Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual Kentucky Foreword The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is pleased to publish this Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual. Each state analysis includes information in a standardized format: contact, legal limits, special permit limits, general restrictions, types of permits available, fees, escort needs, fines, and restricted travel areas. Telephone numbers, locations, and hours of operation are listed for ports of entry and permit branches. However, readers are always advised to check with the state offices on current laws and procedures. This project could not have been completed without the advice and consultation of many state officials. We thank all of those who provided permit manuals, maps, laws, regulations, and various other forms of documentation. Legal Notice This SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual is intended only to provide concise, easily read information, useful in planning movements of overdimensional and overweight loads. This Permit Manual is not intended to be an accurate summary of all the applicable laws and regulations. Users of the Permit Manual should confirm the information contained herein before dispatching vehicles and loads. The SC&RA cautions Permit Manual users that state laws and regulations are subject to change without notice, and that some time elapses between the effective date of such changes and the amendment of the Permit Manual to reflect those changes. The SC&RA assumes no responsibility for accident, injury, loss or claim, penalties or any other damage resulting from reliance on the contents of this Permit Manual. Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200 Centreville, VA 20120 PHONE: (703) 698-0291 Fax: (571) 722-1698 Website: www.scranet.org Email: info@scranet.org KY-1 04/15 Copyright 1987-2015 by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Joel M. Dandrea, Executive Vice President, Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to Joel M. Dandrea, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association, 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200, Centreville, VA 20120. SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual KENTUCKY Transportation Cabinet Division of Motor Carriers Overweight/Overdimensional Permit Section P.O. Box 2007 Frankfort, KY 40602-2007 Walk-in and overnight delivery: 200 Metro Street Frankfort, KY 40622 Website: http://transportation.ky.gov/dmc/ Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm One Stop 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (502) 564-1257 (502) 564-0992 fax E-mail owod.dmc@ky.gov LEGAL LIMITS Interstate GVW 80,000 o (steer) 12,000 (700 lbs/inch o 20,000 or 20,000 lbs., oo 34,000 whichever ooo 48,000 is less) -Federal Bridge Formula applies WIDTH 8' 8'6" TOLERANCE: HEIGHT LENGTH 13'6" 45' 53' 65' 65' single unit semitrailer (desig.) overall length autotransporter (53' trailer length limit on interstate) On interstate and major highway systems there are no overall length restrictions, however, on these highways the trailer is limited to 53 feet in length by 8 feet 6 inches in width. On all other state highways the legal dimensions for truck and trailer are 65 feet in length and 8 feet in width. Overall height is limited to 13 feet 6 inches on all highways. Legal gross weight for 5 or more axles is up to 80,000 lbs. 5% on axle on state routes only. (nondesignated hwys) (designated hwys.) - fifteen miles from any interstate or parkway exit to attain reasonable access to a terminal or facility for food, fuel, repairs, or rest. OVERHANG If overhang exceeds 5' on a single unit or motor vehicle and trailer or semi-trailer, an overdimensional permit is required. 3' front, 4' rear on autotransporters TIRE WIDTH700 lbs. per inch width PERMIT LIMITS o 700 lbs. per inch tire width o 20,000 oo 48,000 ooo 60,000 oooo 80,000 5 axles - 96,000 6 axles - 120,000 No maximum weight restriction on units with 7 or more axles Width Length Height KY-2 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual 04/15 Width, Length, and Height subject to case by case review. Anything over these limits subject to further review PERMIT RESTRICTIONS General - Permits shall be valid 24/7 except from 7 – 9 AM and 4 – 6 PM Monday through Friday in the following: 5 counties, Boone, Campbell, Fayette, Jefferson, and Kenton and no travel is allowed on the 431 bridge in Owensboro . * An overweight or overdimensional load originating in Fayette County shall be exempt from traffic rush hour restrictions on Interstate 64 and Interstate 75 in Fayette County and on connecting routes to both interstates up to a distance of three (3) miles from the interstates. Self-propelled equipment must follow all oversize rules and regulations. Weight is calculated based on tire size, number of axles, and axle spacing. 