Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual Arkansas Foreword The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is pleased to publish this Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual. Each state analysis includes information in a standardized format: contact, legal limits, special permit limits, general restrictions, types of permits available, fees, escort needs, fines, and restricted travel areas. Telephone numbers, locations, and hours of operation are listed for ports of entry and permit branches. However, readers are always advised to check with the state offices on current laws and procedures. This project could not have been completed without the advice and consultation of many state officials. We thank all of those who provided permit manuals, maps, laws, regulations, and various other forms of documentation. Legal Notice This SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual is intended only to provide concise, easily read information, useful in planning movements of overdimensional and overweight loads. This Permit Manual is not intended to be an accurate summary of all the applicable laws and regulations. Users of the Permit Manual should confirm the information contained herein before dispatching vehicles and loads. The SC&RA cautions Permit Manual users that state laws and regulations are subject to change without notice, and that some time elapses between the effective date of such changes and the amendment of the Permit Manual to reflect those changes. The SC&RA assumes no responsibility for accident, injury, loss or claim, penalties or any other damage resulting from reliance on the contents of this Permit Manual. Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200 Centreville, VA 20120 PHONE: (703) 698-0291 Fax: (571) 722-1698 Website: www.scranet.org Email: info@scranet.org AR-1 04/15 Copyright 1987-2015 by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Joel M. Dandrea, Executive Vice President, Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to Joel M. Dandrea, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association, 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200, Centreville, VA 20120. SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual ARKANSAS CONTACT Department of Highways 10324 Interstate 30 Little Rock, AR 72203 Website: www.arkansashighways.com/ Permits by Telephone: (501) 569-2381 Hours: 6:00 am – 4:30 pm Mon. – Fri. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Certain Holidays Permits in Person: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (501) 569-4998 (fax) LEGAL LIMITS GVW o (steer) Rating) o oo ooo 80,000 12,000 to 20,000 (Manufacturer 20,000 34,000 54,000 -Federal Bridge Formula applies on GVW, steer, single & tandem WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH 8'6" 13'6" 45' NR 53’6" single unit overall length 65’ semitrailer all highways OVERHANG 3’ front 4’ rear TOLERANCE: 8% variance on tandem axles up to 36,500 hauling logs; may not exceed 85,000 lbs total gross. (state highways only) PERMIT LIMITS o 20,000 oo 40,000 ooo 60,000 oooo 68,000 (No additional weight for trunnion axles) WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH 20' short moves (18' on interstate) Over 17 ft. requires utility letter of release from utility. no set limit PERMIT RESTRICTIONS General - Permits are valid for three days. No travel is permitted on certain holidays, and travel is restricted to the hours between sunrise and sunset (Not 30 min. before and 30 min. after.). If the vehicle has regular legal dimensions and is eligible for overweight only permit, the operator may obtain a permit to travel on weekends and evenings. Mobile homes may not be moved on holidays. Cutter blades, dozers, and other equipment of a hazardous nature over 14' in width may be cradled to such an angle as is necessary to reduce the overall width to 14'. Poles, pipes, and beams are exempt from length permits only during daytime travel. Loads not exceeding 90’ long may travel 24 hours, 7 days a week. To establish a monthly charge account for permits, operators must post a $1000 (minimum) surety bond. Divisible load permits are not available. Insurance — Insurance must be on file with a minimum carry of $750/500/10 for all ICC carriers. Weekend/Night Travel – Permits may be issued for movement of overdimensional loads on Arkansas highways on Saturday and Sunday unless a holiday weekend. Mobile homes are prohibited from moving on Sundays. AR-2 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Holiday – No travel is permitted on certain holidays. Mobile homes may not be moved on holidays Inclement Weather - None noted. Permit Information Required — Load description; tractor information (GVW, total number of axles, weights and spacing, overall dimensions); origin and destination; effective dates; routes to be traveled. Routing assigned by Department. License number and VIN of truck-tractor and trailer. Serial number of mobile cranes, etc. PERMIT TYPES Single Trip Only, for weight and dimension. The Commission has authorized the Director of the AHTD to provide for the issuance of Multi-State Envelope Permits under the Multi-State Permit Agreement for oversize and overweight vehicles. FEES A charge of $17.00 shall be made for each special permit. In addition, for each ton or major fraction thereof to be hauled in excess of the lawful weight and load for that vehicle, or combination of vehicles, charges shall be made for