
2015 Commencement
Save The Date! P4 Events
The First Annual “COP Night at the Zoo”
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Little Rock Zoo
1 Zoo Drive, Little Rock 72205
5:00—7:30 pm
Brought to you by the College of Pharmacy Dean’s Office and the Alumni Association,
join faculty, staff, friends, and family, for this congratulatory event. All graduating
students and their immediate family are invited. Entry will be available as early as
4:00 pm. Admission and food will be provided.
Senior Meeting
Friday, May 15, 2015
UAMS - I Dodd Wilson 126
8:00 am—Noon
We will be giving senior awards, you will pick up your
commencement regalia, and more. Be prepared to have
your photo taken. All graduating students are required to attend.
You must bring your laptop.
Honors Convocation
Friday, May 15, 2015
Statehouse Convention Center
1 Statehouse Plaza, Little Rock 72201
6:00 pm
Faculty and students must arrive with regalia at 5:00 pm.
Public parking in the vicinity will be made available at $2/hour.
There will be open seating for family.
UAMS Commencement
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Verizon Arena
1 Verizon Arena Way, North Little Rock 72114
3:00—5:00 pm
Faculty and students should arrive no later than 2:00 pm,
and should enter the arena through the box office entrance,
located at street level on Washington Street. You must be wearing regalia to enter.
There is open seating for family and friends to attend the ceremony; no ticket is
required. Family members and the public should use the main entrance facing the
corner of Verizon Arena Way and Washington Street.
Visit commencement.uams.edu for details.
Important Deadlines - February
Regalia* & Diplomas - Due February 13
Send the following to Whitney Reuschling at wvreuschling@uams.edu:
Last name
First name (legal)
First name (preferred)
Middle name
Full name you would like on diploma **
Cap size (measure head circumference just above brow in inches to the
nearest fourth)
* Regalia is yours to keep at no cost following commencement.
** The name given for your diploma is final. Any changes will need to be made
following commencement and at your own cost and convenience.
Student Bios - Due February 23
Send your 4-6 sentence brief bio to Whitney Reuschling at wvreuschling@uams.edu.
Each of the following, if applicable, should be mentioned:
First and last name
Where you attended prior to UAMS
Degree(s) obtained prior to UAMS
Any student organizations in which you have participated
Any student leadership roles you have held
Any “special thanks” you would like included
The following is an example of what will be accepted:
Jonathan Binz
Paris, Arkansas
Jonathan is the son of Garry and Pam Binz of Paris. Prior to attending
pharmacy school, Jonathan attended Arkansas Tech University in Russellville
where he received a B.S in Chemistry. During pharmacy school, he was
involved in APhA-ASP, NCPA, AAHP, ASHP, SSHP, SSNP, Rho Chi, Phi Lambda
Sigma, and Phi Delta Chi. He was the recipient of the L.D. Milne Scholarship
and CVS Caremark Scholarship. Jonathan would like to thank his wife,
family, friends, and fellow classmates for their support over the last four
Preceptor/Faculty Honors - Voting ends February 27
Beginning Monday, February 9, submit your vote at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2105honorsconvo. Results will be revealed as
we get closer to commencement.
Commencement, P4 Events, Regalia & More
Whitney Reuschling, Project/Events Coordinator
501-686-8185, COPH 6238
University Registrar
College of Health Professions, Building 2
501-526-5600 (office)
501-526-3220 (fax)
Hours of operation: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Additional Contacts
Janna Hawthorne, LR Class President
Dylan Jones, NW Class President
Dr. Schwanda K. Flowers, Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Faculty Development