700 lbs per inch of tire width or 20,000 lbs, whichever is less. 24/7 travel DOES NOT APPLY FOR MOBILE HOMES Mobile homes are allowed daylight hours only Monday through Saturday with no travel permitted on Sunday. Effective March 18, 2005 due to HB 309. Insurance — No requirement for proof of insurance to be on file. Minimum insurance requirement for $750/500/10. Weekend/Night Travel – All overweight/Overdimensional moves, except mobile homes, can travel 24 hours a day 7 days a week unless otherwise noted on the permit. Mobile home movements are restricted to Monday thru Saturday daylight hours only and no travel permitted Sunday. County Restriction All permitted loads are restricted to the following counties 7am to 9am or 4pm to 6pm Monday through Friday: Boone Campbell *Fayette Jefferson Kenton * An overweight or overdimensional load originating in Fayette County shall be exempt from traffic rush hour restrictions on Interstate 64 and Interstate 75 in Fayette County and on connecting routes to both interstates up to a distance of three (3) miles from the interstates. Holiday – There is no longer a "holiday" restriction in Kentucky unless it is a Superload, is a House move, or a restriction is otherwise noted on the permit. The State Permit Office is closed on the following holidays: Good Friday, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Martin Luther King Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Inclement Weather – A move of an overweight/overdimensional load more than 12’ wide shall not be made on a highway if a wind advisory has been issued by the National Weather Service; or if adverse weather conditions or road conditions would cause these moves to be dangerous. Permit Information Required — Tractor information; type of carrier; DOT motor carrier number; KYU number; load description; overall dimensions; gross weight; origin and destination; routes to be traveled; effective dates. Licenses - KENTUCKY HIGHWAY USE LICENSE (KYU): This license is required for vehicles with a registered gross weight of 60,000 lbs. and above to report mileage tax. A surety bond is only required for carriers whose license has been cancelled for any reason. KY-3 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual INTERNATIONAL FUEL TAX AGREEMENT LICENSE (IFTA): This license is required for interstate carriers with a gross registered weight exceeding 26,000 lbs. or vehicles with 3 or more axles regardless of weight to report fuel use tax. Kentucky currently exempts farm plated vehicles, buses and government vehicles. Exemptions are different for each state. If you are required to file taxes you will need to obtain an IFTA license through Kentucky. More information is available. KENTUCKY INTRASTATE TAX LICENSE (KIT): This license is required for intrastate carriers with a gross registered weight exceeding 26,000 lbs. or vehicles with 3 or more axles regardless of weight to report fuel use tax. Authorities – Carrier must have all authorities before applying for an OW/OD permit. INTRASTATE AUTHORITY: Required for all intrastate for-hire carriers. KENTUCKY REGULATED AUTHORITY: Required for intrastate for-hire carriers transporting passengers and/or household goods. To obtain an application for this authority, please call 502564-7650. ICC EXEMPT AUTHORITY: Required if you are operating as an interstate for-hire carrier transporting goods exempt from ICC Regulations. ICC AUTHORITY: Required if you are operating as an interstate for-hire carrier transporting goods subject to ICC Regulations. To obtain an application for this authority, please call 202-358-7106 or 202-358-7108. US D.O.T. NUMBER: Required if you are operating vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating or actual gross weight of 10,001 lbs. or above. In Kentucky, all vehicles plated at 10,000 lbs. and above are considered commercial. Some private farm plated vehicles also need a US D.O.T. number. Farm plated vehicles with the gross vehicle weight rating or actual gross weight of 10,001 lbs. or above operating interstate will need a US D.O.T. number. Intrastate farm plated vehicles with the gross vehicle weight rating or actual gross weight exceeding 26,000 lbs. will also need a US D.O.T. number. To obtain an application, please go to our Forms and Applications page, Section 2 Item H, or call the applicable number: KY based carriers: (502) 564-4127 Out-of-state carriers: (800) 832-5660 or visit the FMCSA at http://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION PLAN (IRP): Required for interstate carriers who operate through two or more of the member jurisdictions with a gross weight exceeding 26,000 lbs. or vehicles with 3 or more axles regardless of weight. Vehicles operating intrastate in any member jurisdiction would either have to IRP Apportion Register or purchase a Trip Permit. For questions regarding this authority, please call 502-564-4120 or e-mail irp.dmc@ky.gov. More information is available. UNIFIED CARRIER REGISTRATION (UCR): A Federal Mandated Program enforced by participating states. UCR (Unified Carrier Registration) - any motor carrier that operates in interstate or international commerce is subject to the UCRA (Unified Carrier Registration Agreement) fees. This includes: Motor Carriers, Motor Private Carriers, Leasing Companies, Brokers, and Freight Forwarders. ATTENTION Overweight/Overdimensional carriers. - Route survey required with all loads over 15' 6". PERMIT TYPES Single Trip – valid for 10 calendar days. Annual — 7 types of annuals. An Annual permit is a truck specific permit that allows that truck to move continuously throughout the state without having to contact the Permit Office for approval. Industrial Haul Permit – Authorized by KRS 189.271. KY-4 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual FEES Single Trip — $60 Annual — $20 to $500 See OW/OD Permits and Specifications at: http://dmc.kytc.ky.gov/owod/owod_permits_and_specs.htm ESCORTS AND SIGNS Labeling — Fluorescent red or orange flags at least 18 inch square must be displayed on all four corners and extremities. Two “OVERSIZE LOAD” signs are required on loads over 10'6" wide or with a front overhang. The signs must be 7’ long and 18” high with 1.41” brush strokes. Signs must be to the front and rear of the load. Escort Vehicles and Personnel — Escort vehicles must have