Not Having To Ask
Editors Note: Champ is my 12 + year old “rescue” Yellow Lab and my best friend (next to Sherry). He
never complains, he’s always happy to see me... and he’s wiser than most.
I’m about 90 years old in people years today. I wouldn’t even
know this if my body didn’t constantly remind me. The doctor
says I have arthritis in my back. I’m not asking for sympathy
here and I’m no different from a lot of people.
In my younger years, I would try to sprint for the street when
Dad was walking me on a leash so maybe I could get loose. I
would try to escape from any door that was opened longer than a
second or two. Once when I was at the lake, I swam out so far that Dad thought I
couldn’t swim back. But every time I took off...I came back. I just wanted to be on
my own for a while.
Holiday Hours
We Will Be Closed on
Thanksgiving Day.
Dry Cleaning Valet
With the Thursday holiday, our
Delivery Service will be
changed as follows:
Monday/Thursday service
will be provided on Monday
and Wednesday
Tuesday/Friday service will
remain unchanged
It seems that for most of my years, I was always trying to get away...to be on my own.
For a least a little while. But I don’t do those things today. I still take my walk every
morning...on a leash with Dad but I don’t try to get away. I don’t bolt for an open
door any more. Today, I sleep in Mom’s and Dad’s room at night because I want to
be close to them. I never did that when I was younger.
I spent most of my life looking for chances to be left alone to do whatever I wanted to
do, at least for a little while every day. But I don’t want to be left alone anymore. I
want to be around people, especially my family.
And this is what I know: If you have a senior citizen in your life, remember that we
don’t want to be left alone. We want to be around people, especially family. We may
not always ask to be with you and you might just think we’re fine being alone. But
we’re not trying to get away any more. We don’t like to ask to be with you. But
that’s where we really want to be.
“QUOTES” of the Month
“Never lose sight of the fact that old age needs so little but needs that little so
much.” ~ Margaret Willour
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ~ Albert Camus
“It’s a mere moment in a man’s life between the All Star Game and the Old
Timer’s Game.” ~ Vin Scully
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” ~ Marthe Troly-Curtain
“It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a
harvest in the Autumn.” ~ B. C. Forbes
“Do not regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many.” ~ Unknown
“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness
consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” ~
Albert Camus
Expert Alterations
At Champion
Page 4
Champion Cleaners
Rocky Ridge Cleaning Center
2548 Rocky Ridge Road
Vestavia Hills, AL 35243
Greystone Cleaning Center
5403 Highway 280, Suite 101
Hoover, AL 35242
Calera Cleaning Center
4204 Highway 31
Calera, AL 35040
Six Little Known Facts About Thanksgiving
According to www.RandomHistory.com:
The famous pilgrim celebration at Plymouth Colony
Massachusetts in 1621 is traditionally regarded as the first
American Thanksgiving. However, there are actually 12
claims to where the “first” Thanksgiving took place: two in
Texas, two in Florida, one in Maine, two in Virginia, and
five in Massachusetts.
The famous “Pilgrim and Indian” story featured in modern
Thanksgiving narratives was not initially part of early
Thanksgiving stories, largely due to tensions between
Indians and colonists.
10% Off Dry Cleaning or Laundry
Minimum 4 pieces, Maximum 20 pieces
Good for incoming orders only
One coupon per household in Nov. 2013
Offer expires Nov. 30, 2013
Held every year on the island of Alcatraz since 1975,
“Unthanksgiving Day” commemorates the survival of
Native Americans following the arrival and settlement of
Europeans in the Americas
President Jefferson called a federal Thanksgiving
proclamation “the most ridiculous idea ever conceived.”
The Friday after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday
largely because stores hope the busy shopping day will
take them out of the red and into positive profits. Black
Friday has been a tradition since the 1930s
Thanksgiving football games began with Yale versus
Princeton in 1876.
We’ll Clean Any Garment With A Turkey or
a Pumpkin On It For FREE With Any Dry
Clean Order
Limit 1 FREE Item per household
Good for incoming orders only
Offer Expires Nov. 30, 2013
Cannot be combined with any other offer
Cannot be combined with any other offer
Go to www.ChampionCleaners.com/Specials for more savings