such as follows: On Each Ton, Per Ton, or Mileage to be traveled is: Fraction Thereof No more than 100 miles 101 miles to 150 miles, inclusive 151 miles to 200 miles, inclusive 201 miles to 250 miles, inclusive Over 251 miles $ 8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 ESCORTS AND SIGNS Labeling — Red flags are required at the lower rear corners of all overwidth and overlength vehicles. Flags are to be 18" square. "Oversize Load" sign shall be placed across the front and rear of any oversize vehicle. Sign must be yellow with black letters 10" high and with a brush stroke of 2". Escort Vehicles and Personnel — Loads over 14' wide require 2 escorts (front & rear) on 2 lane highways and 1 (rear) on 4 lane highways. Loads over 15' high require a front escort with a height pole. Escorts are assigned at discretion of Department. Escorts must carry proof of insurance ($100,000/$300,000/$25,000, or $325,000 combined single limit coverage), and must have an amber flashing light mounted on top of the cab of the escort vehicle. Additional Requirements Include: 1.) minimum load capacity of truck escort of 1/4 ton, or 2000 lbs. for automobile, licensed in Arkansas, except if providing interstate escort services; 2.) name, address or telephone number, and city of company/owner plainly legible, information on vehicle must match insurance certificate; and 3.) 10 lbs. fire extinguisher, four flares, two red hand held flags carried in escort vehicle. Certification – Pilot Car Escort Certification is not currently required. FINES Overdimension: Any violation excluding overweight is punishable by a fine of $100 for the first offense. Second conviction in the same year is $200. Any additional fines after then will be $500. (Excluding court costs.) Some fines may be lower, but none will exceed these limits. Overweight: Same as above. AR-3 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Penalty: 1,000 lbs. or less $10 or 2 cents per pound 1,001 lbs. to 2,000 lbs. 2 to 4 cents per pound 2,001 lbs. to 3,000 lbs. 3 to 5 cents per pound over 3,000 lbs. 4 to 6 cents per pound over 10,000 lbs. 8 to 10 cents per pound If an operator is caught overweight, the load will be held until a new permit is obtained or the excess weight is unloaded. Operators will be given time to shift the load to avoid an over-axle citation. Fines are calculated from the legal weight limit. RESTRICTED TRAVEL No oversize or overweight vehicles may travel through the greater Little Rock area between the hours of 7:00–9:00 am and 4:00–6:00 pm on I-30 (mile markers 137–143), on I-40 (mile markers 151–155), and on I-630. Inclement Weather – Movement is prohibited during inclement weather when in the opinion of the issuing agency conditions prevail which would make the movement unsafe. Spring Weight Restriction – No restrictions Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings No rule on file PORTS OF ENTRY/WEIGH STATIONS Port Of Entry-Little Rock-North Little Rock Port Information Port Code: 2003 Location Address: 1100 Temple Street Air Cargo Building Little Rock, AR 72202 Mailing Address: 1100 Temple Street Little Rock, AR 72202 Port Director: Martin Childs General Phone: (501) 324-5289 General Fax: (501) 324-5798 Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM(Central) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) User Fee Airport-Rogers Airport Port Information Port Code: Location Address: Mailing Address: General Phone: General Fax: Operational Hours: 2084 #5 Hammerschmidt Drive Rogers, AR 72756 Same As Above (479) 246-9472 (479) 246-9786 8:00 AM-5:00 PM(Central) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) Weigh Stations: Ashdown – Hwy 71 Alma Eastbound – Oklahoma line Alma Westbound – Oklahoma line Hope Eastbound – I-30 Texas line Hope Westbound – 1-30 Texas line AR-4 04/15 (870) (479) (479) (870) (870) 898-3932 474-6074 471-8117 777-4540 777-1946 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Lehi Eastbound Marion – I-55 Tennessee line Springdale Southbound – Highway 71 MO line Springdale Northbound – US 71 MO line West Memphis – I-40 Tennessee line West Memphis – I-55 Tennessee line (870) (870) (479) (479) (870) (870) 735-1162 735-2266 756-5831 756-5832 735-3936 732-2714 PERMIT ORDERING Permit applications may be submitted in person, by telephone, in writing or via the internet Permits Via the Internet: www.arkansashighways.com Email: ahppermit@arkansashighways.com Permits by telephone: (501) 569-2381 Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Permits in person: Permit Office Map Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department 10324 Interstate 30 Little Rock, Arkansas 72209 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Permits may be purchased using a bonded account, credit card, check or cash. The office is closed Saturday, Sunday and all legal state holidays. First time users of our automated on-line permit system must contact our office at 501-569-2546 or ahppermit@arkansashighways.com for a user name and password. Due to technical difficulties, customers needing a permit for round bales of hay must call the permit section at 501-569-2381. US-70 in Oklahoma at the Arkansas border is weight restricted to no more than 90,000 lbs. RECENT & PENDING CHANGES This section contains all recent and pending changes shared by this state with SC&RA in the last 12 months. AR-5 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual
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