flashing amber lights. Follow load at 300 feet (closer in congested area) Must maintain radio contact with load. A single front escort is required for vehicles over 10'6" in width or 75' in length on two-lane roads. A single rear escort must accompany vehicles over 12' in width on four-lane roads. One front and one rear escort must travel with vehicles over 12' in width on two-lane roads. All loads 15’ high and up require a front escort equipped with a vertical clearance measuring pole. One front and two rear escorts for length over 120’ on two and four lane roads. Law Enforcement Escort Requirements – Information not readily available. Certification – Pilot Car Escort Certification is not currently required. FINES Overdimension Only: May range between $100 and $500, plus court costs. Overweight Fines: Fines shall be two cents ($0.02) per pound for each pound of excess load when the excess is 5,000 lbs or less. When the excess exceeds 5,000 lbs the fine shall be two cents per pound for each pound of excess load, but the fine shall not be less than $100 or more than $500. Fines are calculated based on the permit weight. Drivers may be fined for over axle and over gross violations. Operators may be allowed to shift load to avoid an over axle citation. RESTRICTED TRAVEL Specific Roadway Restrictions Jefferson County (Louisville), Boone, Campbell, Kenton, and Fayette County. For all overweight/overdimensional loads Monday – Friday restricts travel during the hours of 7:00–9:00 am and 4:00–6:00 pm. Also, vehicles traveling I-75 must enter Ohio by I-275. Owensboro Bridge No travel is allowed on the 431 bridge in Owensboro. The following parkway routes are controlled by the state permit office: Audubon Parkway William H. Natcher Parkway Blue Grass Parkway Pennyrile Parkway Hal Rogers Parkway Western Kentucky Parkway Combs Mountain Parkway JP Parkway (Jackson Purchase Parkway) Cumberland Parkway Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings: No railroad rule **Must contact railroad company if moving house and/or superload** On interstate and major highway systems there are no overall length restrictions, however, on these highways the trailer is limited to 53 feet in length by 8 feet 6 inches in width. On all other state highways the legal dimensions for truck and trailer are 65 feet in length and 8 feet in width. Overall height is limited to 13 feet 6 inches on all highways. Legal gross weight for 5 or more axles is up to 80,000 lbs. KY-5 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Carriers with nondivisible loads exceeding these dimensions are required to purchase an overweight/overdimensional permit. If you have questions regarding these dimensions or want to purchase this permit, please call 502-564-7150. You may also inquire about an Industrial Haul Permit at this number or contact the district in which you anticipate hauling. PORTS OF ENTRY Port Of Entry-Louisville Port Information Port Code: Location Address: Mailing Address: General Phone: General Fax: Operational Hours: 4115 Louisville International Airport 650 Administration Drive Louisville, KY 40209 Same As Above (502) 366-3398 (502) 368-5319 8:00 AM-4:30 PM(Eastern) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) User Fee Airport-Lexington Port Information Port Code: Location Address: Mailing Address: General Phone: General Fax: Operational Hours: 4184 Bluegrass Airport 4000 Terminal Drive Lexington, KY 40510 Same As Above (859) 425-3111 (859) 233-0508 9:00 AM-5:00 PM(Eastern) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) PERMIT ORDERING A single trip permit can be applied for by Fax – 502-564-0992. Work sheet available online at: http://transportation.ky.gov/Motor-Carriers/Pages/Forms-and-Applications.aspx Look for section 4: Overweight Overdimensional C: Trip Permit Application (Form TC 95-10) A single trip permit is available using our online services. On-line applicants must have an agreement on file with the Division of Motor Carriers authorizing ACH debit or your bank account, or voucher payments, for transactions issued by use or your company. No credit cards will be accepted for payment of on-line based services. On-line services can be accessed at http://transportation.ky.gov/MotorCarriers/Pages/Online- Services.aspx Look for Overweight Overdimensional web applications for permits. Then complete the Authorization Agreement for Preauthorized Payments (OWOD). An Annual permit can be applied for by: Fax: 502-564-0992 Include a credit card number and expiration date. Walk-in: 200 Metro St. 2nd Floor Frankfort, KY 40622 Mail: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division of Motor Carriers OW/OD Section P.O Box 2007 Frankfort, KY 40602 To get an application go to: http://transportation.ky.gov/Motor-Carriers/Pages/Forms-andApplications.aspx- Section 4. Once an application has been received it will take 7 to 14 business days to process. KY-6 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual To renew an Annual permit: 1) Download an application (TC95-25) from our web site: http://transportation.ky.gov/Motor- Carriers/Pages/Forms-and-Applications.aspx - Section 4 2) Make a copy of previous permit, making any necessary changes on copy. *Note Kentucky request that Annual renewals be applied for 30 days prior to the expiration date in order to effectively return the annual in ample time. RECENT & PENDING CHANGES This section contains all recent and pending changes shared by this state with SC&RA in the past 12 months. KY-7 04/15 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual
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