Keil/Uhlman Meeting Room -

(all nurses and breastfeeding supporters encouraged to attend and welcome)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Keil/Uhlman Room, Wood County Hospital
950 West Wooster Street, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Directions to the hospital can be found at Click on the hospital name. For
further assistance, call 419-354-8900. The hospital is on Wooster St (Rt. 64) and can be reached from I-75 off
exit #181 or after exiting Rt 6 and going north on Rt 25 to Wooster St. The hospital is on the west side of town
and located on the north side of the street. Park in the back of the hospital and go to the entrance labeled
Meeting Rooms, which is located near the Emergency Center.
12:00 PM Optional Networking Lunch (Bring your own lunch)
Resource Sharing and Updates
Jennifer Tansel, RNC, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant, Wood County Hospital
1:00 pm How Craniosacral Therapy Helps Parents and their Babies
Speaker: Jeanne Mathews, OT
Jeanne received training in craniosacral therapy from the Upledger Institute through the
advanced level, including pediatrics and meridian unwinding. She recently completed the
Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth course at the institute in Florida. She is also trained in
Myofascial Release. Web site:
Objectives: 1) Outline the basic premise of Craniosacral Therapy (CST). 2) explain how this
gentle hands-on treatment can help women before, during and after pregnancy. 3) discuss how
CST is designed to help newborns to unwind and release restrictions that may have occurred
during pregnancy or delivery.
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. Improving Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates in Area Hospitals
Discussion Leader: Natalie Shenk, BS, RN, IBCLC
Panel members include Carol Miller, BSN, RN, IBCLC; Melinda Lueck, BSN, RN, IBCLC;
and Debby Schymanski, IBCLC.
Please bring questions for the panel and be ready to share what your hospital or W.I.C. office is
doing to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates.
Objectives: 1) Describe changes that are being used to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates in
several hospitals. 2) List resources available to those involved in making changes. 3) Describe
strategies used to effect change in the hospital setting.
3:45 p.m. Evaluation and Adjourn
This program is an educational event jointly provided by ProMedica and the Region III+ Perinatal Education Consortium.
ProMedica (OH-069/4-1-15) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Meeting Location or Content Questions: Jennifer Tansel, RNC, IBCLC, 419373-7665 or Natalie Shenk, BS, RN, IBCLC, Blanchard Valley Hospital, 419-23-5518
R.S.V.P by March 26, 2015 Please make sure you tell us you are coming ahead of the meeting so we can confirm
we have a nice sized group, to help with planning seating and any handouts, and so we can notify you in the case
there is a last minute change of meeting location or other plans.
Registration: $5.00 Please do not bring cash to the meeting. Reservations may be communicated ahead of the
registration payment if needed to help us with timely planning. (Consortium Service Points may be used in lieu of
payment for staff of member hospitals. Contact your OB Unit Manager for how to do this.)
Perinatal Region III+ Lactation Consultant/Educators’ Network Meeting
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Name:_____________ ____________________ Credentials:
(please print)
Employer (if applicable):
Mailing address with City, State, Zip:
Is this: Business or  Home?
Business Phone:
Personal Phone:
E-mail _____________________________________________
Registration Fee: $5
Be sure to call first if registering late.
Fax/Phone with credit card info:
Fax: 419-479-6981 Phone: 419-291-4646
Mail: This form must accompany mailed in payment.
Region III+ Perinatal Education Consortium (checks payable to ProMedica Toledo Hospital)
ProMedica Toledo Hospital, Perinatal Office, Legacy 3rd Fl
2142 N. Cove Blvd., Toledo, OH 43606
 Use Consortium Service Points ____Approved by ___________________________________
 Check enclosed (payable to ProMedica Toledo Hospital)
 Credit Card Type and Number:
Exp. Date:_____ Amount:___________
Name on card:____________ _________________Authorizing Signature: