Pine Forest United Methodist Church 400 Woods Avenue Dublin GA 31021 478.272.2441 Reaching out and sharing God’s love. Mother Daughter Banquet Sponsored by the Pine Forest UMW Monday, May 4, 2015 6:30 p.m. Entertainment will be a Puppeteer Show by Friendship Avenue. Reservation forms are available on tables in the main hallway. The banquet is catered and reservations must be made or cancelled by Wednesday, April 29th. Reservations must be honored. TICKETS AVAILABLE It's time for the Youth Choir and Boy Scout annual meat sale! All meat is deliciously smoked to order when you call A.B. Lee at least 24 hours in advance (turkey breasts require 4 day notice)! Tickets are sold by students and can be used any time between April 13 - May 18. All proceeds go toward student summer trips. Tickets are available for: Boston Butt $25; Pork Ribs $20; 2 Ribeye Steaks (with 2 baked potatoes) $30; and Turkey Breast $40. Don't miss out on the best meat in town! April 23, 2015 “SPRING REVIVAL 2015 — RESCHEDULED!” This year’s Revival has been RESCHEDULED! Our guest preacher, Rev. Mike Ricker, is currently dealing with a severe case of the shingles. For some of you who may have had this adult form of “chicken pox,” I’m sure you know all about the pain and suffering that he has been going through. Brother Mike asked me to convey to all of you his deep disappointment and regret over not being able to preach our Revival. I could hear the sadness in his voice, as we talked on the phone this past week; but, I also heard the sheer relief he felt when I told him it was okay for him to stay home and get well! Please know that we are making plans to reschedule our Revival. We are looking at a time in the Fall of 2015, and Lord willing, Mike Ricker will be able to come at full strength to share God’s Word with all of us! I believe that when all is said and done, our upcoming Fall Revival will be well worth the wait! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “CHURCH-WIDE COVERED DISH SUPPER AND ‘A CELEBRATION OF JOY’” Sunday, April 26, 2015, beginning at 5:30 P.M. at Pine Forest UMC This Sunday night is going to be a great time in the life of our church. Although we had to reschedule our Revival, we will still have our Church-wide Covered Dish Supper at 5:30 P.M., as planned. After a wonderful meal and good fellowship, we will then gather in the Sanctuary for a very special worship service! This Sunday evening, at 7:00 P.M., the Rev. Tony Crosby and his children—his son, Nicholas, 15, and his daughter, Natalie, 11, will be performing a wonderful musical program entitled, “A Celebration of Joy.” Music will include a mix of classical, inspirational, contemporary, and gospel treasures in a variety of instrumentation and vocal arrangements. Voice, piano, organ, and brass will all sound forth in celebration of the gift of music, and in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ! Please be sure to invite your friends, family, and neighbors for a night of praise and worship in music. Rev. Crosby is currently the pastor at the Alma / Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist churches in Alma, GA. He is projected to be the newly appointed pastor of Epworth UMC in Columbus, GA., at the conclusion of this year’s South Georgia Annual Conference. Tony earned a Bachelor of Music Performance from Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA., and he later attended Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY., where he earned a Master of Divinity. He is an ordained Elder and a much sought-after musician and worship leader. He has led music in venues throughout the state, including Winter Campmeeting at Epworth, as well as at some of the South Georgia. Annual Conference meetings, just to name a few. Pastor Wes MINISTER ON CALL Joel Dent will be on call April 24-25 and can be reached at 274-9806. April 26, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION OFFERING Our April Sunday School Offering will go to the JAMAICA MISSION FUND. 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Worship Psalm 150 “PRAISE GOD IN HIS SANCTUARY” Joel Dent Worship Leader: Linda Lane Special Music: Josh Powell 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service Romans 3:20-31 "WHAT'S SO AMAZING ABOUT GRACE?" Wes Moye 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Romans 3:20-31 "WHAT'S SO AMAZING ABOUT GRACE?" Wes Moye Worship Leader: Buddy Bethea Special Music: Josh Powell PLEASE PRAY FOR: HOME: Mary Sue Brown, Jane Shoe, Dot Pierce, Dot Eck, Jill Johnson, Sue Long, Bruce Johnson OTHERS: Nina McCutheon-sister of Carl Hooks, Tony Fountain-son of Ann Wallace, Charlene Brantley, Jeannine Howard-sister of Judy Persons VAMC, REHAB, NURSING HOMES OR ASSISTED CARE FACILITIES: Chandler Beasley, Doris Miller, J. C. Pitts, Vi Simmons, Mary Ann Peacock, Aileen Colquitt, Angie Ward, Frances Cook-mother of Rob Cook, Mary Nell Upchurch, Nell Corry, Billy & Sunshine Key, Mary Screws-mother of Karen Carter, Mary Love Necessary, Sara Hutcheson, Bob & Betty Maffett IN THE MILITARY: Michael Shores-son of David & Tanya Shores, Laurie Lane-daughter of Jim & Linda Lane OUR MISSIONARIES: Jason & Kristen Bowden, John & Donna Bearden, Steve & SueAnn Lloyd OUR VISITORS, APRIL 19: Troy & Daphne Warren, Erin Miller, Catelyn Krauter FROM "IMAM" TO "ISLAM" What you must know about the Muslim Faith: Sunday, April 26, 10:04 AM - Fellowship Hall The Core of Islam: The Motives, The Plans (Where do the ideas come from and where are they headed?) FAMILY CAMPING The Chi Alpha Sunday School class is planning a family camping trip May 22-25 to Elijah Clark State Park. If you are interested in going, contact Jared Middleton or Curtis Edwards. It’s sure to be lots of fun whether your family is going for the first time or you are a seasoned camper. Several families are going up on Saturday after graduation. Please Join Us There will be a drop-in bridal shower honoring Jordan Purser on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Pine Forest UMC in the youth wing. The shower will be hosted by Glenda Ford and Jennifer & Caroline Payne. Jordan and her fiancé, Ross Miles, are registered at Colleen’s, Belk, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond. PRAYER REQUEST: STAND FOR MARRIAGE Churches and Pastors throughout America are asked by the Family Research Council to pray for the U. S. Supreme Court next week when they hear arguments regarding the marriage debate. Pray that the decision will uphold the Biblical, traditional understanding of marriage being between one man and one woman. Go to the Family Research Council website to read about the stand Christians are encouraged to take on a wide range of important issues. April 26th is “Stand for Marriage Sunday.” JUST DO IT PRESCHOOL NEWS… From Kay The amazing children of Pine Forest will present their annual musical, "Just Run" on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:45PM. Make reservations for supper and enjoy a wonderful evening! The musical is set around the end of the school year and a new running club that includes running the race to win by incorporating prayer and scripture. Come out and support our 1st-5th graders as they run! SILHOUETTE PROTRAIT ARTIST COMING IN MAY. Award winning silhouette artist, Edward Casey, a former top selling portrait and silhouette artist with Walt Disney World, will be visiting the preschool on May 6th at 9 the Fellowship Hall Go to to see samples of his work. Pine Forest Preschool is accepting registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Call or come by the preschool office, 272-0554. Pine Forest Preschool Summer Fun registration has started. The summer program will be from June 2 – July 2 (Monday – Thursday). Come join in the fun! DISTRICT DAY APART CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES The North Central District United Methodist Women Day Apart will be Sunday, April 26 at 3 p.m. at Shurlington UMC. For more information, please contact Judy Persons at 275-8829. SMOCKING CLASS OFFERED Would you like to learn the art of English Smocking? To make children’s garments, as well as smocked Christmas and Easter ornaments? Louise Jones is considering offering classes at Pine Forest for young mothers & grandmothers that are interested. Please call Louise at 290-4333 or email at to discuss the best time and day/evening to offer the classes. Knowing how to sew is helpful, but not mandatory. LOST & FOUND A watch and ring were found in the church parking lot recently. Please call or stop by the church office for more information. COMING IN MAY 4 6 7 8 13 17 18 19 22 24 25 UMW Mother Daughter Banquet Children’s Choir Musical National Day of Prayer Preschool Mother’s Day Tea Preschool Fun Day Graduation Sunday, 11 a.m. service Leadership Forum Sr. Forester’s Hot Dog Supper Preschool Graduation Pentecost Sunday Memorial Day …. from Kim Children’s Church Parent Volunteers, 4/26/15: 9 & 11 a.m. – Olivia Martin & Brandi Payne Vacation Bible school is just around the corner. If you are interested in helping please let me know. Our theme this year is “A Firm Foundation: Building your life on Jesus Christ.” VBS is June 21 - 25 from 5:45 8:30. We will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity to do some projects. Epworth Summer Camps are just around the corner. If you are interested in going, there are three elementary weeks. There will be a group going from Pine Forest the week of June 29 - July 3 and campers are welcome to ride down to Epworth on the church bus. Learn more about camps at Also, it is not too late to sign up for Winshape. I will be glad to get you signed up. If you are interested just let me know. Don’t miss out on this fantastic week! MUSIC NOTES… from Mary Thank you, handbell choirs, for an absolutely phenomenal program on Sunday night. Each one of you did a great job and I so appreciate your hard work! Kathy and I are already thinking and planning for next year and can't wait to start again in the fall. Golden Notes, thank you for your wonderful singing on Wednesday at Emerald City Lodge! It is always fun to be with you and I'm thankful for each one of you. We will continue to sing monthly throughout the summer and I will be sure to remind you of these special days. Children's Choir -- we have one rehearsal left until your program. The solos and movement are looking fantastic! Keep reviewing speaking parts at home! Since our revival is going to be postponed, we will plan to have Chancel Choir as usual on Wednesday night. Youth News …. from Jared Don’t forget to sign up for the Kayak trip next Saturday, May 2nd. It is free. We will leave at 2pm and return around 6pm. You will need to bring snacks. Epworth Mid/High Summer camp June 15-19. This is for middle and high school students. We will take the youth to the camp and pick them up. Sign up through the conference website. FAMILY NIGHT SUPPER WEEKLY CALENDAR April 29, 2015, 5:45-6:15 p.m. Menu 1: Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, English Peas, Salads, Italian Cream Cake, Tea, Coffee & Lemonade Alternate: Brian’s Ham & Cheese Sub (1/2), Salad, Dessert, Drink Sunday, April 26 8:45 a.m. Early Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Gathering 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:30 p.m. Youth Choir 5:00 p.m. Missions & Games for kids 5:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study (ACTS 29) 5:30 p.m. Covered Dish Supper 7:00 p.m. Celebration of Joy Morning Worship on TV 35 Monday, April 27 9:00 a.m. Preschool 10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting Tuesday, April 28 8:30 a.m. Men’s Study/Golden Corral 9:00 a.m. Preschool Wednesday, April 29 9:00 a.m. Preschool 3:20 p.m. Children’s Snack/Play Time 3:45 p.m. Children’s Choir 4:45 p.m. Homework/Play Time 5:45 p.m. Family Night Supper 6:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study (Wes Moye) Pine Forest Kids (2yrs-5th grade) The Well, Youth Worship Cherub Choir 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir 8:30 p.m. Praise Band rehearsal Thursday, April 30 9:00 a.m. Preschool 12:00 noon Men’s Bible Study/Firehouse Subs 6:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study Friday, May 1 9:00 a.m. Preschool IN SERVICE THIS WEEK: Greeters: 8:45 – Gloria Morgan, Ushers 9:00 – David Fennell 11:00 – JoAnn Bloodworth, Ushers Ushers: 8:45 – Earl Morgan, Larry Shriver 11:00 – Weldon Payne, Joseph Payne, Randy Hodges Audio: 8:45 – Walker Dixon 9:00 – Wanda Webb 11:00 – Chris Kinney Video: 9:00 – Mike Karoly 11:00 – J. B. Dial 9:00 Refreshments: Fruit & Juice Todd Cranford Pastries Sue Hall Altar Flowers: Dedicated to the Glory of God and given by Mrs. Sue Hall in memory of Harold Hall and in honor of her children. Altar Flower Delivery: Ann Fennell Altar Guild for April: Anne Lawrence, Luann Avery, Marilyn Williams Lay Visitation, April 27: Bob & Judy Persons OUR STEWARDSHIP January 1-April 19, 2015: Finances YTD: Budget $ 220,110.40 Offering 233,355.51 Expenses 211,944.63 Balance $ 21,410.88 Attendance, 4/19/2015: Sunday School 215 Morning Worship 292 Evangelism Profession of Faith 12 New Members 16 Current Membership 823 PINE FOREST STAFF Kay Baeumel, Preschool Director Kim Dixon, Director of Children’s Ministries Jared Middleton, Director of Youth Ministries Frank Newman, Pianist Scan the code with your smartphone to go directly to our website! Mary Crowson, Director of Music Ministries Susan Dyches, Administrative Assistant Betsy Moran, Organist Wallace Pullins, Custodian Joel Dent, Associate Pastor Odessa Jackson, Nursery Worker Wes Moye, Senior Pastor Nancy Stinson, Financial Secretary
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