Basic Fetal Monitoring -

This conference is designed to provide
instruction concerning the use of electronic fetal
monitoring. It will include basic how-to
information related to interpreting monitor
tracings, along with the nursing responsibilities
applicable to fetal monitoring.
The course will be directed toward nurses
working in labor and delivery, however, all are
It is recommended that participants read some
material on basic fetal monitoring before
attending this course.
Regional Perinatal Education
Debbie Fritz, RNC, MSN, coordinator
For directions to the hospital go to and select the link
to ProMedica Bay Park Hospital. For further
assistance, call 419-690-7900. Park and enter
the main entrance. The conference rooms are
located on the lower level just below the lobby
and next to the cafeteria.
The fee is $25 for employees of Consortium
member hospitals and $75 for all others if
registered or postmarked on or before
May 14, 2015 and $30 for employees of
Consortium member hospitals and $80 for all
others if registered or postmarked after
May 14, 2015. This includes a light continental
breakfast, continuing education credit, and
conference materials. Lunch is on your own.
Refunds are available if notification at least 48
hours prior to the conference is provided. Leave
a voice mail message anytime and your call will
be confirmed the following day. Substitutes are
accepted anytime.
ProMedica (OH-069/4-1-15) is an approved
provider of continuing nursing education by the
Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an
accredited approver by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on
Basic Fetal Monitoring
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Erie Conference Room
ProMedica Bay Park Hospital
2801 Bay Park Drive
Oregon, OH 43616
Offered by:
Region III+ Perinatal Education Consortium
This program is an educational event jointly
provided by ProMedica and the
Region III+ Perinatal Education Consortium.
An award of 6.66 contact hours is available to
those who attend the entire day.
The Region III+ Perinatal Education
Consortium is a collaborative effort of perinatal
professionals at member hospitals. The mission
of the Consortium is to enhance the quality and
quantity of continuing education resources
available to the perinatal staff of member
9:45 am Break
Sue Johnson, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Laurie Steyer, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Charlene Meyer, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Bridget McLaughlin, BSN, RNC
Beth Bortz, MSN/Ed, RNC-EFM
Brooke Bellman, BSN, RNC-OB
Diana Tolles, MSN/Ed, RNC-OB
Rebecca Ranzau, BSN, RN
Jennifer Ricker, BSN, MBA, RN
Alisha Nims, BSN, RN
Jennifer Ricker, BSN, MBA, RN
OB Supervisor
Jaime Moreno, RNC-OB
Staff Nurse
ProMedica Bay Park Hospital
10:10 am Periodic/Episodic Changes
Objective: Describe and categorize periodic
and episodic changes.
11:45 am Lunch (on your own)
Employer :
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
1:50 pm Pattern Recognition
Objective: Describe and interpret fetal heart
monitoring patterns.
Registration Fee:
Registered/Postmarked on or before 5/14/15:
$25 staff of member hospitals
$75 all others
2:20 pm Break
7:30 am Registration
3:20 pm Legal Issues
Objective: Discuss legal issues related to fetal
heart monitoring.
8:45 am Baseline Rate and Variability
Objective: Identify various baseline rates and
variability using correct terminology.
1:20 pm Antepartum Testing
Objective: Outline the tests available for
antepartum fetal monitoring.
2:40 pm Case Reviews
Objective: Describe, communicate vebally,and
document fetal heart monitoring patterns.
8:05 am Electronic Fetal Heart Monitor
Objective: Describe the types and use,
including troubleshooting, pros, and cons of
the equipment used for continuous fetal heart
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Help us plan ... REGISTER EARLY
(please print)
12:45 pm Contraction Patterns and
Induction of Labor
Objective: Recognize normal and abnormal
contraction patterns for labor.
Alisha Nims, BSN, RN
Staff Nurse
Firelands Regional Medical Center
8:00 am Welcome
Basic Electronic Fetal
Business Phone:
Personal Phone:
Registered/Postmarked after 5/28/15:
$30 staff of member hospitals
$80 all others
Consortium Points ____Approved by ____________
Check enclosed (to ProMedica Toledo Hospital)
Master Card
Visa Other_____________
Card Number:
Exp. Date:_______________ Amount:
4:20 pm Evaluation
4:30 pm Adjourn
Authorizing Signature:
Be sure to call first if registering late.
Regional Perinatal Education
ProMedica Toledo Hospital,
Perinatal Office, Legacy 3rd Fl
2142 N. Cove Blvd., Toledo, OH 43606
Fax: 419-479-6981 Phone: 419-291-4646